Hero of Hope: Dekiru (HIATUS)...

By DekiruTheNine

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In this story Izuku was born 2 years earlier and one day he meets his favorite hero and gains his quirk for s... More

Chapter 1 : Beginning
Chapter 2 : Training
Chapter 3 : Control And A New Arrival
OFA Info
Chapter 4: OFA Message
Chapter 5: UA Entrance Exam
Chapter 6: First Day!!
Chapter 7: New Friends
Chapter 8: Classroom Change And Battle Training
Chapter 9: Sport Festival

Chapter 8.5: Classroom Change And Battle Training (part 2)

1K 9 8
By DekiruTheNine

Snipe- "Now that were all here,
Midoriya, Yuikera, and Shibasa I'll like to introduce you to Class 1-B"

After a small presentation from the class 1-B to the survivors of class 1-A, Snipe get back to students attention and finally began class

Snipe- "Alright Kids, today you'll be doing a team vs team Battle training so you guys can get a better feeling around your quirks while in combat"

Thought his speech one of the class 1-B students asked how they would be team up and so sniped told them

Snipe- " Your battle partner will be decided by drawing lots, but because we have an even number with both classes, one of you will have to not participate, so Shichi and Hasano"

Both- "Hai"

Snipe- "Since you two are recommended student I believe you two have already got some training with your quirks so you guys will choose who won't be participating in today training"

Both talked for a while until the blonde boy came back to his teacher and told him that he would be participating instead of Shichi which the teacher didn't see nothing wrong with it and continued his class

Snipe- "Okay as I was saying, from here on both classes will be doing hero training together do to the issue of numbers of students in class 1-A, these three will be team A and whoever gets team B will be up against them so come up and pick up a ball"

The entired class when towards Snipe who was carrying a small box wil balls inside which was a letter in carve in it and after a few minutes the entired teams were finally made

A. Midoriya,Shibasa,Yuikera
B. Mamoru,Chisai,Yamashiro
C. Smith and Uehara
D. Hisakawa Siblings
E. Hagane and Mendoza
F. Windsor and Hasano
G. Okada and Pierce (nonames OC's)
H. Carnell and Nicorvo
I.   Sonado and Ito
J.  Asahiko and Kitsunebi

Now that the teams were made Snipe told team A and B to go up first the two teams left off towards an 5 story building where team A would start from the bottom while B was on top and so the tree kids began to plan out

Izuku- "Alright how good are you guys at close combat?"

Hashou- "I'll say I'm good, I mostly used quirk like an extra limb more like a tentacles"

Izuku- "Uhmm alright and you Yuikera-san?"

Nanao- "Call me Nanao, but yea I'll say I'm decent aswell"

The broccoli thought for a moment before coming up with a plan, the plan was that he would throw both Nanao and Hashou up towards different room while he would distract the other team being the beit and when the time come they attack them from behind, for now this was the best plan they could think with the little knowledge they had since they didn't know the other quirks and so the time began

Just like Izuku said the boy power up to 10% and throw both Nanao and Hashou to different rooms while he when though the main entry, the boy walked for a minute before reaching a hall were he finally made contact with his foe but instead of being the three he thought would come it was only one that being no other than Mamoru

Mamoru- "You!"

The boy smirked and rush towards Izuku who seeing this prepared himself powering up to 10% as the other boy throw a left jab but it was easily dodge and before he could pull it back, it was grab by Izuku and later thrown into the floor cracking it a little from the force behind it the boy jumped back to gets some space between the two, Mamoru slowly got up having his eyes shadow by his hair but suddenly red electricity came out but left a seconds later

Mamoru- "Oh yea.."

The red head quickly ran towards izuku again but this time faster than he was before and from the suddenly surprised, Izuku had bearly put any attention that the red head was already in front of him but luckly for him the boy had guard up but not that well that the punch had blown Izuku away at a wall crashing in it

Izuku- "(H-He's strong!)"

Mamoru- "Let's Fight Midoriya!!"

Going back a few minutes with the other as Izuku had thrown his other teammates going with Hashou, the boy was walking out of the room he had entered after hearing a fight happening down and as he was about to help downstairs before he could leave his room on exit and entry door of his room came out brown girl having her palm towards him

Kiyo- "Burst.."

Hashou- "C-Crap!"

