The Contradiction Between Hum...

By Weeblet-san

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Mochizuki Aito, a white room product, is trying to enjoy the three years of freedom he was given due to the w... More

Aito Mochizuki's Monologue
Chapter 1: The Beginning of My New School Life
Chapter 2: A Random Encounter
Chapter 3: Special Gift
Chapter 4: Club Registration
Chapter 5: Swiming Class
Chapter 6: Murderous Intent
Chapter 7: Zero Points
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Chapter 9: Improvement
Chapter 10: Development
Chapter 11: Misunderstanding
Chapter 12: Island Exam Begins
Chapter 13: Strategies Forming
Chapter 14: Conflict
Chapter 15: Phase One Complete
Chapter 16: Deal
Chapter 17: Reason
Chapter 18: Results
Chapter 19: Future
Chapter 20: Discussion
Chapter 21: Opinion
Chapter 22: Students
Chapter 23: Entertainment
Chapter 24: Persuasion
Chapter 25: Next Step
Chapter 27: Perspective
Chapter 28: Game
Chapter 29: Opportunity
Chapter 30: Identity
Chapter 31: Effect
Chapter 32: One-Sided
Chapter 33: Observation
Chapter 34: Change
Chapter 35: Break

Chapter 26: Cooperation

860 41 2
By Weeblet-san

   I headed back to my room. It was just a few minutes after the group meeting, so I sat down on the sofa without talking to anyone. It was getting late. I'd thought that everyone would be late getting here but Miyake was here when I first entered. He sighed, I sat on the sofa, facing him, which caused me to speak.

   "Ah, that reminds me, weren't you in the Monkey group?" I asked.

   I really want to know how it was to be in a group with Kōenji. How did the discussion even go? Did he even participate in the first place? While I want answers, I won't pry further as Miyake doesn't look like he wants to tell me, for now at least.

   "Yeah, I'm still a bit shocked that it ended so soon. There was no indication that someone would betray the group," Miyake responded.

   "That's just how things go, there wasn't anything you could do about it?" I stretched my limbs.

   The test suddenly ended, with no one in control of the outcome. It was definitely strange how the moment I put my phone down the test ended for the Monkey group. Definitely suspicious, but I didn't do anything of that sort, or did I?

   "I'm tired from all of that," I said, referring to all of the meetings I had.

   "Must be tough with the pressure of being in the Dragon group?" said Miyake.

   A part of the meeting was indeed boring, with the results being obvious I got bored of watching them debate over something that is already done. I know they also feel the same way. That's why I prevented those Class A students from talking, why can't they shut the fuck up and follow Katsuragi's example?

   Although I complained, it was interesting seeing everyone's reactions to the test ending for the Monkey group.

   "The main protagonist does not feel such things as pressure! The power of friendship will make them overcome any obstacles!" Sotomura, also known as the professor, joined the conversation as he entered the room.

   Sotomura should have valuable information as he's in the rabbit group which is also the same as Kiyotaka. While Sotomura's explanation may be biased, it'll give more insight into the group since the person I will be asking is a Class D student.

   "You know this isn't an anime," Miyake gave an exasperated sigh.

   "More like fanfiction, am I right?" Sotomura nodded to himself.

   "Sure..." Miyake said, a bit weird about Sotomura's eccentric attitude.

   "Anyways, since we're just talking about the exam, how is it going for you?" Miyake changed the topic before Sotomura could blurt something else.

   "Hm, hm, I see that's what you want to know. Very well, I'll tell you, it's going horribly," he made it sound very dramatic.

   "That's to be expected," I stated.

   "Why is that expected, Mochizuki?" Miyake asked.

   "If you look at the members of the Rabbit group, it's become obvious that you wouldn't be able to work together." I explained to the confused Sotomura and Miyake.

   "Now that you mention it, are our classmates at least working together?" asked a worried Miyake.

   "Nope! In fact, there's tension between us."

   "I'm surprised someone like you even noticed that," muttered Miyake.

   I wholeheartedly agree with Miyake. Who wouldn have thought someone as clueless as Sotomura noticed something like that.

   "Is that why you seem stressed, did something happen?" Since I noticed something off about him, I asked him about it.

