His Angel || Zeldris x Reader

By 31KiwiChan31

51.6K 1.6K 560

*Collab with the lovely Jk_bias_love ! Hurt them and I'll hurt you-* Y/N was a member of the Goddess Clan wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 16

1.8K 66 36
By 31KiwiChan31

~Necklace Key~

Red : admiring/ dazed / showing love

Purple : jealousy

Yellow : worried

Black : angry

Pink : shy/ flustered/ embarrassed

Grey: sad

White : teasing

green : disgusted

Blue : happy/ soft


Two years later

Age : 18

I was enjoying my time alone in my room, reading.

I wanted to know more about demons. Z is my best friend as well as a demon, it's only natural that I want to know more about him.

I had a pile of books in front of me. Lockwood was outside my room guarding me.

Arthur was busy doing who knows what in his meeting room.

Ever since I came back, he would be secretive. He wouldn't tell me what was happening in the meeting room, or anything in general.

How annoying.

I put down the book I was reading and looked down at my pendant. I frown upon feeling nothing. Normally, I would feel this warmth and this protective aura, but now, nothing.

And now, whenever I would go to sleep, I couldn't find Z anywhere.

I was beyond worried.

I hope he's okay, Oh...how I miss you Z...

Shaking my head, I got up from my seat. My white gown was tight around my waist but loose near my legs. I had this feeling inside me that something was not right and maybe this feeling had to do with Arthur being in the meeting room for over six hours now.

Grunting in frustration, I decided to go out of my room and see what the heck was going on. When my hand was about to grip the handle, the door flew open and in came Arthur.

He looked awful. It's like he hasn't had a proper rest for hours, which probably was accurate.

He was wearing his armor and his helmet was in his right hand. It's like he was going for battle. I widened my eyes upon realizing that maybe he was going to battle.

"Arthur, please tell me that a war is not about to begin..."

"N-No!- *sigh* don't ... worry about it. I'm just going to train outside for a while." I exhaled a breath I was holding. Then I smiled big, bringing my hands together and entwining them together. I asked my long-desired question. "Can we train together, It's been so long-"

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to train with the knights today. You should stay here and rest. I'm sure you must feel pretty tired." Without letting me say anything, he turned around and left. Crossing my arms in anger, I turned my head sideways.

Amidst my anger I didn't notice Arthur giving something to Lock and muttering something.

"Tired my ass... I haven't done anything today..." I mutterned in frustration.

Groaning, I stomped my way to my bed and made myself fall on it. I closed my eyes. I wanted to get some sleep, but not for resting. I wanted to try and find my dream land and see if Z was there.


I woke up with a gasp, feeling an earthquake. Widening my eyes. I got up from my bed. Was the bad feeling I had felt a warning to this earthquake?

I went to my window in a hurry looking outside. I gasped with wide eyes. There was chaos everywhere. I saw Holy knights fighting some kind of weird looking creature that looked like people who had mutated.

I gritted my teeth, I had been feeling weird all day, Arthur looking like he was going to fight, him being in a meeting room for hours. It was all for preparing for war.

I turned around going to my door. Going to help with the fight.

But before that I went to my wardrobe. I was going to change into my fighting outfit. I paused- my clothes were gone. There were only my regular dresses. I huffed, scoffing. I went to my door to open it, but I couldn't. I kept pushing on the handle, however it wouldn't budge.

"What the hell is happening?!-"

I tried punching it, but again nothing worked. I then realized something. There was a war going on but neither the maids, Lock, or even Arthur had warned me. My fighting clothes were gone. My door was locked.

It all made sense! The reason I was not aware of anything, or not participating in the war, was because they wanted to keep me out of it. I gritted my teeth.

I'm no damn kid! I can make my own choices!

I went to the door again, bringing my fist up, I pounded on it

"Lock open up! I know you're outside! You better open this door or I swear to god!"

He didn't answer, but I knew he was outside, I felt his presence.



"God damn it! Lock!"

Again nothing

"Lock! I will kill-"

"Y/n. Please stop, we're keeping you safe,"

Scoffing, I brought my fist to my face in anger.
"I know that! But it's not your call to make! I'm a grown woman and a fighter trained by the best. I can make my damn own choices! And I want to fight!"

Behind the door Lockwood clenched his fist in anger

"I know. But Arthur gave me this order! And quite frankly I agree with him-! The last time I let you go you got badly hurt! I can't- no I won't let that happen again!"

I softened my eyes and exhaled a sigh,"Oh Lock, I know but what's the point in training me if I can't fight in the end..."

"This is different. T-this is huge! Dangerous! I can't let you out. I'm sorry princess..."

I pursed my lips, my hair casting a shadow over my eyes. I advanced backwards.

Stopping, I lifted my head and looked sternly at the door before me. My eyes glowed with determination. "Me too, I'm sorry." Lockwood widened his eyes. Realizing that I was up to something, he got the key out and started to open my door.

