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"Can you not forget those days,Minho Hyung?" Seungmin looked at the elder ,who was standing silently holding... More



128 6 4

It had already been half-past six when the whole work at Lee's house ended. At the younger's room, Felix plopped into his bed leaving a focused Seungmin who was working on it further along. The boy took photographs of everything the freckled provided him with including his certificates and other non-private documents.

"Are you going to expose everything about me, Seungmin? You seemed  so eager by what you are doing." Felix mumbled between the tiny body stretches he did as his body got sore after sitting for long. Seungmin discontinued his work as realizing he already had enough to carry out his project with, "I am not even going to share anything about this, idiot. This is for my reference, not public's." the boy replied in his monotone. Felix frowned at the younger moving back to the floor, as he tilted his head, "What is that with your tone, Minnie? You look different since we started on this work?" The shorter stood up walking behind the spectacled, pondering about the sudden mood change as he concluded all of a sudden, " Did my brother scold you or something? If that is the case then don't worry about it . He is always a bit annoying." he proposed again jumping over the bed from the quick walk.

"I am just feeling this way. Hyung has nothing to do with it so do you, Lix," he murmured nonchalantly even when he knew he was lying. The younger was acting annoyed since the incident that happened in the room, as it was obvious that the boy was often hot-tempered. He arranged the papers and other works back inside the box and his copy with himself before supporting up to stay still. He eyed back at a puzzled Lix, with a smile tucked on his lips making the older smile back, "Thank you, Yongbok. You are my life savior. I know I have already hurt you a lo-" but he was stopped by a quick hug from his best friend, "We had already dealt with this once, Seungmin. No more talks on it." He pulled away before looking at the clock quickly, examining the time silently before resuming, "I wish you could stay here for one day, but it's fine." Felix spoke with a gentle pout on his face, to which Seungmin giggled, " We can plan a sleepover for some other day, what about it? Cool?"Seungmin proposed as if he read what was going inside the other's heads startling him for a minute. After a wide moment of silence, the other nodded vigorously as if he was saying a thousand yes at once, "Cool."

The boys packed the things back to their place as they head to the living hall. On the way, it was Felix again who initiated another conversation, "I heard about your first meeting." To which Seungmin raised a brow, confused, "Whose?" he questioned doubtfully. Felix leaned closer towards a confused  Seungmin before responding,

"I am talking about the café accident, Minnie. Do you dislike him for any reason?"

"I don't dislike Minho hyu-"

"I know, I know. I was just asking." he broke younger's words by his spontaneous answer, "I used to dislike him a lot, to be honest. It's only later I realized that he wasn't as bad as I thought." Felix brushed his hair back looking down continuing, "He is actually a good guy. After all, what happened in his past, I cannot blame him for disliking me.." Seungmin nodded his head gently as they lead to the living as it was his turn to reply,

"Hyung seems to be a good person. It was my fault that happened at the café." he gently bit his lips as they took a place on the empty sides of the couch, as Seungmin decided to take a look at his phone to notice a few text messages from his siblings. He opened the youngest one's chatbox almost bursting into laugh seeing the other spamming as usual,

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-Hyung (17:00)

-Hyung (17:00)

-Hyung (17:00)

-yah! Kim Seungmin! (17:00)

-Fool! (17:00)

-respond, c'mon (17:00)

-when will you be back?! I made some spaghetti. But Hyung isn't eating it. I want you to be back!!

"Am I his trash can or something? Bruh-" he scowled jokingly at his brother's text message eyeing back to oldest Kim's.


-Seungmin, don't forget to be early. (16:45)

-Jeongin had prepared something for dinner(16:46)

-a.n: don't tell him, but it tastes gross(17:15)

Seungmin shook his head as if he was done by everything, leaning be on the couch. "Are you leaving now? I will call Minho Hyung then." for a moment the elder's name panicked Seungmin standing up from his seat, "I can go by myself." He quickly opposed the idea, taking his bag up to leave the house.

"I have promised him, your brother to take you back safely." A voice rang from behind, causing a sudden chill over the younger's spine. He slightly turned himself expecting the masculine figure of Minho behind who already seemed to be well dressed up as he was ready to go out. Seungmin crossed his arms over his chest, as he spoke, "It's fine. I can manage-" he couldn't further end the words when he felt a hand gripped over his wrist, gentle enough to handle. The oldest Lee moved forward taking  Seungmin along with him, the youngest following hesitantly. It's not that he didn't like to be with Minho, but he felt awkward to be with him, just alone. He feel himself getting panicked every moment he was with the old dance teacher. "Felix, we are leaving okay?" he informed the boy, to which freckled gave an agreeing nod, as the other opened the door for them. He laughed gently at the scene that was taking place in front of him as the other two moved out between the chaos happening.

"You two make a good couple." the burgundy haired mumbled to himself, watching them fading out after waving at his best friend.


Seungmin was quiet while he followed the older one as the two-headed towards the cab station-at least that was what Seungmin was thinking it as. But it changed soon as he saw Minho diverting his movement towards the left oddly different from the street path towards the cab station. The younger raised a brow as he followed the other carefully, wondering where he was been taken to. He was about to speak out about it when the older stopped in front of a bright yet comforting Lightboard read as 'Elight Cafe'.