   "Quite the observant catch, but yes, I am feeling worse than usual."

   He then proceeded to elaborate on their situation, though some parts turned into rants but we'll ignore that. Anyhow, his words proved quite useful in understanding many things. From what I just heard it doesn't seem like Kiyotaka is doing anything worthwhile, or at least on the surface.

   Is he really trying to get Class A in this exam? Due to the one sided deal between him and Chabashira-sensei, Kiyotaka should attempt to advance to Class A. Although this is the case, I don't think he can do anything in this exam other than his own groups. Otherwise there would have been major changes. Nobody should know the group's VIP's other than Kushida, Horikita, Hirata, and I. Seeing that Kiyotaka isn't sociable or popular, he can't really act or he will get attention from the other class and I know he doesn't want that.

   Even Chabashira-sensei can't expel him since she understands that he can't exactly do much. Well, unfortunately for her we won't move to Class C.

   "It has turned into quite a bothersome ordeal. Being partnered with a bitch like that," spat the Sotomura.

   "I don't know who you are specifically talking about but from what you've told us, she sounds like one hell a bitch," I said to which Miyake nodded in agreement.

   "It seems like she'll only drag your group down, cooperations is really important for this test," Miyake added.

   I faked not knowing who he was talking about although it was very obvious he was complaining about Karuizawa. He didn't even need to say her name, not that he would as he keeps referring to her as 'bitch'.

   "That is certainly true, hmm? She's an unforgivable bitch. She's a bitch among bitches, wouldn't you say?" Sotomura kept going on repeating the same complaints.

   While I don't mind him venting his frustration, can't he at least be more quiet about it. I'm not trying to hear some dude insulting someone else for minutes. Even I will get annoyed from time to time.

   "Our current situation isn't bad per say, but a lot of us aren't working together," I started another conversation with Miyake, leaving Sotomura out of it, which is for the best.

   From what I've heard most of the Class D students are working together. While it's not necessary, it's still a big step towards winning. If I had to guess a reason for this behavior, then I would blame the class points. Yes, I did do that but it doesn't mean they have to act like that.

   "To make matters worse we don't even know who betrayed the Monkey group," Miyake once again sighed.

   This was certainly true, the traitor could be from any of the four classes. Whether they were correct with their judgement is another story. Though I doubt that they would submit an answer if they weren't sure whether it was correct.

   "We shouldn't be stressed due to something like this. The most we can do right now is wait to see the results," I said.

   Just wait for the results, I'm sure it'll be nothing out of the ordinary.

   "You're right, there's nothing we can do about it."

   With that Miyake somewhat got rid of his stressed, tense expression, instead being replaced by one of relief. As much as I want to rest, there is a time and place for that. Otherwise I would've done so a long time ago. I once again stood up and left the rooms. Taking out my phone, I dialed a certain phone number. The person on the other end soon answered.

   "Hey, would you like to meet up somewhere to discuss things regarding this test. Don't worry, if you want more details we can figure it out when we meet in person."

   "Of course, you don't have to agree. It's up to you, but you'll probably want to hear what I have to say."

   A few more dialogues between us happened before I put my phone back in my right pocket. Now that they agreed, I have a lot of free time since tomorrow is the day where I'll meet with them. I'll probably rest, then visit Kiyotaka. He should be enjoying his peaceful life, I hope. Anyways, I went back to the rooms and plopped myself to the bed. Soon I drifted to sleep, knowing that I will have a long day awaiting me tomorrow.

   "How have you been doing on the test so far?"

   "Quite surprising you actually care so much, or maybe you want to know my movements to ensure things go according to you," I joked.

   While the sentence sounded like a joke, because I made it sound like one, from an outsider's perspective you wouldn't think much of it. Unfortunately, things aren't as simple as you might think. Even though we've been together for a long time, Kiyotaka has no problem with getting in my way. All we can do is talk things through like civilized people. If we don't, it'll be annoying dealing with a change in my plans and I know that's the same for Kiyotaka.

   "I'm going to be honest with you, I've already ensured my win in this test," I smirked, full of confidence.

   "That's nothing surprising for someone like you," remarked Kiyotaka.

