Dreams are meant to be achived

By shadowcat2206

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Have you ever had a dream? one that no matter what others tell you, deep down your heart you know you will be... More

Author's Note
The start
¿What does it take to be a hero?
First day at UA
Bakugo friend or foe?
Getting to know Class 1-B
Who could be the class rep?
Class 1-A vs League of villains
Not a Chapter
The aftermath of the attack
The Sport festival
The start of the Internship
Heroes vs Hero Killer
What are we?
Girls night
Getting ready for the final exams
Final exams
Author Note 3
Fun time with class 1-A
School trip
Villains at the training camp
To save a friend
Love or Foe?
Plans and Ilusions
The traitor
License Exam Part 1
License exam part 2 and more

Unexpected Friends

245 9 26
By shadowcat2206

Jirou's POV:

When I woke up only All Might was at my side, I was a little hurt that no one else had come to see me, especially Momo since I did got a beating from Bakugo

"Youngster Jirou-san, I'm glad you are awake now"

"Thanks" was all I said

"Is there something wrong young Jirou? You don't seem like yourself, you haven't for some days" he asked me

"I..I just.." *what do I say? Oh It's nothing to worry about I just got my heart broken into million of pieces since the girl I love fell in love with someone else and I can't do anything about it because you don't decide who you fall for, but it's all fine I will be the same Kyoka in no time* while thinking that I felt like crying, I was about to clean my tears when All Might hugged me

"it's ok to cry young Jirou, it's alright to feel bad" he said patting my head, and just like that I started crying harder

"I know you are trying hard; I know you are giving your all and sometimes life is not fair with us, I'm not sure what had happened but I can tell you that it gets better with time, everything does" I felt a little better hearing those words, I was crying still but I had to ask

"Are you not mad that I had used one for all? I had almost punched Todoroki with it" I said

"I know you tried to do so, but it didn't happen young Jirou and what matters right now the most is what is my student feeling for her to let the power control her, I know normally you wouldn't do so, you have the heart of a hero" my eyes widened at hearing that and I found myself crying my eyes out while holding All Might, that's what I wanted the most, to be a hero not a villain

He didn't say anything and just stroked my hair, letting me cry

No one POV:

Outside the infirmary was Aizawa who watched the scene unfold, he felt bad watching his kid cry like that, and knew that Jirou was far from being a villain but he still believed that if he didn't punished her actions she would find it easier to repeat doing that since there was no consequences to her acts

He waited for a while before entering the room

"how are you feeling kid?" he asked Jirou when he finally entered

"fine" was all Jirou said, she was mad at her dad's punishment it felt like it was a little too much, she wanted to talk with her friends, make sure they didn't hate her and now she couldn't do so, what would make things a little better was that the practices they have promised them before the festival would start so even if she wanted to talk with them she would have to wait after school to do so, but it still meant that she was not going with them to the mall or to the park or anywhere, she would have to have her old life where all she did was train, and even worse now she would double train, Jirou felt like closing again, if she couldn't have friends because this will be her punishment why bother in trying? Before she could continue with this line of thought

"Good, then get ready because as soon as we get home you have training" Aizawa told her with a stern look

"Eraser my friend don't you think you should let the kid relax a little she just had a whole day of training, and was hurt in the process, maybe resting would be good for her" All Might tried to plead with his friend but the glare he was given was all the words needed to tell him that he wouldn't stop, All Might knew Aizawa was scared, scared of the power that his daughter now hold, scared of the future and how would the society would take that All Might was no longer the peace symbol, scared for his daughter that now would have to fight for the life of others as well as herself, he wanted her to be ready but nothing can prepare you for the horrors one must go through to become a hero all you can do is know your abilities and wish for the best

"thank you for your words sensei All Might, I will see you in tomorrow's training" All Might nodded at Jirou and couldn't help but felt a little bad for her

Jirou and Aizawa left the infirmary and went home where they would train, in this training Jirou would have to avoid attacks from Aizawa, run around the house among other things but while they were on the first step of the training Jirou couldn't concentrate, she was so tired and had used her quirk all day that she could only avoid 3 of her dad's punches

"Come on Kyoka, do you feel like a punching bag today or what?" Aizawa ask her, he could see she was tired but he needed to push her, not all the villains will care if the kid was tired

"use it, train with me as if I was All Might" he told her, at first she didn't want to but he reassured her with

"if anything goes out of control I can use my quirk on you to stop you" with that she nodded trying to concentrate again

After that brief exchange of words Kyoka did a little better thanks to the speed one for all quirk gave her when she used it on her foot but it still ended in Aizawa beating her ass

