Just Let Me Kiss You (Narry)

By eishytomlinson

49.8K 1K 80

(Excuse the carrot in here. Was my first fanfic) Harry Styles is living the life, with all his friends, his p... More

Chapter 1 - The Dream
Chapter 2 - Pain
Chapter 3 - Confessions
Chapter 4 - Friends or more?
Chapter 5 - Let's keep it a secret
Chapter 6 - He loves me?
Chapter 7 - You should've told me
Chapter 8 - You did what?
Chapter 10 - What do I do?
Chapter 11 - How could you?
Chapter 12 - Break, kisses and forgiveness
Chapter 13 - Never Giving Up
Chapter 14 - Memories
Chapter 15 - Rock Me
Chapter 16 - Smile
Chapter 17 - For him
Chapter 18 - Talk to me
Chapter 19 - Perfect
Chapter 20 - A little bit of pain
Chapter 21 - Always And Forever
Chapter 22 - Finally; You're here
Chapter 23 - Crashing down

Chapter 9 - No Matter What

1.8K 37 1
By eishytomlinson

Harry's POV

I lightly opened my eyes, tears already filling them. I hadn't seen Niall since he yelled at me at school. Since he said he loathed me...he didn't want anything to do with someone like me. At that thought I started to sob into my pillow. I suddenly felt a tight grip around my waist. I froze and my eyes widened.

"Shhh, Harry it's okay". I could know that voice from anywhere. It's Niall. I quickly sat up to see his sleepy face and fucking sexy messed up hair. How did he get here? When did he get here? I just stared at him, my eyes dropping more tears down my cheeks. "Please stop crying".

"W-wh-w.." I frowned and looked down. What am I supposed to say?

"I'm over it Harry. I knew you would have an explanation so I came here to hear you out but you were sleeping and I saw you were crying and..." He stopped talking. More tears filled my eyes and I blinked them down my cheeks. "Why are you crying?" Why am I crying? His thumb sat on my cheek and he wiped the tears away. "Please stop crying". I looked into his eyes.

"I....I thought I lost you". More tears dropped. Niall pulled me closer and I rested my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back.

"You will never lose me Harry, no matter what happens I'll always be yours. No matter what". He pulled away and held my face in his left hand, leaning his right. "I love you Harry Edward Styles". Niall crashed his lips against mine. I fell back and pulled Niall on top of me. Niall shot his tongue into my mouth and our tongues intertwined. A light moan escaped from my throat and Niall smiled. I moved my hands to his bum and gave it a squeeze and he let out a slightly louder moan.

"Mmmmmmm". I said against Niall's lips. He smiled and pulled away. But I didn't want it to end so soon. I put my hand around his neck and pulled him back down, turning us around so I was on top of him. The kiss was forceful. I started to kiss down Niall's jaw line and neck and he moaned. I sucked and bit down. Niall's hands travelled up, under my t shirt, scratching my back a little. "I love you Niall James Horan". I pushed my lips to his again and he asked for entrance but I denied. I kissed him a little longer and pulled away.

"Awww". Niall groaned. I giggle a little. But my smile faded. Niall soon noticed. "What's wrong babe?"

"You said you came here to hear an explanation?" Niall sat up.

"It doesn't matter anymore".

"Yes it does. That's why you were here".


"Just let me explain". Niall sighed and nodded. "After Liam helped us, as you would know he and I went to meet Louis.." I paused, closing my eyes trying to block my guilt. "When we met Lou he pointed to these two guys who were playing chess and pulled us over there". I kept my head down. "Louis told them to stand up and they looked so scared. I watched Louis start to hit one of them and he stopped to look at me. He told me to hit the other one, but I refused. He walked up to me and he started saying this stuff.." I paused. "He was saying imagine he just bashed Niall, imagine he just put Niall in a coma, imagine Niall lying in a hospital bed, bruises all over his body. I couldn't hold myself back. The kid is lucky Liam stopped me. Otherwise he would've ended up in one". I kept my head down, tears dropping on my bed. "I couldn't control myself. Anger took over my body". I looked up to see Niall's worried face. "I didn't know how to tell you".


"I'm so sorry Niall". I cut him off. Niall took my face into his hands.

"You don't need to be sorry Harry. I should be the one apologising. I am the one who judged too quickly, I am the one who didn't trust you".

"No, it's my fau.."

"Are you really that protective of me?" Niall had cut me off and shocked me. Yes. I'm fucking protective of him. If anything could ever happen to him..I just...I don't know. I just nodded.

"That's kinda sexy". Niall bit his lower lip, holding back a smile. Ugh so is that. I never knew it was so possible for someone to be so sexy. For a guy to be so sexy. Niall lay down and I rested my head on his chest. "What are we going to do all weekend?" Niall played with my hair.

"Just lie here and cuddle". I mumbled.

"But I'm hungry!" Niall wined. I laughed.

"Then lets go down to the kitchen". I sat up and Niall had already been running down the stairs. I chased after him and caught him at the kitchen bench, hugging him from behind, kissing down his neck.

"Oh, good morning". I froze and turned to see mum standing in the doorway. I instantly pulled away from Niall and felt a small blush creep on my cheeks. Mum frowned at me. "Harry, have you been crying?"


"Harry I can tell". Ugh mum can read me like a book. "What's wrong?" I looked back at Niall and he was making toast, trying to look busy.

"It doesn't matter".

"Niall, do you mind giving us a moment?" Niall nodded and took the toast to the dining room. Mum walked closer to me. "Harry, what's happened?"

"Nothing!" I groaned.

"Harry, did you and Niall have a fight?"

"No!....I mean....yes...but..."

"Oh my baby". Mum pulled me into a tight hug. "Are you okay?"

"Yes mum!"

