Another Cinderella Story ā€¢ Ha...

By chrissybaeevans

19.1K 670 351

āœØ MINI SERIES āœØ After your father's passing, you're forced to stay with your stepmother and three step siste... More

Casting āœØ
Part l ā€¢ Introduction
Part lll ā€¢ If This Were A Fairytale
Part IV ā€¢ Prince Charming Wears Dolce
Part V ā€¢ King of Her Heart
Part VI ā€¢ Happily Ever After
bonus ā€¢ little barber bakers šŸŽ‚
moodboards + playlist
bonus ā€¢ the bake sale šŸ§

Part ll ā€¢ Summer Has Begun

2.1K 80 45
By chrissybaeevans

I'm obsessed with writing this mini series....I think about it all day and I'm glued to my computer... all day...

Part 2: Summer has Begun

TW: serious mental abuse, physical abuse, Lily is cruel AF she deserves to be on the warnings list.

"So Hayden, what's it like at Harvard?" Lily sips her wine, curiously awaiting Hayden's answer, looking at him from across the table as Serena and Blair drooled with only watching him.

Hayden gulps, intimidated by Lily's powerful stare, and having Serena and Blair watch his every move as they sat very close beside him.

His parents gave him reprimanding looks from across the table, they had a talk before they got here, scolding him as if he were 10 years old and giving him a refresher course on his manners - as if he didn't have any.

Hayden refused to go with his parents chauffeur so he took his own car so he's be welcome to leave when he wanted to.

"It's great, Mrs. Van der Woodsen," Hayden replies, still earning a mean look from his mom because it took him so long to respond, "I've made great friends so far and I really like my professors."

"Please, honey," Lily sets her third glass down, "call me Lily," she smiles over at the young blonde, "what are you majoring in again, Hayden?"

Hayden was going to answer when his father interrupted, 'here we go,' he thought, his father always had something to say about his decision to be...

"He's undecided," George fixes his tie, the topic making his blood pressure go up, "I don't know why because his father is one of the best lawyers in this damn city.." George's voice was rough and there was a lot of unspoken anger between Hayden and his father.

"Please honey, he already told us he wants to get a feel for what he really wants to do," Annie calmed her husband down, "we said we'd support him."

"I said I'd support him, but I didn't say I agreed with him." George spoke as if Hayden weren't in the room, feeling embarassed that he was on the spot in front of Miss Lily and her daughters. 

You and Gila were eavesdropping and not on purpose, in the kitchen. They were speaking very loudly and the dinning room connected into the kitchen so, it couldn't be helped. You could tell George was one of those snotty old men who didn't give a fuck about their child's desires, their dreams, he would be the type to take Hayden and force him to be a lawyer just because he is already one.

Hayden was just about to open his mouth to speak again when he jumps up suddenly when Blair touches a bit high up on his thigh, higher than he would like. He forgot they were even there, breathing on his neck and looking at him as if he were a piece of steak, so he kindly excused himself and disappeared into the hallway - trying to find the bathroom in this godforsaken penthouse.

You didn't realize he wasn't sitting at the table when Gila asked you to start serving the appetizers, the first course. 5 minutes you prepared yourself to walk out there, with the fear of being embarassed by Lily or her daughters in front of that blondie who strangely made your palms sweat and lose your train of thought.

"Finally, Y/n!" Lily whispered to you angrily as her face twisted when she turned her head to speak to you.

George and Annie were engaged in a conversation with Serena and Blair about their plans for the future so they didn't hear.

"I don't pay you to stay in the kitchen, gossiping with Gila, do I?" She yanked the tray of shrimp and dipping sauce from your hands.

"You don't pay me at all." You stated, looking at her confused.

Lily heard what you said and stood up, pardoning that she was leaving the table with her guests just to grab your arm hard and lead you to the foyer, no she dragged you as your tripped over your own feet wincing at the force she used.

Stopping by the front door, she let go making you catch yourself as you rubbed where she squeezed.

"Next time you speak to me in that manner in front of my guests--" She started with her threatening, like she always did but she was all talk.

