The Amazing Spider-Man: In An...

By SlinkyDogg

15.5K 700 322

Attention new readers! If you haven't already, I suggested you check out my Raimi Spider-Man story first. Bec... More

The Life Of Another (Name)
Big Change
Stumbling Into Getting A Date
Peter Meets Dad
Two Spiders Flirting
Okay, Who Brought The Giant Lizard To School?
Leave Gwen Out Of It
Don't Make Promises You Can't Keep

Spider-Man Meets Spider-Woman

1.6K 72 44
By SlinkyDogg

The news was buzzing all over the school... Peter's Uncle Ben was shot and murdered last night. Everyone at school was whispering about it and watching Peter as he walk through the halls.

Peter stop at his locker to take out some books and pack them in his bag when Flash approaches. "Hey Parker." He called out. "Not today Flash" Peter muttered, zipping up his backpack. "Come on man, I just want to talk." Flash said, dropping his hand on Peter's shoulder.

Almost within a blink of an eye, Peter drop his bag, spun around and grab Flash by the front of his hoodie and slam him into the lockers, holding him up just above the ground.

Everyone gasp and jump back, watching them, startled. "Feels better right?" Flash asked, Peter doesn't give a response. Gwen and I glance at each other then look back at the sight.

"Look your uncle die, I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry." Flash said, softly. Peter drops his head and lowers Flash back to the ground. "Okay?" Flash asked, in a hushed voice.

Peter let's him go and snatches his bag off the floor, closing his locker and walking down the hall towards us. "Peter." Gwen said, softly, stepping up to get in his way. She pulls him into a hug but Peter pulls away and brushes passes us.

"Peter." I said, gently catching his arm to stop him. Peter tenses up at this and stops, continuing to look at the floor. "If you needed anything..." I started to say but he pull himself free from my hand and continued down the hall.

I watch him walk away, dejectedly. I felt so bad for Peter, not only was his uncle killed but he now he had everyone's eyes on him. I wish I knew what to do.

After school, I return home not really feeling in the mood to continue hanging with Gwen. My mind was so focus on Peter that I found myself having trouble thinking of anything else.

Dropping my bag on the sofa, I took out my cell phone and scroll through my contacts. I frown at Dad's number, debating with myself on whether or not I should call him.

There's a 98% chance he won't answer, 1% Jarvis answers it for him, and the other most unlikely 1% he picks up and gives very lackluster advice.

It's times like these I wish I knew my Mom. Any advice she gives me would have to be better than Dad's, right?

Suddenly my phone started ringing, starting with me a bit. "Maria?" I muttered, recognizing the number. I clicked answer and held my phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I said. "Hello (Name)! How have you been, it's been ages!" Maria said.

"Uh... fine I guess. How are you and Tony?" I asked, walking around the living room as we talk. "We've been well Dear. I just got off the phone with your father." She said. "Oh is that so?" I asked. Sure, she can manage to get a hold of him but I can't.

"Yes, we both agree that isn't fair for Tony to be away from his big sister." Maria said. "Uh huh." I mumbled, finding this a little suspicious. I mean I like Tony but, I'm just a half sister to him. I mean wouldn't it make more sense that it isn't fair for him to be away from his Dad, than me?

"Yes, and we both think it's best you two should spend more time together. So when your father returns from Wakanada..." Maria started to say. "It's pronounced Wakanda." I quickly corrected her.

"When he returns from his trip, Tony and I will be dropping by for a visit. If all goes well, you might be seeing us a lot more lately." Maria went on to say. "Okay... that be cool I guess." I said, stopping in front of Dad's lab. I hummed to myself, staring at the door and feeling an idea brewing in my head.

"Yes it would. You could show Tony around New York, while your father and I catch up." Maria said. "Uh-huh." I replied, not really listening and instead walk into the lab to look around at all the expensive little tools.