"What was the fight about?" I rolled my eyes. I don't want to tell mum. I really don't want to tell her I nearly killed a kid.


"Harry, what was the fight about?"

"You don't need to know"

"Harry..what have you done?" I pulled away from mum and walked away. "HARRY EDWARD STYLES YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND!" I kept on walking. I opened the front door and slammed it behind me walking as fast as I could away from home.

"Harry! Wait". I heard Niall call. But I kept on walking.

I had been walking for about ten minutes now. I don't know where I'm going...

"Hey Harry!" I looked up to see Louis.

"Hi". I looked back down but I knew he got enough of a glimpse of my face to see I had been crying.

"Is everything okay? Liam told me what happened yesterday.."

"I'm fine". I practically spat at him. I actually hated him for making me bash that kid. I was angry. That was the whole reason Niall and I even had that fight.

"Harry, I'm sorry about making you bash that ki-"

"The hell you are!" I yelled. He looked taken back by my tone.

"Harry I really am sorry. I didn't know about you liking Niall and you know.."

"I don't just like him Lou. I love him". His eyes widened.

"You do?"

"Yes". A smile spread across his face.

"I'm happy for you".


"Has Niall talked to you?"


"So everything is okay?"

"Yeah". Louis had a wide smile spread across his face and I really didn't know why. His smile grew wider. I frowned at him. Suddenly I felt a tight grip around my waist and I froze.

"Hello sexy". Niall whispered in my ear and I could hear his smile. I relaxed a little and turned around.

"Hey". A small smile developed on my face. Niall pecked me on the lips and Louis cleared his throat. I forgot he was there.

"Ah, Hi Niall".

"Hi". There was an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry for everything Niall". I looked at Niall nervously and he was glaring at Louis. I held Niall's hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Can we go?" Niall whispered. I looked in his eyes and he looked...frightened. He is still scared of Louis. I nodded.

"We're going to go now. I'll see you on Monday". Louis nodded and I started walking with Niall.

"I'm sorry". I shook my head.

"Why are you sorry Niall?" I stopped and turned to him.

"Because I just made you walk away from your best friend".

"Niall, there's no need to be sorry okay?" He nodded. "Have you told Zayn about us?" I couldn't help but ask him. I didn't really know how to act around Zayn now.


"Do you plan on telling him?" I looked into Niall's eyes.

"Yeah, but I don't know when I will".

Niall's POV

Harry had dropped me off at my house about four hours ago. All I've been thinking about is how to tell Zayn. I mean, he doesn't even know that I'm gay. I called him an hour ago, and he said he was going to come over at five, which is in half an hour. Maybe I should play guitar..that won't hurt. It might get me distracted....although, I really need to plan on how I am going to drop the news. Zayn might be a little upset that I haven't told him yet.

"Niall, Zayn is here". I sat up quickly. What!? He isn't supposed to be here for another thirty minutes. I heard footsteps on the stairs and I froze. What am I supposed to say? Ah crap. This is bad.

"Hey Niall". I shot my head up to see Zayn standing in my doorway.


"You said there was something you needed to tell me?" I just stared up at him. What do I say? How do I even start?

"Ah..yeah..you might want to sit down". Zayn made his way over to my bed and sat next to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Um, well...I've known this for quite a while now, but I haven't been ready to tell anyone..I'm ah, I'm gay and..". I stopped and looked at Zayn. His mouth open a little. I frowned. Before I knew it I had Zayn's lips crashed on mine. My eyes widened. I pushed him away and shock crossed his face. "Wh-what was that?" Zayn just looked at me.

"I-I ah...I thought.." He frowned. Did he think I was telling him I had feelings for him? Wait...Zayn has feelings for me!? Well this just got a bit awkward. I looked up to see no Zayn. Where'd he go? I ran out my room and saw Zayn running down the stairs.

"Zayn! Wait!" I ran after him and grabbed his wrist pulling him back up the stairs to my room. "You like me? You have feelings for me!? Since when? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I-I ah...I.."

"How long ago?"

"A year. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know".

"If you don't like me then why are you telling me?"

"I'm ah...Harry...he's um..."

"Oh.." He looked really upset. Shit. I've hurt him. What the hell is wrong with me!? I just hurt my best friend.

"I'm sorry Zayn".

"It's okay..."

"Niall!?" I looked at my door. That's Harry. Why is he here?

"Upstairs". I called. Zayn's eyes widened and I nodded trying to tell him it was okay. Harry showed in my doorway and his eyes led from me, smiling happily...to Zayn, shock crossing his face.

"Um..sorry". Harry scratched the back of his neck. I bit my bottom lip. He fucking knows what is sexy I can feel it. Everything he does turns me o..


"Yeah?" I looked to Zayn.

"I'm going".

"Oh, okay". I watched Zayn walk out my door. Harry walked up to me and hugged me tight.

"Now it's my turn. Hello sexy". I couldn't help but smile and giggle. Harry kissed down my neck and I moaned.

"Harry". I barely spoke.


"We need to talk". He instantly stopped and pulled away, a serious look on his face.

"About what?" We sat down on my bed.

"I ah, I told Zayn that I'm gay and he..he kissed me".

"What!?" Harry looked angry. I placed my hand on his leg to try calm him down.

"He didn't know I was with you yet. I didn't get the chance to tell him, it's okay Harry, it doesn't matter, I'm yours forever". I slipped my hand to the back of his neck and pulled him into a soft kiss. I pulled away a little and rested our foreheads together. "I love YOU Harry, no one else". Harry and I lay down. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer. "We're forever....no matter what".


Helllooooooo :) I managed to get another chapter up! It may be another week until I have the next one up because of school and everything....anyway, please vote and comment!!!! I love to hear what you guys think! :)

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