"--you'll what, Lily? Throw me out? Oh! Please do!" You begged her, feeling less intimidated by her as you lurked closer, "I ask myself what I'm doing here, why I still wake up in this god damn penthouse when all you do is treat me like a maid! So, please, tell me that you're kicking me out because that is amazing news!" Your smile was anything but sincere.

Something switched in those green eyes of hers, it was like she could get bitchier, "And tell me Y/n where would you go? What source of income will you live off of?"

"Lily, do I have to remind you that you do not pay me? You make me do things against my will? Ever since my father died, you treat me like shit. Even when he was alive, you treated me like shit and don't get me started on your devil-like daughters! All they do is torment me everyday, sometimes I wonder what karma I'm paying for, why I have to put up with your shit everyday!" You stomped your foot, opening your mouth to proceed before Lily slapped you across the face, making your hand go up on instinct to try to soothe the tingly sensation.

She waited for you to process that, yes, she really just slapped you. Before she approached closer, "Guess what, little girl, your father is no where around, do you see him? He can't come running to save you, and may I remind you that the reason you eat, the reason you have a shelter above your head, the reason I don't kick you out on the street right now is because you need me as much as I need you, therefore you will continue your duties without a single complain because I swear to god, Y/n, I'll lock you up in that room like I did the last time."

You quickly shook your head at that awful memory and wiped a tear that had escaped, not daring to face her or look her in her evil eyes as she continued to threaten you.

"I do not want to hear you complaining again, because I'll give you something to complain about. Even if you do run away, to your little friend Kate's house," she said and that's when you finally looked up at her, how did she know about Kate?

"I'll simply bring the police with me and take you right back home where you belong. You can't run from me, Y/n. I am your legal guardian."

You wiped another tear rolling down your cheek, still rubbing the area where she had hit you.

"Now, go away, I do not want to see you for the rest of the night. I need to relax before my trip to Florida and you are just making that so impossible," She scrunches her brows firmly together, "while I am away, I want you to work at the restaurant and help Gila here," You somewhat rested at the fact that she was leaving for a few months, she came real close to your face and whispered, "remember, I have eyes and ears everywhere."

You waited for her to step into the dinning room before storming off and disappearing into the hallway, you were so angry with yourself, what was keeping you here? Her threats? Why didn't you have it in you to just pack up and leave?

Maybe a part of you still thinks your father is going to walk through the door and protect you...

You cried all the way down the hallway as you yanked off the stupid apron Lily made you wear, taking your hair down from being in a bun, before reaching your room which was upstairs where the rest of the employees lived, in the not as fancy part of the penthouse - walking back where the hallway was indented into another hallway, you found Hayden scratching his head, looking for something.

He noticed you before walking away, jogging behind you in order to catch up, he gently grabbed your elbow making you sigh as you turned - not before wiping your tears away and hoping your eyes weren't as swollen.

Hesitantly, you looked up at him, he could tell you had been crying, eyes red and strained.

"I-I assume you're looking for the bathroom," You crossed your arms, stepping back to create a safe space between the two of you.

He smiles adorably at you, reaching to scratch the back of his head which you are now realizing is a nervous tick of his, "Believe it or not, I am. Anything to get me away from that dining room," He didn't want to seem so rude, but he never liked coming here.

Blair and Serena would overstep boundaries and pop his personal bubble, touching him when he didn't want to be touched and Lily would always ask about school which made his father's mood completely change.

"I'm in the same situation, except that I want to leave this house all together..." You were desperate to leave, but you knew that wasn't going to be possible before you find the reason of what's tying you down here.

Noticing your flustered state, Hayden really wanted to help you. You caught his eye from the very moment you walked up to his and Derek's table the other day at the restaurant.

"There's a pizza place I know on 45th street," he started to say, "I was just about to sneak out of here and grab myself a slice, would you like to join me?"

You were astounded that Harvard Hottie actually went into the city, passing the park. Almost none of the rich kids went to that part of the city because of the 'regular' people, or that's how Nate always calls them.

But, something about Hayden intrigued you, you were starting to realize he wasn't anything like the richy rich boys of the upper east side like Nate or Chuck, he seemed sweet and quiet.