"I think this will be best for all of us." Maria said. "Yeah, me too." I said, continuing to ignore her. "We'll I best let you go. See you in two weeks." Maria said. "Sure thing, bye." I said, pulling my phone away for my ear to hang it up.

"Oh I almost forgot to mention, your father and I..." Maria started to say, but I hanged up on her before she could finish, not really caring of what it is. I then dialed Gwen's number. "Hey Gwen, how fast can you get here? I want your opinion on something." I said, smiling at my idea.

"You're completely insane!" Gwen exclaimed. "Okay a little harsh." I said, fiddling with Dad's equipment. "You wanna be a vigilante? You're gonna get yourself killed or arrested! Have you forgotten that my father is captain of the police force?" Gwen asked.

"No, but come on you gotta admit, the police in this city is kind of useless." I said. "(Name), they're the law!" Gwen exclaimed. "And yet they couldn't stop a poor innocent man from being murder." I said, deadpanning.

"And you can?" Gwen asked, putting her hands on her hips. "I have super powers now Gwen, there's no one I can't save!" I said, grinning. Gwen sigh and rub her forehead. "Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a child." She muttered.

"Look I know this sounds crazy but a week ago I could open the door without worrying about tearing it off it's hinges. I doubt there's anyway to get rid of these powers so if I'm stuck with them I want to put them to good use. I'll drive myself crazy if I don't do this." I explained.

"I understand that but what if you get killed?" Gwen asked. "That is a likely possibility, I mean this is New York after all." I joked. "Not funny." Gwen muttered, frowning at me like a disappointed mother.

"You saw how Peter was at school? I just keep thinking, what if I was able to stop it? What if I could have saved his uncle? With these powers I could have saved him. I just... I don't want anyone else to go though the same pain Peter is going through right now." I explained.

Gwen looks thoughtful for moment and sighs. "You make a good point. Just please don't get hurt." She pleaded, I smile at her and set the tools aside. "Thanks Gwen." I said, hugging her.

"By the way, how good are you at sewing?" I asked, pulling away from the hug look at her. "At what?" She asked, looking worried.

I spent the coming days, cooped up in my dad's lab after school. Using his tech to make devices I call Web Shooters, that can make artificial webs for me.

When I'm not working on my tech, I'm training myself and my powers. Getting more used to them and better at controlling my strength. In addition to that, Gwen has been working a hero suit for me.

She came up with the designer herself. A black and white suit, with pink webbing, turquoise ballerina slippers, and a hood. It's a beautiful suit and I felt really proud to wear.

With my tech perfected and my suit done, I was finally ready to go out out into the city and fight crime. But I wasn't the only mask vigilante in the neighborhood. There was another, who's been taking down criminals while I was busy getting ready.

Gwen and I both came to the same conclusion that it had to be Peter. He's the only one that got bit by a spider beside me and he has more of motive to fight crime than me.

We haven't spoken since that day at school, so I'm a little nervous about possibly running into him while patrolling the city. I don't even know what I'm gonna say to him when that does happen.

Not wanting sit around and keep thinking about it, I just put worried aside and went out for the first time as Spider-Woman. My first night out was a little slow, not really finding any trouble. Until saw him, Peter swinging between the buildings so gracefully, almost as if he's done this forever.

I follow Peter, making sure to swing from a safe distance. Until finally he landed on top of a building, looking around the city. Believing that now is a good time to make my move, I landed on the building behind him.

Peter turn to look at me and I clear my throat, putting my hands on my hips and trying to look tough. "Hey." I said, trying to disguise my voice by making it deeper. "Hey." Peter said, sounding confused. "You come up here often?" He asked.

"Yeah, like a hundred times. I've been on every rooftop in the city. Every single one." I said. "Why are you doing a voice?" Peter asked. "I'm not." I replied. "You sound like you're doing a voice." He said. "This is my natural voice!" I exclaimed, losing that deep tone and instead speaking normally.