   "Well, what do you want me to do with this information?"

   "Maybe I'm just telling you because I felt like it," I gave an alternative reason, shrugging my shoulders.

   "While I agree, it's obvious that you also need something from me."

   "As observant as always, though you're right for the most part."

   "You know I can get you expelled?" I stopped with my carefreeness and got serious.

   "I see, according to the deal with Chabashira-sensei, I have to try to reach Class A otherwise I'll get expelled," Kiyotaka said, not once changing his expression.

   "If she learns that you didn't do anything and the results were not favorable at all, what would happen?" I asked.

   "You'll have to say goodbye to your freedom," I finished.

   "And you think I haven't made counter measures for that?" Kiyotaka asked a question of his own.

   "Who knows, though it matters little to me. I have nothing to lose after all," I explained.

   "So what do you want?" Kiyotaka inquired, dismissing my previous statements.

   "Hmm, what could you be talking about?" I played dumb for no reason other than wanting to that once.

   "There clearly are many flaws with your 'threat', you wouldn't put little effort or care when it comes to your plans. This leads me to the conclusion that you're looking for something else," said Kiyotaka.

   "Then there's the fact that you brought up the deal between Chabashira-sensei and me, which means it's involved in what you came for today," continued Kiyotaka.

   "Splendid, to get so much information in such little time. I thought your skills would've gotten rusty but no, you're the same as ever," I chuckled, somewhat impressed by this.

   I wanted to see if he still has his normal insight, it would be bad if he got worse. Though from the looks of it, there was no reason for me to get worried like that.

   "It's like you said, there's something I want. Of course, I would give you something as important." I secretly slipped a piece of paper into Kiyotaks hand, without showing any suspicious movement.

   "I'll make the deal between you and Chabashira-sensei disappear, meaning that you get your freedom back." I revealed one of my cards.

   Kiyotaka and I know that she is most likely lying but there's the chance she will actually expel Kiyotaka. With me being here, that has increased it even more. I presume that Chabashira-sensei hasn't done anything rash because she can't get me to cooperate so she has to rely on Kiyotaka.

   And now I'm going to take that away from here. Her only ticket to Class A, what could be her reaction to such a catastrophic event? Poor her, I mean I feel no pity but still poor her.

   "What is it that you want from me in exchange?" Kiyotaka looked at me expecting something unknown.

   "It's really simple, you see,"

   It actually is, I'm pretty certain that Kiyotaka has no problems with agreeing. Unless there's something behind his reluctance. If it is what I'm thinking then I can only see how to convince him.

   "Well, if you want the answer just look at the piece of paper I gave you," I said.

   Kiyotaka looked at it for a bit before realizing what I meant. Then he let the paper get soaked by water, ripped it, and threw it away, mumbling something to himself. I patiently waited for him as I took a sip of my water.

   Completely unrelated to this but I always drink water whenever I wake up. It was a habit I developed in the white room. It makes me feel better in the morning from all that training and studying.

   "Why did you have to go all the way leaving evidence? You could've said it without all those extra steps," Kiyotaka asked curiously, mostly playing dumb.

   "Since it's suspenseful! In all seriousness, because I want to test something."

   Someone could easily be eavesdropping on our conversation. While that is highly unlikely, I'm not taking any chances right now. Sending an email would leave traces of it. If I used my phone the light would blind me as it still is early in the morning. Although surveillance cameras are recording everything as we speak, they don't pick up audio. So why would I go out of my way to write it on a piece of paper and let the camera record it?

   Well, here's the answer to my actions, it was to hide the real reason behind this meeting. Unlike the previous meeting with Kiyotaka, we're currently alone, early in the morning. It would be suspicious to meet like this without reason. But what if I wrote the VIP's name in the paper? It would just look like I showed my classmates who are the VIP's in our class.

   We're just merely working together to beat this test, that's all. Nothing else, definitely...

   "Anyways, that's what I want. It's necessary for my other plans. You should've already had an idea of those, right?"

   "Yes but whether I agree or not is another matter," Kiyotaka responded.

   "All right then, let me sweeten the deal," I nodded to myself, expecting that response.

