Unforgivable Lies ( Sequel)

By rebellious24

386K 11.8K 4.4K

Some of the chapters are private so press follow. Sequel to broken promises. To show somebody tough love to... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Short A/n
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Forever A Hustlers Wife.

Chapter 33

7.9K 233 86
By rebellious24

" What's done in the dark, will come to the light.".

Picture of A'draya and Chad at the Top.

Deandre POV.

After expressing my feelings to Princess I felt much better but she still doesn't want to be with me. I know everything is my fault and I just have to work for her back.

It looks like she isn't playing this time, so I need to end things with Armoni before I really try to get back serious with Princess.

I can't keep hurting Princess and Adraya. It hurts me but I still do wrong and I don't understand why I do the things I do.

I'm just trying to get my life together and get my family back. It's a sad situation because it took me this long to realize what's important in my life.

Last night Princess left A'draya with me and the both of us slept inside of the guest room. She was wrapped up in my arms sleeping peacefully.

I smiled at her and tried to gently got up but she woke up the same time as me. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before she looked at me.

" Morning Princess." I said as I kissed her cheek.

" Morning daddy, did my mommy sleep here too." She questioned.

" No baby, she went back over to Addi's." I told her.

" Okay, can you make me some breakfast please daddy." She asked

" What you want baby." I asked as I lifted her up.

" Pancakes." She smiled.

" We're going to make it together, iight." I told her as we began to walk out of the room.

" Okay." She smiled. The both of us got down stairs and walked inside of the kitchen. I sat A'draya on the island then walked up to the cabinets for the pancake mix, a bowl and poured a certain amount of water into a cup.

" Alright, pour the pancake mix inside of the bowl, not too much Draya." I told her. As she did that I got the frying pan and placed it on the stove to heat up.

" I did it daddy." A'draya said. I walked back over to her and gave her a hi5.

" Alright now pour the water in & then stir it until you think all of the lumps are out and it looks soft." I said to her as I handed her a spoon.

She started to do what I asked and I walked back over to the stove and placed a drizzle of oil inside in the pan.

" I think it's soft daddy." She said. I walked back over to her and took a look at it.

" Alright, come on." I said. She hopped on my back and I carried her and the batter to the stove.

" Sit there." I told her. She sat a little bit far from the stove but in good reach on the counter.

" Use the spoon and pour the mix into the pan." I told her.

" Daddy I'm scared, what if I get burned." She said.

" You ain't going to get burn babe, I promise." I told her. She smiled and began pouring until I said stop. When she placed the bowl down she smiled and pulled me closer to her.

" I did it daddy." She said excitedly as she licked the side of my face.

" I guess you are my friend again because you haven't licked my face in so long." I smiled.

" Nope I'm still not your friend." She said smacking her lips. I flipped the pancakes over then faced her again.

" Why were you acting weird around your momma." I asked her.

" Because your girlfriend came with us, her and auntie." She said.

" Who's my girlfriend, I don't have a girlfriend." I said.

" Yeah, her name is ah umm Armoni. I remember because that's my middle name." She said. I plated the pancake into a flat plate and then did the same routine.

" She ain't my girlfriend Princess, I love your mommy and do your mommy know." I asked.

" Nope, I didn't tell her because I know that you two would argue and then you and her will break up again & I don't want my mommy to cry so daddy if you like Armoni you can't like her. Daddy Armoni ugly, my mommy is much more prettier." She said. I chuckled at her because Armoni is pretty but she ain't close to Princess.

" Iight, I know I've been saying this a lot but I'm going to work on getting your mommy happy for real this time." I told Draya.

" Ok, does this mean I still can have my party daddy." She asked.

" Of course you can. Anything the Princess wants she can have." I smiled.

" Like a new T O Y." She spelled out.

" Nope." I laughed. She got the back of my head and hugged me tightly.

" I love you daddy, no matter what happens." She said.

" I love you too baby, come on let's eat." I said as I kissed her cheek. She got a plate inside of her hands and I lifted her up off the counter and sat her on the island.

" Syrup, daddy." She said. I nodded my head and got the syrup out of the cabinet. She took it from me and pouted the syrup over her pancakes before she started to eat.

" Nopee, what do we do before we eat." I asked her as I lifted my eyebrow.

" Pray." She said. I told her to close her eyes and I prayed for the both of us. She said her inputs inside of my prayer about her mom and I and then said Amen.

I smiled at her and then the both of us started to eat our food. A'draya really is a huge blessing in my life. I love her so much, she's most definitely my rider. Please tell me which four year old has this much sense and knows how to check their father when he's doing wrong.