"Why are we here-" before Seungmin could doubt, the other responded,

"Felix used to like the 'choco pudding' and 'brownie shake' from this cafe. I thought I could buy it for him while we have light food here." the younger blinked his wide eyes multiple times as he stared at the boy in front of him was standing with a nonchalant expression. Such an unexpected human being! No one can even peep into what is going inside his head-Never.

The offer sounded kindful but made Seungmin awkward at the same time. Before the boy could figure out why he was feeling this way, the older spoke once again, pushing the thoughts from his head,

"I was wondering how long you can survive without food. You haven't eaten anything other than a slice of cake since you left your home, Minnie." It was obvious that Seungmin noticed the dark-haired repeating the same thing by calling his nickname when the younger said not to. But for some reason, the spectacled liked it that he couldn't push the other from calling him that again. Minho definitely started having some influence over his feelings that it felt as if he was controlled at certain moments.

Within all the thoughts popping inside his head he was snapped out by the other in front moving closer towards him, making the younger widen his eyes more. The feeling inside his heart was enormous. The heartbeat felt as it was rushing for an emergency, the cheeks burned unknowingly. It felt like a constant when Minho stopped right in front of him, catching with his eyes to his. Seungmin could feel his breath over his side as the other targeted his ears, before whispering,

"Let's just keep this as one of our first 'friendly' dates- just you and me." For some reason, Seungmin felt as if the word 'friendly' was oddly placed as it wasn't pouring out of others' hearts while he spoke the rest. A Date? A friendly date? If it is just something between two friends, then why was he panicking this much. Minho is now his friend, his friend's brother. What is there to ponder on this more? The younger Kim finally managed to look back at the 22-year-old, nodding his head to what he said, trying to cover his heated cheeks as much as he could even when it was a failure in front of Minho.

"A friendly date, right?" Seungmin questioned in an emotionless tone one last time, earning a chuckle from the older which felt as he was about to melt his heart out.

"Sure, as long as you don't want to make it in the other way, kid." He answered teasingly, which made the other go crazy-a literal blushing mess. Seungmin was annoyed hearing the other titling him again as a 'kid' but he had to calm down. You are overreacting-he said to himself before walking inside rolling his eyes up so that he could avoid Minho who was looking for a chance to tease the taller more.

On their way in Seungmin checked his phone to calculate the time and a reason for Hyunjin getting late, if that happens. Minho seemed confident on dropping the younger back in time after all, but Kim wasn't that sure about the timing. He silently walked towards the side seat where he encountered two-seated tables, Perfect for him and Minho. the boy took a seat beckoning the other to follow him.

"So, what would you like to have?" Minho cracked his knuckles as he stood opposite the sitting boy. The boy hunched his shoulders, "anything.." It wasn't that he wasn't hungry but something was pulling again back to his introverted self from speaking to the older without any awkward stutters.

"Hmm...Seems like 'anything' is not there in the menu list." Minho dramatically turned to look at the menu board as if to joke around. Seungmin made a disgusting face at the other's words, "That was the worst joke of all the time, Hyung!" He replied in an exaggerated tone.

The older nodded his head multiple times, "At least it made you react. I was wondering how long you were going to keep that solemn look over that pretty face. Smile suites you better, you know?" To which again, the taller rolled his eyes, earning a pout from the older. Seungmin was obvious that how hard he tried, the elder will make him pick a food. He lazily pointed the hand at the menu board even without looking, "That one..." Minho nodded with a slight smile without another word. He joined the way back to the counter.

The younger didn't even notice how his lips curled into a tiny smile as his eyes followed the busy boy at the counter. Thinking how hard his reserved self was trying to mingle with Minho, the more he was failing to keep it straight. The feeling definitely was making him go crazy. He quickly shook his head trying to erase all the thoughts that were breeding inside his head before checking his phone to respond to the Kim sibling's texts.

While going up on the phone his eyes fall over the text box of his mom which remained empty since the last September. He heard from his older brother about her rare calls and text messages, she was trying her best to keep up with her job in the country all alone after all that she had gone through. Unconsciously Seungmin bit his lips, his heart aching hard signaling him how much he miss her then. The younger was scrolling through his phone when he saw the reflection of a figure approaching behind him. He turned back to see a tall lean figure with a familiar face, unwelcoming his presence,

"Hello Bookworm! what are you doing here in the cafe?" the other spoke in a sarcastic tone-how rude. KEVIN- what is he doing here?

"H-hi Kevin, I hope you know why people usually visit a cafe?" Seungmin snapped back maintaining the calmer tone. Kevin used to be one of his classmates from the photography major. The boys never came up with any grudge until when for the first time Seungmin scored the topper marks in the section-provoking a jealous Kevin. Kim really wished to resolve the issue, but the other was too far taken.

"So the nerdy pest really knows to talk back, huh?"

