Capricorn Season - Jimmy Page

Por justangiem

6.7K 126 136

An American photographer living in London and burgeoning rockstar Jimmy Page are brought together through unl... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 15 Part 3
Chapter 16 Part 1
Chapter 16 Part 2
Chapter 16 Part 3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Part 1
Chapter 18 Part 2
Chapter 18 Part 3
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Part 1

Chapter 7

201 3 5
Por justangiem

Jimmy was the first to wake the next day. Sun shone through the window into his eyes. He didn't even remember falling asleep after rehearsal. He was on the couch and he could tell, his back was stiff and his neck hurt. He looked down at Gwen who was still fast asleep. She was angelic, lying next to his coffee table. I might as well be a dear and make her breakfast today.

He was quiet as a mouse while cooking. He wanted to surprise her with breakfast in bed. Well, breakfast on the floor. He smiled to himself as he looked at the plated food. She's going to love this.

He brought a tray into the living room and sat it on the coffee table. He meticulously laid out their plates, cups, and silverware. And to top it off he grabbed a carnation from a vase in the hall. He felt quite proud as admired his handiwork. It looked beautiful.

He crouched down to meet her height. He leaned over her and started petting her hair. He started by moving the wisps of hair that had fallen into her eyes. She stirred slightly but laid back on the floor, her eyes still closed. He giggled to himself and continued trying to wake her. "Love, you've got to get up." He said softly and gently. She groaned and rolled over to face him. Finally, she opened her eyes, meeting the gaze of his swampy lakes of green.

She smiled as she admired his soft features. "Good morning. I've made you breakfast!" He was showing a proud smile. She sat crisscrossed at the coffee table, "You even got me a little flower. How sweet." She picked up the white flower and rubbed the bud against his nose, coaxing a laugh from him.

She sat next to him in silence as she devoured her plate. He took his time, looking at her as she ate. A smile worked its way onto his face as he looked at her. He enjoyed making her food because he was literally supplying her energy. He felt the same way about playing her music. He provided a warmth in her bones, like a gentle fire to keep the house cozy. He was the beginning of her day in a literal sense. He prepared food for her to begin her rituals for the day. He was in her magic.

"Thank you for that. I was ravenous from the moment I woke up."

He smiled at her then opened his mouth, "Patricia is having a little party tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me? You could be my date." His hands found their way to her knees, gripping her soft skin.

"I'd love to. But who is Patricia and who's going to be at the party?"

Jimmy sent her a small laugh. "Patricia is Bonzo's wife. The guys and their women will be there. Maybe a few other friends. I'm not entirely sure."


The next morning Jimmy was again the first to wake. He looked at Gwen's sweet, sleeping face. Her lips were pushed together in a rested yet pensive way. Her eyes moved under closed lids, her eyelashes going along with them. He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. When this didn't wake her he began an attack of kisses.

She woke with a giggle at the feeling of his lips on her neck. "Good morning." He spoke softly. She wore a smile as she looked up at him, admiring his angelic face.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat." He asked.

"I'd like to make it together," She traced soft shapes on his bare thigh, "I want to soak up as much of you as I can before you leave." A soft pout was drawn on her lips. He's leaving and there's nothing I can do to make him stay.

"Don't look so sad, love. I will be back before you know it." He placed his fingers under her chin and pushed her head up to meet his gaze. "I promise." He leaned in and kissed her lips gently. "And we'll spend all day together, basking in the quiet glory of our love." He whispered.

She couldn't help but laugh, for fear of crying. She fought back the painful stinging. A tight knot wove itself in her throat. "I know you'll be back soon. But it seems so long."

He failed to reply. Instead, he picked her up from the bed and carried her down the stairs. She laughed along the way. "I'm surprised you can hold me, bean pole!" She mocked.

"Keep takin' the piss. I'll drop ye down the stairs."

They worked together in a quiet synergy. They made muffins, eggs, and some tea. A light breakfast for their full day ahead.

"What should I wear to the party?" Gwen asked, looking up from her book. They sat in the living room reading together. Jimmy kept his place in his book with his index finger but didn't look up at her. "I reckon something relaxed. It's a little get-together. Nothing too fancy." He shrugged, going back to his reading.

"What are you wearing?"