I'm just hoping I can behave this time, I need to break up with Armoni like today but I don't know how to. It's going to hurt her feelings and I know it but I can't let it cause me my family.


Chas POV.

I haven't been in Canada a week yet and I miss my son. It was hard enough to leave him, like I really wish he was here with me.

Chad just wants to be happy, so whatever makes my son happy I'm happy. I kind of owe Trey anyway, I took Chad for four years, four important years.

I know as years go by and Chad gets more old I'll have to explain this to him, if he remembers any of this. Everything in my life happened so unexpectedly.

Never in a millions years I thought Trey and I would be in this position. It suppose to be me and him together and still engaged but he just never understand how much he hurt me with Shyla.

It hurts when someone you love gets someone pregnant before you. How does he wants me to feel. I'm suppose to be the lady that carries his first child. Shyla mom just beat me to it, I guess.

I was depressed over it for a while and it hurt to see him interact with Shyla the way he did. I'm not going to sit here and say I hate Shyla because I refuse to hate a child.

Shyla is a sweet little girl, I must give it to Trey for raising her the right way. She's smart and respectful, which is good.

I missed talking to Princess honestly but I know she isn't going to forgive me and shit she might not even want to speak to me.

I've been a horrible friend to Princess and she didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated her. It just so sad that our relationship came to this.

Our kids suppose to grow up together and be best friends like us but unfortunately the best friend part between Princess and I, is long gone.

Nathan really plays an important role inside of my life, like I love him and everything that comes with him. He has been here for me every step of the way.

Everything in my life is slowly but surely falling into place but I still feel like I'm missing something inside of my life but I don't know what it is as yet.


Trey's POV.

I'm so thankful for the many blessings I have in my life, especially my fiancé and my two kids. I proposed to Shy couple weeks ago and of course she said yes.

Shy makes me happy and I love her so much. Not only does she hold me down but she is good to both of my kids. She loves Chad and Chad adores her.

I stopped cheating on Shy, I'm a completely faithful fiancé to her and I plan to be a faithful husband too.

When I got up off the couch, I went to open the door and it was Dre with Draya. I asked him to bring A'draya over cause Shyla and Chad wanted to see her.

" Wassup nigga." I said as we dapped.

" Wassup." Dre said as he placed Draya down.

" Hi uncle Trey." Draya smiled. I lifted her up and placed her against my waist as I kissed her all over her face and tickled her.

" My favorite niece in the whole wide world." I said as I tickled her again.

" Drayaaa." Shyla came down the steps shouting.

" Uncle Trey stoppp." Draya said as I stopped tickling her and placed her down.

" Shyla, I missed you." Draya said as she hugged Shyla.

" My girlfriend is here." Chad said happy.

" The fuck she ain't lil man." Dre said to Chad. The both of us chuckled and walked into my living room.

" Man, watch Chad and Adraya." He told me.

" I bet the both of them going to be together when they get older." I laughed.

" Draya ain't allowed to date until she 40, I don't care if she been a women from age 20." He said.

" Crazy ass, so what's up G." I asked.

" Man, my life so fucked up right now. Princess and I, oh boy we....shit I don't even know how to put it." He said.

" You still sleeping around." I asked.

" I was, I'm trying to call it quits with this girl though." Dre said.

" Being bad ain't no fun. I love the faithful life, less stress more happiness." I said.

" Whatever nigga, now you and Scooter realize how I felt when I was faithful gang." He laughed.

" Yeah, you need to get back with the gang. My nigga Scooter about to be a daddy." I laughed.

" Man stop playing Trey." Dre said.

" I'm serious as fuck." I said.

" He got Aniya pregnant, shit why he even with that thot." Dre said.

" He must be love her, I still hate her hoe ass but I'll love my little niece or nephew." I said.

" Shit, who would of thought we would have been daddies." Dre laughed.

" I'm showing you." I said.

" I got to bounce, take care of my baby." He told me. I nodded my head at his response and followed him to the door.

" Draya." He yelled. She came running down the steps with Barbie dolls inside of her hands then faced him.

" I'm going to help your mommy, she'll pick you up when we are done. I love you and behave." He said.

" Love you too bestie." She said as she pulled him down then licked his face.

" Damn Dre you still do that to your daddy." I asked her. She chuckled at me and went upstairs.

" Later nigga." I told Dre as he left.


