Hostage (H.S)

By adorethefics

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*18+ Contains Mature and Explicit Content* *I don't bring my eyes up when I hear him pick up a knife.... I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 44

1.9K 38 1
By adorethefics

Faye's POV:

The morning sun shines brightly through the window as I stare into the backyard. It is a beautiful day, one where I would love to sit outside and read a book, soaking up the sun. Dishes clank around in the sink making me peel my eyes off of the yard to see Harry setting our dirty dishes from this morning's breakfast in the doubled sink to be washed.

It has been a peaceful morning here at the house. We woke up in the same bed not wanting to leave the warmth from under the covers. Our bodies tangled while his fingers grazed my bare back. It felt so nice that I didn't want to leave, just wanted to stay in bed forever.

Although it sounded like a nice plan, we couldn't. When we eventually did make it out of the bed, we came down to the kitchen where he cooked me a proper meal; eggs, pancakes with coffee. It was absolutely delicious and he even offered to do all the clean up when we were done.

I stand here and stare at him scrubbing away at the dirty plates when he catches my eye and gives me a smile. Turning off the water then drying his hands, he walks over towards me. His strong arms wrap around my waist as my gaze falls back towards the view through the window. I allow my head to lean back on his shoulder when he lowers his, pressing his lips to my neck.

"Shall we spend the day outside?" He asks against my skin, his breath warm against me making my whole body relax against his.

"That would be amazing." I smile, turning my head up towards him.

His warm lips find mine, pressing gently against my mouth then suddenly a knock at the door breaks our connection. My head turns to the door for a second then I look at Harry with confusion spread across my face.

"Were you expecting anyone?" I ask him.

"No I wasn't." He states with equal confusion in his voice.

He unwraps his arms from me and I walk away, heading towards the door as my heart races in anticipation of who will be waiting behind it once I open it. I can hear Harry's quiet footsteps from behind me as I reach for the door handle. Giving it a twist, I open the door to find no one standing there but then my eyes trail down to the ground. Lying there in a pool of blood is Silas.

"Oh my god!" My hands fly to my mouth with a gasp and then I drop to my knees. My hands meet his shoulders as I try to shake him awake but it doesn't seem to work. "Silas! No, no, no! Please wake up!"

No response. The tears flow out of me like a running faucet as I stare at my best friend lying dead in front of me. There is so much blood. How long was he out here for?

"Faye..." My name sounds from behind me with a hint of fear in his tone. My head whips around to see Harry standing there and behind him is Nik, with a gun to the back of his head. The fear in Harry's eyes pierces through me like a knife and my heart breaks. Nik stands behind him just smiling like a psychopath.

"Put the gun down Nik!" I demand trying to reason with him. "Please, you don't have to do this!."

"My sweet Faye, you need to be taught a lesson." Nik tsks at me as his head shakes in disapproval.

"Please Nik, I'll do anything... I'm sorry just- please don't kill him." I am pleading as if it were my life on the line. The desperation is thick on my voice and I know he hears it but he couldn't care less.

"It is a little too late to apologize, don't you think?" Nik presses the barrel of the gun hard against Harry's head making him jerk forward a bit, his feet stepping up only to stop where Harry is positioned right in front of me.

I don't get another word out before I hear the click of the trigger followed by the loud bang of the gun. Harry's eyes go wide then he falls forward into me. I catch him and the weight of his limp body makes us drop to the floor and I let out a cry like I've never heard before. He is dead; him and Silas both and it feels like my heart has been ripped completely out of my chest.

When I look up to where Nik was standing I find that he is no longer there, he just disappeared into thin air. My hand meets my face to wipe away the tears that have uncontrollably been streaming down my face but when I pull my hand away, instead of tears there is blood. Harry's blood. A high pitch scream sounds from my mouth and everything goes black.

Sweat is dripping off of me as I jolt awake, scrambling out of my bed and rushing into the bathroom in full panic while I continue to cry. I turn the water on in the sink so fast and cup my hands underneath bringing them up to splash my face. My hands scrub harshly into my skin as I try to get the blood off when suddenly I feel a pair of hands on my shoulder.

Out of fear, I turn quickly and push whoever it was away. Niall stumbles backwards but finds his ground. Once I realize it is Niall and that he won't hurt me I turn back around to the sink and continue to scrub my face as well as my hands.

"Faye, what's going on?" Niall approaches me from the side gently placing his hand on my shoulder afraid that he is going to do or say something wrong.

"I need to get it all off." I cry as I scrub at my hands..

"Get what off?" He asks in a confused tone looking down at the way I'm rubbing my hands together..

"His blood– I need to get his blood off of me." I answered him frantically.

"Faye..." I don't listen to him, just continue to scrub but then he raises his voice to grab my attention. "Faye, look at me!" His hands meet my shoulders making me look at him. "There is no blood on you."

My head turns towards the mirror finding there is in fact no blood on my face. When I let my eyes fall down to my hands, there is no blood there either. I was in full panic mode after my dream that I really thought I was covered in it. "I'm losing my mind Niall."

"No you're not Faye." He disagrees, handing me a small towel to dry my face. "Want to tell me what happened?"

"I had a nightmare. Silas was dead and Nik killed Harry right in front of me. His blood got all over me." I explain after I dry myself off.

"Which explains all of this." He points to the sink where the water is still running.

I turn the handle on the sink, shutting the water off and letting out a tired sigh. My hands rest on the counter and I let my head hang low. "I used to have these nightmares about my father; finding him dead, Nik making me kill him but this... this was the first one without him. This was the first nightmare with Silas and Harry. The thought of losing either of them hurts so much."

