Heaven Official's Affliction...

By Sukuni

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This is a Heaven Official's Blessing AU where Xie Lian decides to unleash the Human Face Disease on the count... More



197 8 1
By Sukuni

The next few weeks were the same. When Jun Wu was away, the Crown Prince would stroll around or complete small mundane tasks in his absence. With no temples or prayers to be received to him directly, this was the least he could do. But when Jun Wu would come back, the Martial Gods would come together to catch up, talk about weaponry, or walk around to keep things in order. They hung out so often that other gods were quick to take notice.

Of course; they were respectful when they passed by. But behind their backs, the same phrase would always be said.

"Here comes his highness, and his dog."

Xie Lian was not deaf, he knew what was being said behind his back but he remained silent anyways. Those comments didn't affect him. After all, he's had a century of worse - by his own people nonetheless! If speaking of the Crown Prince negatively satisfied them, he didn't mind shouldering it.

From Heaven's Beloved Crown Prince of Xianle to the dog of the emperor - it's an identity he had to get used to.

Jun Wu was out of the capital for business and he didn't leave Xie Lian with anything, so naturally he was feeling bored. For fun he decided to enter the communication array as a spectator. He's never done this before in all his years of godhood. During his first ascension he had hundreds of thousands of prayers to answer, so the Crown Prince just never had the time to idly chat with others. Things were much calmer now.

"Black Water's disappeared again?" A voice growled. "I should have figured as much. He has a tendency to come and go randomly. But he just had to set up his base-"

"We know," Xie Lian could almost hear the eye roll in this response. Was that Mu Qing? "In the middle of the South Sea. He's messed up some trade routes and now you'll never hear the end of it."

The first god was irritated nonetheless. "He couldn't of gone anywhere else?"

"You'd have an issue either way." Mu Qing frowned. "That was probably the best location for him to go. It's in the middle of nowhere and only affects a few ships. I wouldn't be surprised if he chose it to not be bothered."

"I know," the troubled god muttered. But before he could get another word in, he was interrupted.

"These types of conversations should be left to private communication array lines." Lin Wen sighed, interrupting the two bickering gods. "I have come to make an announcement. His Heavenly Emperor has returned with news so all heavenly officials must report to the Great Martial Palace, effective immediately."

As she finished, god after god tuned into the array. The channel went from silence, to minor questions, to an eventual whole chatter of topics - most of them unrelated. It got too noisy for the Crown Prince, so he respectively tuned out. So his Heavenly Emperor has returned? If he's summoned everyone this fast, it must be urgent.

Xie Lian was quick to enter the Great Martial Palace. He was surprised by the amount of gods already present - many of which were familiar from when the Crown Prince had done his introductions. However, some were familiar for other reasons. The gods he sought to avoid all this time had also been summoned. However, they didn't seem to notice the Crown Prince's presence. That was good. Hopefully it will stay this way until the meeting ends.

What helped to distract everyone was the uncontrollable chatter. Much like the communication array, the hall had become a myriad of conversations from from political powers, ghosts, history and merits. Non one seemed to care about the urgency of the Heavenly Emperor's summons. But that chatter soon come to an end as a soft low voice resonated throughout the hall.

This soft voice was one familiar to all.


Jun Wu's voice wasn't particularly loud, but his voice still resonated strong enough in his palace halls to silence gods. But this was no surprise. Jun Wu has always been able to make himself heard, no matter his volume. Nevertheless, this was Xie Lian's worst nightmare. Nervously looking around, he silently prayed it was directed to someone else. But everyone's eyes were now planted on him.

He nervously took a step forward. "Yes, my lord?"

Jun Wu shifted his demeanor. Though he had been hunched in his seat with his jaw resting on his hand, his posture loosened as he raised his head to the Crown Prince. His lips curled up. "Take your position to the right of me."

He was like a lost puppy returning to his owner's side. Well good thing he didn't mind the dog comments, because this surely wont help.

Xie Lian couldnt possibly argue or protest, especially in front of the entire Heavenly Capital court. All he could do was respond with a simple "Yes, my lord."

The Crown Prince is not one to get embarassed easily, but this was a rare exception. He walked through the hall with his head down, doing his best to avoid eye contact with the hundreds of gods staring him down. This helped to spark up the chatter once more, but all directed under the same topic - the Crown Prince of Xianle.

"Didn't he just ascend? He shouldn't be allowed in here!"

"He killed the White Calamity - but to stand on Jun Wu's right side this quickly? It's completely unprecedented!"

"Jun Wu has always favoured the crown prince. It's no surprise that he's getting special treatment."

"Silence." Jun Wu's voice echoed once more, a bit more impatient. Nevertheless, he was still able to keep his composure. As to not offend the Heavenly Emperor further, the gods were reduced to a hush before the hall went completely silent. All that could be heard were the soft steps of his highness, the Crown Prince of Xianle.

He soon reached Jun Wu's throne, and after giving the heavenly emperor his respects he took his spot on the right. Though he's stood here before, there was something different about standing above hundreds of other gods. For one, he wasn't particularly fond of the attention - he'd much prefer standing below among them. But no matter his opinion, he had no say in the matter. He had to stand and obey his Heavenly Emperor.

"It seems everyone has made it. We will proceed." For such an urgent meeting, Jun Wu seemed oddly relaxed.