"I don't know. Probably some trousers and a shirt. Perhaps some shoes."

"You really are an ass sometimes, you know that, right?" He blew her a sarcastic kiss and then went back to his reading. She closed her book and pushed it onto the coffee table, standing from her spot on the couch, and went over to the armchair he was sitting in. She stepped over the arm and wiggled her way into his lap. She was curled up like a cat and nuzzled her head into his shirt.

"Are ye comfy?" She nodded into his chest. "Good." He stroked her hair and then kissed the crown of her head, placing his chin where his lips had just been.

Gwen's eyes popped open to see she was still laying in his lap. Her legs were on either side of his hips and they were chest to chest. She looked up to see a sleeping Jimmy. The scene was so beautiful it made her want to cry. As she moved he began to stir. When his eyes opened to see her, he smiled. "It seems we've taken a little nap." He swept the hair at the sides of her face behind her ear. "I wonder how long we were out." She pushed the hair back to where it had been.

"Couldn't have been too long, It's still sunny." He glanced at his watch to see they had been asleep for just over an hour. "Perfect time to catch a little more energy before the party." He rubbed his large hand on her back in an attempt to bring comfort. She dropped her head back onto his chest. "Can I just stay here a little longer?" His heart lurched in his chest. He could feel her sweetness clogging his arteries. "Of course, love. Anything for you."

He went back to his book. It was an old edition of Macbeth. He'd read the story before but wanted something to occupy his time. "Can you read to me?" Her voice was gentle and tugged at his heartstrings like a harp player. "Certainly."

He read softly to her, working his way through acts 3, 4, and 5. They laughed together when they reached funny bits and gasped when the story got serious. It was a most wonderful way to spend the afternoon.


Gwen hopped down the stairs, her heels thudding against each wooden step. She was dressed for the party. She wore a dress with a red beret and a matching jewelry set. She took a seat on the couch and waited for Jimmy to join her. He was getting ready for the party as well, just taking a lot longer.

When he finally trotted down the stairs, she smiled in awe. He was wearing a pair of dark straight-legged jeans, one of her t-shirts, and a leather jacket. And of course, it was topped off with a scarf wrapped around his neck. He was wearing a pair of black high-top converse as well. Their outfits corresponded so well, you may have thought they planned it.

"You look great, babes." She mocked his accent.

He rolled his eyes but still smiled at her compliment. "So do you, love. You're absolutely ravishing. God, I could take you upstairs right now and-"

"And what?" She asked, a coy smile on her face.

"And tell you how wonderful you look."

"Is that my T-shirt?"

He gave her a cheeky grin, "Don't you think it suits me?" She rolled her eyes and slapped him with a couch pillow.

Jimmy checked his watch for the fifth time in the last twenty minutes. They didn't have to leave for another 15. "Hey, do you want to smoke before we go?" She held up a neatly wrapped joint. He nodded his head vigorously.

They sat next to each other on the couch as she put the joint between her lips. "Do you have a light?" She asked. He fished through the drawers of the end table seated next to the couch. He retrieved a pack of matches. She held the flame up to the end of the white smoke stick and watched it light.

She drew a breath of thick smoke into her lungs and smiled at the feeling. She passed it to him and watched as he inhaled. His brows came together in focus. Heat filled her body as she watched him take a second hit. He looked so beautiful. He was so meticulous about everything he did. The care he applied to each task was admirable.

After he passed her the joint he leaned into the couch. He closed his eyes. She gave him a laugh and took a hit. "What? What's so funny?" He asked, not moving or opening his eyes.

She laughed again and shook her head. "Nothing. You're just so serious all the time. Even smoking is a task that requires your full attention and effort." He turned his head as she passed it to him again. He was grinning. "Maybe you're not serious enough."

"You look lovely, darling, you really do."

"Thank you," she smiled and took a hit.

"Ugh, you smell so good," He took a deep sniff of her hair, "and your hair is so pretty. You're ravishing, absolutely ravishing."

"As you've said." She giggled.

"I can't help myself when you look this beautiful."

"I think you're running out of adjectives."

"You're attractive, charming, delightful, glamorous, breath-taking, alluring, bewitching, beguiling, handsome."

"Handsome? That's the one you end on?" She was laughing so hard that she feared her makeup would be ruined.

