Covid-19 /markhyuck

By Gay__hope

1.2K 32 52

Donghyuck finds himself returning to school after the first lockdown to finish his school year, only to end u... More



45 2 0
By Gay__hope

Minhyung was asleep on his bed, but Donghyuck just laid there too occupied with his thoughts in the darkness of their room.

Jungmin still didn't return to the room, which gave Donghyuck more time to think about how to approach the older who's laying in bed.

However the minute the door opened and closed, Donghyuck's heart started beating faster and his breathing got shallow.

He clenched his chest tightly, trying to ease his breathing, but he felt too scared as he heard the man lay down and chuckle lowly.

It was a sign for the younger to do his job.

But how was he even supposed to do that, what if Minhyung gets surprised and asks him what the fuck he's doing, he's not just going to do him like a dog in heat finally finding another dog.

Donghyuck sat up on his bed, even though the room was dark he was still able to see a little bit.

He pulled his inhaler from the bedside table, and inhaled from if, before walking to the older's bed.

He felt Jungmin following him with his eyes, as his mattress was right next to Minhyung's bed, only a small pathway separating them.

The boy slowly put the inhaler on his hyung's bedside table, and then looked at the older trying to see if he was awake, which he wasn't, as his soft snores confirmed that.

The younger climbed the bed, and then softly sat on the order's lap, straddling his hips.

His shorts rolled up his thighs, as he tried to pull them down to cover his skin.

"hyung? Wake up" he whispered, shaking the older softly.

He wasn't ready for this, he wasn't even sure about his sexuality, he's never been in a relationship before, he never had any sexual activities besides jerking off, he didn't know what to do.

Minhyung on the other hand was still deep in his sleep not noticing the weight on top of him.

"Hyung please wake up" the boy whispered, but then realized that if the older woke up right now he would have to explain to him what was happening, so it would be better to get the job done first.

And by that, the younger started rolling his hips slowly on the older, trying to rub his butt cheeks on his manhood.

After a minute or so, Minhyung hummed lowly, but he wasn't waking up yet.

Donghyuck took hold of his hand, only to put the order's middle finger inside his mouth and suck on it, he kept sucking, and rolling his hips, praying that he would get up and just finish with it already.

"Hyuck~" the raspy voice sent a shiver down Donghyuck's spine, but not only the voice, he also felt something pocking him down there, and he knew it was about to happen.

Minhyung's other hand moved to his hips, but to the younger's surprise, it tried to stop him from his sinful dance.

He didn't stop though, insisting on doing that after he got the older a little turned on.

But Minhyung's hand harshly stopped him, and that's when he was fully awake.

He pulled his other hand slowly out of Donghyuck's mouth and looked at him through his tired eyes.

"What are you doing Hyuck?" He asked with his raspy voice.

"Hyung let's have sex" Donghyuck let out.

"What?" The older whispered tiredly, he wanted to make sure he didn't hear that wrong.

"Hyung l want you to fuck me, the guy is sleeping, so let's do it"

Minhyung couldn't see anything beside the outline of Donghyuck's silhouette on top of him, so he couldn't see his face or anything.

But he felt a wet drop on his cheek, and then another one of his other cheek, and the slight shiver of the boy's body, he moved his hand to cup the younger's face and knew he was right, the younger was indeed crying.

"Let's do it another time baby, I'm really tired right now" the older said pulling Donghyuck down as he turned around to lay on his side.

Donghyuck was laying beside him, trying to muffle his sobs, as the older pulled him closer to his chest, both arms around him, and even his leg rested on top of his in a possessive way.

He looked down at the younger, and then wiped his tears away, the younger locked his eyes on the older's, feeling safe in his arms.

He then hid his face in the crook of his neck and pulled him closer by the waist too scared Jungmin would take him away from his hyung.

The sentence kept ringing in my head the whole time we were getting ready, I could tell Daejoon was anxious about leaving his girlfriend than about facing the creators outside.

I felt my insides turn as I stood in front of the door with both Minhyung and Deajoon.

I wasn't ready, what if I end up eaten alive by one of them.

But that was the only way I could find my sister.

