The Blue Moon Love

Oleh _lakshanaaa_

33.2K 2.6K 3K

Jay, a successful game developer can see the future as a glimpse during blue moon days. He considers it as a... Lebih Banyak

Receiving the marriage news
Dora the explorer
Barging into the bathroom
Husband duties
Movie date
Be my wife just for a day
Jay's back turned into a trampoline?
Favourite position?
The team dinner
Revealing the truth
The shocking news
Sweet comfort
The disastrous dish
Seeking advice from Love guru
Watching dirty things?
Meeting with Ex?
Amaira a robber?
Wooing a brick
Crackhead spotted at the crossroad?
Give me the damn divorce!
Kiss me everywhere
The Interview
A night to remember
The oversized obstruction
The Climax


1.5K 93 128
Oleh _lakshanaaa_

Jay's Pov:

               The blue moon day ended, so did my peace of mind. It has been over a month, yet I couldn't calm down. I know everything is in my hands and I could stop myself from doing such a thing. But still, I don't know what all happened before that which lead to the happening of those incidents. I started hating myself at one point in time, coming to know I did such a thing. My morals and values were at question for which I don't know the answer. I couldn't wait anymore for things to unfold, so that I understand what the heck was going around me. I laid back on the recliner and closed my eyes. The glimpse of the future I saw in the last Blue Moon day ran in a loop.

"Pariiiii...." I called and ran towards a woman. My index finger swiped over my forehead to collect the four droplets of sweat and sprinkled them on the ground. I was nervous and afraid and ran like my life was at stake. The woman whom I called Pari looked very beautiful. She seemed to be in danger as there was a man behind, holding a knife to her neck.

"One more step and you will see your wife lying amidst a pool of blood." The man yelled at me.

"No!!! Please don't." I cried. I didn't stop and moved an inch forward every second.

"You really wanna see her die, don't you?" He smiled smugly looking all evil. I had a gut feeling that he was afraid to kill her at once. But I know that if I kept going forward it would provoke him. So I stopped, a few feet away from him, and waited for something to happen.

Pari noticed that man's concentration on me and used the chance to kick him on his shin. When he lost balance, I barged at him. I snatched the knife from his hand and the next moment I stabbed the man in his stomach with that knife. He crumbled down to the floor and I turned towards Pari. I grabbed her cheeks and checked on her if she was alright. I wiped the tears that flew down her cheeks and kissed her forehead. She hugged me tight and vented out. I reciprocated her hug and gently caressed her hair. In a distance, Amaira stood looking at me grumpily.

I heard the doorknob being turned and slowly opened my eyes. Amaira came inside the room with Daisy tailing behind. Daisy was now a full-grown dog and she grew closer to me in the meanwhile and to be exact a little closer than she is with Amaira. Depending on her mood she either sleeps with us on the couch in our room or at her dog house. Well, today seems like she will be third-wheeling us. I got up from the chair and went to Daisy.

"Daddy really loves you, Daisy." I whispered in her ears and pecked on her head. She placed her paw over my thigh as a sign of assurance and started licking below my ears. Her weight made me fall backward and she got on top of me.

"All you know is to romance with a dog even when you have a wife, isn't it?" Amaira scoffed.

I know she was being playful but I'm serious. I really love her a lot and I don't want to part with her at any cost. Like I've said a hundred times before, she is the light of my life. With her gone, my future needs no blue moon to know that it is going to be dark. How big the tragedy is going to be that I ended up marrying another girl within a short span of time while I still love her? Did Amaira do something wrong?

Eww!! No!!! That's impossible. Moreover, that doesn't give me the right to go marry someone else when I've told her clearly that there will be nobody else in my life apart from her. What will it make me look like? Here, the biggest mystery is why would I kill someone? Okay, if it is for Amaira I might do it. Did I really got too attached to that girl that I even didn't think twice before stabbing that man right into his stomach?

"Aah!!! Shitttt!!!" I rummaged through my hair.

"Did you just cuss at me for joking, Jay?" Amaira asked surprisedly.

I moved Daisy and stood up. I walked towards Amaira and pulled her into a hug. I clutched her as tight as possible to the point of choking her. She tried pushing me away so I loosened the hold a little bit.

" I really love you, Amaira. I swear I was never insincere nor had second thoughts. You were, are, and would be an indispensable part of my life. I wish we have no problems coming our way and even if it comes, I wish we sought it out maturely. Deal?" I asked her.

Her face was filled with astonishment and she shook her head in disbelief. She inched closer and pushed me back to make me sit on the bed. She sat beside me, facing my side.

"Jay, are you sick?" She asked with a worried face but u could see she was just trying to joke.

"Psht! No, Amaira. I'm being serious."