Turning around to my window, I ran to it, about to jump outside of it.

I fell forward, feeling the wind on my face. Once near the ground I landed on my feet.

I took my dress in my hands and tore the bottom half.

That's a bummer. I kind of liked this dress.

I was about to take off, but a shout stopped me. I looked up and saw Lock near my window "Y/n! You better come back here!"

"Like hell I will!" And just like that, I ran full speed to the fight where Arthur was. Ignoring the scream of my name that Lockwood was saying, I just kept running.

When I spotted the familiar armor of Arthur I ran faster. Once I got closer, I noticed that the person Arthur was fighting was Hendrickson. I was shocked. Wasn't Hendrickson an ally to the Kingdom of Camelot? I don't understand anything, this is frustrating!

Arthur seemed to keep up with the constant blows Hendrickson was giving his way. I had stopped running to watch and think of something to help. Considering I didn't have my fighting armor nor my sword, I had to find something. Glancing around me, I then spotted a sword on the floor. What a coincidence...

Taking it, I ran to the two fighters. Hendrsickson was able to push Arthur to a wall, however Arthur was able to block it. Hendrickson was about to go for another shot, but I emerged just in time to block his sword. He seemed shocked that I appeared out of nowhere. Before he could retaliate, I brought my sword to a hit. However, the same thing that happened two years back happened again.

When I landed a hard hit to his sword, a light beam shot out the weapon. Hendrickson's eyes widened before being projected far away. I stood there shocked, I thought I was only able to do that with my own sword...

I was too deep in thought. I didn't notice Arthur coming to me, but when I did, I was overcome with anger.

"What the hell are you-" I turned around abruptly, cutting him off. Clenching my fist, I marched up to him. I got him by the collar of his armor. I shook in anger.

"How dare you lock me up in my room! You have no right to forbid me from participating in a fight!"

"I was protecting you!"

"OH yeah!? Well it doesn't matter! I know you want to protect me but I'm capable of defending myself!"

"What about the fight two years back huh!? You were near death."

"That's- *sigh* That was different, I'm much stronger now-"

"That doesn't change the fact I want to keep you safe! You mean so much to me... You have no idea how much I lo-" Widening his eyes at what he was going to say he stopped. I tilted my head in confusion. "You what?" He closed his eyes and clenched his fist in frustration. "Nevermind. It's not important. And you have to go back to the castle where it's safe."

I was about to protest, but a voice stopped me, "Well I hate to break this heated conversation, but Hendrickson is still not yet defeated," My body was paralyzed upon hearing the familiar voice.

My body shook, my hands dropped to my side. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. My lips trembled. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. He's back...

I stayed turned, my back showing to him. "Hey, you okay there?" I gritted my teeth in anger.

"I don't know, Mister Meliodas, you tell me-!" I then turned around showing myself to him. Upon seeing me, he gasped and his body paralysed, his eyes widening.

Unlike him, my face showed no emotion. He advanced to me but I recoiled. He seemed to notice and stopped, dropping his head in sadness.

"Y/n I-..." He didn't know where to begin.

"Don't. We have...a fight to finish." I was about to go and help some Knights with the war but a strong grip stopped me from going any further. I looked behind me to see Arthur gripping my arm with a stern face. "Y/n I mean it when I say you have to stay out of danger."

I looked at him in anger. I shook my arm off of his grip and advanced backwards.

"You can't force me to stay out of it. I can fight! I'm not some...some WEAK human! Lockwood trained me well!"

"I didn't say you're weak- but this fight it's too dangerous for you-!"

I glared at Arthur, shaking my head in denial refusing to cooperate. He then sighed. "You leave me no choice then..."

"...Merlin I leave this to you,"

Looking in shock behind me, I saw a person with a dark purple coat covering their figure and face. I widened my eyes in fear. They chanted some kind of spell. My body shook and I gasped, my hand clutching my head, I gripped my head in pain. My other hand went to my pendant, seeking comfort subconsciously, but I felt nothing.

My eyes then felt heavy, closing slowly on their own. I felt myself losing strength. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. Without any more strength my body started falling. However before I could hit the ground, Arthur had caught me just in time. Closing his eyes, he apologizes, feeling guilty about doing that to his lover.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. Merlin bring her back to her room in the castle, you know the one." He then gave my body to the mage and without wasting time she teleported to safety.

Arthur then turned towards Meliodas.

"Okay, let's go and finish this." Meliodas nodded and they both took off to fight off Hendrickson and his followers. Although both held determination in their eyes they both couldn't stop themselves feeling guilty, but for two entirely different scenarios and situations.


I woke up feeling groggy, My head was hurting. I looked around me and saw I was in my room on my bed. So it seems like Arthur asked that mysterious person to cast a spell on me to knock me out.