"I get it." He leans against the counter, arms folding in front of him. "Harry and I were friends before all of this shit. We've known each other a long time, we're practically brothers so the thought of losing him hurts me too."

I pick my head up to look at Niall. "I didn't realize you two had been friends for that long or were even friends to begin with. I just assumed you met in the mafia."

"We basically grew up together." He looks at me and I watch as a hundred memories flood his eyes. "Our parents were friends and we went to the same school. Always had each other's backs."

"Niall I'm so sorry you both got forced into this business." I take his hand in mine to show him comfort.

"Don't be sorry Faye. None of this is your fault." He gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Why did he have to go away?" I changed the subject.

Niall breathes in heavily. "Nik has another girl coming here and wants Harry to watch after her. He doesn't trust Harry around you right now so here I am."

"You say that like it's a bad thing, having to watch over me." I nudge his shoulder, teasing him.

"Of course I don't mind it." He gives me a small smile.

"I can't believe Nik is bringing another girl here. He is a sick and twisted man." My eyes meet the ceiling but I can still feel Niall's eyes still on me. "I know about the girls in the basement."

He pushes himself off the counter and positions himself right in front of me. "How do you know about that?"

"Nik told me to go exploring, to get to know the house and I came across the basement door. I was curious and was going to go down by myself but Harry found me." I begin to explain.

"And he took you down there?" Anger fills his voice.

"Yes but it was only because I told him if he didn't then I would go down there by myself. I'm glad I didn't because I wouldn't have been able to handle that by myself- could barely handle it with Harry there. I know how stupid I was for even wanting to go down there after Harry kept telling me no..."

"Faye you do realize Harry and I have nothing to do with that shit right?" He cuts me off. "I mean yeah, Harry has to watch over the girls at his place but once they are here Nik has other men to deal with that shit."

"No, I know that. Harry had mentioned how he hated that Nik was involved with all of that." I reassure him.

He nods his head and we sit there in silence. Exhaustion fills my body as the silence grows thick and my eyes become heavy but I am afraid to fall back asleep. I don't want to have another nightmare about Harry or Silas or even my dad. A yawn escapes me causing Niall to look over at me.

"Let's get you back in bed, yeah?" He holds out his hand for me.

He leads me to the bedroom where I climb into the bed but I don't lay down. I bring my knees to my chest, hugging them tight then rest my cheek on my knee. Niall doesn't hesitate to sit down on the edge of the bed in front of me. His elbows meet his knees as he leans forward, hands connecting with his mouth.

I can't even see his face but I know there is so much going through his mind and I want to say something, anything to try and ease his thoughts but there is nothing to say. We stay in this silence for a couple more seconds until he finally speaks.

"Harry told me about his plan." He turns his head to the side looking towards the nightstand then brings his eyes to mine. "To get you out of here."

My head pops up and I am now sitting upright. "He did?"

"He didn't tell me what the plan actually was but said that he was going to get the two of you out of here. That he needed my help."

I shake my head. "No... Niall, you can't help us! This is already dangerous enough as it is. I can't let you help so when you see Harry again you tell him exactly that."

"Look Faye, I want to get you out of this mess just as much as Harry does. I actually like you and that's saying a lot because I don't like most people. I know the risk that I'm taking and I'm willing to take it for you and him. He deserves to have a normal life and be happy."

My legs drop and I am crawling over to him and wrapping my arms around his body. "You know you also deserve to have a normal life."

He lets out a big sigh before answering. "Yeah I know but that isn't in the cards for me right now. Once you're in the mafia it's hard to get out." He turns his body to face me and I loosen my arms to let him. "Faye, you do know that if Harry is successful getting the both of you out of here– you're going to have to run for the rest of your life?"

I stare at him blankly unsure of what to say. I guess I never really thought of it that way. I just assumed that once we were out then we could just live a normal life and be happy together. I am so stupid. The thought of always having to be on the run is already exhausting and the feeling that at any moment Nik could find us and kill us terrifies me.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea then." I sit back on the bed farther away from Niall. My head turns, eyes meeting the curtains that are covering the large window. I can feel my eyes burn with tears while a million thoughts tug my mind all over the place. "Maybe I should just stay here and live out my life with Nik."

"Do you love Harry?" Niall asks.

I blink away my tears and look to the floor. "Of course I do."

"And he loves you Faye. Don't sit here and overthink the whole situation of running. You will have each other and no matter if Nik comes after you guys, that should be the only thing that matters." I feel his hand meet the top of mine, drawing my eyes from the floor to meet his. "Why don't you try to get some more sleep, okay? There's some things I gotta do downstairs but I'll be back later to check on you."

I nod my head as I answer. "Okay."

Niall gets up from the bed and makes his way towards the door. He flips the lock on the handle before he leaves to make sure no one can get in while he is downstairs. After a moment of sitting here thinking about what Harry's plan could be, I feel my eyes becoming heavier and heavier. I scoot back and lay myself down, bringing the comforter to my chin. I want to sleep but I am afraid to because of the nightmare I had earlier. I don't want to see Silas dead again and I don't want to see Harry get killed in front of me.

The thought sends shivers through my whole body even though I am completely covered by this comforter. As I stare at the wall I can't seem to keep my eyes open any longer and just before I shut them I say a small prayer in my head for a good dream. That's all I ask for given I haven't had one in a really long time. My heart rate slows and my breathing is calm as I drift back to sleep.

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