"Okay fine. I accept that you're a romantic guy and that you know very well to romance with dogs and girls equally." She said kissing my cheek.

"I love you, Amaira." I kept on saying the same.

Her facial expression turned puzzled looking at my strange behaviour.

"Did you do something wrong? Perhaps are you feeling guilty about it?" She asked me raising her eyebrows.

"No no! Nothing of that sort." I declined at once.

"Then do you want something from me?"

"As usual your love and presence around me." I said honestly.

"Huh!! Like what in the hell happened now that you are being so dramatic? Stop confusing me, Jay." She sounded irritated and I didn't answer.

"Oh god! Please change that sullen look on your face. It looks as if someone died." She pleaded but I still didn't respond.

"Are you going to change it or should I sit on your face and flatten your nose?" She pushed me back and started climbing on top of me.

"I swear, Amaira. At this point, I wouldn't care even if you shit on me." I told her sincerely.

"Jayyyy!!! What the???" She slapped my arm giggling. My mood lightened seeing her happy face. A newborn optimistic feeling gave me a little courage that nothing bad would happen.

I caught both of Amaira's hands and pushed her to the side beside me. I got on top of her and placed my elbows on both of her sides. One by one I took her hands and pinned them on the bed above her head. All the while, I didn't forget to lock my gaze firmly on her. Her chest was heaving up and down, touching mine during ups. I dipped down and gently placed a kiss on her eyes. I shifted the hold on her hands to one of my hands and freed the other.

My lips roamed over her cheeks and stopped near her ears. "Repeat after me or get ready to bath in a tickle rain. Nod if you are ready." I huskily spoke into her ears and she nodded her head after a few seconds of contemplation.

"My husband is good at every damn thing." I told and she rolled her eyes. She didn't take my words seriously. So I decided to show her that I meant what I told her. I dug my fingers into her hips and started tickling the hell out of her.

"Stoppppp!!!" She cried and I shook my head.

"Aahhh!!! Buhahaaahaa!!! My husband...!!! Hahahaha!!!! Wait what *hahahahah*** was I supposed *haaa* to say?"

"What was so difficult in it? Say, my husband is good at every damn thing. And say that in a husky voice." I commanded. She stopped for a second to contemplate whether to say or not but then decided to say in order to avoid the tickle torture.

"Uhh!! My husband" she said in a low pitched voice and looked straight into my eyes, "is freaaakinggg great in every damn thing duh!" The moment she completed her last word I plunged into her and captured her lips. We participated in a battle to hoist the dominance of our tongue in the other person's mouthdom. I let her win because I know deep down that I want her to rule me.


Amaira's PoV:

                  "What is it, Jay? Why are we all summoned here?" I asked him on behalf of us. His parents were with us and that makes me feel nervous. They were definitely not called over to have a casual dinner or get together. It sounded serious when he said hurriedly to come over immediately and that he has something important to say.

I recently noticed some differences in Jay. He was not in his usual self and often distracted and looked sad. I knew he saw something on the blue moon day but he refused firmly to say me what he saw. He says that knowing the future was exclusively his superpower and a commoner like me shouldn't know it. Being in the dark is the scariest. It isn't a problem if he too doesn't know anything. But he knows something and something that isn't too pleasant to know. It makes me sad and anxious.

"I've something important to say." He said and stopped.

"Oh, you thought we are sitting here in the expectation of hearing a stand-up comedy from you? We very well know you've important something to say. So just spit it out instead of chewing it in every nook and corner of your mouth." I said losing my precious patience.

"Okay, so the thing is I got a call today morning." He said.

"From who?" I urged him.

"Wait for me. I'm definitely going to complete whatever I was going to tell and not let you hanging in the middle."

"I know but please be fast. My heart might explode meanwhile."

"Calm down, Amaira. Let him speak." Aunt rubbed my arms to cool me down.

" So basically I got an offer from a famous film producer for casting me as the male lead in his next film." He quickly uttered those words. My mind didn't process anything he said. I was already on the verge of crying as I was getting ready for a piece of tragic news. Tears started rolling down as soon as he finished his announcement.

"Amaira." He called. "Hey, look at me. Don't you like it?" He asked.

"Like what?" I asked in between my sobs.

"Me acting?"

"You're acting now?" I asked confused. He reciprocated my look but the confusion was twice as mine.

"Uhh?" He asked.

"Come again. What were you saying?" I asked him.

"He says he has been offered to act in a film, dear." Uncle clarified for me.

"Uhm? Act in a film? Not something like he is going to die or we are going to divorce?" I blurted and regretted it immediately.

Uncle and aunt looked worried at the mention of divorce and death. That would have been too rude and I feel guilty for making them worry unnecessarily.

"I'm sorry, I was not in my right mind. I got too anxious and started thinking dramatically." I apologized and remained silent for the others to continue the conversation.

