Y/n Lokidottir || Godess of...

By Goji_Yoghurt

491 4 10

Y/n Lokidottir is the Goddes of Fire. She has to be hidden away to protect her and her father, Loki. But what... More

❀ The Decision ❀
πŸ–€ The Theft of The Tesseract πŸ–€
πŸŒ‘ Visions πŸŒ‘
A/N (Character Info)
⚑ Thor ⚑
A/n srry

πŸ₯€ Helicarrier Raid πŸ₯€

51 0 2
By Goji_Yoghurt

(This is going to be a confusing chapter with lots of Pov changes. Also I saw someone had skipped the A/n I put up, that is important to Y/n's character)

*Bruce Pov*

I was running a reader over the scepter to monitor the gamma Radiation.
"The gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvigs reports on the Tesseract," I reported, "But it's going to take weeks to process."
"If we bypass their main frame and direct route to the Home Cluster we can clock this around 600 teraflops." Tony stated.
"Ha, all I packed was a toothbrush." I said.
Tony walked over to me and laughed lightly, "You know, you should come by Stark Tower sometime. Top ten floors, all R&D." Tony suggested, "You'd love it, it's Candy Land." He said picking something up from a table.
"Thanks, but last time I was in New York, I kind of broke ... Harlem," glancing between the screen and Tony.
"Well, I promise a stress-free environment. No tension, no surprises," Tony said, then I felt a sharp pain in my side, damn Tony. The stick sent an electric shock through my side.

Steve burst through the door, clearly angry at Tony.
"Nothing?" Tony asked, clearly testing the boundaries.
"Are you nuts?" Steve asked again.
"Jury's out. You really have got a lid on it, haven't you?" He said turning to me, "What's your secret? Mellow jazz, bongo drums, huge bag of weed?"
I was just trying to finnish finding the cube, I didn't sign up for this.
"Is everything a joke to you?" Steve asked, he was pissed.
"Funny things are," Tony said.
"This is going to escalate quickly" I thought.
"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny," Steve said, gesturing to me, " No offence Doc."
"I-Its alright. I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things."
"You're tip-toeing big man. You need to strut." Tony said, pointing to me.
"And you need to focus on the problem Mr. Stark."
"Do you think I'm not? Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us. I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables." He said, eating some blueberries.

"You think Fury's hiding something?" Captian asked, more calmly.
"He's a spy. Captian, he's the spy. His secrets have secrets."
I was just focusing on  the work trying to find the Tesseract, this was just extra.
"It's bugging him too, isn't it?" Tony asked.
"Uhhh, I just want to finish my work here, and..." I said jesturing to the scepter, trying to get out of the conversation.
"Doctor?" Steve asked.
" "A warm light of all man kind" Loki's jab a Fury about the cube."
"I heard it." Steve said
"Well, I think that was ment for you," I said jesturing to Tony, he offered me a blueberry and I took one, "Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the tower, it's still all over the news."
"Stark Tower? That big ugly-" Tony gave him a glare, "-building in New York."
"It's powered by an arc reactor, a self-sustaining energy source. That building will run itself for, what, a year?"
"It's just the prototype," Tony clarified, "I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now, that's what he's getting at," Turing to Steve, who looked slightly confused.
"So, why didn't SHEILD bring him in on the Tesseract project. What are they doing in the energy business in the first place anyway?"
"I should probably look into that once my decryption program finished breaking into all of SHEILDS secure files."
"I'm sorry, did you say-" Steve began.
"Jarvis has been running it since i hit the bridge. In a few hours I will know every dirty secret SHEILD have ever tried to hide. Blueberry?" He offered.
"Yet you're confused on why they didn't want you around." Steve said, ignoring the offer.
"An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence? Historically, not awesome."
"I think Loki and Y/n are trying to wind us up. These are people who mean to start a war and if we don't focus he'll succeed. We have orders, we should follow them."
"Following isn't really my style." Tony said, eating another blueberry.
"And you're all about style, aren't you?"
"It's escalated," I thought to myself
"Of the people in this room; who is, A, wearing a spangaly outfit and, B, not of use?" Tony asked. I could feel the tension in the room rising.
"Steve, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you?" I asked.
"Just find the cube," Steve muttered, leaving the room.