"Kevin, stop trying to make a mess here. This is public. We already have halted on this so please mind your business?" Seungmin focused back on his phone not wanting to have another conversation until he noticed the annoying one occupying the seat that was for Minho.

"What if I don't? Let's have things together, it might be boring for you to be alone, won't it be?"Seungmin was about to object to him when he heard a voice in front,

"Now Get the fuck out of my seat, idiot." His eyes wandered to meet Minho's who was in front of him, glaring to the death at the light-haired boy. Kevin's eyes grew bigger seeing Lee.

"Who the hell is he Kim Seungmin? " The other gritted his teeth between the words,

"The owner of the seat you are sitting on" It was Minho who still replied. Kevin stood up from the seat deeply glaring back at the shorter guy who look way more muscular than he could handle,

"Who are you have the dare to interrupt my conversation? His boyfriend, huh?" Seungmin gulped at other venom spitting words, scaring to death if it was going to end on a fight. He was about to get between the two when he heard a sarcastic chuckle from his 'friend'.

"Your guess is more accurate than I expected. Yes, I am his boyfriend. Is there anything that you would like to object to?" He spits back with more harshness, "Now stop bothering my boyfriend before I fucking  punch you to the pulp." Minho's eyes were igniting in fury, making the other step back. Kevin cursed in his breath before letting go of the talk, as if he was genuinely scared by the other's threat even though he didn't want to admit it, storming out.

"Did he just come in to irritate you? Strange!" Minho was still looking annoyed by the previous interaction until his eyes fall on a surprised Seungmin. He was looking shocked from the words that came from other's mouths,

"Yeah, don't give me that look. I had to lie just to save your ass." he sat on his seat, quickly leaning forward at the younger as if he was whispering, "Be glad at least to be titled as my boyfriend, not everyone in this life had become that lucky." He was stopped by a smack on his arms, "Ouch what was that for? for saving you from that weirdo? Yah, Kim Seungmin you should be thankful"

"whatever.." he was welcomed by the sound of the token screen, Minho quickly rushing back to the counter to collect the food tray. Seungmin stared at the boy who was eagerly waiting for his turn, slight words flowing out of his mouth unknowingly, "Thank you Hyung-for everything." He knew the other wouldn't hear him, but surprisingly as soon as he said those words he felt his eyes locking with the older boy at the counter, smiling adoringly back at him.

It didn't take too much time for Seungmin to reveal the feeling that was growing in him. It would never be a lie if he said that Lee Minho, his best friend's brother was growing on him crazily. It really felt as if his heart was blooming these feelings just for that man whom the younger met not so long back. Yes, he was silently falling for him.



The two ended up finishing their slight dinner session moving out of the cafe. Seungmin seems to be a lot quieter than he usually is after the whole incident. In the head of Minho, he was concerned about the younger. How long was he enduring all these tough times-all alone? He watched the boy who was moving a little faster than he was.

"Seungmin-ah, you okay?" He didn't get any response from the boy making things more concerned. He quickly managed to keep up the pace with him gently pulling him back, 

"Hey..." Seungmin looked at the boy questioningly. Minho shook his head before continuing, "You weren't here for a moment. Is something troubling you? You can speak to me, yeah?" Minho couldn't help but genuinely feel focused over the younger Kim, that he was too curious to know what was troubling him

Seungmin looked down at their feet unable to keep eye contact, " I am fine Hyung, don't worry..." the words were too transparent for the boy to understand that it wasn't true. But he played along with it wondering if more inquiry can make him feel uncomfortable.

"If you say so, Let me call the cab" They moved towards the station opposite the pathway. All this time he wanted to say to Seungmin that he should never worry about anything and that Minho will be there for him if he need any help. He will save him from the trouble as his heart was throbbing to protect the little puppy at all cost. They caught up with the cab and the way to Kim's house was more silent than ever- no talks, no sighs, just silence. Half-past Nine.

Seungmin exited the car quickly, turning back once again to face the boy inside the car. Minho still could see the younger's face under the streetlight, finding it prettier, making him feel the awe. He slides the window pane down,

"Thank you for the time, Hyung. I had a good time after all. Tell Lix my regards" The words sounded more delicate than flower petals, A sweet smile carved over his face along. Minho was looking at nothing but the boy outside. He nodded with a sweet smile expecting the other to go inside the house. Seungmin bowed at him before leading the way in before turning one last time, his eyes were shining this whole time- a contrast to what it was a while ago.

"Text me when you reach home safely, Hyung. I will be waiting for you." For the older those words were like dream, the one he could never expect but craved at the same time. He didn't move, didn't nod. Just watched the boy who disappeared into his house. Minho heard it right. Seungmin will be waiting for him. It was the moment when he realized the boy, he met at the cafe for the first time. The boy turns out to be his brother's best friend. He was already grown on him, crazily. 


A.N: Late updates once again! Just finished my exams and now I can have much more time to focus on this. Sorry for making you wait, My dear DREAMERS! I hope you enjoy this.

btw. how are you doing? comment below:

+Deobi's don't attack me pls. I didn't have a choice but to keep our Kevin as a negative role.Again,My apologies

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