A burst of water came out of her palm crashing in the boy chest pushing him into a wall, the girl put more force on her attack and made the boy pass through the wall he was crashing in, seeing this she quickly made her way and passed thought hole she made and looked around the room but not seeing his foe nowhere,feeling something behind her the girl jump forward dodging Shun wing blades which hit the ground instead she looked at the ceiling seeing that Hashou was lifting himself with two of his other wings which were stabbing the ceiling, now knowing he was discover got down and un-stuck his other winds from the ground

Hashou- "This will be fun!"

The boy said with his voice full of confidence as he cracked his index finger with his thumb and his four winds lifted up all pointing towards the girl who could only look at her opponent seriously not saying a single word back to him

With their other teammate Nanao had also left her room after hearing a commotion downstairs she left her room but as she walked into an other one the light ball was suddenly blow up making the room go dark, there wasn't no longer any source of light since the room had no windows like other, seeing that her only way was thought the dark she pressed a button from her face mask which activated her night vision letting her finally see throughout

Nanao- "(I gotta thanks mom for idea)"

The girl kept walking up now having her guard up in any case but stopped after hearing something she looked around to see a figure the was crouching down but before she could do anything the boy jumped straight at her seemingly trying to catch her but failed do to her reflexes he jump away as soon as the boy passed her she looked back to the boy now seeing well who she was fight which was no other than Koneko

Koneko- "No harm feeling right?"

The tiger boy said lifting his right hand up showing that it has some long strings of hair on it seeing this made the girl furious

Nanao- "Oh! Your Gonna Paid For That!!"

The girl stated tangling some of her hair on her arms similar to a certain scarf hero, the boy seeing the anger in his opponent could only gulped before placing his hands on the floor like a tiger ready to attack

Going back with our green hero who was in a long narrow hallway of the building, the boy was currently dodging a barrage of attacks from Mamoru, which through out it the red head sent a right jab towards the boy head who easily dodge it by moving to the opposite side he than crouch down a little dodging an incoming hook from the red head, and seeing the opportunity quickly deliver a uppercut of his own at the boy chin which sent Mamoru head flying back and once again for a few seconds red lighting surround the boy body before disappearing and than the red head tried to headbutt Izuku but the boy had managed to dodge it in time by jumping back away getting some distance between the two now

Mamoru- "Come On Midoriya Bring It On!!"

Izuku- "...."

The boy kept quiet for a moment before lunching himself forwards againts Mamoru who seeing this grew a competitive smile and decided not to move which our green hero understood seeing the boy taking a defensive stance while also placing his arms in an x position

Izuku- "(One For All 15%!!) Detroit!! SMASH!!

The boy quickly landed his attack at Mamoru who thought he could blocked the hit but the force behind it spoke otherwise, it had sent the boy flying back towards the other end of the hallway reaching all the way towards the end of it, crashing into a wall and passing through it

Feeling like he defeated his opponent was about to leave the area he was and search for his friends to aid them but just as he was about to he heard a sound coming from the debrils his opponents was, looking back at him he saw the boy getting up from the ground, grabbing his left arm while kneading it with his right

Mamoru- "Ow ow ow, that was a good hit Midoriya, but.."

The red head stood for a little having his hair shadow his eyes as the red electricity had appeared once more dancing around the boy for a few seconds but more than the other times as but like the other times disappeared

Mamoru- "Were do you think your going?"

The red head rush towards our green hero who was surprised at this atknowledging the suddenly power up from his opponent but just before he could act the red head was already in front of his delivering furious barrage of attack again at Izuku who was barely managing to dodge the attack with OFA at 10% and knowing this power up to 15% which seemed to still be lower than his opponent power which if he had to guest would equal 18% of his

The green hair boy kept dodging and dodging the red head boy attacks but each one began to start to gaze the boy more and more as the red head was finally getting used to the boy speed, and knowing this Izuku decided to go to the offensive and so taking advantage of his speed dodge an incoming left jab which he counter with a left hook of his own on Mamoru right side which caused to boy enough pain to stop for a second which was enough for the boy was he than sent a right hook at the red head face landing and sending the boy body crash in to the wall of the hallway, our green hero delivered another punch this time with his left hand but the red head had managed to recover from the his previous attack he received, moving his head to the side dodging the hit by a hair and with his left hand send a hook of his towards the green boy head but was blocked with the boy right forearm and counter with a right jab to his face followed up with a left hook to his side followed by a right hook to Mamoru head

