For You I Will #3- The Prison...


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#1 Hermionegranger (22/5/22) #1 Hermionexmalereader (20/5/22) #1 PennyHaywood (21/11/23) The third year of Y... More

Character Profiles
Prologue: Summer Days
Fancy a trip?
Family Outing
First Date
A Sirius Confrontation
For Her Safety
Day One
Dean and Penny
To Keep You Safe
Azkaban Prison Blues
A Message of Hope, A Message of Love
Salacious Rumours
Leaving the Nightmare
What I Did
Checking In
Catching Up
Summer Days
New Friends
Same Old Ron
Midnight Travels
Train Attack
First Classes
Riding Hippogriffs
Therapy 101
The Next Morning
The Truth
Ghoul Studies
Hunting Party
First Full Week
Attendees of the Meeting of the Righteous
The Meeting of the Righteous
Happy Birthday
The Next Day
Angel Gifts and Darkness Explained
Rising of the Witnesses
Words Spoken in Anger
Guilt is a hell of a weight to bear
Never leave a man behind
Happy Birthday and a Magical Miracle
Confession Time
Malleus Maleficarum
Catching Up and Quidditch Commitments
Trouble in the Group
Predictions, Predictions
You call this fun?
A Magical Day
Undercover Brother
An Unwelcome Guest
Late Night Confessions
Origin Stories
Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
New World Order
Sunday Showdown
Weighed Down
Confronting the Righteous
A Quiet Sunday
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Heaven and Hell
Guilt and Remorse
Angry Redheads, Shocking Revelations and Family Outings
Family time and Making Arrangements
Secrets and Decisions
Goblin Gold and Throne Rooms
Master Professor
A Question of Lordship
Letters and Scrolls
Financial Difficulties
The Lord of the Rings
Best Laid Plans and Deals with Devils
Busy Sundays
Public Announcements
Plans put into Motion
Letters Arrive and Discipline Dispensed
Last week of Term
Harry Learns the Truth
Welcome to the Family
A Very Granger Christmas
The Meeting
Meeting the Phoenix Bearers
Life Lessons
Back to Business
Return to Hogwarts
Punishment and Pressure
Heartfelt Admissions
Two of Our Number Will Leave Us Forever!
Framed Felines
Killing In The Name Of
The Match and The Fallout
Illicit Encounters
Rights, Responsibilities and Recovery
Ministry Hearings and Confrontations
Right to Combat!
An Alliance in the Shadows
Labyrinthian Achievements
Meddling in Time
The Fluffy Aftermath (again!)
New Projects, New Alliances and The Elder Wand
Easter Break
Quidditch Cup
Devastation and Heartbreak
The Dissolution of Y/N
The Exegesis of Y/N
The Rebirth of Y/N
The Book of the Dead and the Book of Life
Nefarious Plots
Family Showdown
Mourning Losses and Exam Tension
Resignation and Exam Shocks
An Indecent Proposal
No Matter How Far Away I Will Always Love You!
Family Time
I'm in Charge Now!
Thank You

Welcoming arrival

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The Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade station and the students alighted, happy the rain had ceased as they walked to the Thestral drawn carriages.

The five friends boarded a carriage, joined by another third year student, Yuffie Wallace. She happily chatted away to the five, completely oblivious to the fact that the boys weren't the slightest bit interested in what she was saying, and the girls were... well they weren't fans. Yuffie was an airhead and she was very good friends with Parvati. As the only girls in third year Yuffie, Lavender, Parvati and Hermione always shared a dorm.

The two girls got on quite well with Parvati but most of the time it was Hermione and Lavender in one 'clique' and Parvati and Yuffie in another. They very rarely all interacted together.

The carriage arrived and the two girls especially jumped off quick, Hermione grabbing Y/N's hand tightly. She didn't like the look in Yuffie's eyes when she looked at Y/N, or gushed over his tattoos in the carriage. Y/N had awkwardly changed the subject when she did.

As the five walked towards the Great Hall they heard Professor McGonagall calling out loudly: "Potter, L/N, Granger to me please!"

The five students walked over before McGonagall sent Lavender and Ron away to the Great Hall and took the three remaining students into her office.

"I just wanted to check you were both ok Potter, L/N. Professor Lupin sent word that you took ill on the train Harry."

"I'm fine" Harry snapped, embarrassed at the fuss being made. It was just then that Poppy rushed into the room.

"Potter and L/N. L/N and Potter. I should've known it was you two, always worrying poor Ms Granger and I" the matron said grumpily.

"It was Dementors, Poppy. Potter passed out" McGonagall said sadly, going straight in to bat for the boys. Poppy grew a look of anger. She quickly looked Harry over.

"Should've known, they always affect those who are fragile."

"I'm not fragile" Harry snapped.

"Of course you're not" Poppy replied absentmindedly. Minerva turned to Y/N:

"And you L/N- Lupin said you blocked the dementor from getting in the carriage. That you got a full blast."