"I'm sorry, was my list not satisfactory?"

By the time the joint was a roach, they were giggling up a storm. Neither of them could remember what they were laughing at. It was most likely not at anything in particular.

"You ready, Darling?" He stood, extending his hand. She placed hers in his and let him pull her up. "Okay, we still have ONLY FIVE MINUTES? Oh dear, we're going to be late!" His voice shot in volume and he turned to the door quickly. He made his way out as fast as possible, turning to make sure she was still behind him.

He rushed her the whole way to Bonzo's. It was starting to annoy her. Especially because this was the first time she'd driven him anywhere. When they pulled up to a red light, he groaned. She shot him a look. "Relax, Jimmy. We're going to be fine. These are your friends. They're not going to be upset if we're a little late."

His feet rested on her dash. "Maybe they won't care, but I sure will. I don't like being late. Especially when it's my fault." She rolled her eyes and kept driving. She was half tempted to pull over and kick him out.

"You're no fun when you're high." He grumbled something under his breath that she didn't hear.

When they pulled up to Bonzo's house Jimmy jumped out of the car before she could even turn it off. They stood together on his doorstep and waited for someone to open the door. She smoothed down her dress nervously. He saw her from the corner of his eye and grabbed her hand. "They'll love you, don't worry." He whispered to her. He finished his words of encouragement with a peck on the cheek. She smiled at him before the door was ripped open.

"'Ello!" Bonzo stood before them with Patricia standing behind. He was already drunk. His face was flushed a deep shade of red and he held no regard for how loud he was. "Oh, lovely Gwen! Jimmy told me you would be here." He moved to the side and beckoned them in. He welcomed her with a kiss on the cheek and shook Jimmy's hand.

She clung to his arm as they walked through the hall into Bonzo's living room. The walls were painted cream and beige, a pretty boring color combo, she thought. Especially for how explosive Bonzo was.

"Hey, Gwen!" Robert yelled over the music. He was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with a brown woman. She smiled back at him, too nervous to speak. She looked around the room at everyone. She saw John as well. He was holding hands with a brunette. She assumed that she was his wife. Standing between Robert and John were four men she had never met before.

"Hello, love I'm Patricia, John's wife." The blonde stuck her hand for Gwen to shake. "Thank you for having us. Your home is lovely."

"Thank you!" Bonzo interrupted his wife. He simpered, clearly pleased with his actions. Patricia rolled her eyes and slapped his arm.

"You're always too fuckin' loud." She scolded him in a whisper as they walked away.

Gwen's fingers dug into Jimmy's bicep as they walked closer to the four unknown men. He looked at her, concern heavy in his eyes. "It's alright, Love. These are my mates." She gave him an unsure look. "Gwen, this is Peter, our manager. This is Richard, our tour manager, and this is Ron and Tom, our mates. Guys, this is my lady, Gwen." The four men looked at her and smiled. Peter and Richard stuck their hands out to shake her hand. She looked to Jimmy before she shook their hands. The saliva coating her throat was getting thicker as she reached out to shake the other men's hands.

Jimmy chatted with the guys for a few minutes. Gwen was silent, practically hiding in his back. Her eyes were cast to the ground, looking at all the spots Patricia had missed while vacuuming. She usually wasn't this shy, but the cannabis was causing her anxiety to skyrocket. She was worried people would think she was odd. Not that cowering behind him was making that fear any better.

"Gwen, Love, let me introduce you to my wife!" Robert's voice saved her from Peter's intensity. She turned and followed Robert to where the brown woman was standing. "This is Maureen. Maureen, this is Gwen." She smiled and gave a polite greeting.

"So you've met Peter and Cole, huh?" Robert asked. "I suppose I have." Her charm was starting to show. "Lucky you." Maureen quipped. This made Gwen giggle.

They made simple talk that brought some comfort to Gwen. "Y'know, I haven't seen Jimmy this smitten before. He's never talked about a lass the way he does you." Robert was always chatting some shit.

She opened her mouth to rebut when Jimmy walked over. "Hello, love, you doing alright?" His hand was on her back. His touch brought immediate salvation to her. "Hey, I was talking to Maureen and Robert."