The red head after getting hit on the head angered counter with a headbutt hitting straight on Izuku forehead giving the red head enough time to push the boy switching placed with each other, Mamoru than sent a straight with his right hand but what caught by Izuku left hand barely holding on seeing this Mamoru attacked with his free hand going towards the right side of Izuku stomach who with enough effort had moved away from the spot as Mamoru punch landed on the wall which made a small deep crater, Izuku after dodging continued his assault sending a right jab landing on the boy face before sending another jab with his left but this one was blocked by Mamoru who placed both arms up straight up, and just after he blocked the hit Mamoru pushed his entired body towards Izuku squishing him into the wall which the green hair boy tried to push back with no avail, slowly the wall which he was squished in cracked up

Izuku- "(D-Damn It!!, I Can't Move!!)"

Mamoru- "AAAHHHH!!!"

The red head moved back his right arm quickly freeing the boy left side to move now but before the boy could do anything was met with the red head fist on his face which was enough to break trough the wall and sent the boy crashing through 4 other walls aswell

With Shun the white hair boy was currently standing in the middle of the big room he encountered his foe, sending his two of his blade wings towards a running brunette who was running circles around the white hair boy dodging the boy wings and shooting through her palms Water progectiles while the boy counter with his other two remaining blades which he kept with himself to protect himself, cutting or hitting the water progectiles which at the moment of impact burst upon impact, this kept for about a minute until the boy took another step which he did to change his position to always look at the brunette but as he took it for some reason felt wet he took a quick glare at the ground to see it all wet caused of the attacks of Yamashiro, taking the chances the brunette quickly rush forwards towards the boy who now noticed the intension of the girl one by one his wings towards the girl aiming to stop her assault but the girl quickly and easily maneuver over them with the help of the water and she skated her way towards Shun, panicking the white hair boy quickly tried to get his wings back and tried to get distance between the two but do to the wetness of the floor slipped but he quickly recomposed his balance only to see the brunette already close to him, as she was now in close range she quickly stopped herself infront of the boy landing a strong uppercut to Shun chin sending his face mask flying off, she than send two kicks at Shun right side hitting his side first before going towards his head which the boy managed to block with his right forearm up stopping the hit track

Hashou- "Got Ya!!"

Yamashiro- "Heh.."

Shun didn't like that smirk she looked towards the side where her leg was still there before feeling his arm being pushed down he quickly jumped back as he saw the brunette foot passed closed his face

A second back just as the brunette has smirked at the white hair boy she had used her quirk on her left foot shooting a burst of water which had enough power to pushed the boy arm down and just like she expected Shun had backed down dodging her hit by a hair she than continued her kick until it landed back on the ground before sending a straight side kick with her other leg at Shun chest and which seconds later shot a burst of water out of her foot sending the boy flying back, while while flying back used his blade wings and stab two on the ceiling and two on the ground stopped him from hitting the wall he was going to

Hashou- "Wow that was close!?"

Yamashiro- "Hmm.."

Hashou- "Alright than let's try this (1st blade)"

Shun blade began to get more cover in a metal substance covering more than before as only the tip used to have, this made his blades now more stronger and sharper than before seeing this the brunette made sure not to get cut this time as she did have some small cuts around her, Shun than quickly ninja run towards the brunette position who at the sight of this took a defensive position, the white hair quickly send a wing towards the girl trying to sweep her legs off which she jumped up, Shun than sent two more towards her sides one in each side clearing a straight path towards her, while still on the air Shun sent his last wing straight towards the girl which who counter the blade by hitting up with a front kick, getting closer and now bring centimeters close to each other, Shun ready a punch which the girl noticed as he was readying his fist and just as he sent it she used her lifted leg and with her quirk which pushed her leg down fast as a burst of water had come out of it but before she could land her axe kick, Shun with a quick reaction moves aside as her leg hit the ground, and as the same time landed a straight punch on the brunette side sending her flying back a bit

As the girl descended to the ground she quickly composed herself and role back stooping herself from being pushed back but as she looked up she saw two of Shun blade wings coming her way so she jumped back at the moment the wings had came down which hit the spot she was but now due to their heavier weight caused lot of dust to go up in the air, she lifted both hand up waiting for Shun to come out of the smoke but instead come another of shun blades coming straight for her face which in reaction moved her head to the side bearly dodging the hit having only a cut mark on her left check but due to it almost lost her balance, but seconds after that came shun coming her way with his right arm ready to send a punch so in retaliation the girl placed both hands together
(Final Flash pose)

Yamashiro- "Hydro Pump!!"