"Oh that's your natural voice, huh? My mistake. I thought you were a girl." Peter said. "I'm am a girl. I mean, I'm a... I'm a woman." I stammered, no longer using the deep voice.

"Hey man, I don't care what you are. A boy, a girl..." Peter said, waving his hand, vaguely. "I'm not a boy! I'm a woman." I growled and Peter laughs. "I like you. You remind me of someone. What's your name?" He asked.

"Uh... S-Spider-Woman." I replied. "Nice to meet you Spider-Woman." Peter said, extending his hand. I smile under my mask and took it to shake. "I'm Spider-Man." He said. It's funny how we both came up with similar hero names.

"So Spider-Woman, first time on the job?" Peter asked, and I chuckle. "Is it that obvious?" I asked. "A little. Don't worry I'll show you the ropes. You got webs?" He asked, and I held my arm to show him my web shooters. "Nice. Come on, let's find something easy to start you off with." Peter said.

Doing some more swinging through the city we finally found something. A car jacker that broke into someone's car, by using a fancy technical lock pick. Peter and I got into the backseat before the man even got into the car.

Peter clears his throat, startling the man. "In the future, if you're gonna steal cars... don't dress like a car thief, man." Peter said to the man, shaking his head in disappointment. "What are you guys? You both cops?" The man asked.

"Really? You seriously think we're cops? Cops in skin-tight red-and-blue, and black-and-white suits? You know, you're..." Peter said, shooting a web at the man's face. The man turned away, frantically tearing the web off.

He open the door to try and escape, but I shoot a web at the door, pulling it close. "You've got a mind... of the true scholar, sir." Peter said. The man attempted escape again through the door, but I just pull it shut again with my web. "We were going more for the guys who do the luge." Peter said.

The man rolls down the window, when he sees he wouldn't be able to open the door. "Good thinking. Get out the window." Peter said, as the man processes to climb out through the window and fall onto the ground. "There you go. You got it." Peter said.

We both then got out of the car, before the man got up to discover that we had a seemingly vanish into thin air. The man backs up, looking around, warily. "CROTCH!" Peter yelled and the man turns only to get a face full of Pete's crotch, as he wraps his legs around his neck and throws him down onto the ground. Like he was a pro wrestler or something.

The man gets up and takes out a knife. "Just let me go." He said. "Is that a real knife?" Peter asked, acting scared. "Yes, it's a real knife." The man replied. "Our weakness, it's small knives." Peter said, dropping to his knees and acting really scared, while I continue standing there awkwardly, having no clue what's going on.

"Just let me go." The man said. "Anything but... knives!" Peter said, right before he webs the man's hand to the wall. "Oh, it's so simple." Peter said, standing back up. "New girl, you taking notes?" He asked, turning me. "I was supposed to bring notes?" I asked, feeling a little unprepared now.

"What the hell is this?" The man asked. "Webbing we developed. I don't think you really want to know." Peter replied. "Come on, let me go!" The man said and I web his other hand to the wall.

"Okay, one second. One second, one second. Hold on, one second." Peter said, leaning back like he's gonna sneeze. "Knock it off, man." The man said and Peter sneezes, shooting a web on the guy's crotch.

"No! Come on, let me go. Stop it!" The man yelled as Peter and I shoot multiple webs at him. Peter laughs and claps his hands. "That isn't funny!" The man exclaimed. "It is kind of funny." Peter said.

"HELP!" The man scream and Peter held his hand up to mask. "Shhh." He said and shoots a web on the guy's mouth. The man muffled as Peter goes up to him and checks his left wrist.

"This could've gone a lot worse. Now hold still." Peter said, grabbing the man by his chin and pulling off a bit of the web that was covering his nostrils, allowing him to breathe. The man took in a deep breath and relaxes.

"Spider-Woman, you been mostly quite. Got any quips you wanna say?" Peter asked, turning to me. "Quips?" I repeated, confused. "We'll work on it. But it's very important to the whole superhero thing, trust me." Peter said, then he turns to man. "Yeah, she's new. Don't worry man, she'll get it." He said, patting him on the shoulder.