"I have called you all here today with some troubling news. I'm sure some of you who were descended into the mortal realm have already sensed a disturbance." Jun Wu started. "There is a lot of unrest in the ghost world, from the White Calamity's destruction of Yong'An, the White Calamity's demise, to overall increased ghost activity. Some of you may have been able to figure out why, but to state it plainly: Mount Tonglu has opened once more."

Some more chattering erupted from Jun Wu's revelation, so he quickly silenced them yet again. "It seems there will be a fight to gauge a new Ghost King. This is quite troubling in light of recent events, as everyone is busy with their own tasks. This is why I have summoned you all here today. For the next two months, I will be descended into Mount Tonglu to ensure another supreme is not created. The Crown Prince of Xianle will step in as my replacement for the time being."

The whole room erupted.

"The Crown Prince?! It's true, the emperor has lost it!"

"He brings misfortune anywhere he walks! Heaven is going to fall into absolute chaos!"

"That prince never ran a country, rather than run the divine heavens! What is the emperor thinking?!"



Jun Wu rarely raises his voice, but when he does it has the power to shake mountains. The gods were too afraid to instigate the Heavenly Emperor any further, so they quietly lowered their heads.

"A-actually..." a frail voice chimed in unexpectedly. "... I'd agree with them."

Jun Wu turned his head towards the Crown Prince who was stood to his right. With an awkward smile on his face, Xie Lian continued. "I don't have the experience necessary to replace you, my Lord. I'm afraid I'd only bring about catastrophic events."

"Do you doubt my decision, Xianle?" Jun Wu was blunt, though still much calmer than before.

"No, no of course not!" Xie Lian frantically waved his hands in front of him to dismiss the thought. "I just think I may not be in the right mind to accept such a large responsibility. Besides, your Heavenly Emperor descending down from the heavens to deal with Mount Tonglu may bring about the wrong idea. Why don't you send another god instead?"

"It is hard for any god to make this commitment at this time." Jun Wu sighed. "If there was another god I could send, I would."

"... then why don't I go?" Xie Lian asked.

A brief gasp filled the halls but was cut off by Jun Wu's sharp gaze. "Xianle, do you have the strength to deal with Mount Tonglu? Must I remind you that you have no merits or followers to back you at this time?"

He was right, of course. But the Crown Prince still thought he would do better in Mount Tonglu than the Heavenly Capital. And so he used the excuse he never thought he would utter. "I killed the White Calamity, didn't I?"

It's not like the heavenly emperor could deny it. After all, that was the story he made up himself. This noticeably upset the Heavenly Emperor.

With no way to deny it infront of hundreds of gods, Jun Wu pressed his lips together in irritation. "If you believe you can do it, I can not stop you. This is your last warning Xianle, Mount Tonglu is vicious."

Xie Lian nodded his head into a soft bow. "I will do my best, my Lord."

With this conclusion drawn the meeting was adjourned. All the gods were cycling out of the Great Martial Palace, leaving the Crown Prince of Xianle alone with the Heavenly Emperor Jun Wu.

It was Jun Wu who spoke up first. Any signs of hiding his irritation were long gone. "Why do you still wish to be difficult with me, Xianle?"

"My lord," Xie Lian knelt down. "That's not my intention. I feel I am more suited to go to Mount Tonglu than to rule over the Heavens. I don't doubt your decisions, I doubt myself."

The Heavenly Emperor shook his head before resting it on the back of his hand. His patience was being tested once more. But Jun Wu was able to sigh out a small breath.

"If you won't change your mind... Perhaps this can be a learning opportunity." Jun Wu stood up from his seat. "Everything I have ever asked of you has been the right option. Do you really want to test your luck this time?"

"Whatever happens, I will do my best." Xie Lian closed his eyes. "I will take full responsibility should anything occur."

Jun Wu took a few steps down his throne, turning his back on the Crown Prince. He didn't even face him. "Fine. Do whatever you need to do." With these words, Jun Wu dismissed the Crown Prince as he flicked his hand to the side. To think he was so unbothered just moments ago. "I will not assist you in this matter should anything happen."

Xie Lian nodded as the Heavenly Emperor left. And so Xie Lian left as well. He could tell he made the wrong decision. Nevertheless, it is a decision he stuck behind.  Was death the worst-case scenario? No... the worst that could happen is the birth of a new Ghost King. That was admittedly a lot worse than death. If that happens, the fault will lie with Xie Lian. It would be the birth of a new White Calamity.

The Crown Prince tried to shake the thought out of his head. He wasn't going to let that happen, even if it kills him! But that leads him to the question - why was Jun Wu so pressed to not send Xie Lian? Usually gods of differing sizes were sent to deal with it. Even without his spiritual powers, he was still formidable as a Martial god. Was there a ghost powerful enough to rival Jun Wu?

This will be something he'll need to find out for himself.

And so he prepared for his descent. Since he had previously pawned off all the items in his collection, there wasn't much to bring. The only thing he really had was Fang Xin. He could ask Jun Wu for for Cheng Ying ... but that wouldn't be right. Who knew what Jun Wu  thought of the Crown Prince right now.

With one possession to his name, no heavenly support and no spiritual energy channeling through him, the Martial God sought off to descend into Mount Tonglu.

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