Here To Stay [OUAT || Swan Pr...


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After their return from the past and Elaine finally decided to stop finding fate, she gives up and tries to f... Еще

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - A Tale of Two Sisters
2 - A Tale of Two Sisters
3 - White Out
4 - White Out
5 - Rocky Road
6 - Rocky Road
7 - The Apprentice
8 - The Apprentice
9 - Breaking Glass
10 - Breaking Glass
11 - Family Business
13 - The Snow Queen
14 - The Snow Queen
15 - Smash the Mirror: Part One
16 - Smash the Mirror: Part One
17 - Smash the Mirror: Part Two
18 - Smash the Mirror: Part Two
19 - Fall
20 - Fall
21 - Shattered Sight
22 - Shattered Sight
23 - Heroes & Villains
24 - Heroes & Villains
25 - Darkness on the Edge of Town
26 - Darkness on the Edge of Town
27 - Unforgiven
28 - Unforgiven
29 - Enter the Dragon
30 - Enter the Dragon
31 - Poor Unfortunate Soul
32 - Poor Unfortunate Soul
33 - Best Laid Plans
34 - Best Laid Plans
35 - Sympathy for the De Vil
36 - Sympathy for the De Vil
37 - Lily
38 - Lily
39 - Mother
40 - Mother
41 - Operation Mongoose: Part One
42 - Operation Mongoose: Part One
43 - Operation Mongoose: Part Two
44 - Operation Mongoose: Part Two
Next Book

12 - Family Business

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At the pawnshop, Mr Gold entered as Callie and Belle were about to leave the shop, "Callie. Where are you two headed?" Mr Gold asked.

"To the North Woods, where the Snow Queen's hiding," Callie said as she gestured to the pickaxe Belle was holding.

"And what business do you have with her?" Mr Gold asked.

"We have to fix a mistake that we made a long time ago," Callie said.

"What are you talking about?" Mr Gold asked.

"I'm afraid we can't tell you. You wouldn't understand," Callie said as she and Belle tried to leave.

Mr Gold stopped them, "Whether or not that's true, the fact remains that she defeated Katy, Emma, Elaine and Regina. She is far more dangerous than you realise," Mr Gold said.

"I know. That's why I was hoping you'd come with us," Callie said.

"I'm sorry, Callie. That's out of the question. I won't let you anywhere near her," Mr Gold said.

"I was worried you were gonna say that. Because... I really... Really didn't want to do this," Callie said as she took out the Dark One dagger.

"Callie, I gave you that dagger because I trusted you... Because I thought you would never want to control me," Mr Gold said.

"I know. I know, my love, and I'm so, so sorry Rumpel. But if you won't come with us willingly, what choice do I have? Take me to the Snow Queen," Callie said.

In the woods, Elaine was sitting on a fallen log by the ice cream truck going through the files on her, Killian was standing at the ice cream truck looking at her, "According to this, she was our foster parent for six months and Katy was... Like an assistant," Elaine said.

"Yeah?" Killian said.

"That's the longest we were ever in one spot, but I don't remember a second of it," Elaine said and sighed.

Killian walked up to her, "You alright, Swan?" Killian asked as he placed his foot on the log, rested his arm on his knee looking at her.

"I'm fine. It was all a long time ago," Elaine said.

"Mm, perhaps, but wounds that are made when we're young tend to linger," Killian said as he joined her on the log.

"How would you know?" Elaine asked.

"Believe it or not, I was once a child," Killian said.

"Yeah, like a million years ago," Elaine said.

"It's more like 200," Killian said.

Elaine found some childhood paintings in her file, "Wow," Elaine said.

"What is it?" Killian asked.

"It's a painting I did when I was in school," Elaine said as noticed other paintings.

"That's so surprising?" Killian asked.

"It's not the only one," Elaine said.

"I don't get it?" Killian said.

"This crazy woman has three whole files of our old art projects and essays and whatever is in Katy's file," Elaine said as she gestured to Regina and Emma going through a file and Katy and Will going through another.

"Right?" Killian said.

"Just like the one I have for Henry and Julia. You don't keep stuff like this unless you care about someone," Elaine said.

"Well, perhaps the Snow Queen wasn't simply using you three. Perhaps she'd grown fond of you both over time," Killian said.