"Give me the address, I'll meet you there, the last thing I want is for Lily to see me leaving with you." You tell him as you turn to walk to your room, before you walked up the stairs to the second floor he smiled as he told you the address, he couldn't believe you'd go out with him.

Hayden thought you'd give him a sassy remark and walk away. Quickly he made it back to the foyer, slipping his beige dolce blazer from one of the hangers and quietly leaving the penthouse, a wave of relief coming over him as he pressed the lower level button on the elevator.

It was like as soon as he entered the Van der Woodsen residence, he could feel the bad vibes vibrating in him.

Meanwhile, you were overjoyed with the fact that - technically - Lily had given you the night off. She did say she didn't want to see you for the rest of the night, so you took that and ran with it.

Changing into something more your style, spraying some perfume on that your dad got you for your last birthday and making sure your hair looked good in the small mirror you owned.

Pushing past some baking books you had on your dresser you grabbed a crumbled up $10 bill, just in case you needed it.

You snuck out through the fire escape cause you knew Lily would catch you if you were to leave through the front door like a normal person.

You only accepted Hayden's offer because you were very hungry and you wanted to leave just like he did.

Tucking your jean jacket around your body like it was your second skin as the summer night breeze blew through your hair, you huffed as you began your journey of 10 blocks. But with the amount of times you've walked in this city, that really was nothing and you could make the trip in less amount of time than a tourist would.

Finally, arriving to 44th street, you put a pep in your step as you checked the time, it was getting late and Hayden had a head start so that meant he was probably waiting for you.

Speed walking around the corner of 44th street you saw Hayden sitting on the stairs of the pizza place as one of the workers turned the lights off.

He stood up as he noticed you approaching him, frowning but smiling at the same time.

"Sorry," you mumbled, "had to walk here."

Hayden nods at you, scratching above his lip, thinking of where to take you, he didn't mind that you arrived late but - he wanted to cheer you up and make an impression and right now he wasn't doing too good.

"Do you like Mexican food?" Was all he told you as his fancy car unlocked behind you.

You picked up a tortilla chip and dipped it into the guacamole before stuffing it into your mouth, the last time you had tacos was just before your dad passed away.

Hayden and you were sitting on the metropolitan steps as you both ate, he'd glance over at you as he chewed on the food in his mouth but when you turned to face him he'd look away. This made you smile at how stupid boys could be.

He wasn't bad looking, in fact he was quite the charmer.

"So," you swallow down the chewed up piece of quesadilla in your mouth, "what's the deal with you? How do you know the Van der Hellsens."

He laughed at how you changed their last name, taking a napkin and wiping his mouth before replying to you.

"My mom was Lily's profesor in college back in the day," he also wanted to say his mom taught his girlfriend Margaret's mother, considering that lily and her were best friends, but he felt that information didn't matter.

"Mm," You hum, biting into your quesadilla.

"What about you?" He grabs his beverage, big eyes searching into yours as he sips through the straw. Briefly raising a brow at you.

Once you swallowed the food in your mouth again, you took a sip of your drink before answering, truth was you just met Hayden and you were giving your brain time to think and decide whether or not it was okay to trust him.

"My father met Lily a few years back, they started dating, and here I am, far from home and living with the devil herself." You explain, huffing out a strangled breath as you dipped another chip in some salsa sauce.

Hayden looked at you and tried to analyze the answer you gave him, there was so much more to that. He wanted to know more, know more about you too, but you guys just met and he knew you wouldn't just tell him everything.

"So you used to go to school with Blair and Serena?"

You nod at the question, "Yes, unfortunately," you take another chip, "thank god for the many different universities this country has, if not I'd be stuck with them for another four years."

"What school you goin to?" Hayden wonders, eating the last of his taco.

"NYU," you say it slowly, raising a brow at him, "with the help of my dad's friend cause if not I'd be working," you quickly changed your next word, "I'd be living with Lily full time."

"Is she that bad?" Hayden wonders, if the elegant blonde who seemed to be very respected in the upper east side wasn't who every one else though she'd be.