"Oh, great. Now all you have to do is meet Maureen." Gwen's eyebrows drifted together in confusion. She pointed to the woman in front of her. "I have. I just told you-" The two men broke into laughter. This made her even more confused. Her face burned in embarrassment that she was being laughed at.

"John's wife is also named Maureen." Maureen said. This caused Gwen's eyes to roll. "You're such a dick." She nudged Jimmy with her elbow. His laughter floated from his mouth and into the air for the group to admire. He tossed a hand over his chest and pouted, feigning offense.

"See, I told you he's smitten. He'd never let a broad call him a dick and laugh about it. He's so sensitive." Robert whispered to Maureen.

The four talked for a short while longer until Patricia interrupted. She was standing on an end table near the entrance to the living room. "Alright, we're going to be having drinks and appetizers in the kitchen. All of ya's need to get on!" Her garish accent and attitude matched Bonzo's perfectly.

Gwen and Jimmy followed the group into the large kitchen, their hands interlocked. An island stood in the middle of the kitchen. There was a charcuterie board filled with different cheeses, crackers, fruit, and chocolates. It was very elegant and nicely put together.

Glasses of brandy sat waiting to be imbibed. "Would you like a glass?" Jimmy asked, turning to her. "Yeah, that would be great." She gave a thin smile and watched him grab two glasses. His hands wrapped around the crystal and he brought them over.

"Oh god." She winced and made a face as it burned down her throat. A laugh sputtered from Jimmy's lips and he almost spits out his drink. A hand flew over his mouth to keep the drink from dribbling down his chin. He choked the brandy down and set his glass on the counter. "You alright, love?" He continued to laugh as he wiped his mouth. "No, I don't think so." She laughed some more and coughed.

"Alright, everyone's had time to grab a drink. Let's come and sit for a meal!" Patricia welcomed everyone to the table. Gwen shot Jimmy a look as they sat down. He gave her a look back and shrugged. They continued their telepathy throughout dinner; sending knowing smiles when someone said something questionable.

Dinner had been going well. Gwen and Jimmy wolfed their dinner down to remedy their munchies. Everything was delicious and sated their empty stomachs. "Well, Bonz, you've found one to keep around. She'll keep you plump." The words tumbled from Grant's mouth dipped in his thick London accent. The table was silent for a moment before Bonzo broke the tension. A snicker fought against his teeth. When Gwen looked at Jimmy he was laughing as well. She kicked his leg under the table lightly, shaking her head. He laughed even more at this and she joined in.

"Pagey, she kicks you and you're not going to say anything about it?" Robert began to prod. "Have you gone soft on us?" Bonzo asked.

Now it was Gwen's turn to hold in her giggle. She couldn't help it when she saw Jimmy's face. Her laughter bubbled from her mouth. This piqued Robert's interest. He'd never made her laugh when he thought about it. It was a beautiful sound.

She sported a California look, which was foreign and beautiful to him. She was undoubtedly American in his eyes. Her hair hung long, reaching her mid-back; paired with her grown-in body hair, this gave her the look of a hippie. Her vocabulary refused to budge, staying true to her accent. It was reminiscent of the San Francisco scene he admired. She was a gem.

"What is that?" She pointed to the dish on his plate. "It's called Carbonara. It's like pasta but it has cheese sauce and meat in it. Would you like to try it?" He looked at her inquisitively. "Ooo, that sounds yum! I would love a bite." He twirled the pasta in his fork and delivered it to her mouth, holding a cupped hand under the utensil. "That's pretty good!" She grinned.

"Gwen," Robert interrupted their quiet laughter, "Have you ever had eggplant?" He asked coyly. She pushed her brows together and looked at Jimmy. "No, I haven't." She replied. "You should try it," He produced a forkful of the vegetable, "It's weird but um... it's good, really." She shrugged and allowed him to feed her. She scrunched her face up like she did with the brandy. "That was horrible, Robert. Do you hate me?" She joked.

He gave her a nervous laugh before turning the charm back on. "Of course not, love. I think you're delectable." Gwen's eyes shot to Maureen, who seemed to find his comments funny. "Delectable? Really, Robert?" His eyes rolled. Robert smiled wide and cheesy, causing Gwen to laugh again.