"Looks like the feeling was mutual, check this out," Elaine showed him a painting of two blonde girls, with a brunette and a taller blonde woman, "'Thanks for being the family we never had. Love, Katy, Emma and Elaine', we wrote that to her," Elaine said.

"Looks like you three were close once," Killian said.

"But she still erased our memories. Something must have happened to change all that. There has to be a clue as to why," Elaine said.

"Perhaps there is... If you can read hieroglyphs," Killian said as he pulled out a scroll and opened it.

Elaine looked at it, "This isn't from our world. What the hell was she doing with us?" Elaine said.

Meanwhile, Emma and Regina were sitting on a large rock together looking at the painting, "This Snow Queen is one twisted woman," Regina said.

"I know... If she loved us like this claims she did or does why would she try to hurt our father and the person Elaine loves?" Emma said.

"Never try to understand why a villain does something. It's never a simple answer," Regina said.

"Hmm. Don't I know it," Emma said.

"Emma?" Emma hummed, "I wanted to apologise," Emma looked at Regina, "For pushing you away. Whenever I think I'm going to get my happiness something always happens and it's ruined. I didn't want to lose you because of what I was," Regina said.

"I understand, it's okay. Let's not worry about it," Emma said and they held hands.

With Katy and Will, Will was rested against a tree looking at a painting as Katy sat sidewards between his legs, his left leg bent and she used it as a rest as she looked at the file, "I thought you said you were kicked out of being in a home because of your age," Will said.

"That's right. But for some reason this woman took me in," Katy pulled out a form, "Oh," Will leaned forward to see an application form, "I was a foster mom or something with her after a month of being there," Katy said a little quieter.

"Did you look after anyone?" Will asked as he moved closer.

"I did more than that..." Katy handed him two forms, "Look at that," Katy whispered.

Will looked at the forms and his eyes widened before glancing at the Swan twins then looked at her, "It could be a lie. You lost them" Will said.

"We need to find out if this is correct. If it is, it explains a lot but if it's wrong... It makes it all the more confusing," Katy said.

"Well, whatever you need, love. I'm with you," Will said as he placed the forms back in the file.

"I need you to call the company for me, you're my husband they should give you the information," Katy said and Will nodded folding up the forms and slipping them into his inside pocket.

Elsewhere, Mr Gold took Callie and Belle to Ingrid's ice cave. Callie kept hold of the dagger, "This, is it? This is where she's hiding?" Callie asked.

"Indeed. But she's not at home. I don't sense her magic," Mr Gold said.

"Good. Okay. You stay here as a lookout, we're going in," Callie said.

"No, Callie, Belle, y-you're not going in there alone," Mr Gold said.

"Look, we won't be long. We just need to find something," Belle said.

"What could you possibly want from the Snow Queens cave?" Mr Gold asked.

"A hat... One that can strip a magical being of their powers," Belle said.

"That sounds like a remarkable object... Almost too good to be true, which means it probably is," Mr Gold said.

"It isn't and we know she has it and we need to get it from her. It's the only way to get her to tell us where Anna is," Callie said.

"So, this is about Elsa's sister? Why are you two so invested in a girl you've never even met?" Mr Gold asked.

"Because a hero always helps strangers. Now, keep watch. I'll call out to you if we need your help," Callie said and walked into the cave with Belle as Mr Gold stood outside.


At the Rock Troll's home, Anna, Callie and Belle walked up, "Grand Pabbie? Grand Pabbie, it's me!" Anna called out.

A rock rolled up to them and Grand Pabbie unrolled from it, "Ooh, Anna, my dear, you're back! Have you come to tell us the new wedding date? I have been working on my speech," Grand Pabbie said.

"Not yet, but we can get into that later. First, I want you to meet my friends Belle and Callie. They've come a long way to see you," Anna said.

"It's an honour to meet you both. We're, uh... we're here because w-we..." Belle said as she knelt down in front of him.

"I know. I can help you get the memories of your mother," Grand Pabbie said as she reached forward and extracted her lost memories.

The memories formed into a purple rock and he handed it over to her, "Take this to the place where you lost your memory, then brew a tea with the stone in the kettle. When you drink it, your memories will return," Grand Pabbie told Belle then Callie knelt down in front of him and he did the same with Callie's memories.