"You don't know the half of it," you frown, not wanting to face him.

"So what's your plan?" Hayden crumbles up the paper that his tacos came in, sitting up straight, handing you his full attention as he sat back on his hands.

"Plan for what?" You ask, moving the chips closer to you once you saw he wasn't going to eat anymore.

"You know," he shrugs his shoulders, "your plan, everyone has a plan, or goals if you will."

You thought about it for a second, before nervously looking into his eyes, "I guess I want to graduate from NYU, apply to cooking school, in hopes to own a restaurant one day and build it from the ground up all the way in California, far away from this god damn city."

Hayden smiles at you, warming up to him.

"What about you, blondie?" You are curious to know and you weren't going to be the only one confessing.

Hayden sighs, shifting so he was sitting closer to you, leaning in close - looking into your eyes, smirking at the way your breathing picked up as his eyes lingered on your lips.

You let a breath out when he just reached for a chip and leaned on his side on the stairs.

"I don't know," he shakes his head looking at the sky, "my dad wants me to be a lawyer and my mom wants me to be an engineer. But unfortunately for them I don't want to be either of those things and I don't know for sure what I do want to be so, I'm stuck."

You half smile, "well what are your interests?"

He drops his head from looking up at the sky, to looking at you, feeling his body warm at the fact that you also wanted to know more about him.

"Well, when I was a kid I liked to build things--"

"-- so an architect?" You stop him from explaining more, earning a very soft chuckle from Hayden.

"Yeah, it's a possibility, but my parents would never let me be that, so therefore it's an impossibility.." His voice trails off, disapointed that his parents don't support him at all. when they should've been the first ones to do so. Even though at the end they came around, Hayden knew his father would have a fit if he told him what he really wanted to be.

"Well for a privileged kid with a charmed life, I think you can literally be anything you want to be," You explained, "you have money and advantages others don't."

Hayden frowns a bit, you think he's a spoiled brat that gets everything handed to them by nannies as Mommy and Daddy go to work in their firms and businesses.

"If you think living in foster homes when I was a baby until I was a child is a charmed life, we may have different definitions," he explained and suddenly you grew very very quiet, he smiled faintly at his continuing to explain, "yeah, my parents have money but I'm simply their puppet, expected to do what they say when they say." He explains, really looking in your eyes to let you know that he was serious.

"I know the feeling," you reply after a few seconds of admiring the way Hayden's eyes twinkled under this insane moonlight that made his skin literally glow, "like being under their control."

You thought of Lily and the horrible mental abuse she's put you through these last few years, along with her daughters that made your senior year in high-school a living hell. They destroyed your prom dress by running over it a few times with their expensive car, throwing away your makeup and hiding your only pair of heels.

"We should get going, it's getting late," you stand and wipe off crumbs off of your jeans, "thank you for the tacos and the mini therapy session."

He laughs and it's one of the most amazing sounds you can hear, "Hey whenever you need to talk, I'm here." He really meant it, his eyes softening once they landed on your face.

"You don't even know me though," you walk quickly to throw the wrappers away in the trash, "we're from two different worlds, we aren't even friends," you thought out loud.

"Hm," he hums, "and here I thought this was our first outing as friends."

You didn't answer, just started to walk away.

"Woah, woah," He jogs quick to catch up behind you and he realizes that he's always chasing after you.

You were surprised that he was still nearby, you thought he'd left and got in his fancy car and drove away.

"Let me take you home, walking at this time of night isn't safe."

"I won't run the risk of Lily or any of her friends seeing me in your car," You said and freed your arm from his grasp, "so I'm walking." You continued further.

Hayden looked back at where his car was parked, these parts of the city, it wasn't the best idea to leave it here unsupervised, but by the time he turned back around you were almost down the block.

You hugged your jean jacket closer to your body when you noticed three men who seemed they were smoking in an alley you had to walk by, your heart was pounding but you held your head high. As you approached them, one of them started lurking towards you while the other one started cat calling you, the other one began to whistle and suddenly your brain put your fight or flight into overdrive.