"Thats the guy my parents never shut up about? In wondering if they should have kept him on ice."
"Huh," I responded, focusing on the data on front of me, "The guys right about Loki. He does have a jump on us."
"What the guy has is a ACME dynamite kit. It's going to blow up in his face. And I'm going to be there when it does."
"Yeah. And I'll read all about it." I said, sending data to Tony's screen.
"Uh-huh. Or, you'll be suiting up like the rest of us."
I laugh slightly, "You see, I don't get a suit of armor. I'm exposed. Like a nerve." I say, slightly loosing my cool, "It's a nightmare."
"You know, I've got a cluster of shrapnel trying every second to crawl into my heart. This stops it," Tony said, tapping his arc reactor, "This little circle of light, it's a part of me now. Not just armor. Its a terrible privilege."
Tony stood on the other side of the screen.
"But you can control it."
"Because I learned how,"
"It's different," I said, getting back to work.
"Hey," he minimised all the data on the screen, "I read all about your accident. That much gamma exposure should have killed you."
"So, you're saying the Hulk... the other guy saved my life? That's nice. That's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?"
"I guess we'll find out," Tony said, walking back to his station.
"You may not enjoy that."
"And you just might."

*Y/n Pov*

Father was pacing the cell. He was becoming impatient. He them suddenly paused, smirked then spun on his heel to see what was behind him. I looked to see Natasha Romanoff standing there.
"There's not many people who can sneak up on me."
"But you'd figure I'd come?" She asked, expressionlessly.
"After. After whatever tortures Fury can concoct, you would appear as a friend, as a balm. And I would cooperate." Father says.
I stand up and walk over to the mat of a bed. I sit down; cross legged and picked up a book father summoned. I wanted to look at the Midgardian culture so I asked for one of their fairy tales. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, it is quite enjoyable.
"I want to know what you jave done to Agent Barton." She asked plainly.
"This woman has no soul," I thought
"I would say I've expanded his mind," I mutter, they both turn to me and see me still reading my book, "I went into his mind and saw many things Natasha, and they will serve us well-"
"How did you get that?" She asks, jesturing to the book.
"Oh, Father summoned it but it appeared outside the chamber. So I got out and grabbed it."
"You can get out? But this was made for-"
"Stength. Not the power of Gods."
"But how?"
I chuckled slightly. I walked up to the glass, "I'm a ghost. Now you see me," I turn invisible, "Now you don't," the I reappear outside the cage next to her, "Hiiii!" (Idk like Yelena in Hawkeye)
She looks shocked but not exactly scared. I jump back into the cage. "I could leave and kill you all but what's the fun in that,"

I could practicly hear her thoughts screaming at me, "Teenagers scare the living shit out of me,"
(I'm sorry so may song references. I'll put them in later)
I sit back down and continue reading.
"Once you've one, once you are king of the mountain, what happens to his mind?" She says, trying to ignore the fact that I escaped the cell.
"Is this love, Agent Romanoff?"
"Love is for children, I owe him a debt," liar, I could hear the sadness in her voice.
Father walked backwards, toward me, "Tell me," he asked gaining her trust. He sat down beside me.
"Before I worked for SHEILD I, uh," she sat down on a chair behind her, "Well, I made a name for myself. I have a very specific skill set. I didn't care who I used it for, or on. I got on SHEILD's radar in a very bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me. He made a different call."
"And what will you do if I vow to set him free?"
"Not let you out," she said plainly, stating the obvious.
"No, but I like this," Father laughed, "Your world in balance and you bargain for one man."
"Regimines fall everyday," she shook her head, "I tend not to weep over that. I'm Russian. Or I was."
"And what are you now?" I ask rhetorically.
"It's really not that complicated," she says, standing up, "I got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out."

"Can you? Can you wipe out that much red?" Father sat up, walking to the window,  "Dreykov's daughter, Sao Paulo, the hospital fire? Barton told me everything. Your ledges gushing, dripping red and you think saving a man no more vitreous than yourself will change anything? This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer. Pathetic! You lie and kill in the servie of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors."
Natasha is now almost crying; her breath is hitching and her eyes are wide. But I notice something, her eyes aren't filled with fear, they have... a mischievous sort of glint. This is an act! She's putting this up, playing her part.
I go into father's mind, "She's lying, don't let anything slip. This is all an act."
I see now father is wording everything more carefully.
"But they are part of you. And they will never go away," father slams his fist against the glass, Natasha stepping back in 'horror', "I won't touch Barton, not until I make him kill you. Slowly, intimately, in every way he knows you fear. And then he'll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I'll split his skull."