"Listen try not to make any noise they get attracted to the slightest sound, we can leave slowly and walk normally as long as we're discreet" Minhyung instructed us his hand on the doorknob.

I fetched my inhaler taking a last whiff before leaving.

I saw how the senior turned the key and then pulled it out and put it in his pocket.

But Deajoon stopped him, holding his wrist.

"What on earth are you planning?" He said with anger obvious on his voice.

"I don't trust that they would open the door for us later" Minhyung whispered as the two bullies were a bit far from us.

"The girls are here, they would open the door, and on top of that you're putting them in danger, what if a zombie gets in"

"Calm ur tits Deajoon, I'm gonna lock the door from outside I'm not just going to leave it open" the senior glared.

Deajoon sighed.

"Let's go" before Minhyung could open the door, Chaewon hugged her Boyfriend tightly.

"Come back quick don't worry me" she spoke in his ear but loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Don't make me feel like I'm going to war I'm going to the cafeteria and I'll be back real quick you be careful here" by now Daejoon was holding his girlfriend's face in his hands as he stared in her worried eyes deeply.

I wanted to be jealous of their relationship but all I felt was my heart aching at the sight.

He soon pulled her into a deep kiss, making me and the senior look at the ground as we waited for them to finish so we could finally get going.

"Come on love birds don't make this look like a goodbye" Minhyung said bitterly as he opened the door this time.

Once sure the surroundings were clear we wore our masks, took our bags and went out.

The papers and cardboards tapped on my body made it a little annoying while moving as we tried to be as quiet as possible.

We saw books and bags and even clothes on the ground, chairs scattered around, some broken to pieces, but the worse was the sight of blood here and there.

The cafeteria wasn't that far away from the gymnasium we just had to leave this big room and then walk to the end of the hall.

We walked as slowly as possible the senior was the one leading the way, while I was behind him, and Daejoon was in the end of the line.

My heart kept beating so fastly, with every step I took I felt it about to burst.

Minhyung bent down and picked a long piece of wood from a broken chair.

He turned slightly towards us to get our attention, and then pointed at the bleachers.

I felt the air getting stuck in my throat as I slowly looked at where he was pointing, only to see one of those creators feeding on what seemed to be a dead body.

I felt myself sweating profusely, and my breathing shortened, but before I could lose myself in fear the senior held my wrist firmly.

I looked up to see his strong stare, it felt like he was telling me it's gonna be okay with his eyes.

At this point we were so close to the open door that leads to the main hall.

After making sure it's clear we stepped out silently.

The school main hall that was once filled with students and nonstop noise and life was now empty, I've never seen it like that before, not to mention the state it was in.

We fastly hurried to the cafeteria, we entered and walked to the kitchen area, which was separated by the buffet and had an opening for the workers at the end of the counter which means at the other end of the room.

Once we all went behind the somewhat tall counters and buffet, a loud scream from the other end of the cafeteria caught us by surprise.

Turning the other side we saw a girl with a guy on the ground behind her holding her by the feet. 

He was showing signs of turning, and his grip soon got the girl to fall to the ground with him, but that wasn't all, the scream attracted the others, and we could soon hear them coming towards the cafeteria.

I realized I was staring in terror for too long when Daejoon pulled me down to the ground to hide behind the counter.

We sat there for what seemed like forever as the petrifying screams of the girl filled our ears.

I felt my skin crawl and my heart clench as the screams got louder and louder and more noises followed, making me wonder how many more zombies were in this room.

Minhyung started crawling to the cabinet in front of us, not wasting any more time.

He started taking some packs of noodles and putting them in his bag.

He ushered us to do the same and use the fact that the zombies are distracted.

I hurriedly pulled my bag opening it and putting anything I could see inside, my vision was blurred as I felt disoriented with fear.

Deajoon also followed suit, as I was filling my bag, I kept looking here and there afraid I would see a zombie coming towards us even though the counter was hiding us.

My vision soon caught the glimpse of someone else with us.