"Hey mamas," Their voice rough, as he smiled devilishly at you, "all by yourself this time of night?"

"I could give you a ride," the one behind burns his cigarette out on the concrete, "on my dick."

His friends laughed and so did you, "yeah, haven't heard that one before."

They snarled at you, fuck, now you made them mad, why couldn't you keep your sarcastic mouth shut?

"Hey baby, you okay?" Hayden put his arm around you, catching you completely off guard.

He made you keep walking as you turned to see the men had disappeared into the alley. Turning your face back at Hayden, his lashes were ridiculously long when you were this close to him.

"You didn't have to do that." You stepped a bit away from him once you turned the corner, he immediately felt the loss of your warmth when you moved away from being under his arm.

"I think you meant to say thank you," He says softly, giving you that delicate smirk.

"Have a good night, blondie." You walked away again before he even got the chance to say anything.

He rolled his eyes as he jogged after you again, god you were trouble, and he obviously didn't know how to handle you.

"What are you doing?" You ask him as you notice he was walking beside you.

"Walking you home."

The two of you began the 10 block walk back to Lily's penthouse, you couldn't shake this guy whatever you did. He insisted on being with you....

After the first three blocks, Hayden and you began to speak again. You felt safe with him and his kind smile made you relax and you decided to let your guard down.

He asked you why you were so sarcastic, and you simply responded with, "it's my coping mechanism," making him laugh timidly.

Hayden liked that you could make him laugh and forget about everything for a while, unlike his parents and his girlfriend that drove him crazy all day.

"So you always wanted to be a chef?" He asks after you told him why you wanted to start your own restaurant which truth be told, it's actually a bakery you want one day in the future.

You smile, looking at the ground, remembering all those times you baked cookies and cupcakes with your mom as a child.

"Actually, a baker, I-I like to bake," you glance over at him quickly before looking ahead, "I make these killer chocolate chip cookies, they really are to die for," nodding confidently, "mom's recipe..." those soft words left your mouth, trailing off.

"Well, I'll have to have them to see if they really are killer." He plays around nervously in his pockets, not wanting to take his eyes off of you.

"I'd invite you to my house and make you some, but it's not really my house, more like a stay at home job." You sigh, those dark feelings overwhelming you as you thought about your current situation.

"What's up with that?" Hayden walks behind you and on the side of where the road was, you didn't even realize you let him switch sides, as you thought on what to answer.

"Long story short, she doesn't treat me like a daughter." You huffed a breath out.

A few more blocks and you finally arrived to the upper east side and it's conceited atmosphere.

Hayden began making the walk down to the next corner where the penthouse was but you stopped him, "Where are you going?"

"I said I'd walk you home, so I'm taking you to the door," he motioned behind him with his thumb, his other hand in his pocket still.

'Thank you Hayden, for the tacos, for walking me," you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, "but it's fine now, I can walk myself. Thanks again."

Was all you said before speed walking to where the main entrance of the building was.

"Y/n, wait!" He shouts, making you move to look at him, "let's do this again sometime."

Wow, he wanted to see you again.

What was this warm, fluffy feeling inside you? Why was it growing bigger each time you looked at his gorgeous lips and his hands - lord - his hands....

"Okay," you say, smiling at him which made his heart stop for a second as you turned to walk really fast to the building.

He knew he couldn't run after you this time so he let you be and cherished the moment he just experienced with you. You were special that's for sure, one of a kind, he's never met a girl like you - he didn't know what it was yet, but he knew there was something about you.

As he was looking for a cab, he thought he should've kissed you, but he knew you would've either slapped him or worse - dodge his kiss and say one of those sassy remarks of yours.

You peeked around the corner to see Hayden catch a cab and leave. That's when you walked around the front of the building again, just to walk up the fire-escape and into your room.

Lifting the window up, you crawled in, shutting it as your feet hit the floor, using both of your hands to draw the curtains close.

"Where were you?" Serena stands at your doorway, already in pajamas and in her satin robe.

You brush away the hair that was hanging in front of your face as your brain quickly thought of an excuse.