Natasha turns away in 'disgust and fear', still putting up the act. She is quite good if I do say so. If I didn't know that mischievous glint, I would have thought she was actually scared.
"This is my bargain, you mewling quim."
She sniffed, as if she was crying, "You're a monster,"
"Oh, no," father chuckled, "You brought the monster."
"Andddd you let it slip," I thought.
Natasha raised her head and finally turnt to face us, "So, Banner. That's your play?"
"What?" He asked, clearly confused.
"Loki means to unleash the Hulk. Keep Banner in the lab. I'm on my way. Send Thor aswell." She says into some form of communication device, she pauses to look at us once more, "Thank you for your cooperation,"
"Well done father, well done." I said sarcastically.
"It's all apart of the plan, darling," he said in my mind.
"Well, if you don't mind me, I'm going to check on our hosts," I thought.
I created a copy of myself and then turned invisible, leaving the cell.

*3rd Person Pov*

Fury barges into the lab, "What are you doing Mr. Stark?"
"Uh, kinda been wondering the same about you?" Tony retorts.
"Yore suppose to be locating the Tesseract."
"We are," Bruce says, "The models locked, we're sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll be within half a mile," pointing behind Fury to Tony's station.
"Yeah, then you'll get the cube back. No muss, no fuss."
A document then popped up on the screen infront of Tony.
"What is Phase 2?" Tony asks, looking at the hologram.
Steve appears from behind them, he slammed a peice of SHEILD equipment onto the table,"Phase 2 is SHEILD uses the cube to make weapons. Sorry, the computer was moving a little too slow for me."
"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean we are making-"
"I'm sorry, Nick." Tony butted in, "What were you lying," Tony swung the screen around to show a missle with the Tesseract in the head.
"I was wrong, Director," Steve said, "The world hasn't changed one bit."
Thor and Natasha walked in.
"Did you know about this?" Bruce asked Natasha, pointing to the diagram.
"You maybe want to think of removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?"
Bruce laughed, "I was in Calcutta. I was pretty well removed."
"Loki's been manipulating you."

*Y/n Pov*

I walked around the ship. It was quite large but full of people and guards. I made my way to the lab, were I suspect everyone would be. I find myself at the door standing just behind Thor and Natasha. I move to the other end of the room, a few metres behind Fury.

"Loki's manipulating you," I hear Natasha say.
"She's right, he is," I say, still invisible.
Everyone freezes, "Alright, who said that?" Steve asks.
I could feel the tension in the room. I could see a random bottle flying at me, probably Tony. I catch it with one hand inftont of my face. As I catch it, I turn visible again.
(Like this)

I move it from my face, "Hiiii!" I drag out.
Everyone pulls ot their weapons, exept for Metal Man, Soldier and Banner.
"How did you get out?" Fury asks
"It was made for-"
"-Strength. Not the power of Gods." Natasha joined.
"You knew this, Romanoff?" Fury asked.
Everyone continued fighting, but Thor approached me. He towered over me but I stood my ground.
"Well done, little one. Loki has taught you well."
"Thank you, Uncle. I wish we could have met under different circumstances, but the chaos is fun," I said, jesturing to the room.

He laughed, "We should get you back to your room, before you kill us all."
"There isn't any point, I will just leave." I pointed out, "It seems they have already forgotten about me."
"Why don't you put on a show?" Thor suggested,
"Yore giving me permission?" I asked, and he nodded.
(Just the powers⬇️)

I released fire onto the walls and allowed myself to be enveloped in fire. Everyone froze and looked towards me. I flashed my Invisibility, (idk to some sort of beat. I like to think of it as the la-la part in 'I'm a Ghost' I'm going to tag)

"Do not underestimate me mortals. You continued arguing while you allow I, Godess of Fire, to roam free? I thought that Midgard would be more respectful than that. Now, you will do well to respect me or I could burn you all alive and make you relive all of your worst nightmares."
Everyone stared at me in shock.
(Italics and Bold means some form of demonic voice)

I dropped to the ground and made the fire disappear. My eyes still burnt with an orange hue though. Metal Man was the first to come over to me, "I thought we got on the wrong foot, Tony Stark." He held his hand out. I went to shake it but he slapped a bracelet onto my wrist.