"He saw our company's ad videos and was convinced that I'll suit the role. So, what are your opinions? Shall I do it or do you have different opinions?" Jay asked.

"You're an adult, Jay. You can do whatever you wish to do." His father told him.

"Thanks, dad. What about you mom?"

"Well, Jay. You've always been a good child. So, I trust in you. But I'm saying this in advance so that you keep them in mind if it becomes necessary. The first thing I've to say is never take success and fame to your head. Be humble and down to earth at any cost. Next always remember that having good morals is not being old school it is just having better discipline and a healthy lifestyle. Be a gentleman to all your colleagues and especially your female co-stars. Be well within your limits and never become a social drinker. You know I hate it. Living your life under the influence of others is worst. If you have to necessarily drink or do something you aren't comfortable doing in order to adjust to the high-class society, just throw that life to the gutter and return to your comfort space, Jay." Aunt gave him all the advice he required.

"Maa! You never did anything wrong in my upbringing mom. You can sit back and look at your son making you proud." He said smiling.

"I believe in you baby." She said and ruffled his hair.

"Amaira, what about you?" He turned towards me.

"Uhm, it is totally up to you to decide that. But just see that you don't get too distanced from me. Don't overwork, always have time for me and be safe in any case." I thought for a minute and spoke.

Jay walked over to me and hugged me from the side. " Be it a game developer, actor, president, or prime minister, I know they can only provide me money. But happiness is something only you can give me, Ammu. So if I need happiness I've to come to you. So be assured." He told with a smile and I moved closer to him. He tightened his hold and kissed on my temple.

"Ahem!! We wish we soon have one more person in this audience gang to enjoy your romance drama." Aunt spoke teasingly.


"Action." The director spoke on the mic when a man clapped the board.

"Pariiiii...." Jay called and ran towards the female lead. His acting skills were excellent that I got too involved in the scene. I believed he was in love with her from the way his face portrayed sheer terror. The girl was indeed very beautiful and from what I saw behind the camera she was kind and considerate too. It made me worried.

It is not like I don't trust Jay. I trust him and more than that, I trust myself and I know what I mean to him. But whatever it is, seeing your man worrying and romancing with another woman will not be a pleasing sight to look at. My nose scrunched up and my eyebrows moved closer, crinkling my forehead.

Jay hugged her and kissed her on her forehead after killing that man. I gritted my teeth when I felt a burning sensation in my stomach. Hey, you dumb director when are you planning to say 'cut'?

Just at the same time, the director yelled out 'cut'. Jay shook hands with the crew members before relieving himself from the set. I've to act mature cause I can't let him see I was jealous. He was just acting according to the director's commands so I can't be upset with him. I forced a smile at him when he came towards me.

"Jay I didn't know you had such a talent in you. Your acting was too realistic that I can see your bright future now itself. Proud of you man." I told him to avoid any awkward conversations. Before he could give me a reply, I hurriedly strode towards our car. He followed me and got into the car. The drive to our home was awkwardly silent.

"I'm going upstairs first." I told him and got out of the car. I washed my face, changed my clothes, and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Jay spoke out of nowhere, making me drop a little more salt into the gravy, startled by the sudden voice.

"Amaira, you saw the scene shot today on the director's computer right? How was my face looking on camera?"

"Shit Jay. You made my soya gravy into a salt gravy." I whined.

"That's okay. Ain't I the one eating?"

"So I would be vomiting?" I glared at him.

"Okay sorry. Now tell me the answer." He said.

"You looked handsome Jay. Nothing like my husband but like some big star." I told him sincerely.

"Ohh! Really?" he asked enthusiastically and I nodded. He seemed to like this new job very much and I was happy for him.

"And one more thing." He said. I turned off the burner and gave him my full attention.

"How was my chemistry with my onscreen pair?" He asked throwing one of his eyebrows up. My face tightened but I tried my best to not show it.

"Good." I uttered half-heartedly.

"Wasn't she so beautiful? I was thinking actresses looked like goddesses due to the camera effects. But in person, she looked even more beautiful, didn't she?" He asked.

Is he serious or is he teasing me? I don't understand why he is doing this to me? It really is difficult for me to act unbothered when he takes up that topic. He generally doesn't hug people even in a friendly way. If he had done so earlier I wouldn't be this affected. I'm afraid I'll act childish and whine about it. I want to be an understanding wife and not a complaining pain in the ass.

But then should he necessarily compliment about another woman's beauty to his own wife? Can't he just keep it in his mind? Now how do I react to this?

"Go marry her if she is that beautiful." I blurted out my inner thought.