When Aizawa finally let her go to her room Kyoka was feeling like shit, she didn't bothered using her quirk to "see" she was touching the walls so she could go to her room, she felt like she was standing thanks to magic because all her muscles were screaming at her they begged for rest but little did they know that they would have to be up in 4 hrs. for training with All Might

It has been a week since Jirou trained harder that she ever did in all her life, she would sleep a ridiculous amount of time [from 2-4 hours], only to continue running around, lifting weights, punching stuff, avoiding stuff, it was getting a toll on her, it could be seen her eyes had bags on them, she was cranky all the time, she walked around as if everything hurt, on Monday of that week Kyoka was looking forward to talk with her friends to make it a little easier but no one would reach her, they were only watching her, and for her it felt as if they were mad at her for what happened at the festival, it made her feel even worse, now she felt like shit in the outside and the inside, the next Monday something changed though, her friends still didn't talk with her but her dad announced on the classroom that she would have a "guardian" on this last week before the practices on the school, Jirou hoped with all her heart that the guardian was none other than Momo, but of course her dad wouldn't let her since he knew they were close friends, in the end it was Iida that was in charge of watching her so she would be out of trouble

How could she forget the class president, he was a rule lover of course he would be the one to watch over her, the class continued as normal after that till the bell rang

"Jirou-san it's time for us to go get some food" Iida told her, and Jirou nodded before getting up and slowly walk outside the room without saying anything

After getting their lunches they sit on a table and started eating without, saying a word, halfway through the food Iida said

"Are you ok with this? Are you ok in general? You seem... different" it was the second time they have talked but he seemed to genuinely care about how she was feeling, Jirou used a napkin to clean her mouth before saying

"do you want me to be honest with you?" to that Iida said yes and Jirou sighed

"I feel like a dog on a leash so no, I'm not ok with this, no offense, from everyone that could be watching over me I think you are a pretty nice selection but I can't do anything without you having to report It to my dad also I'm not ok in general I'm tired all the time I want to rest but everyday it gets harder and harder to get up to fulfill what they expect me to, I also feel like everyone hates me like I'm the villain on their lives and I don't blame them, to some I might actually be the villain on their life" she sighed again and Iida could see the tears on the corner of her eyes, if anything he could feel the pain on her words

"You are not the villain in anyone's lives Jirou-san, and I'm sure no one hates you they are all worried about you and want to approach you but Aizawa-sensei made this rule..."Iida eye's widened on what he had just said, Jirou was not supposed to know about the rule till a month after

"rule? What rule?" Jirou asked intrigued by what she had just heard

"nothing sorry Jirou-san I really can't say" his body position was telling Jirou that he was hiding something but she didn't want to press it, he was the only one talking with her and she didn't want to blow that up

"It's ok, I understand" Jirou was about to resume eating her lunch

"but this is an opportunity for us to get to know each other, right? You are really strong Jirou-san and not a troublemaker like Bakugo" he said and she couldn't help but laugh, this kid was strange really formal but had a nice aura on him

The days passed and each day they would talk a little more getting to know the other, Jirou got to know that Iida came from a family of heroes and that he admired his big brother more than anything, she had told him that Aizawa-sensei had adopted her when she was 8 but didn't go over the details of what happened with her family, one of the days Iida was trying to cheer Jirou up since she was crankier that other days by telling her nerd jokes [love those hahahah] and Jirou would find herself smiling at his attempts and even laughing at some of the jokes, having Iida as a friend was interesting, Jirou liked to have him to talk with when the trainings were draining her

On Thursday Jirou found herself watching the table where the girls were

"you want to talk with them right?" Iida asked her

"More than anything I want to talk with Momo" Jirou answered truthfully

Iida was fidgeting for a while before saying

"You know, Mr. Aizawa said the class couldn't talk with you but he didn't say anything of me talking with the class" Jirou face lit up at what it meant

"Would you really do that for me?" after seeing how happy it made her, Iida nodded and asked what she wanted to tell them, after Jirou told him, he felt bad that he hadn't thought of this sooner before getting up and walking to the girls

"Hi girls" he started

"Hi Iida-san" they all greeted

"I have a message for you" Iida spoke quietly afraid of being heard, Momo felt her heart jump at that, Iida was the only one in contact with Jirou since that stupid rule was applied, the rule consisted in that anyone beside Iida that spoke with Jirou would be expelled of the school, Momo wanted to talk with Jirou, she wanted to apologize to her, hug her, be there for her, she saw the state Jirou would come to class everyday, walking like a zombie, her eyes telling that she haven't been sleeping well but at the same time she didn't want to stop attending the school of her dreams, she was close to speaking with Jirou once because like she said if Jirou needed her she would be there but that was when Aizawa-sensei assigned Iida to "guard" Jirou and after that she saw them go from not speaking at all to laughing at jokes, it made her smile feeling like Jirou was a little less stressed but she was counting the days for her to be the one making Jirou laugh