"Thank you," They stood up and walked over to Anna, "Thank you, Anna. We owe you, as well. How can we repay you?" Callie said.

"You don't have to. Having new friends is payment enough. All I need is a moment alone with Pabbie. I'll be quick," Anna said and Belle and Callie nodded, moving away from them.

Anna walked over to Grand Pabbie and crouched down, "What can I help you with, dear?" Grand Pabbie asked.

"Some woman claims to be my aunt. I just don't believe her! Mother would have told us if she had a sister," Anna said.

"Actually, she had two sisters and someone she looked up to as a big sister, very much," Grand Pabbie told her.

"Wait. What? Mother had three sisters that she never spoke about? A woman close enough to be viewed as a big sister? Why didn't she say anything? Why didn't you say anything?" Anna asked.

"Because I was sworn to secrecy," Grand Pabbie said.

"Grand Pabbie, I need some answers. Please," Anna said.

"Your mother, Gerda, was the youngest of four. And then there was Helga, Heidi, and Ingrid was the oldest. As children, the four girls were quite close, often seen playing together in the royal gardens. But then, one day, Helga, Heidi and Ingrid vanished. No one ever knew what happened to them. It was a tragedy the royal family wanted to forget. And they did, with my help," Grand Pabbie said.

"You took the memories of everyone in Arendelle?" Anna asked.

"Yes. And the royal family erased mention of Helga, Heidi and Ingrid from every book and record they could find in our realm," Grand Pabbie said.

"Why wouldn't Ingrid tell me what happened, or that she had another sister?" Anna asked.

"Those are questions you'd have to ask your aunt," Grand Pabbie said.

"Like she would tell me. If she's keeping these secrets, who knows what else she's hiding," Anna realised something, "And what of the woman who was viewed as the big sister?" Anna asked.

"Oh, she was remarkable... She was... Both powerful and loyal... Her name was Priscilla, she and Ingrid were so close, she went to Priscilla for any problem, but when Priscilla had to go home... Ingrid felt... Betrayed," Grand Pabbie said.

"Betrayed? I brought Priscilla back... Is she in danger?" Grand Pabbie looked at her silently, "I have to warn Elsa," Anna walked over to Belle and Callie, "Belle, Callie we have to go!" Anna said.

"What? Is everything okay?" Callie asked.

"I don't think so. It's my aunt. She's up to something," Anna said.

End of Flashback

Callie and Belle walked into the cave and looked around, "The hat must be in here somewhere," Belle said as she looked around.

"Calliope. Calliope. Calliope! Over here, Calliope. Over here, Calliope. Over... Here," A voice said.

"You hear that?" Callie asked.

"Yeah, that was your voice," Belle said and they walked over to a blanket that was covering something.

Callie pulled the blanket off to uncover a mirror, Callie and Belle watched as Callie's reflection moved, "Hello, Calliope!" Belle flinched a little, "I was hoping you'd find me," Callie's Reflection said.


Anna, Callie and Belle were walking down the mountain path carefully, "I wish we didn't have to wait to use this," Belle said as she was looking at the purple rock.

"Me too, but we have to," Callie said.

"You'll be home before you know it. As soon as we get to town, we'll put you both on the first ship back to the Enchanted Forest," Anna said.

"If any ships are even setting sail. It... Looks like a storm's setting in," Callie said as she noticed the wind picking up.

"I don't think it's a storm," Anna said as she looked up at the sky.

"Well, what else could it be?" Callie asked.

"My aunt. I don't think my aunt wants me to tell my sister what I found out," Anna said.

"Well, if she... Has all this magic and... And you have, well, g...good intentions, then what are we gonna do?" Belle asked.

"I have more than good intentions! I have this!" She took out the circular box she took from Rumpelstiltskin, "She can't hurt us if she doesn't have magic," Anna said.

The wind blew really hard, knocking Anna, Callie and Belle over. Belle lost her rock. Anna fell and hung up to the cliff as Callie was thrown backwards, she hit her hand on a rock and she lost her rock that fell to the ground, Callie tried to get her bearings.

"Belle! Callie! I can't pull myself up!" Anna yelled.