Bonzo saved the three from the awkward interaction. "Here's to the commencement of another great tour! It's a joy to play with you all. 'Specially you, James." He tipped his glass. Jimmy gave a short bow and raised his glass. "Thanks, Bonz. But I think you're the real treat here. Never met a better drummer." Gwen patted Jimmy's back and whispered something in his ear that produced a smile.

"It's really a wonder that you caught him on a good day. You know the ole girl wouldn't allow James when he's woken on the wrong side of the bed. Can't have any slander." Robert smirked into his glass before taking a drink. Jimmy's face went sour. "Yes, aren't we all in the good graces of the lord," Bonzo said.

"Do you know the story of Queen Guinevere?" Robert had suddenly turned to the pair, "She was the lovely queen to King Arthur. And she had a love affair with Lancelot, Arthur's best knight. You surely live up to your namesake. Perhaps you will find your Lancelot." He spoke slowly in a whimsical tone. Gwen nodded along, trying her best not to laugh. She painted a false face of interest.

"Save the impish musing for your lyrics, Robert," Jimmy said. He sat with his arms folded for the rest of dinner. The look inflicted by Robert's earlier comment never left his face. It wasn't helped by the next round of jabs.

"What you guys did on the second track was really nice. You laid it down clean. Good stuff, really." The blond man she met earlier spoke in detail with John and Robert. John was nodding along with what he said. "Well, I think it sounds lovely. A much fresher sound than the repetition of Livin' Lovin' Maid. Wouldn't you agree, Jim?" Robert rushed to cut John off from speaking his peace. Jimmy simply nodded, the scowl planted deep on his face.

The party dragged on for another hour. Gwen was making lively conversation with John and Maureen. She even mingled with Bonzo and Patricia. But stayed clear of Peter and the other men she didn't know. Jimmy was plastered to his seat. He didn't care to talk, he just sat back looking disgruntled. This bothered Gwen a great deal.

If he's going to be a jealous idiot then I want to go home! This party is no fun if the guy who brought me here is going to sulk because his friend thinks I'm cute. I'm sure he's ready to go. So let's just get on with it. The car ride home is going to be interesting!

"Hey, are you ready to leave?" Gwen nudged him with her elbow. He looked at her and simply nodded. "Okay, well we've got to go. I have a shoot early in the morning." She stood from the couch and they said their goodbyes.

After a few minutes of silence, Gwen finally broke the tension. "Well, that was lovely. Patricia made a great spread." She looked to Jimmy, who was staring out the window. "I suppose so." He said. Her eyes rolled at his childish behavior. "Why are you mad?" She turned to him at a red light.

"I'm not." He replied, arms still folded over his chest. "Well, that's good." She knew this would get under his skin. Perhaps if he got upset enough he would share his feelings. But this was not the case. The rest of the car ride was silent.

When they got to the boathouse Jimmy didn't make an effort to take his shoes off, instead opting to run right upstairs. Gwen was left in the doorway, confused and alone. She rolled her eyes and hung up her coat. She made her way upstairs, seeing lamplight pouring from the bedroom. Jimmy was undressing, getting ready for bed. "Did you enjoy the party?" She prodded once more.

I wish she'd just leave it alone. She's downright obsessive, trying to get me to share my thoughts.

"It was alright." He shrugged.

Her anger finally turned. "What is your deal? First, you make a show of being pissy and now you won't talk to me? Just because you're jealous?" He twisted his face in confusion. "And how can you be jealous when you told me you're sleeping with other people? That's ridiculous!" She continued. "And don't pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about. I see your face."

"I'm not jealous of that shameless sod. I'm pissed because he makes everything a competition!" He finally spilled. Gwen pressed her lips together in embarrassment. "Did you hear him? Talking about repetitive riffs and calling me that stupid nickname!" His eyes rolled.

"I thought you were mad because of what Robert was saying to me."

"No. I don't care about that. He flirts with everyone. Christ, he even chats up Grant! He can't help himself."

Gwen couldn't help but laugh. Mostly at herself, partly at the ridiculous "This has all been ridiculous. Can you just tell me next time when you're upset?"

"Maybe." Jimmy folded his arms and turned away from her jokingly. She laughed again and threw a pillow at him. "What's wrong now?" She jabbed.

"We're not in bed with a joint."

"Well, I can remedy both of those things. Give me one moment."



, , @jimmys-zeppelin , @paginate54 , ​

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