"Ahaan? Shall I? Umm..yeah that's a great idea Amaira. Thanks for suggesting." He told with a serious face. I hated what he said and so I threw the spatula I had in my hand at him. He dodged it and looked at me with disbelief.

"Hey, I saw your face while shooting. I know you were jealous. That's why I was playing with you. Why are you being serious?" He tried to convince me.

"Oh!! Is that your strategy? Talking anything you want and then say that you did it for fun?" I told him to save my face from the embarrassment.

"Nah! If I formulate strategies it wouldn't be this bad. And my strategy for the past one and half years is to somehow impress you at any cost." He spoke grinning and pinching my cheeks.

"Oh! Only formulating strategies? When is the implementation stage man?" I asked suppressing my smile.

"Right now madam." He said and pulled me closer by my waist. "Command me anything and it will be done tonight, my lady." He whispered into my ears.

"Guess what is in my mind and do it yourself." I told him.

"Okay, I'll read your mind mam." He said and closed his eyes. "Huh, madam! Oh stop!! Mam, I thought you were a decent person. I didn't know you have such dirty thoughts running inside your mind."

"Jayyyy." I slapped his arm.

"It's okay, Mam. I'm ready to do anything for you mam. This is nothing for me, mam." He told and picked me up to throw me over his shoulder.

"Jayyy!!! Jay, leave me. Put me down, Jay." I punched his back but he didn't flinch. He walked towards our room and opened the door with one of his hands. On reaching the bed, he grabbed my waist and lifted me up.

"Jayyy!!!! Stop!!! I'm pregnantttttt!!!!!" I cried out loud. His hands which were about to release me into the air stopped, making him lose balance. I fell on the bed first but luckily in the most gentle way possible. But looking at Jay coming in full force to fall on top of me gave me a heart attack. I rolled over to my side as quick as possible making Jay fall nastily, half on the bed and half on my side profile. His nose landed right on my protruding shoulder and I knew it would give him great pain.

"Ammu what did you say earlier?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Jay, I'm pregnant with our child." I repeated to confirm.

"What? Are you serious?"

"No, I'm fine. Pregnancy is not a disease to be serious." I told him sarcastically.

"Pssht! Amaira!! I asked if you were saying it for real."

"Is it something to joke about?" I asked him annoyed.

"But why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asked confused.

"I hate you, Jay. I was planning something big to make this announcement. Today morning only I came to know. Since you were too busy, I didn't get the right time today to say this. You know, the mood was serious and you had a lot in mind. So I was planning for a surprise and thought of ways to convey this to you. But you always push me to blurt out my most memorable declarations in a clumsy way. You did the same while I confessed and now this." I told with a gloomy face.

"Baby, chill!! It's okay. Who cares about the time and mood? You could have grabbed that director's mic and yelled that you were pregnant. That would have been a super hit announcement." He cocooned me in his arms and spoke rubbing my cheeks.

"I do care. And I'll announce it by spending my money, Jay. Why should we trouble the poor producer who has taken a great risk by casting you in his film?" I chuckled.

"Fine, let's get back to the topic. What am I supposed to do now, Amaira?" He asked me.

"Uhm? I think you already did your part. I'm the one who is supposed to deliver the baby." I told jokingly.

"That was not what I was asking. Answer me correctly." He warned.

"Okay! The first thing- handle me with care. Second thing- never give me stress. Next is to buy me anything I ask for. And finally, you know, we shouldn't have ramen in our house."

"Ramen? Why specifically ramen? Is it unhealthy for the baby?" He asked perplexed.

"Hey, idiot! It doesn't literally mean eating ramen. Go search for it on google. I ain't telling you."

"Whatever." He said and turned around to walk away. He caught my wrist and tugged me towards him.


"Eh!! Is kissing allowed?" He asked grinning like a baby. I stared at him up and down and smiled at the end.

"Codeword accepted." He mumbled and lifted my chin with his fingers. He tugged my hair behind my ears and fixed his gaze on my lips. It seemed like he was taking too long. I couldn't wait any longer so I pulled him down and smashed my lips on his lips. He slowly turned me around and made me lean over the wall. His lips parted with mine and moved upwards to kiss my forehead. He stuffed my face with kisses, making me feel loved.

"I love you, Amaira." His hoarse voice gave me goosebumps.

"Love you too, Jay." I told and hugged him tightly.


A/N : Finally, updated after a long time. I deeply apologize for keeping you all waiting for so long. And thanks a lot to all those who read, voted and commented on this book. It really means a lot to me. Hope this book satisfied your expectations ❤

You can comment here anything you want to ask or say to me.

And I've a few question for you.

1) Where did you find my book?

2) What made you read it?

3) Did it meet with your expectations? Answer honestly. No judgements will be made.

4) One more thing I'm curious of is, Did my book put a smile on your face anytime while reading?

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