Red Carpet

By guavawine

282 12 0

'You did it! You got the role Locke!' Locke had almost given up when he finally found his break into the indu... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9 (Final)

Chapter 8

8 1 0
By guavawine

Locke froze right before the glass touched his lip, causing his drink to spill. The whole table went silent and stared dumbfoundedly at the end where Pam and Sana sat.

Sana grinned. 'Exactly the dramatic reaction I was hoping for!' She said, clapping her hands.

No response. They were still trying to process the news Pam delivered to them. Locke was the first one to pull himself together. He held out his drink towards Pam and Sana and spoke, 'Congratulations! You two look lovely together. That explains why Sana abandoned me as my makeup artist,' causing the table to laugh.

'Come on Locke, you're being slightly over dramatic...I've given my best styling your character,' Sana replied.

'Uh huh, that's why I walked into the set with glitter on my eyelids that was clearly Pam's makeup,' Locke joked.

'That was one time!' Sana protested but she was grinning as well.

The seven of them - Locke, Keeye, Pam, Sana, Iris, Mint, Vee, were hanging out at Lit, for a small celebration of Pam's birthday when Pam and Sana came out to all of them announcing that they were dating. With another week left before the wrap up of the shooting for Falling for Dawn, the seven had become good friends off-set.

'We wanted you all to know before we made any decisions of being public about our relationship,' Pam explained.

'Yes, going public is a big decision, so take your time about it. But we're all rooting for you!' Iris encouraged. She was back on the sets for the final couple of episodes. Her character, Iris, who had been Dawn's long term ex, returns to stir up things between Dawn and Hunter.

'I'm happy for you two as well! But honestly, I did not see that coming!' Mint confessed.

'Mint, even if a huge-ass truck was heading straight at you with its headlights blaring, you'd still not see it coming,' Vee teased him.

'Ah...that hurt. But you're probably right about that,' Mint laughed.

Right on cue, Pam's birthday cake was brought in and everyone stood, breaking into a very off-pitched, out-of-sync version of the birthday song. Locke looked around the table, smiling to himself. He felt grateful to have met these people. As his eyes drifted from one person to the other, they lingered longer on the one standing opposite to him, at the other end of the table. Sana and Pam's declaring their relationship...Locke couldn't help feel hopeful. But he brushed off those thoughts as soon as they formed. He knew that he was longing for something that was not meant to be. He looked down at his feet, a sense of guilt crept up on him along with the heart break.

When the celebrations came to an end, the group went their own ways.

'See you all on Monday!' waved Vee as she got into the cab. The ones that had their own vehicles, headed to the parking lot.

Locke stood outside the pub, pondering. He shifted from one foot to the other, his arms inside his coat pocket. The night air was chilly and his breath was getting misty. Finally he turned around and hurried down to the building's basement.

He tried to remember Keeye's vehicle number and wondered if he had already left. But when he got to the parking lot entrance, he found Keeye standing right outside, putting out the cigarette butt and throwing it into the nearby trash can. Upon hearing footsteps behind him, he turned.

A surprised smile broke on his face, 'Locke,'

Under the dim parking lights, Locke could see the tiredness in his eyes. But his smile was genuine. Keeye waited while Locke racked his brain, trying to find the right words.

'I...I just wanted to apologise...the other day...' he rambled.

Looking at Keeye's confused expressions, Locke cleared his throat and spoke a little louder and this time with more coherency.

'Drunk or not, I shouldn't have kissed you the other day out of the blue. It was inappropriate and I was way out of place. I'm really sorry,'

Keeye was surprised. It happened almost two weeks back but Locke was here right now, apologizing in complete earnest. Keeye sighed.

'I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have pushed you like that, I didn't mean to hurt you,' he apologized.

Locke blinked. He wasn't expecting an apology from Keeye when he had been the one at fault.

'It's only natural that you'd react that way,' Locke spoke his mind, 'Also...thank you. I was sulky and irritated right after but you continued being good to me on the sets like always,'

He paused, feeling a lump form in his throat. Acknowledging the fact that their relationship would never go beyond being good buddies hurt, but Locke knew this was the right thing to do.

He took a deep breath. 'My feelings are my responsibility. I'll sort them out. You don't have to worry,'

No response from Keeye.

'Good night then, see you on the sets,' Saying so, he turned around to leave. A part of him wished so badly that Keeye would call out to him...stop him. He held his breath, he was almost out of the parking lot. The cold night air seemed to sting more harshly than before.


'Man, I'm so sorry. It's a terrible mess today. My youngest one was throwing up continuously in the morning and we had to rush him to the hospital. I'm just driving back home and will get to the sets once I've dropped off Clear and my kid.' Skip informed.

'No no, please. You take the day off and take care of your kid, I'll manage just fine,' Locke spoke into his phone.

'Are you sure Locke?' the other end pressed.

'Yes I'm completely sure. You've taught me well Skip, I know what I'm supposed to say and what I'm not,' Locke assured.

'Thanks a lot Locke! I feel so relieved, I'll let Elle know as well,' He hung up.

Locke looked around. He was on the sets of the broadcasting channel, Sight TV, the one that was airing Falling for Dawn. It had been over a month since shooting ended and in another week, the last two episodes of the series would be aired as well, thereby completely wrapping up the series.

And in the past few weeks, Locke had been busy attending events, promoting the series. Today was a game event hosted by Sight TV. Locke had reached the sets early and was patiently waiting for Keeye. He had already spoken to the director, producers and a few other guest stars.