"Went for a walk." You blurted out, taking your jean jacket off.

She studied you, wondering if you were telling the truth, "You didn't happen to....see Hayden, did you?"

You felt like the world was disappearing beneath you, you didn't know if the question meant she knew you were lying and saw you with him or if she was genuinely wondering about his whereabouts.

"Who's that?" You asked as you kicked your shoes off.

"Really Y/n? Who is he?" She mocked you, "just my future husband."

"Oh you're talking about Nate?" You smirked at her, facing your back to her as you looked for the few pairs of pajamas that you had.

Serena stayed quiet, remembering she had a boyfriend, who didn't really treat her like a girlfriend. Besides he was going to work all summer at the restaurant and possible travel with his parents for the summer, so things were rocky between them.

"Shouldn't you be on a flight right now?" You rolled your eyes when you glanced behind your shoulder to find her still standing there.

"Mom is getting ready and so am I, but I came to your room to see if you had an extra hair tie, Blair or Jenny didn't want to give me one and my favorite one broke, when I came you were sneaking in through the window."

You changed your shirt for you PJ top -- back still facing her, walking over to your dresser and taking out a hair-tie for princess Serena.

She wasn't as bad as Blair or Jenny, but you still would never befriend her.

You tossed it over to her, crossing your arms as she turned and walked out of your room. Closing the door after her, you hopped in your small twin bed, making yourself comfortable.

After the long day, you didn't think about Lily or her daughters and the way they treated you like a servant, but you thought about Hayden.

He really wasn't like the others, other rich guys you've met in the city or at school, who acted like they owned the place because they were loaded or came from a privileged family.

You can't remember the last time you had a deep conversation spoke with other than Gila, you haven't been around to hangout with Tom or Kate, it's all been work, work, work with Lily.

When Hayden arrived home, his father was pissed that he left the car downtown, he knew you couldn't be seen with him so he lied to his parents to avoid saying he was with you.

His father was already pissed because Hayden had gotten up and left even before Lily's dinner started.

"The hell were you thinking you little prick?" His father grabbed him by the collar of his suit and shook him violently.

"George, let him go, please!" Annie begged.

But Hayden was tired, tired of his father treating him like a little puppet, expecting to do everything he said.

So he showed no fear, no emotion, when his father slapped him across the face.

Pushing his father back forcefully, George tumbled back and supported himself on the dresser behind him.

George started laughing, a dark laugh.

"I'm done with you treating me like a little kid!" Hayden pointed at him, "I'm not 14 where you could slap me around and I wouldn't fight back, no, I'm over it and your anger issues."

"You see how he treats me, Annie?" George starts to take his belt off, just like when he would whenever Hayden raised his voice at him, "little shit!"

"Please, Georgie, put the belt away." Annie's shakily reaches for him.

"Not before I teach him some god damn manners!" George hit the dining table with the belt causing a loud slapping sound to emerge, "First you leave Lily's house without saying goodbye, next you leave your $50,000 car downtown, it's like you want it to get stolen."

"I said I had a flat tire!" Hayden yells back, "And as for Lily's, you guys know I don't like going there, her daughters start touching me and speaking at the same time, it's suffocating!"

"Do not raise your voice at me, kid! You know what I think? I think we should've never adopted you."

The words were each a stab to the heart.

But Hayden knew already that he was adopted when he was old enough to see that he looked nothing like his parents and they were much much older - they seemed like his grandparents.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have." Was all Hayden said before storming into his room and locking the door, god he would do anything to be back in Boston where he had some peace and quiet and avoided his parents like the plague.

Taking out a notebook, he hasn't looked at in a while from his backpack, he sat at the edge of his bed, flipping through all the sketches of potential buildings where he got a boost of motivation a few months back.

Seeing you today and getting to know you, made that surge of motivation come back as he thought of you, twisting his pencil in his hand - lettting his creative imagination lead the way as he began to sketch a rough draft of what a small bakery would like look like...

It was 2am a bucket of cold water hit your warm skin like a ton of bricks, you sat up quickly gasping for a breath. Wiping water from your face, you fluttered them open only to see and hear Jenny and Blair laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"what...was...that..for.." you fought against every muscle in your body, fought against every impulse to grab a fistful of their hair and yank as hard as you could.