AMorah POV

Today I went furniture shopping because I'm moving inside of the condo today. I invited Dre to come over and help me set up the furniture and everything else inside of the condo.

Dre & I aren't together & we both agreed to give each other space to at least find ourselves. I'll always be there for Dre, but I can't take him back for this one especially not right now, because I'm not over it.

His words last night seemed sincere but I know Dre, he says the exact things all the time then go right ahead and do the same shit. I'm tired of forgiving him all the time, maybe this time he will realize that I'm serious about leaving him.

I took all of the new silverwares I bought and placed them in order inside of the kitchen. After I did that I straighten up inside of the kitchen & wiped down every counter, including the island.

When I was walking to get started into the living room, the furniture people walked inside. I told them where to place the furnitures and when they were done, I had to sign the form stating that I got everything I purchased.

Dre walked inside right after the furniture people and stopped at the door as he looked around. He looked impressed and started to smile as he walked up to me.

" Inside here looks nice, I'm loving the modern style." He said.

" Shut up, like you know anything." I mumbled.

" I do, I watch Hgtv all the time." He said. I released a small smirk and told him to help me with the furniture insdie of the living room. He helped me lifted the chairs in postion and placed everything where I wanted it to be.

" Alright now, I need help putting Draya room together." I told him. He nodded and followed me into her hot pink room, I painted over. Everything inside of her room was hot pink and lavender.

Dre helped me screwed her twin bed together & arranged all of her dolls and toys on the shelves. After we finished doing that, he helped me placed all of her clothes and shoes inside of the closet.

I walked out of the room and placed the new rugs into the bathroom and decorated around the vanities with flowers. When I was done I walked into the master bedroom & met Dre fixing the bed and the dresser together for me. I did the same with the master bath as I did with Adrayas bathroom.

" Thanks Dre." I told him.

" No problem." He said as he took a break.

" You want something to drink." I asked.

" Yeah, and something to eat." He chuckled.

" Don't push your luck." I told him. He laughed at me and I began to walk down the steps and went into the kitchen, to get him a glass of water. When I got him the water, I went back upstairs and handed him the water. He sipped the water down so fast like, he havent had water in days.

" Thanks." He said as he handed me the glass of water. I rested it down on the dresser and watched as he placed the last dresser in position. He clapped his hands and said thank God when he was done.

" You are so silly, that wasn't even a lot of work." I told him. He looked up at me and leaned up against the dresser.

" I guess not, we got to start planning Draya's party. Her birthday is quickly approaching." He said

" Yeah I know, she just wants to go to disney world." I said.

" Yeah we can drive from Atlanta to Orlando, or go on the plane." HE said.

" Plane, thats a long ass drive." I said.

" Lazy ass, she wants Shyla, Madi, chad and her friend Lilly to come. I'll pay for all of them and the hotel and stuff but you in charge of the toys and planning it and shit. Just let me know how much money you need." He said.

" Really Dre, you know she wants everything." I told him.

" Yeah thats why you in charge." He laughed.

" I'll let Addi help me." I told him.

" Thats cool, I got to handle something. I'll see you later." He said as he stood up and walked my direction.

" Bye Deandre." I told him.

" Love you." He said as he looked me in my eyes then walked out of the room. I walked down out of the room and watched him placed his ray bands on & walked out of the door. He looked so handsome today, I thought to myself.

I released a huge sigh and then I walked down the steps. My cell phone started to ring and it was Austin calling me.

" Hey beautiful." He said.

" Hey Austin." I smiled.

" What you doing." He asked

" Just finished placing everything together, you want to come over." I asked him.

" When." He asked.

" You can come now if you want." I told them.

" Iight, text me the address. I'm on my way." He said. I told him okay and shot him the address once I hanged up.

I quickly raced up the steps and searched for a different outfit because I looked a hot mess. My hair was already in a messy bun so I just hopped inside of the shower & washed myself up. When I was done I dried my skin off then brushed my tetth. After I walked inside of the room & placed on my clothes.

Just as I started to spray perfume on my body, the door bell rang. I quickly checked myself in the mirrior once again then made my way down the steps.

" Who, is it." I said playing

" It's Austin." He said as he smacked his lips. I chuckled and opened the door. He was standing there with my favorite roses inside of his hands.

" Are those for me." I pouted.

" Yeah, these are. I got it, on the way here." He said as he handed it to me.

" These are my favorite kind of roses, Thank you so much." I said as I smelled it.

" Damn, I'm scoring already." He laughed. I laughed at him and motioned him to come inside as I walked into the kitchen and placed the flowers into some water.