15 minutes later, Keeye arrived, greeting everyone and sitting on the waiting chair next to Locke. His manager, Jef, had tagged along as well.

Locke knew Jef ever since the series shooting began. He couldn't point out exactly what, but for some strange reason he could never get along with him. So, as usual, he gave an acknowledging nod to Jef when greeted and sat in silence.

'Keeye?' a woman called out from behind.

Along with Keeye, Locke turned as well. A well dressed woman in her late twenties stood next to the producer. She excused herself and approached Keeye.

'Oh my goodness, it is you! I almost didn't recognize you!' She exclaimed.

Keeye got to his feet, smiling and they exchanged a hug. 'Stella! It's so good to see you!'

'How long has it been? Ten years?!'

'Yeah, yeah I think so,'

Locke recognized Stella. She was a popular child actor who later started emceeing for reality shows and gained more popularity. If Locke's memory served well, a long time ago Keeye and Stella starred together in a movie where they played the younger versions of the main actors.

'I was in the neighboring set, preparing for my show and dropped by to meet Mr. Pen. I honestly didn't expect to run into you here,'

'We should catch up sometime,'

Keeye and Stella conversed and Locke felt a knot in his stomach. Who were you trying to fool? A voice poked in his head, a cold reminder as to why Keeye would never like him back.

The knot that tugged as jealousy at first quickly changed into something else. Realization that in the 10 years of his career, Keeye must've met thousands of people and Locke was going to be just one of those people.

Locke sighed. The AD approached and announced that they'd be starting with the game in another few minutes.


Locke gripped his right knee, his fingernails almost digging into the skin to stop his tapping feet. Even with the air conditioning on, beads of sweat rolled down the side of his face. Nervous was an understatement. His anxiety levels were off the charts.

Next to him, around the table, sat the team of Falling for Dawn. Keeye sat to his immediate left, looking calm and composed as ever. The rest of the crew members were there too, patiently watching the huge screen on the stage. Keeye's face popped up on the screen as they announced his name in the nomination list for the category - Popularity Award (Male).

They were at the 12th Juniper Awards, the second award show Locke had ever attended in his life. Falling for Dawn had been nominated for three other categories - Best Drama Series, Best Direction - Drama and Best Couple and the winners had already been announced. None of them were disappointed, they knew this was bound to be as the competition in the industry was fierce. Locke had taken it sportingly as well but when they announced Keeye's nomination, he began stressing out.

'And the award goes to...' The MC built up the tension. Locke held his breath. Each second that passed by felt like an eternity.

'Mr. Keeye!!!'

The crowd cheered and erupted into applause. Keeye slowly stood up, processing the news. Around him, people hugged and patted and urged him to hurry to the stage.

Locke watched as Keeye walked up the stage and received his award from the presenter. He spoke a few words, thanking the entire crew of Falling for Dawn. Locke was all smiles. His eyes were sparkling. He was beyond proud as he stood listening to Keeye.

' fans, I can never be thankful enough to them. They've made me into the actor I am today. And lastly, I want to thank my co-star, Locke. For bringing life to the character of Dawn so perfectly that Hunter couldn't help but fall for him,'

Locke grinned. 'No, it was all you,' he mouthed.


'...The security jumped in right after and escorted them all out. Later, my manager spoke to them and the entire matter was settled quietly,' Silver ended his narration of the events that took place on the particular night in question.

'And you don't remember any of this?'  Skip questioned Locke.

'I-' Locke began and paused, trying to piece together the dispersed fragments of his memories. He did remember seeing those thugs. But he wasn't sure about the fight that followed. He remembered being hurt and then, did he black out?

'Mr. Skip, please, it's not Locke's fault. The customer hit Locke first. Locke did what he had to do to defend himself,' Silver pleaded.

Silver wasn't sure why he had been summoned out of the blue to report the incident but he had obliged, concerned by the urgency in Locke's voice when he had contacted him.

Elle stood at the far end of the room, observing Locke and Silver. She had her arms crossed.

Before Skip could reply, she cut in, 'Well, at the very least it explains Locke's black eye. How badly did he hit the thug?'

'Just enough to frighten him. Locke was already drunk, his aims were pretty sloppy but he managed to punch the customer who was drunk just like Locke and easily lost his balance. Locke stopped immediately after and we let the security deal with them,'

'Hmm...I guess this won't cause too much harm if we clear it out with your manager.' Skip deduced. 'But it still doesn't explain how Locke ended up in Keeye's car later...'

Silver knew about Keeye's scandal from the news but he did not understand why Locke and his agency were this worried. He wondered if it happened on the same day as the fight but then again, how was it all connected to Keeye and the mystery man? By any chance, was the mystery man...Locke?

'You should ask Mr. Keeye...' Silver replied. 'He was the one who offered to take Locke back home...'

Three sets of shocked eyes turned to Silver. He felt overwhelmed, like he had just delivered the plot twist of the decade.

'Um...Coincidently Mr. Keeye showed up at the bar wondering what the commotion was. He was surprised to find me and Locke. Locke had blacked out by then and I was going to call a cab but Mr. Keeye assured me that he'd take him home...'


Hellooo! Apologies for the delayed update, been on a AOT binge-watching sesh and hence almost forgot to update the eight chapter *facepalms*

Anyone else excited for the last season? ^^

On that note, next week will be the last chapter for Locke and Keeye. Brace yourselves my lovely readers!

- Guavawine

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