"Just hold on! I'll be right there!" Belle yelled as she tried reaching for her rock.

"Belle, hurry! Please!" Anna yelled as she was losing her grip.

Belle continued to reach for the rock but it ended up falling and also breaking, "Oh!" Belle said in horror.

"Belle, hurry!" Anna yelled.

"I'm coming! I'm coming," Belle rushed over and tried reaching out to grab Anna's hand and Anna reached for her but her grip slipped and Anna fell, "Anna!" Belle yelled.

Anna was unconscious on the ground. Ingrid approached. She took the box, "Leave her alone!" Belle yelled and Callie carefully leaned over the edge of the cliff to see them.

"You'll have to excuse us, but this is family business," The Snow Queen said and she and Anna disappeared in snowflakes.

End of Flashback

Inside the ice cave, Callie was listening to her reflection in an almost distorted voice as Belle was trying to snap her out of it, "I'm surprised you were brave enough to come in here," Callie's Reflection smirked.

"I had to, we have to find a way to help Anna," Callie said.

"Why? You never really cared much for her before," Callie Reflection said.

"That's not true," Callie said.

"Sure, it is. You always chose yourself over her. Your sister chose her rock over the two of you. You had to remember what happened to your mother, no matter what the cost," Callie's Reflection said.

"I could barely move. I didn't mean to..." Callie said.

"Ruin someone's life? It certainly wasn't your most heroic moment. Not that you've ever really been hero material," Callie's Reflection said.

"No, Please... Please stop..." Callie said.

"Everyone sees you for what you really are, Calliope... A pathetic coward, not worthy of being the Cold Queen. I mean, why do you think the Dark One married you? You think it was love? He needed someone weak, someone he can manipulate," Callie's Reflection said.

"That's not true, he loves me. He gave me the dagger," Callie said.

"You truly believe that's real? Deep down, you know what kind of beast you're dealing with? You've already had your doubts," Callie's Reflection said and Callie looked down at the dagger.

Mr Gold walked in, "Callie, Belle. The Snow Queen's approaching the cave," Callie looked at her reflection, "Callie, look at me. Belle leave, I've got it from here," Belle nodded and ran off as Mr Gold turned Callie around, "Don't look in the mirror, look at me, we have to leave," Mr Gold said.

Callie glared at Mr Gold and swung the dagger at him suddenly, Mr Gold dodged, but she nicked his neck with the dagger, then grabbed her to stop her from swinging the dagger.

"Let me go!" Callie yelled.

"You don't know what you're doing," Mr Gold said as he held his wife.

"No! Let me go!" Callie said as she struggled against him.

"It's okay," Mr Gold said as the two of them disappeared in a cloud of smoke and appeared in the pawnshop.

"Let me go!" Callie yelled.

"It's okay. We're back in the shop... We're back in the shop. It's okay," Mr Gold said.

"No, no!" Callie yelled.

"It's okay," Mr Gold said softly.

Callie panted and fought against his hold to get free before she looked at him, "Wait. No. You were outside the cave. I commanded that you wait there," Callie said.

"You commanded me to keep watch. I sensed she was coming back. I came to find you both and I'm glad I did," Mr Gold said as he tried to hold her arms down.

Callie panted and started to calm down, she looked at the dagger in her hand then the cut on Mr Gold's neck, "I... I hurt you," Callie dropped the dagger and dropped down to her knees, "I...I'm so sorry, Rumpel," Callie said.

"It's okay," Mr Gold said and went down on his knees.

"When I found that mirror, something came over me, like a... Like a spell and... And it spoke to me and made me... Made me believe all these horrible things and it said to me that the dagger you gave me is fake," Callie said.

"I can assure you that nothing that mirror said is true. It was imbued with the darkest of magic. I-I know you would never wrong me," Mr Gold said.

"I have wronged you. I've kept a terrible secret from you. Belle and I are the reason... That Anna's missing. We didn't want anyone to know until we could make things right and save Anna. But we couldn't. We failed. I'm no Queen. And all we managed to do was abuse the dagger and... And take advantage of you, my true love. I...I don't even know if I... If I deserve to be with you anymore," Callie said.

"No, no, no. You were only doing what you thought was right," Mr Gold said.