In the corner of the room around 10 feet away from us  two boys were sitting there on the floor, pushed into the wall and into each other, one was taller than the other, but the shorter one was holding the taller boy so dearly both obviously scared and terrified for their lives, they hid behind a fridge in the corner of the room.

The short one noticed me, our eyes caught each other for a short moment, but there was nothing we could do for the other.

Once we were done and the zombies left the room we stood up to leave.

I tried to ignore the sight of the remainings of the girl's body, but I couldn't, as I was about to look, the senior pulled me by the hand.

"Don't look" he whispered.

We took another exit making our way back to the changing room longer, as we couldn't risk running into a zombie.

Daejoon who was at the end of the line was now leading the way as he walked eagerly to the changing room.

I could tell he was tense as his eyebrows were furrowed and his pace was fast.

Once inside the gymnasium we could hear faint voices coming from the changing room.

Which only worried Deajoon more, Minhyung also looked surprised and somewhat worried as he sped to the door and pulled the key out.

The closer we got the louder the voices got.

In a swift move the senior opened the door to reveal the shocking scene.

Junghoon was holding Chaewon to the ground while she fought and yelled for him to let her go, while Jinhyeong was shamelessly forcing himself on Minra.

Waking up, Donghyuck was surprised to find himself still in his hyung's embrace.

The older was however awake, staring at the younger with a soft smile.

Reality hit him like a truck, he opened his mouth to explain only for the older to give him a sign to stay quiet.

The younger peeked from behind the older's shoulder to find Jungmin on his way to leave.

Donghyuck fastly put his head back into its original position and closed his eyes pretending to sleep.

The loud bang of the door closing, made him open his eyes again, only to find Minhyung's face way too close to his.

Panicking Donghyuck pushing himself away from the older.

"I can explain" he let out sitting up.

Only to be pulled back into that familiar warmth of a hug, the older rubbing his thumb softly on Donghyuck's puffy eyes.

"You don't have to explain yourself, I knew he was a creepy weirdo, just tell me what he did to you?"

At the last question Donghyuck broke down remembering what happened last night in the bathroom.

He cried again, but this time Minhyung pulled him closer, hugging his small body.

"I'm sorry Hyuck, I should've been there to stop him" he spoke softly a frown obvious in his voice as he brushed his fingers through the soft light brown locks.

"He was going to r-rape m-me, and said that I was moaning under you so I-      should do it with him I told him that we're dating, I-I thought maybe he'll get scared or something, but instead he told me to prove it by having sex with you or else he would fuck both of us up" Donghyuck cried harder, his fists clenching the older's shirt as if scared he would leave him alone.

"Did he touch you?" Minhyung asked, pulling the tanned male away to look at him.

He wiped his tears but it seemed the younger was too ashamed to look at him or speak about it.

"Just say yes or no, there's no need for details" he badly wanted to know if he did, because he wouldn't hesitate to break his arms.

After a long pause filled with nothing but quiet sobs, the younger finally spoke up, hiding his face in his hyung's chest.

"He did...he touched my butt harshly, and the between um . . . M-my buttcheeks, it was painful" Donghyuck didn't know why he had to include the last information, but he knew that Minhyung had experience, he would tell him if something was wrong.

He felt the hug tighten with every word he said, and Minhyung soon was cursing under his breath when Donghyuck finished talking.

"I'm sorry hyuckie" was all he could say, but he only thought about one thing, how he would beat the hell out of that man, and how he would break every limb in his body, how he would make him regret ever thinking about approaching his Hyuckie, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do that, at least not here or now, he needed a good plan that would keep the boy in his arms safe, he kept rubbing his hand on the younger's back, as he cried on his chest, paining his heart.

It was Saturday so they didn't have class or production, and the man left since he doesn't like staying with them or whatever.

The younger soon stopped crying, but neither of them moved as they kept hugging each other the whole morning.

The older was laying on his back with Donghyuck's arm and leg on top of his body, his head was on the boy's arm using it as a pillow.

"I'm sorry" he whispered getting Minhyung to look at him with a questioning look.

"About what?" He asked as he tilted his head to stare at the younger.

Donghyuck felt his cheeks flushed, he pulled his body up, and rested on his elbow, his other hand was on the older's chest, still supporting his small body.