"I'm fine Professor" Y/N said standing tall next to Hermione. "I'm fairly experienced with keeping Dementors out now."

"Yes I know Y/N. I'm sorry for what happened to you. Albus told me you had to... I'm just glad you're ok" the aged professor said sadly.

Y/N smiled, replying: "I'm fine ma'am. I trust you know the reason behind me going?"

McGonagall smiled and nodded looking at Hermione. Y/N said happily:

"My girl and her family are ok, so I'm ok."

Hermione leant her head happily on Y/N's arm as Poppy yelled out:

"Harry's ok but could do with some chocolate"

"I've already had chocolate. Professor Lupin gave it to me" Harry snapped again.

"Finally got a defence teacher who knows his remedies then" Poppy said snarkily.

"If you're ok you can go Harry. I need to talk to Y/N and Hermione about their timetables" McGonagall smiled.

Harry left grumpily as did Madam Pomfrey. Minerva turned to Y/N:

"So Y/N, were you able to...?"

Y/N smirked and pulled his timeturner out from under his robes. McGonagall smiled before handing one to Hermione who placed it around her neck, on top of the necklace Y/N got her in first year.

"You'll get your timetables in the morning, but remember no one can know about them. Especially yours, Y/N. I shudder to think what Fudge would do if he found out."

The lovers left and walked hand in hand to the Great Hall, sitting in the seats Lavender had saved for them just as the Frog Choir started their performance.

"Potter! Hey Potter!" Malfoy called out from the Slytherin table. Harry turned with a snarl.

"Is it true you fainted? You actually fainted" Malfoy asked chuckling.

"Shut it Malfuck. You can't lie to a Legilimens!" Y/N yelled over the choir, garnering several looks from teachers and students.

Draco looked at him puzzled before he heard Y/N's voice in his head. The problem for Draco was all the other students in the hall did as well.

Malfoy pissed himself on the train. He still reeks of urine.

Draco went bright red. The hall erupted in laughter. A seventh year Hufflepuff leant back near Draco sniffed then covered his nose at the smell. More laughter.

"That was a little mean, Y/N" Hermione whispered to him.

"Meh, prick deserved it" Y/N replied nonchalantly winking at his girlfriend.

The Frog Choir finished and Dumbledore led the hall in a round of applause, giving Y/N a dirty look (to which Y/N chuckled) before he started speaking:

"Welcome! Welcome everyone to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, Professor"

Albus extended his arms to Lupin who stood and bowed to a warm round of applause. Y/N quickly saw Snape, who was sat next to Lupin, not clapping.

Everything ok Sev? Y/N asked him.

We will talk later. It's good to see you're ok my boy.

Y/N smiled and nodded to his Godfather as Dumbledore continued.

"I'd also like to announce that Professor Kettleburn has decide to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid."

The hall erupted as Hagrid stood up knocking the table in front of him flying. This caused McGonagall sitting next to him to chuckle and shake her head.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note at the request of the Ministry of Magic Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban until such a time as Sirius Black is captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities, a word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way."

"Ain't that the truth" Y/N muttered causing Hermione to turn and peck his lips, rubbing his cheek.

"Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times."

He extinguished a candle on the podium as he was speaking by waving his hand passed it.

"If one only remembers to turn on the light."

He waved his hand passed the candle relighting it.


The students enjoyed the feast before heading to the Common Room. The rest of the boys headed off to their dorm as did most of the girls. Quite quickly only Y/N and Hermione were left in the common room.

"This is gonna be the first night since Azkaban we haven't slept together" Y/N said sadly.

"I know. I'm missing you already baby". Hermione replied in the same tone.

Y/N leant over and kissed her lips, gently at first but more passionately as the kiss went on. He licked her lip and was immediately granted access, exploring her mouth with his tongue.

Hermione lowered herself back to lay on the couch as Y/N explored her mouth, pulling him on top of her and between her legs. She quickly wrapped them around his waist.

She moaned in his ear as they separated breathless and he immediately attacked her neck with his lips. He kissed and sucked on her pale flesh hard, marking her as his. She pulled him tighter, digging her nails into his back, as she moaned in pleasure and he left a large hickey on her neck.

"Babe, babe we have to stop. We can't do it here." Hermione said suddenly, realising where they were.

Y/N lowered his head and chuckled before raising himself off her. "You're right love, sorry, you just bring out the beast in me."

Hermione giggled.

"Maybe we could spend tomorrow night in our special place?"

Y/N's eyes lit up. All he could manage out in his excitement was: "Merlin, yes!"

Hermione giggled again and kissed Y/N's lips, adding:

"I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning for your workout, love."

Y/N smiled and wished her goodnight as she went up to her dorm. He looked down and then decided to wait by the fire for ten minutes before going to bed, to let his excitement subside. He had the feeling it was going to be a long year.

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