"Mom has been calling you for 10 minutes now," Blair explains.

Once your vision fully focused, you noticed they were fully dressed with a full set of makeup. Looking like the spoiled princesses that they were.

They stumbled out of your room after knocking down all your baking recipe books you had on your dresser, giggling mischevieously.

You huffed as you angrily moved your bed comforter away from your body, sliding your crocs on and heading towards the stairs, when Gila gave you a sorrowed look. She was in her pajamas, her room was right next to yours, she probably heard your gasps for air when they threw ice cold water as you slept.

You didn't even look at her, because if you did, you'd start to cry. Holding onto the railing of the old wooden stairs, you entered the renovated penthouse, John helping with moving all the luggages to the front door.

Blair was texting on her phone, with her expensive bag hanging on her arm as Jenny mirrored the same position, doing the same thing.

"Y/n, I've been calling you for ages!" Lily lowers her sunglasses, even though it was 2am and it was still dark outside, "did you not receive any messages through the buzzer?"

You remembered you yanked the cables out.

"It's not working, I didn't hear them," you started to shiver at the cool air of the night took over you.

"Hmm, I'll have someone check on that while we're away," Lily waves her hands at you, "why are you shivering?"

"Because Blair and Jen--"

"--I didn't ask you to speak. I called you down here to tell you, that you are expected to at the restaurant everyday this week, and you will answer the phone when I call you. You are not to go out with that arrow girl and that skinny boy," she referred to Tom and Kate, "I want this house spotless when I arrive, Y/n. Oh! And also my guest shall be arriving the day after tomorrow and I do not want to hear a single complaint from them when they come. Now go and change, you're soaking wet and dripping all over my new floors."

She didn't even care to ask why you were drenched in water, in the first place.

You said nothing and turned to go back to your room.

"Oh and Y/n?"

You turned around a again, shivering uncontrollably. Your clothes sticking to you uncomfortably. Finger tip crinkled like raisins.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere...."

You knew what that meant, no sneaking out anymore, and following the majority of her rules.

As you walked up the stairs again you were wishing in your head that the plane would crash on their way to Florida and they'd have to survive in the forest, it was a horrible wish but what else were you supposed to think.

Once at the top of the stairs, you noticed Gila was in your room, with a warm towel which had been heated in the dryer. She was like an angel, absolutely glowing.

You don't know what'd you do without her.

You fought the tears back as she wrapped the towel around your shivering body, you felt like your fingers and toes were going to fall off you were so cold.

She had warmed the towel in the laundry room, since it was right across the hall where you, Gila, Poppy and John lived.

"Oh tater tot," she frowned, wiping a tear that fell from your sleepy eyes, "one day, you will be living far away from here, because you don't deserve this, you are a special girl, bright, beautiful and smart. This isn't all your life is going to consist of..."

"Then why does it feel like it does, Gila?!" You were full-blown crying now as she held you in her comforting arms sitting at the edge of your twin bed, "I-I don't even know what I'm still doing here. Being a servant to those little--"

"--I know, I know, you're still here sweetheart because you think Mr. Y/d/n is going to walk through those doors and rescue you, like a prince charming would, but baby, you need to accept--"

You shook your head, not wanting to hear her explanation, maybe you were in that state of denial, thinking maybe this was all a nightmare.

"--he's gone, Y/n.."

"I don't want to talk about him, Gila!" You say very upset as you stand and try to brush through your damp hair so you can sleep.

Gila nods, thinking she took things a bit far, making you speak about things you obviously weren't ready to touch upon.

But what worried her the most was that you still have so much grief in you, you didn't shed a single tear at your father's funeral, and after you went back to school as if nothing happened.

"Think about the bright-side, honey," Gila hands you a new set of folded pajamas, "Lily and her daughters are gone for three months."

You looked at her through the mirror, a smile forming on your lips, relief consuming you, as if this weight was lifted.

Three months without Lily...thank god....your summer has finally started.

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