The younger kept looking at his face, but he couldn't talk, he didn't have the words, he got lost in the older's eyes.

And so was the older, who just stared at Donghyuck, the distance between them was so small, Minhyung felt his heart beating so fast, Donghyuck could most likely feel it with his hand on his chest.

Donghyuck's lips parted, marking the older stare at them instead waiting for what the younger had to say.

At that moment both of them turned to the door instantly as they heard someone shuffling with the door knob.

Minhyung didn't waste another second, and turned both of them around, making him hover over the younger.

He pulled his shirt getting rid of it, and threw it in front of the door.

Donghyuck felt his soul leave his body as he looked up to meet Minhyung's, the latter sent him a sign to get into character.

And as the door opened, the older's head lowered to Donghyuck's neck, barely touching it though.

Donghyuck's hands were around the boy's neck pulling him closer.

A cough made the two look at the source.

And there stood Jungmin with a smirk.

"Next time you should knock" Minhyung stated as he glared at the man.

"Well I'm sorry to disturb, I'm taking my papers and leaving" he laughed and did as spoken.

He soon left and closed the door, but Minhyung wasn't dumb, he knew the walls weren't that thick he would be able to hear the man's footsteps as he was loud, but the man didn't move.

"Donghyuck moan" Minhyung whispered.

The younger looked at him with flushed cheeks and furrowed eyebrows.

"W-what? I can't~Aaahmm~"

The older who just whispered in the younger's ear, stuck his tongue out and flicked the younger's ear slowly, making him shiver.

The younger muffled his moans with his hand on top of his mouth as he felt embarrassed with the noise he made.

"Moan louder Donghyuck he's still standing there" he whispered again as he felt nervous with the thought of the perverted man eavesdropping on them.

"Hyung I can't it's embarrassing" Donghyuck whined lowly hiding his face with his palms as he felt his eyes trail on the older's exposed body.

Minhyung knew the younger would be too embarrassed to do it, but he couldn't just touch him around to make him moan.

He sighed and then with both hands pinched both of the younger's nipples making Donghyuck almost yell.

"Aah~hyunggg~ mmmhh~" he started making noise since he realized if he didn't the older would make him.

His hands were still hiding his face as he felt way too embarrassed, especially with his hyung's gaze on him.

The older felt himself go red at the lustful sounds the younger was making under him but he couldn't show it, he had to control himself.

He looked down to see Donghyuck's legs around his hips, the shorts he was wearing rolling up and exposing his smooth skin.

The older couldn't help but to feel it with his hand, as it looked like a woman's thigh, too smooth for a guy, hairless even.

At the soft contact, Donghyuck stopped moaning and looked at Minhyung who was caught in 4K.

"I think he's gone" he whispered, pushing the younger's thighs off him to stand up and look through the peephole.

And that's when he saw the man standing there, but two seconds in and the man left.

"What a fucking creep" he said in a hushed voice scared the man would return and hear him.

But who was he kidding, Minhyung was no better.

He bent down to take his shirt and wore it, turning around he saw the younger who kept staring at him with a red face.

"He's gone" Minhyung confirmed.

"Oh- Um good thank you hyung" he rubbed the back of his neck as he stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Once inside the small room, Donghyuck started pulling on his hair from the embarrassment, he looked in the mirror just to see how red his face was.

"Fuck, I'm not gay I'm not" he kept repeating as he washed his face hurriedly.

He then looked down to look at his chest that for some reason kept itching.

He pulled his shirt up and looked into his reflection, his face going pale as he saw how red his nipples were.

"For fuck's sake I can still feel his fingers on them" he whispered softly rubbing them to ease the tension.

Closing his eyes, the image of Minhyung shirtless on top of him as he handled him, hunted the boy.

His thoughts went back to when he jerked him off, how he licked his skin from his chest to his low abdomen.

The image of Minhyung's mouth wide open ready to take him, his cum all over his face-

"Fuuuuuuck" after groaning loudly, Donghyuck slapped his hand over his mouth realizing how thin the walls were.