"You... You forgive me?" Callie asked.

"Of course, I forgive you," Mr Gold brought her into a hug, "You're not a trophy, you're everything," Mr Gold said.

"Thank you for understanding. I never should have kept a secret from you, especially 'cause I know that you'd never keep one from me. I love you, Rumpel," Callie said.

"And I love you," Mr Gold said.

Callie gasped and pulled away, "Where's Belle?!" Callie asked.

"I told her to run, you were out of control," Callie looked worried, "You didn't hurt her, don't worry," Mr Gold said and brought her back into his arms.


Belle and Callie were back home in the Enchanted Forest and they walked into Callie's room where they found their father waiting for them, "Father, we thought you'd be asleep," Callie said in surprise.

"I haven't slept in days. How could I when you two left without so much as a goodbye? So, did you find what you were looking for?" Maurice said.

"No. You were right, father. We should have just left things alone. That trip was a huge mistake," Belle said.

"I'm the one who's made the mistake, Belle, Callie. I've been keeping a secret from you both. I know what happened during the ogre attack," Maurice said.

"Wait, what?!" Callie said.

"I didn't want to add to your grief. When the ogres stormed the library where you two and your mother had been working, the guards heard the commotion. They rushed in. They saw the ogres were about to attack. But your mother, she... She stood in the path of those monsters to protect you both. She kept them at bay while the guards pulled you both from danger. But by the time they came to save your mother..." Maurice said.

"It was too late. She sacrificed herself for us," Belle said as her eyes welled up with tears.

"She loved you both so much, and so do I. I'm so glad you're back. I don't know what I would have done if the ogres had gotten you on the road," Maurice said.

"They... They have reached the roads?" Belle asked.

"The war is not going well. But you two need not worry of such things. We have soldiers to fight," Maurice said.

"But those soldiers don't stand a chance. They'll only slow down the ogres' advance. We need someone who can stop them once and for all," Callie said.

"And who would that be?" Maurice asked.

"On our journey, we did some reading. And, well... There's a wizard, a powerful, powerful wizard and his daughter, who may just help us. Their names are..." Callie said.

"I know their names! And I dare not speak them. Trust me, daughters, if we do..." Maurice said.

"We know. Magic always comes with a price. But if mother's death taught us anything, it's that sometimes a hero has to sacrifice everything to save the people they love, and I will do whatever I can to save our land. And I can be a hero, just like our mother. And if that means summoning Rumplestiltskin and Priscilla... Then so be it," Callie said.

End of Flashback

Mr Gold walked back into Ingrid's ice cave, "I'm afraid we have a problem, dearie. I caught a glimpse of your mirror today," Mr Gold said.

"It's rather impressive, isn't it? I had no idea your bride would be so easy to turn," Ingrid said.

"Watch yourself. Now, I don't know exactly when you intend to use this mirror, but you should know this. I won't allow you to hurt those I care about," Mr Gold said as he stood in front of Ingrid's mirror.

"That's not gonna happen and I won't allow you to derail my plans because you've suddenly gotten sentimental," Ingrid said.

Mr Gold turned to face her, "You only get one warning," He said.

"Which is more than you get. I can't make any promises over who may or who may not survive," Ingrid said.

"You know, you were wrong before," Mr Gold said.

"That you needed leverage to get what you want?" Ingrid said.

"No, that I didn't have it, I do," Mr Gold said as he showed her the hat.

"Where did you get that?" Ingrid asked.

"Oh, that's irrelevant, but now that I know what you're up to, we can have a real talk. You might want to reconsider your position because I doubt you'd enjoy becoming just another embroidery on his hat. Looks like you've just lost your leverage, dearie," Mr Gold said.


In Arendelle's castle dungeon, Anna woke up in a cell and saw the Snow Queen standing on the other side of the cell door, "Anna. It's time to wake up, dear," The Snow Queen said.

"What? Where am I?" Anna asked.

"Exactly where you belong," The Snow Queen said.

"You can't just lock me in here! Elsa won't stand for it!" Anna yelled.

"Even when she finds out what you were planning to do to her?" The Snow Queen said.

"Wait. What?" Anna said.

