My secret {Newt x reader} [bo...

By multifandomnerd_

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Y/n is a descendant of Eddie Brock. Throughout the years, his family has been hosting Venom. When Y/n was a... More

My characters
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve

Chapter three

2K 32 10
By multifandomnerd_

I turn and see Newt standing off to the side.

"Uh... Hi?" Venom says.

"I-it talks? W-what the bloody hell is that?" He asks. I can tell he's terrified, but trying to hide it.

"Uh... this is venom. Now, Venom doesn't like being called this, but I think it's the only way you'll kinda understand what exactly Venom is. Venom is, a-a parasite. Venom can't survive here without a human host," I say.

"Hey, we'd be dead by now if it wasn't for us!" Venom says.

"W-what is it talking about? You'd be dead?" Newt asks.

"Well-" I start before venom cuts me off.

"We can fix broken bones and things.
And-" Venom starts.

"Venom. I think he gets it," I say, knowing what he was gonna do next.

"I don't, actually," Newt says. I sigh. Venom branches out from me again, making an arm-like thing. It forms a hand and waves at Newt. Venom then disappears. It covers up some of my arm and creates a kind of axe thing. Then, Venom makes spider leg things come out from my back and lifts me up from the floor. (Kind of like dr Otto Octavius from spiderman but venom.) Newt's eyes get wide. Then, venom goes back inside me. I know what he's about to do.

"No... venom-" I start to mutter. But it's too late. Venom does this:

Venom stands tall and look at Newt. Venom waves before going back inside me and making me normal again. I sigh, scared of Newt's reaction.

"I-I'm sorry. Venom can get carried away and show off sometimes... I know it's a lot..." I say nervously.

"I-"Newt starts. I can tell he doesn't know how to reply. "Does anyone else know?"

"Eli and Aris. My whole maze knew about Venom," I say. Newt nods.

"And-is it dangerous?" He asks.

"Only if you get on Venom's bad side. Normally Venom is fine. It gets a craving for, uh... Animals and people sometimes, but I don't let it. Don't worry. Venom has learned the difference between good people and bad people. It won't harm any of you guys. I promise," I say. Newt nods slowly.

"O-ok. Well, we should get back to the others..." Newt says.

"Okay. Wait. Can, can you not mention this to the others?" I ask.

"Shouldn't they eventually find out?" He asks.

"Well... yea. I just don't know how they'd react."

"Okay. I think they'd be shocked at first but be okay with it. Minho'd think it's bloody awesome. But you can tell them in your own time. This is your story to tell. Not mine," Newt says. I smile.

"Okay. Thanks." We start to go back. I stop when I hear a noise. "Do you hear that?" He nods. It sounds like whimpering. I cautiously walk towards the noise. I notice a teeny tiny figure huddled up in the shadows. I get closer. My heart melts as I see a tiny puppy curled up in a ball, hiding it's face.

"What is it?" Newt asks from behind me.

"It's a puppy!" I lower my arms and scoop up the puppy. I can feel its ribcage as a scoop it up. It has white, light brown and dark brown spots on it. It looks up at me. It has one hazel eye and one bright blue one.

"It's adorable," Newt says, looking at it. I nod.

"Yea. It also needs food. And water. It may look healthy because of all the fur, but I can feel it's ribcage. It's starving." I say. I hold the puppy close to me. Newt nods.

"Let's take it back to the others. Then we can find some food," He says. I nod. We walk back to the others. The puppy had fallen back asleep in my arms. Eli looks up and immediately notices the puppy. She rushes over.

"Awe! Where'd you find the puppy?" Eli asks, getting the attention of Teresa and Frypan.

"In the next room over. It was curled up in the shadows, whimpering. We need to find it some food. It's starving," I say. Eli nods. We all search for more food. Teresa comes up and holds out a water bottle.

"Thanks. Let's see if we can find something to hold some water for the puppy," I say, smiling. Teresa smiles and pulls out an old plate from the bag she was holding.

"We'll probably need to rinse it off first, but it should work fine," Teresa said. I nod and smile.

"Yea, that'll work great. Thanks." She smiles. She pours some water onto the plate and moves it around on the plate before dumping it onto the ground, the sand now gone from the plate. She pours more water onto the plate and holds it out to the puppy. The puppy looks at Teresa, then the plate of water. It leans forward and laps up all of the water. It looks at Teresa anxiously, wanting more. She chuckles and pours more water. The puppy drinks it immediately.

Frypan, Newt and Eli soon come back with more water and some food. We give the puppy the food and a little more water. The puppy is now more energetic, it's tail wagging and hitting my arm. It's tongue sticks out of it's mouth as it pants. Winston and Aris come back soon with plenty of supplies.

"Who's this?" Aris asks, walking over.

"A puppy. We found it in the shadows." I respond as Aris pets the puppy.

"Awe. What's this?" He asks. He holds up a small tag attached to a collar we hadn't noticed around the puppy's neck. "Roxy..."

I smile. "Well hello, Roxy," I say to the puppy. It looks up at me with it's multicolored eyes and it's tail wags again. I smile. Suddenly, lights flicker on. We all look around.

"What happened?" Winston asked. We all shrug. A few minutes later, we hear yelling. Roxy looks over and starts barking.

"What...?" I mumble. Minho and Thomas soon come into view, sprinting.

"Go! Run, go!" Thomas yells. Stumbling figures soon appear behind them, chasing after them.

"Shit-" Eli says. We ready our bags on our backs and I readjust Roxy in my arms so it's easier to run with her.

"So are we just gonna wait around for them to catch up to us or are we gonna run?" Eli asks. I roll my eyes. Thomas and Minho get closer and we start running. We reach some stairs and we start running up them. One get close to Thomas and Teresa. Teresa hits it and it falls back. We keep running.

We run as fast as we can, trying to get away from the things chasing us. I hear glass break. I look back and see one of those things on top of Newt. Thomas goes and kicks it off him. We all keep running. We go down a narrow hallway and reach a dead end. There are several red doors but most of them are locked. Thomas finds a lose one. They all start running into it to get it open.

"I'll hold them off," Winston says, grabbing his gun and going to the entrance of the hallway, shooting at the things still chasing after us. They get nearer and everyone is still trying to bust open the door. Ugh, they're taking forever. Hold on. Venom reaches out, creating a black arm like thing and quickly busts down the door. Thomas, Minho and Frypan look at me, shocked. Eli smiles at me.

"Thanks, venom! Now we gonna keep staring or run?" Eli says, running out the door. We all follow. Just as Winston gets out, one of the things that were chasing us grabs him and pulls him back. Frypan tries pulling him out while Minho and Thomas hold the door to prevent more of the things from getting out. Many of the things scratch Winston's stomach.

"Hold on, guys!" I say. Venom reaches out and holds the door to give Minho and Thomas a break. Venom forms another arm like thing and grabs Winston, pulling him out. Venom then uses both arm like things to hold the door shut. "Go! Run! I can hold the door back long enough for you all to get a head start."

They run. When they catch up to the others, I run after them and Venom lets go, going back inside me. I quickly catch up to the others. The things are still chasing after us. We find a hiding spot and stay there until morning.

(This is Roxy)

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