Hearing sirens getting closer, we turn to see a police man on a bike, pulling up. "OH! Boys in blue here. Yo, we got him." Peter said, to the police officer. "Freeze!" The officer ordered, taking out his gun and aiming it at Peter.

"He's not going anywhere." Peter said, while I instantly raise my hands in the air. "Don't move." The officer demanded. "You serious?" Peter asked, raising his hands in the air. "Who are you?" The officer asked, and Peter drops his hands.

"No one grasps the concept of the masks." Peter said. "Freeze!" The officer yelled, before he opens fire on us. I felt this tingle feeling in my brain and I was able to dodged every bullet that was shot at me, like I could see them coming.

Peter grabs the gun and leaps over the officer. "We just did 80 percent of your job. And that? That's how you repay us?" He asked, waving the gun in his face before tossing it away.

A bunch of squad cars and then showed up. "Time to go, partner. Come on, class dismissed!" Peter said, taking off. "Uh... okay!" I said, following him out into the street.

"Would it be easier if we just web away?" I asked, running behind Peter. "It would. But this is more fun! See if you can keep up." Peter said, picking up the pace to climb into the back of a pickup truck.

I follow him onto the pickup truck, where we then leap onto a trailer that a truck was pulling. We climb onto the top and ran along it, before webbing two street lights, swinging away.

"Well, that was fun." Peter said, as we swing under the bridge and down to the lower street. "Bus!" I yelled, right before Peter slammed into the front of said bus.

"Hey there, everybody." Peter said to the passengers, as he rolled along the side of the bus before falling onto the street. He stands up and nearly got run over by a taxi, that stopped right in front of him. "What are you doing?" The driver yelled at him.

Peter runs on top of the taxi and leaps into the air, swing alongside me under the bridge. "Hey, watch out. We're swinging here. We're swinging here." Peter said to the cars below us, in a brooklyn accent.

3rd Person P.O.V
On top of the bridge, a couple of officers stood by the railing, watching the mask vigilantes swing away. "So 38 of New York's finest... versus one guy in a unitard. Am I correct?" Captain Stacy asked, walking over to them.

"Actually sir, there's now two of them. It would seem." One of the officers said and the Captain sighs. "Wonderful." He grumbled, shaking his head.

(Name's) P.O.V
Peter and I sat on top of a billboard, dangling our legs off the edge. "No quips, but you did a solid job at taking down that car thief. And you had no trouble keeping up with me. I give you an A-." Peter said, patting me on the head. "Thank you." I said, feeling myself blushing a little at the head pats.

"So, any chance I can get a peek under that mask? Cause I gotta say I'm real curious." Peter said, bumping my shoulder. "Well, I'm real curious about you. Would you show me yours, if I show you mine?" I asked, feeling a little more confident.

"Hmmmmm nah! Sorry, I got a sort of girlfriend, already." Peter replied, causing my heart to leap at this. Does he see me as his girlfriend? Or at least he wants me to be. "Sort of huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, we haven't really officially went out yet. Somethings happened to me and I've been kind of avoiding her lately. I'm starting to worry that she might think I hate her." Peter said, looking down.

"I doubt she thinks that, she would understand that you needed space. She probably been busy too." I said and Peter shrugs. "I hope you're right. This girl of mine is something amazing. I don't wanna screw up the one lousy chance I have with her." He said, making me feel so flattered.

"I just wish I knew what to say to her. Without being a complete mess." Peter continue to say, and I laugh, completely understanding how he feels.

"Well, I'm no relationship expert. But I think you should just go for it. Or who knows, maybe she'll get tired of waiting and takes first step instead. Either way, I think it's gonna work out for you." I said.

"You think so?" Peter asked, sounding hopeful. "Yeah, I got a good feeling about it." I replied, smirking under my mask.

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