The Snow Queen held up the box that she took from Anna, "You were planning to use this to strip away her magic," The Snow Queen said.

"No, that's not why I had it," Anna said.

"Really? Then why didn't you tell Elsa about it?" The Snow Queen asked.

"Because I...I didn't know how to tell her the truth. I found it with a man that our parents sought out. They went to him looking for a way to strip Elsa of the thing that makes her special," Anna said.

"And you're following in their footsteps," The Snow Queen said.

"I wasn't going to use it on her. I wasn't going to use it on anybody... Until you attacked me. The rock trolls told me what you've been hiding, that you and my mother two other sisters and someone you viewed as a big sister, Priscilla," Anna said.

"The rock trolls shouldn't talk about things that they don't understand," The Snow Queen said.

"But it's true. What happened to her? What did you do to Priscilla?" The Snow Queen looked at her, "Tell me," Anna said.

"Some secrets are better left buried," The Snow Queen said.

"I don't understand. What do you want?!" Anna asked.

"What I have always wanted... A family who will embrace me for who I am. Priscilla was the one I thought I'd be family with, but she abandoned me. For a brief moment, I thought the three of us could be that family... You, me, and Elsa. But you showed me that plan would never work. You have nothing in common with Elsa and me. You are the odd woman out. And now I suppose I have to find someone else to take your place and someone to replace Priscilla," The Snow Queen said and walked off.

"Anna?" Priscilla said.

Anna turned to see Priscilla in the corner, her hands covered in metal with the intention of stopping her to use her magic, "Priscilla? Oh my god!" Anna rushed over, "I am so sorry," Anna said.

"You have nothing to apologise for... Besides... These don't work, I can leave whenever I want," Priscilla said.

"Why don't you?" Anna asked.

"You and your sister are in trouble, I'm not going anywhere, any time soon," Priscilla said.

"Priscilla..." Anna said.

"Hush now, sweetheart. It's going to be okay," Priscilla said and Anna smiled at her.

End of Flashback

At the Sheriff's Department, Katy, Elaine, Killian, Emma and Elsa were looking at a book that Elsa found in the library, "The Snow Queen is your aunt?" Elaine asked.

"According to this heraldry book I found in the library. Her name is Ingrid, obviously," Elsa showed them the picture of the four sisters, "I didn't even know my mother had sisters. I'm as surprised as you are," Elsa said.

"Well, spend a little more time in this town, love, you'll realise just about everyone's related," Killian said.

"Says the man who dates descendants of his first true love," Elaine countered.

"It's because of that, I can say it... Does sound very odd when you put it that way," Killian said and the Swan trio nodded looking at him.

"Our whole family is odd when you think about all the intertwining we've got going on," Emma said.

"Yes... You dating your mother's stepmother and your sister's mother," Katy said.

"Dad engaged to his brother's ex-fiancee and the woman who's known him since he was a baby..." Elaine blinked a few times, "Maybe we shouldn't think about this..." Elaine said.

"Agree," Killian, Katy and Emma said.

"Anyway, this book traces the lineage in Arendelle for generations. That's Gerda, my mother. And this is Helga, my other aunt, and Heidi, another aunt" Elsa said.

"Bloody hell. Look at these two..." Killian pointed to Hilda and Heidi leaning over Elaine, "They look just like the two of you, "Maybe that's why she was so obsessed with you two, why she kept all those relics from your childhood," Killian said.

"So what... She wants to recreate her family with us? Blondes and a brunette?" Elaine questioned.

"But this doesn't make sense... Ingrid has the attitude that she wants a family... A reaction, we're five with her and that doesn't match this... There's got to be something else," Katy said.

"And I found this," Elsa pulled out a picture, "It looks like a copy but... With an addition," Elsa said and they all looked to see a picture of Priscilla added to it.

"Oh... Maybe you were right," Katy said.

They looked at it, "Bloody hell. She's been added onto this, like their big sister," Killian said as Elsa saw the scroll and she read it.

"She came to this world... What? Looking for blondes and a brunette? There's a lot more than just us," Elaine said.

"Don't I know it," Killian said, Elaine looked at him and he gave her a cheeky smirk.

"Not helping," Katy said.

"What I don't get is why she wants you both..." Killian said.