I felt tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. Don't they trust me? Do they think I'm pathetic and ... weak?...Suddenly, some kind of flashback made my body go into shock.


I was not in my room anymore but in a sort of royal looking training ground with gold everywhere. I looked around me and saw two people, but they were blurry. They seem to be training. One was a girl and another a male. Why do I feel like I know them...?

My head started hurting, I held it grunting in pain. I looked up with one eye open. It got wider when I noticed the male being speaking those familiar words.

"You're weak again!"

"Do you think you can kill a demon with those skills?!"

"No you're a weak angel! Again!"

He then striked the girl and she fell. I stood there without moving. I was terrified and I didn't know why. Suddenly he then turned to me and began to advance to me. I gasped in horror and ran in fear. He didn't stop and kept walking towards me.

Running faster I looked behind me to see if he was still there, but he was gone. Not questioning it, I faced forward again to escape him but I hit something hard and fell on my back. Looking up I widened my eyes in fear seeing the blurry image of this male person.

He brought his sword up and screamed the word weak. I screamed in fear and tried calling for help. "Someone! Please Help me!" He then brought his sword down and was about to strike me near the chest.

"OH god make it stop!!"



"Y/n! Wake up!" I gasped, my mind returning to the real world. My breathing was going fast: my eyes wide in fear and horror. I keep having the same flashback over and over but each time they seem to get worse.

Looking to my right I saw Meliodas. To my left I saw everybody else: Arthur, Lockwood, and the Seven Deadly Sins. I guess Merlin was the one who was in the cloak.

"Y/n, what happened? Was it a nightmare?" Lockwood asked urgently. I said nothing and stood up. "I'm going out for a walk," I walked out of the room and closed the door. I ignored their cries and continued walking.

I held my arms close to myself. I tried to steady my breathing but it felt like I couldn't. All I could hear was his voice, screaming at me. All I could see was him rushing towards me. I took deep breaths.

"It was only a nightmare," I whispered to myself. I jumped when a hand touched my shoulder. My body went rigid with fear, but when I turned around, it was only Meliodas. "You're pretty jumpy," Meliodas frowned. "You said you were going on a walk, but we're really far from the castle. You look really spooked out,"

When I looked around, I realized that I had indeed walked far from Camelot castle. We were on a hill. It would have at least taken 10 minutes to get here on foot. "Mister Meliodas...." was all I could mutter. "Why?" Before I knew it, tears were falling down my face.

"Why did you leave?" I asked. His eyes went wide. "Why did you hurt me?" Meliodas looked at me and tried to find the right words.

"I-I left because I had hurt you. When Liz died, it's like I wasn't aware of my movements. I was so filled with rage and grief that I didn't even know what I was doing. When I was aware of my own actions again, you were bleeding, laying there on the ground, Lockwood crying," Meliodas' hands had begun to shake.

"When he told me that I had done it- I couldn't believe it and I ran. Lockwood looked at me with such hate and sorrow. The sight was so painful.....it was like watching it for the second time," Meliodas thought back to the sight he saw 3000 years ago.

Zeldris cried, your cold body laying in his arms. Zeldris turned and met Meliodas's bright green eyes with black orbs of revenge and grief.

"I was scared....I'd hurt someone that's like a sister to me. I'd just lost Liz and it hurt to think that I could lose you too, especially by my own hands. I was a coward....and I fled from Danafor to gather the Seven Deadly Sins," Meliodas explained sorrowfully, balling his hands into fists, upset at his own cowardly acts.

My eyebrows furrowed and my tears fell harder. I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around Meliodas. "I always told myself that I just had to believe in you; that you had a reason for what you'd done. You did, I-I'm happy," I allowed myself to cry. "Lockwood and Arthur are being overprotective, you were nowhere to be found, and I-I can't find Z," my hands shook while I cried. Meliodas tightly wrapped me into his embrace.

"What do you mean that you can't find him?" Meliodas asked, quite surprised. "I can't see him in my dreams anymore and the pendant feels cold....he told me that it represented him.....normally it would feel warm and comforting...what if something happened to him?" I cried into his shoulder, my tears wetting his clothing.

Meliodas and I stood there in eachothers arms as we comforted each other, patching up the holes left by the past two years.

Abruptly, a large tremor shook the world. Meliodas held onto me protectively. He looked up at the sky with a wary gaze. I was worried. Meliodas never acted like this. He looked worried as if his worst fears had come to life. My hand subconsciously went to grab my necklace. I gasped. "Z..." I muttered. The necklace felt warm again.

"Y/n, listen to me carefully, stay by my side at all times,"

"The Ten Commandments have returned,"


The day had finally arrived that the Ten Commandments had long awaited. As soon as the gate to Purgatory had opened, the Commandments moved in quickly. Not long after, the Commandments were in Britannia. Zeldris looked up at the starry sky busy with his own thoughts.


We'll meet again soon, my angel

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