"Jirou wants you to know that she is sorry, for everything that happened before and on the festival, she had been having double the training than before after the villains attacked us, because she felt she was not strong enough so she neglected you girls, but she said that she misses everyone of you very much, and to you Momo, she is specially sorry to you, she wishes you the best with your boyfriend and she said her behavior with him was unacceptable and that if you are ready to forgive her she would explain to you why was she like that when the month is over"

The girls let Iida's words sink in, all the times they wanted to have a sleep over Jirou couldn't attend because she was trying to be stronger to protect her friends and she was even apologizing to them for not being there for them, they all felt their hearts warm up for their friend, she was as amazing as always, this was the Jirou, Momo had fell for, the one she was in love with

Momo was the first one to speak to Iida

"Iida-san could you please tell here there is nothing to be sorry about? And that I'm counting the days till I can explain everything to her please?" Iida nodded at Momo's request and 1 by 1 the girls told him their message for Jiro, when he went back to Jirou he told her that all the girls missed her, that they wanted to talk with her more than anything and that she had nothing to apologize for, what intrigued Jirou was what was that Momo wanted to explain?

On Friday training with All Might and Midnight, All Might told Jirou that they would suspend the training for her to be able to complete here practices since some of the agencies were not in the same district as the school and that they would resume the trainings after, once she was on her class Aizawa- sensei told the class that most years the agencies would ask for all the students, but this year they had concentrated in 2 students those being Todoroki and Bakugo so everyone else had to fill a form to select 5 agencies they would like to work with and the agencies would decide who to accept

"ah I almost forgot; Jirou-san you did had recommendation I will explain it to you later but you don't need to fill the form" Aizawa informed her, by now she didn't had a choice so she would have her internship done with whoever had asked for her

After the class was over her dad took her to All Might

"your internship will be done with my ex-teacher" All Might said, and Jirou was surprised who has trained All Might? They must be really strong so she looked forward to learning from them

"Get your suitcase ready because you depart tomorrow to his house" Jirou nodded

Jirou was excited to start this new experience and to have a little time off training it would be like vacations, or so she thought

Meanwhile somewhere else in Japan

"You surely have made a name for yourself in the past month" It was Shigaraki that was speaking with a tall guy with long face and a red mask over his eyes

"the hero killer, you have an impressive count of deaths on you" Shigaraki continued

"What is your motive, what impulse you to kill heroes?" the "hero killer" asked Shigaraki

"I just want to kill All Might" that seemed to enrage the hero killer as he said

"what's the point on killing for the sake of it? I'm sorry I was at least a little interested in you association" he said as he made his way to the exit, Shigaraki didn't try to stop him

While the hero killer was "patrolling" the Hosu district he found his next victim, it was true he was killing heroes but he wasn't killing them at random, he was killing only those who were not true heroes, the one that only wanted the fame and glory that came with being a hero and wouldn't care for the civils, while he was getting rid of his victim another hero appear he was tall wearing an armor like suit

"Hero Killer my name is Ingenium and I'm going to stop you for the sake of the city" was what the kid said to the killer but he didn't stand a chance, before he could even blink the hero killer had made a gash on his shoulder and he wasn't able to move, ingenium was sure he was dead but to his surprise the hero killer didn't kill him, he made sure he was still breathing but that doesn't mean he was left unscratched

When the ambulance got him to the hospital, he was still fighting for his life after a surgery after another he was placed on a hospital room where they told him he wouldn't be able to walk anymore, he cried for his sake and for his brother, he knew that he had inspired his brother to try and become a hero too, and with this he wasn't sure how Tenya would take it

When Tenya was able to visit him before going to his internship he saw his eyes, all the fear and regret Tenya was holding, so Tensei did what he thought the best

"please take my hero name as yours Tenya, make Ingenium live through you, become the hero I could never be, I believe you can do it" was all he said to his brother that started crying at the sight of his hero defeated

Unknown to Tensei, Tenya's heart was being filled with rage and revenge, he wanted to avenge his brother, to bring this killer to justice or even kill him himself for almost taking the most precious thing for him

So with that set on his mind, Tenya said his goodbyes to his brother and parted to his internship in the same district that his brother had been attacked, the Hosu district

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's a wrap for today's chapter (yes i'm currently working on the 12 heroes vs hero killer) 

As always I hope you are enjoying the story, if you are please feel free to tell me so on the coments :D, If you can give me constructive criticism I would love it too since like I have stated this is my first story hahaha, have a nice day and stay safe

Love you,


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