   "500,000 private points."

   "Or maybe 1,000,000 private points but that will make you give something else in return." I said.

   Private points are extremely useful, in many ways. They can be used to buy anything, I repeat anything within this school. I already thought of many ways of using private points to my benefit. As such every single point is useful to me.

   As much as I'm reluctant to give that much points away to Kiyotaka, if it will get him to agree it'll be worth every single point spent. Both of us are going to benefit from this deal.

   To be completely honest, I could've continued my plan behind his back albeit being much harder for it to work. I'm a respectful person to those who earn my respect. Since Kiyotaka is somewhat involved in something I desire, I'll tell him what's necessary to see if he agrees. If he wasn't specifically involved then I would've left him alone, perhaps things would have been different if Kiyotaka didn't have that plan in mind.

   This is really troublesome, but not to the point where I would fight Kiyotaka for it. On the chance I fail, it'll be hard to complete my end of the deal. Though that just means I'll have to find another source. Well, I already know how that's going, I talked to them through my phone a few hours ago.

   Of course, I will also give him something worthwhile, I do things fairly. I follow the law of equivalent exchange, after all. Same goes for this friendly deal with Kiyotaka.

   "Private points have a lot of uses, thus getting more will tremendously help you in case you're in trouble."

   "I agree," Kiyotaka gave a short response.

   "Does it have to be this one specifically?" I posed a question that has been on my mind for the whole time since this meeting began.

   "Well, that's true for the most part."

   "How will we finalize this deal?" Kiyotaka asked a very good question.

   "Hmm, it will be difficult to write it in contract..." my voice trailed off.

   "Indeed, the contents would be strange, at best."

   "I think I can write the private points part but the rest will have to be a mutual agreement by ourselves," I said.

   "Perhaps we can record the audio but have the agreement be cryptic."

   "Yeah, but that will lead to many loopholes since you can interpret the words in different ways."

   "I know! We can lie in the contract while having the overall idea the same," I proposed.

   "You know that's what I exactly said a couple seconds ago?" Kiyokaka pouted—nah mouth just slightly, barely moved into a frown.

   "No, that's wrong!" I shouted, stretching my arm as I pointed at him with my index finger.


   "Act like that never happened."


   "I will say this is a good way to write a contract" I agreed with his method.

   "Make sure to not misspelled anything."

   "You act like I would do something like that."

   Before signing it, I made sure to read it over and over, Kiyotaka was doing the same. After a while we both signed. It's not that we didn't trust each other, maybe, even I don't know myself.

   Anyways, this situation is similar to the prisoner's dilemma.

   While I know for sure that I won't betray Kiyotaka, the same cannot be said for him. Giving the chance he would if it meant 'winning in the end' as Kiyotaka would say. This is a precautionary step so it doesn't happen. I'm not willing to take any chances.

   "If you look at it, a part of the deal is very fucking strange if you realize what it actually is," I chuckled nervously as if I found that humor funny.

   "Keep in mind that you asked for that," Kiyotaka said with a straight face.

   "If someone heard this, they would surely get the wrong idea!" I reminded Kiyotaka to not get me into a misunderstanding.

   "You do know that if you break the contract, the school will know about this," Kiyotaka said, and I swear he look a bit smug.

   "Just think of it as a way to ensure that I don't betray you," I sighed.

   I gave up the fact that I cannot do anything if Kiyotaka shows the contract to the school. While it certainly would cause me trouble, Kiyotaka is in more danger as he was the other person who agreed to the deal. Not to mention that both of our signatures are written on the contract, meaning it will definitely prove that each of us wrote it. Though I'm sure Kiyotaka wouldn't do something as stupid as that.

   "Fair enough," Kiyotaka nodded.

   "I guess I'll be taking my leave, see you soon," I turned back and walked away, waving.

   "Oh, I forgot to mention this since it wasn't part of the deal," I stopped.

   But I didn't turn around as my back was still facing him. I couldn't see his expression and the other way applied, he couldn't see my expression.

   "You have my full cooperation against him," My tone was the most similar to back when I found Kiyotaka at the last day of the island exam.

   "Don't forget that," And with that I walked away.

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