I felt myself being drained of power. I collapsed to the floor in a heap. My eyes still burned but I felt myself falling into darkness.
Last thing I heard was Thor, "It will be alright, little one."

(Idk were this is going lol)

*Loki Pov*

Y/n's illusion had disappeared around 10 minutes ago and an explosion shook the ship about 5 minutes ago. 4 guards burst in, two going to the panel, one holding a limp body and the other keeping guard. The figure had black hair covering their face.
"Oh Y/n," I thought, "What have you done."
They came up to the door as it opened and I rushed to the door, but they backed up. I was meant to be emotionless but having a daughter was worrisome. I stepped back and allowed them to place her down. But instead of putting her down they quite literally threw her in. I rushed to her, checking for injuries, all I found was a bracelet. It had an orange hue inside the engravings.
"Damn Stark," I thought.

She started to stir. I sat her up againt the wall and held her hand, sitting infront of her. She opened her eyes and smiled,  "Do you like my new bracelet?" She asks.
"It is quite beautiful, darling. I like your personal touch," I laughed.
"Damn Stark," she muttered.
"The team will be here soon and we can get out. Get that bracelet off and let the real fun begin."
"I quite like it actually, maybe just rid the part were it drains my powers?"
I just laughed, she was nothing like Sif.

*Y/n Pov*

I sat againt the wall drained with father infront of me. All of a sudden, we hear a large roar, The Hulk. Father and I smile, the plan has worked.

I started to gain strength, so I tried to stand, I stumbled but I was stable. I moment passed and we hear a large bang. They have reached the main control area.
(I'm trying not to use modern words at the moment, I'm not stupid)
Then we hear a series of bangs from the area, Barton has engaged in the riot.
(Idk what I'm doing, I'm not doing lots of Pov changes tho. Ik that)

Two people with masks enter the room and go to the control panel. Father grabs my wrist gently and leads me to the door. It starts to open when Thor bursts in,
"NOOO!" He yells running up to tackle us.
Father and I turned into holograms, allowing Thor to run through us into the cell. (Idk what the power is called) We moved out of the way, now solid. The door closed behind Thor as he stood up.
"Are you ever not going to fall for that,"
Thor smashed his hammer againt the glass, it cracked, but the whole cell shook.
Loki laughed, stepping away from the cell, I followed and leaned against a wall.
"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Father asks, walking to the control panel.
There is a thud of a body across from me, one of the guards.
"Move away please," They asked.
A man, I beleived to be Agent Coulson, had a large black gun at hand. Father put his hand up warily, but again, he had a mischievous glint in his eye.
"You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destoyer. Even I don't know what it does," the gun whirred alive, "Do you want to find out?"

Coulson was pierced from behind, the sound of blood and blades sounded my ears.
"No!" Thor yelled, banging his fist against the glass.
The illusion of Father disappeared and Coulson laid against the wall, panting and struggling for air.
Father walked past him, septer in hand. I'm not even sure how he got it back. (Chile, anyways, so-)
Father walked over to the panel, he opened the hatch, his fingers hovered over the button. He looked at Thor, and pressed it. The cell went screeching down, falling quickly. The horrid sound finally stopped, and I could only guess Thor and the cell were free falling now.
"You're going to loose," I heard Coulson say.
Father spun around to look at him, "Am I?"
"It's in your nature," he said, almost paralysed.
"Your hero's are scattered," I walked over to Father, standing behind him, "Your floating fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?"
"You lack conviction," Coulson says.
"I don't think I'm-"
The next thing I knew, father and I were on the ground, in another room with a hole in the wall infront of us.

We travelled to the jet and sat down in silence. We had lost Barton. Now, we start our war.

(Hiii Srry for the long chapter. It was kinda hard to write. I just needed this finished. Here are the songs btw 😁💜)

Word Count || 3459

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