" In here is nice." He said admiring everything.

" Thank you, I love inside of here." I said.

" Me too, this what you do all day." He asked as he sat at the island.

" Yeah, put everything together. You want something to drink." I asked him.

" I'm cool, where your twin at." He asked referring to Draya.

" She's at her father's best friend house." I told him. He nodded his head and I walked up to him and sat besides him.

" How was your day." I asked him.

" Really good, I won my case today." He said happily.

" Thats good. What do you usually do after you get off, I'm sure you have somebody you are feeling or do you have any kids." I joked.

" Nah, I ain't got no children & yeah I'm feeling somebody." He said.

" I'm sure whoever she is, is feeling you too because you are a sweetheart." I said.

" Yeah, I hope so too." He said as he licked his lips. Austin was about to speak again until he got on his phone. It looked like it was and emergency so he quickly stood up.

" I got to handle something at the office, I'll call you when I'm done." He said as he kissed my cheek.

" Bye." I waved to him. He smirked at me and left out of the door.


Deandre POV.

I went home quickly to change up my clothes. I'm taking Armoni to dinner tonight, so I could at least break up with her becuase I can't do this anymore. The least I could do is give her some flowers before I break up with her and hurt her feelings.

Armoni caught feelings for me already so I know this is pretty much going to hurt. I rather stop this now before I continue to lead her on & hurt her more. I'm not leaving Princess for her and I think she knows that but tries to act like it isn't true.

It's time to start owning up to the shit I do & stop hurting people who really care about me like Princess and Adraya. I love the both of them & I need to change for their sake not just mines.

I'm going to leave Armoni's ass in style, so I'm going to get dress down to the T. When I hopped out of the shower and brushed my teeth, I placed on my briefs and then walked into the closet and searched for my Armoni Collezioni suit and placed it on. After I walked up to my dresser and brushed my hair, then I placed my platinum rolex on. I looked into the mirrior and checked out myself as I slid my ray bands over my face.

I was looking sharp as ever, shit I'm going to pick up some ladies tonight but I'm going to turn all down though.

My phone started to ring and it was Armoni calling me. I picked up on the second ring.

" Wassup." I said.

" You ready yet, I'm getting ready now babe." She said.

" Yup, I'm on my way." I told her. She hanged up and went to finish get dressed I think. I raced down stairs and got into my car and took off to the flower shop.


Addison POV.

I was kind of lonely, so I called Princess and told her I would pick her up. She said she was already dressed so I just swung by her condo & waited for her to come down the steps. She came down the steps and got into my car smiling.

" Fuck is you smiling for." I asked her as I pulled off.

" I think I like this guy." She started.

" Girl, it too early for that." I said.

" I know Addi. I'm not trying to be with him at least right now if we ever get that serious." She chuckled.

" Who is he." I asked.

" Austin Norwood." She said.

" The lawyer, he so fine. He helped Omari got out of that case last year." I said

" Yeah he sure is fine & he's sweet. He bought me flowers and guess what they were my favorite & I didn't even tell him that." She pouted.

" Princess got a crush." I laughed.

" Whatever, where we going." She asked.

" Shit, I don't even know. Let me stop by Armoni see if she wants to come." I said.

" You should call her." Princess said. I agreed and called Armoni's phone but she didn't answered.

" Her ass probably sleep, we going there anyway." I said.

A few minutes later

When we got there, the both of us walked up the door and I began to kncok. Armoni swung the door open and was dressed down like she going on a damn date. I stepped inside of the house and Princess followed me as she closed the door.

" We'll don't you look good." I said smiling.

" Yeah you really do, I love your dress." Princess said.

" I'm going on a date, with my boyfriend." She said twirling around in her dress.

" Say boyfriend, how much of them you got." I said as I bursted out into laughter.

" Girl whatever, this one is no surprise." She said with a evil smirk. Princess and I looked at each like okay.

" Well, I'm going to stay here and meet him." I said. Princess sat down on the couch and I sat beside her. We watched as Armoni got ready for her date and sprayed every damn perfume she could find. She came back downstairs and looked into the mirror inside of the hallway.

" I hope whoever this is, is the one because you doing the most." I said. Princess looked at me and chuckled. As soon as she was about to say something the door bellrang. I sat up straight to get ready for this.

" Come in." Armoni yelled. The door opened and my entire face dropped completely, when I seen Dre walked in halfway with roses in his hand. He looked over at Armoni, then looked at me, then looked at Princess.

" Fuck." He groaned. Damn shit about to get real.

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