"Well, I'm not blonde and she's tracking me down, but," Katy points to Gerda, "Closest to me is Elsa's mother," Katy said.

"Wait..." They all looked at Elsa, "She wasn't looking for blondes or a brunette," Elsa said.

"Okay?" Katy said.

"So what is it?" Killian asked.

"She was looking for the saviours and their... Mother," Elsa said.

"What?" The Swan trio said as they all looked at her shocked.

"This scroll... The writing is runic. It's a prophecy. It says, the name of the saviours are Emma and Elaine and their mother's name is Katelyn," Elsa said.

"I'm not their mother," Katy said and sighed.

"Seriously? That's the bit you register?" Elaine asked.

"No I registered all of it," Katy said.

"You really need to stop arguing about if you're our mother or not," Emma said and Katy sighed again.

"She knew?" Killian asked.

"Before the twins even did," Elsa looked at the Swan twins, "She knew you both were powerful and you three would be as close as mother and daughters," Elsa said.

"But why?" Emma asked.

"It says it right here... And the saviours and their mother shall become Ingrid's sisters," Elsa said.

"Not their mother," Katy repeated.

"What the hell does that mean?" Elaine asked, ignoring Katy.

"Well, my mother died, and her other sisters... They're not around anymore. I think Ingrid believes in this prophecy. I think she's looking to replace them. Just like Katy said," Elsa said.

"Not just them... Priscilla, she's replacing this one," Katy said as she pointed to the crated family tree.

Belle and Callie walked in, "Elsa," Belle and Callie called out.

"Yeah?" Elsa said.

"We're sorry. We are so, so sorry, but..." Callie said.

"What?" Elsa asked.

"We...We've been keeping a secret. We know your sister, Anna. She helped us once, but when I had the chance to help her, I let her down and because I did, she was captured by the Snow Queen," Belle said.

"What? Where did this happen? When?" Elsa asked.

"Arendelle... A long, long time ago and we have no idea where she is now, but, uh, we're afraid we have a more pressing concern. The Snow Queen has a mirror imbued with terrible magic that can do terrible things," Callie said.

"Mirror? Easy enough, let's just go smash it," Killian said.

Elaine looked at Killian with a tilt of her head, "I don't think Callie and Belle would be running if it was that simple," Elaine said and Killian shrugged.

"Elaine's right, it's not that simple. Rumpel told me it's part of an awful spell... The Spell of Shattered Sight. If she casts it, its magic will make everyone in Storybrooke turn on one another... Like I did with Rumpel," Callie said.

"We're screwed," Katy said.

"Bloody hell. The entire town will destroy itself," Killian said.

"And there'd be no one left," Elaine said.

"Except us," Emma said.

"What do you mean?" Belle asked.

"This," Elsa shows her a page in a book for four sisters, "This is my mother, Gelda and this is Helga and Heidi, my other aunts, and this is Ingrid," Elsa then showed the drawn page with the addition of Priscilla, "And the other version, when Priscilla... The seen as the big sister," Elsa said.

"She wants it to be just the four of us," Elsa said.

"Her perfect family," Emma said.

Will walked in, "Katy?" They all looked at him as he walked over to Katy and stood in front of her, "I called the company and uh..." Will said.

"Don't you dare say it," Katy said as she shook her head.

"What is it, lass?" Killian asked.

"You got to the adoption stage but then they never heard back from you," Will said and Katy sighed heavily in relief.

"Katy? Who did you try to adopt?" Katy looked at the Swan twins, "Us?" Emma asked.

"We found... We found a document for me to adopt you both, I'm guessing, so we'd never be separated again... Ingrid... I think she was helping me do the paperwork... But as Will just said, I got to the last stage and they never heard from me... Must be when our memories were erased," Katy said.

"You... You were going to adopt us?" Elaine asked.

"Apparently then you could call me mom... But I'm too young for grandkids," Emma and Elaine smiled at Katy, "What?" Katy said.

"You are our mom," Katy rolled her eyes and folded her arms looking away from them, "Wouldn't want anyone else," Elaine said.

"Yeah," Emma said.

"Yeah, yeah, zip it you two. We have other matters to worry about other than me nearly adopting you two. Ingrid and what she wants from this perfect family," Katy said.

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