Code Lyoko: Reincarnated, twe...

By KaitoJewel

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(This is a part two- but you don't have to read part 1 if you don't want to.) Never thought there would be a... More

Chapter 1- Reawakening, Part 1
Chapter 2- Reawakening, Part 2
Chapter 3- A return to the past
Chapter 4- Magnetic attraction (Part 1)
Chapter 5- Magnetic attraction (Part 2)
Chapter 6- Diving head first
Chapter 7- The signal
Chapter 8- Reunions
Chapter 9- Window of time
Chapter 10- The Lyoko Chronicles
Chapter 11- Lead
Chapter 12- Men in Black
Chapter 13 - Measage from Franz
Chapter 14- Return of the maidens
Chapter 15- XANA's trap
Chapter 16- Code XANA
Chapter 17- Major Steinback
Chapter 18- Theory
Chapter 19- Powers
Chapter 20- XANA's offer
Chapter 21- The Mirror
Chapter 22- Anthea's location
Chapter 23- Sector 5's network
Chapter 24- The cortex
Chapter 25- Memories return
Chapter 26- Lyoko's demise

Chapter 27- The finale

70 2 1
By KaitoJewel

Our adventure as the Junior Warriors were over. The Lyoko Warriors went back to their normal lives again, being famous movie directors and owning a dojo. But the maths lessons at Kadic Academy never felt the same without her, nor the regular XANA attacks. Everyone else felt sluggish too. The only thing we had of hers was the Lyoko diary, and she didn't even write her final words in it. Was this really the end?

I played with my food in the cafeteria as Rick came over with his tray. He sat down next to Kyoko and the whole group was finally assembled. "I have good news and bad news and bad news," he started. "Which one do you want first?"

"Good news," I muttered.

"Well..." Rick seemed to be searching for words. "My mother called. She said that my dad was working on a new sci-fi animated project.It hasn't been approved yet but he has a lot of idea. He said it would be called: Code Lyoko."

I nearly dropped my spoon. "Like the code Mia types in when deactivating towers?" Daze questioned.

"It's the name of the original show," I muttered as I remembered the name on the front cover of the diary. "He's doing it for us. To remember his and our adventures!"

"And Miss Renaud," Alex mumbled. We had all gone silent. "You said there was bad news?"

"Yeah... My dad's going to need help and he's never done a sci-fi show before so he asked me and..." 

The air was tense. "We're splitting up, just like our parents," Kyoko noted. I could see tears in her eyes. "Why did it have to be like this?"

"I'm not finished," Rick interrupted. "He's moving back here and work on french animation and directing. As for the music, Miss Renaud left us a song from the original song, called 'A world without danger'. Quite ironic, don't you think?"

We each cracked a smile, reminiscing of our Lyoko adventures. Our parents had more to talk about when it comes to adventures but we played a big part too. And the one thing I've learnt is that... I shouldn't become a maths teacher at Kadic 'cause it'll drive me crazy. 
I'm just kidding. Follow your dreams.


The Della Robbia family had managed to move not too far from the Ishiyama residence, where Kyoko lived so Rick- who had moved out of the dorms- and Kyoko walked to school everyday together. 

One day, Rick invited us all over to his house so we could explore but we were almost chased out as Odd had a visitor at home. 

"It's good to see you again," the visitor smiled.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Uhh... Have we met?" Rick questioned.

She cracked a smile. "Don't tell me you've forgotten your favourite maths teacher?" Our jaws dropped, so did Odd's. So he didn't know either. The woman had black hair, with red tips. Her fringe was parted to the left and she left her hair lose. She wore a simple grey blazer to match her trousers and a blush pink blouse.

We all sat in the living room, rushing to hear her side of the story. "I died in a car crash. Or so I thought. I was in a coma for three and a half years and woke up five years ago. Ever since then, I've gone to animation school and moved to France to pursue animation and cartoon."

"Back up," I said. "You died two months ago. What happened? Were you reincarnated again?"

"Nope," she smiled. "Dying in this world brought me back to my old world, which merged with this one to create a parallel universe. This world doesn't have a Code Lyoko so I spent five years perfecting my animation skills and hoping I could come back again. And for the record, I'm the actual Skylar Thorn, and I have all my memories from my time as Ruby Renaud."

I sure am glad Rick's mother wasn't here to hear this whole conversation. Even I don't get most of it! "So in summary... Ruby Renaud is gone but Skylar Thorn is alive?" Daze questioned. "For good? You're not a zombie?" She nodded at him. 

"And I'm working on the new Code Lyoko project. So I'm going to need my diary back," she explained. "It's why I came." I handed it back to her. She smiled softly at it. "I really can't wait for this production. I hope you'll watch the finished product!"

So much had happened. The Lyoko Warrior's story was finally being shared with the world and we were more than ready to watch it. Excited even!

~The End~

Thank you for the very few people who actually read this story. Who knows if I'll make another Code Lyoko story but thank you for all your support!

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