From her both hands came out a big torrent of water going straight for the white hair boy

Hashou- "Oh Shit!!"

Seeing the water coming his way brought all his wings together before stabing them all in the ground covering him but the boy knew that it wasn't going to be enough so he restored to using his last Blade grade

Hashou- "(3rd Blade!!)"

The metal substance overcame the entired wing all the 4 wings  which on the moment of impact the wings protected Shun from the powerful torrent of water which lasted for a few seconds after Yamashiro noticed that her attack wasn't doing anything which the boy noticed too and downgrades his wings to their first grade back

The two looked at each other for a brief seconds before smiling to each other, and so the brunette spoke

Yamashiro- "Looks like you ain't that bad of a fighter Bird Wings"

Hashou- "I can say the same to you bubble girl"

The two again smirk to each other before lunching themself again to attack

Now going back with Nanao and Koneko, the two had it going for each other for about a few minutes now both having dealt a good amount of damage to each other from bruises and cuts around them

The two were now fighting each other trying to land hits on each other but due to both being agile people were able to dodge most of each other attacks but than both separated from each other after feeling a small quake, confused and shock both began to think who might have caused the quake so Koneko being the first touched his right ear communication with his teammates to find who or what had caused it but Nanao had other plan instead she left the room the two were fighting in leaving and hiding in another room trying to gain back her energy due to how tired she was now and so like Tiger boy touched her right ear trying to communicate with Shun who had wasn't answering and so switch to Izuku

Nanao- "Midoriya-kun can you hear me? If you do can you tell me what caused that quake on the building?"

The girl waited for a second to hear her comrade, only to not receive and answer she before she left her spot she way Izuku finally answered her

//Izuku- "Uhg, that was probably me and Mamoru-san//

Said the green hair boy lifting some small wall debris on him before looking back forward seeing Mamoru walking straight towards him

//Izuku- "Yu- Nanao-san let's try to regroup, tell what room are you in?//

Nanao complied and told him where she was and so their called was ended after Koneko was finally able to spot Nanao hiding behind a wall, the girl now knowing she was spotted left and ran away until she reached back to the room where she had began

Koneko- "There no placed for you to run so give up will you?"

Nanao- "I don't like giving up so that be a no from me"

Koneko- "Well than, don't say I didn't warn you!"

Tiger boy quickly placed both hands into the ground taking a stance of a tiger who's ready to attack at any moment, quickly the boy dash forwards while Nanao took a defensive stance, The tiger boy mid way jumped and swing his right arm at Nanao who with her left forearm blocked his attack she than sent two kicks one hitting on the boy right side while the other going for his head but the Tiger reaction where quickly enough that he grabbed her leg ankle before hitting and with his enhance strength threw her far away from him but the girl gracefully landed on the ground

Nanao- "Gotcha~"

Koneko- "Huh?"

The boy confused looked around till he felt something weird on him he looked on his right wrist finding something tied to it, and quickly noticed it was the girl hair

Seeing that he noticed with both hands pulled with enough strength pulled him towards her way and for not putting attention the boy was easily swept by her, she at the same time as she pulled her hair she ran towards the boy too jumping mid way readying her knee for his face the boy seeing this tried to cut the hair strings but to no avail couldn't do to Nanao having increases the resistance and endurance of her hair to the max, and in no time Nanao was able to land her hit on the boy face pushing the boy back a bit

Koneko- "Ugh! Damn it!"

Nanao- "Ne Ne is your nose okay?"

Koneko- "Oh? Yeah thanks for as- Wait a second were fighting why are you asking that?"

Nanao- "Is there a problem why me asking a question?"

Koneko- "N-No ehh..let's just continue..(she's weird)"

Nanao- "Hai!"

Both got ready to go and as they charge to one another before they could reach each other from the ground below them a red head boy came out flying through hitting the ceiling stopping and landing on the ground hard

Mamoru- "F-Fuck man that h-hurt"

From the hole the red head came our favorite broccoli boy came too, a having a bit of more bruises than before, seeing the current situation when towards Nanao side

Izuku- "I didn't take took too long right?"

Nanao- "No just made it in time"

Koneko- "How the hell did you know we were here?!"