"Is everything ok?" Minhyung asked from the other side of the door.


He took a deep breath and then left the room to find the older standing in front of the door with a little foxy smile.

"I'll be back soon if he comes back knock on the door" he said and entered the bathroom.

The younger sighed and started cleaning his bed since Minhyung already did his.

Few minutes later, the older walked out and gave Donghyuck a soft smile, "let's go to the office" he said walking to the door.

"What? Why?" He caught up to him and asked.

"To report that freak" he replied with an attitude.

"Are you crazy? He said he will hurt us if I spoke up, he said no one is going to believe me either, he probably has some friends to back him up or something" Donghyuck started blabbering worriedly.

The older had to hold him by the shoulders to keep him in place.

"Hey hey, don't stress, didn't they say violence is highly forbidden in here? This is obviously worse this is sexual harassment"

Donghyuck started biting his nails as his eyes watered, "no hyung you don't get it, there would be an investigation, and they would make me stand naked and take pictures, and what if in the end there's no proof, he will obviously come back and do what he couldn't in the first place" tears were now flowing from the younger's eyes as he kept going.

Minhyung held him close for the ninth time today.

He knew the younger had a point, if there was no proof then they wouldn't believe him, and he didn't like the idea of people seeing Donghyuck naked and taking pictures of him, but that was the first time he heard about it.

"Ok Hyuck, let's breathe, I'll find another plan don't worry okay? For now let's just stick together" he heard the younger hiss when he hugged him, which made him pull back worriedly, just for the younger to put his hands on his chest.

Minhyung's face was as red as a tomato, but he still asked to make sure.

"W-what is it?"

The younger didn't answer his head hang low in embarrassment.

The older's hands moved to the younger's removing them.

"D-did I pinch too hardly earlier?" he asked his voice a whisper.

It took a while for Donghyuck to nod his head.

"C-can I...?" Minhyung couldn't even finish his sentence he felt like digging a hole and throwing himself in it.

Donghyuck again nodded not meeting his eyes once.

With shaky hands he pulled the younger's shirt up slowly, the tension between them was unbearable.

The minute he took a look at it, he let the shirt fall back, with his hand holding a gasp.

"Fuck that's why you screamed so loudly?" Minhyung took hold of his arm and pulled him to the bed, making him sit down.

He walked to his bedside table, while Donghyuck looked at him worriedly.

"Is it that bad?" He asked as the older sat down on his knees in front of the younger's parted legs.

That sight alone was able to give Donghyuck a nosebleed.

"I'm sorry Hyuck, I didn't mean to be that rough"

Fuck, Donghyuck thought to himself closing his eyes, why did Minhyung have to tease him like that.

"Just stop talking" the younger let out as he felt his hyung pull his shirt up.

"Hold it" the older said, and the younger had to open his eyes and hold his shirt up.

Minhyung pulled the same cream he used on Donghyuck's cheek when he punched him that one time, he opened the lid and spread some on his finger.

"It's cold" he warned, about to put the cream on the throbbing red skin.

The tanned male couldn't take his eyes off the white cream that spread on his hot skin, he flinched at the coldness.

Minhyung kept rubbing the cream all over the nipple giving Donghyuck a hard time to hold his noises in.

"Hyuung~" he let out a whine, his head thrown back.

"Sorry baby, should I use something warmer?"

Donghyuck opened his eyes to see Minhyung's face so close to the other nipple, his tongue out.

Donghyuck didn't reply, and soon the older started licking his aching nipple, easing the pain with his warm tongue.

The younger pulled on his hyung's hair as he couldn't take the pleasure.

"Hyuck you can let go, I'm done"


The latter opened his eyes, to see Minhyung a few steps away from him, his hand pulling on his hair from the back.

It was all in his head.
Donghyuck gasped and let go of the older, apologizing five times.

"It's fine, you looked in so much pain" Minhyung pulled the shirt down, as he noticed that Donghyuck didn't look like he would anytime soon.

"Again sorry about that"

"No hyung this is all because of me, I should be the one apologizing"

Who would've thought the two roommates that hated each other's guts would be talking like that now.


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