The girl thought for a moment before remembering how her way towards this room she contracted Izuku telling him that she had to change location due to him finding out where she was hiding and instead told him to meet him up on the room where he was thrown her, she looked back at the boy with a childish smile telling him that she told him to meet them here

Mamoru- "Alright Let's Go For The Next Round Midoriya!!"

Without the other knowing the red head had gotten up quickly from the ground and rush towards Izuku who at that point expect this and was about to take on the tackle but to his surprise Nanao had pushed him and she took the tackle instead of him

Izuku- "Nanao-san!!"

Nanao- "Come One Big Guy! Let's See What Your Made Of!!"

Mamoru- "Haha With Pleasure!!"

The boy got a hold of the girl and continued his charge passing through a wall a leaving the other two alone, Izuku who at the sight of this was about to chase after them but instead had to moves his head to the side dodging an incoming hook from Koneko but due to him being distracted had gain a cut on his face

Koneko- "Your Fight Is With Me Now!!"

Izuku- "Tch! (I Gotta Help Nanao-san!!)"

The boy in retaliation tried to knee the boy on his stomach but with the Tiger boy quick reaction used his other hand and stopped his attack and after successfully stoping it hit the boy with a headbutt landing straight in the boy nose

Having a bit of blood coming out of his nose the boy sent a right hook of his own but Koneko in a swift motion jumped back dodging the boy hook but a hair

Koneko- "I ain't letting you go help her! your stuck me with me man!"

Izuku- "(I Gotta finish this quick!)"

From the ear communicators Snipe contracted the two teams and told them they had 5 minutes left before the match was over

Koneko- "You hear that right, let finish this in one move what due you say?"

Izuku- "..."

Koneko- "Well I'll Finish This Now!!"

The Tiger boy placed himself back into his fighting position placing both hands on the ground, once ready the boy began to charge towards our hero but midway his rush changed direction and began to run and jump around different places before starting striking Izuku at blinding speeds

Our hero was able to dodge some of Koneko attacks but it began to get troublesome due to the unpredictable changes the boy made there wasn't no pattern our hero could see so he stood still tanking every hit he could for a bit concentrating himself for a final hit

Koneko- "(What the hell is he doing??)

Izuku- "...(concentrate..predict his moves..)"

Koneko- "(It doesn't matter! I'll end it all in this final hit!!) Its Over Midoriya!!"

The boy jump once again going straight towards our hero, Izuku continue to stay still but now moved his right forearm up clenching his hand into a fist, confused Koneko continued his assault but just before he reach him felt a tremendous danger surging from his our hero but could not do anything to stop himself as he was mere meters close to him

Koneko- "(I-I Can't Stop!!)"

Izuku- "(Gotcha!! One For All 10%!!) SMASH!!!

Our hero punches downward with his right hand striking Koneko face down through the concrete ground making a small crater we're Koneko face was at due to the strength Izuku had put in, the boy waited for a bit seeing if this opponent was still conscious but after finding out he wasn't pulled out a small capture tape they were all given and tied it around his opponent

Izuku- "Alright capture complete!, now let's go help Nanao-san"

But before our hero could go and search for his teammate from his earpiece he could hear his voice saying the next words that surprises him

//Snipe- "Team A Wins The Match!!"//

Izuku- "Ehh!?"

Nanao- "Midoriya-kun! care to give me a hand here"

Our hero looks back at his friend only to find her dragging an unconscious Mamoru, the boy when close to her and picked the boy up and placed him on his shoulder while he than when to Koneko and picked him up aswell the two headed down and left the building before the two remember their last teammates but before they could think or say anything out of the building came behind them came out 4 transpo-bots with two medical stretches with the two last members of the teams in them

Four more transpo-bots came with two more medical stretches towards Izuku who at the sight of this placed the two other unconscious boys in them before  taking them to Nurse room, afterward the two left back to the monitor room where they were congratulated by Snipe but aswell as complain a bit for going a bit overboard for knocking out the other the sole purpose of the training was for them to only to get a hang off their quirks while in combat

Either way Snipe continue the lessons with now Izuku and Nanao watching, as all the teams went and go our hero manage to note more quirks for his notebook and analyze them all except one that being Kanna Shichi who didn't participate on this lesson but oh well he would get notes on her later when ever she shown her quirk

After everyone was finally done Snipe dismissed all the students to their classroom to continue their next classes until they were finish for the day

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