Warriors Tunnelfrost's Loyalt...

By Firewolftyeshorty

99 13 2

Greypaw cried out in pain as the scent of blood got strong again. Scarredtail gasped, "What's wrong?!" She st... More

•Chapter One•
•Chapter Two•
•Chapter Three•
•Chapter four•
•Chapter Five•
•Chapter Six•
•Chapter Seven•
•Chapter Eight•
•Chapter Nine•
•Chapter Ten•
•Chapter Eleven•

•Chapter Twelve•

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By Firewolftyeshorty

Tunnelpaw crept away from the others as the sun began to set. They were too busy nervously eating to notice her, Southpaw, or Maplepaw's disappearance.

Tunnelpaw waited patiently as she heard pawwsteps. Maplepaw walked slowly over to her friend, "So. Where's Southpaw?" She whispered. Tunnelpaw shrugged, "Thought he left earlier than all of us." She murmured. Southpaw appeared suddenly, "Guys. Let's get farther from camp, or we'll be spotted." He ordered, nudging the two away.

They sat next to one of the fallen trees, all facing each other. Maplepaw spoke first, "So, what's the plan?" She asked. Tunnelpaw thought for a moment, "Perhaps we look at the old camp, if we can't do anything then we look for a new one." She suggested. Southpaw nods, "I know a few places where another camp can be made," he sniffed the air and looked at the sky, "But it will snow tonight." He worriedly added. Tunnelpaw nodded, "We are going to be helping our Clan." She pointed out. Maplepaw raised her tail to silence the two, "A plan can't be made this fast, if you know more than one place a camp can be made, we need to observe the area closely. The sun will be completely gone soon, we have a disadvantage." She Murmured.

The three flinched at a sound in the distance. Voidpaw found them, "A plan for a new camp?" She asked as Dovepaw followed Voidpaw. Maplepaw flattened her ears, "Wait! Don't tell Jaystar!" She meowed threateningly. Voidpaw laughed, "Oh I won't. I want to be part of this plan. Dovepaw too." She added. Tunnelpaw smiled, "Of course." She meowed. Voidpaw seemed friendly again as she and Dovepaw sat with the three. Dovepaw spoke next, "I say we look at the other choices before the moon rises." She purred. Maplepaw nodded, "I agree." She mewed. Southpaw flattened his ears. "I know only two. I say two cats each go together-" he was cut off by Dovepaw, "What about the last cat?" She asked. Southpaw stopped, hesitating. Tunnelpaw's ears pricked, "The last cat can spectate the old camp and see if there is anything left we can do." She meowed confidently. Southpaw sighed, "I think if anycat is to do that it's me. The first idea for a camp is near the training area but not quite too close and the second is near the edge of our territory that way," he pointed towards tall pine trees. He had already volunteered to look at the old camp, already walking away.

The four looked at each other. Voidpaw spoke, "Me and Tunnelpaw will see the one near the edge. Dovepaw will go with Maplepaw." She whispered. Tunnelpaw followed Voidpaw through the pine forest, "So Voidpaw.. are we still friends?" She asked. Voidpaw smiled, "Yeah, I guess I was just jealous that you got along with great friends." She laughed. Tunnelpaw stopped. "Well I don't want to be your friend." She murmured, her tail dropped. Voidpaw turned, her eyes were wide with surprise. "Wh.. what?" She looked angered. Tunnelpaw didn't want to be hurt again, she forced a laugh, "I.. I was kidding." She smiled. Voidpaw looked relieved, "Heh.. I suspected that." She continued to walk with Tunnelpaw trailing behind her, Tunnelpaw felt more hurt at the fact that she was lying to Voidpaw.

They made it to the area, dens could be easily made, but there was no meeting rock, just a tree that looked as if it would break instantly. Voidpaw sighed, "Definitely not here then." She turned, angrily walking away. Tunnelpaw followed.

  They met back with the others as snow started falling, the moon was rising and the air was cold and hard to breath. Voidpaw spoke, "No luck where we went." Was all she said before grooming her fur. Dovepaw stood, "What we found is perfect!" She purred. Southpaw seemed disappointed, "Our old camp is no good now." He sighed. Tunnelpaw thought for a moment, "let's all see this new camp then." She stood. The others looked hesitant. "It's snowing!" Maplepaw nervously meowed. Tunnelpaw narrowed her eyes, "Well I'm going!" She meowed, running off into the cold weather. Voidpaw stayed behind as Southpaw followed his friend, eventually getting Maplepaw to come along.

  Maplepaw led the two over towards the new camp idea. It was hard to see as the snow got thicker and the sky got darker, but she could just barely see was it was perfect. She turned, Southpaw yowled. "It's Toadkit! I think I saw her!" He panicked. He turned only to slip on the snow uselessly. He couldn't screech as snow covered his face.

  Voidpaw rushed out of nowhere to scoop the small kit up. "Shall we tell the others?" Dovepaw asked. Tunnelpaw nodded, "Hurry!-" she was cut off by a large cat pinning her to the ground. "Gotcha!" He growled. It was an older cat, yet he seemed strong. Tunnelpaw clawed at his face, all he did was growl. Dovepaw leapt onto the tom's back, "Get off her!" She ripped at his throat, he only threw her off. Voidpaw was shocked at how the tom stared at Tunnelpaw. "Your bloodline ends." He hissed. Tunnelpaw unsheathed her back claws, scraping his belly as he fell over. "Who are you!" She ordered. The Tom coughed as he spoke, "I don't have to tell you anything. Your father tried to kill my mother!" He snarled, hurtling himself at the apprentice, she moved away, letting him slip in the snow.

Southpaw leapt at him, bitting his leg as he hissed. Tunnelpaw bit at his throat as Dovepaw stood again to help. Maplepaw helped Voidpaw protect Toadkit.

Suddenly the tom fell, blood seeping from his injuries. Tunnelpaw seemed tired, nearly falling over as blood streamed down her face from above her eye. Southpaw stood, "Guys, we need to get back!" He meowed. Voidpaw kept the kit held, "Hurry!" She hissed. Maplepaw spoke up, "We should all stay close!" She orders. The snow made it too hard to see, but Southpaw knew where he was going. The group followed him as the dawn sun rose.


The snow stopped before they got back to camp. The five walked in, Voidpaw had kept Toadkit warm the whole time, her eyes showing tiredness. Jaystar gasped, "You five!" She smiled, walking over. Southpaw let Tunnelpaw step forwards. "We found a camp!" She announces, telling Jaystar everything along with the others also telling part of their story with it. Jaystar looked hesitant. "You're sure?" She asked. Maplepaw nodded, "yes!" She purred.

Jaystar led the cats and followed the five, cats nervously murmured among themselves as they made it to the new camp. Jaystar looked around, smiling, "We have found a new home." She purred, climbing onto a large yet flat at the top rock. "All cats please gather to hear my words!" She announces.

Cats below gathered, "we wouldn't have found our new home as soon as now without the help of these five. Please, step forward." The five cats stepped closer, all silent yet nervous. "You are all destined to earn your warrior names." She meowed.

"Southpaw, without you, they wouldn't have known about the new camp idea in the first place, and you led the others back to camp. I ask StarClan to look down and watch this new warrior. Southpaw, you shall now be known as Southtail." She meows. The Clan cheered his name as he stepped back.

"Voidpaw, without you, Toadkit wouldn't have been kept warm and safe, you have a great heart, Voidpaw. But you aren't a paw anymore, you are Voidblaze. In honor of your willing sacrifice to keep Toadkit alive."

"Maplepaw. If it weren't for you, a proper plan wouldn't have been made. You led them all to the right direction and saved us all. Maplepaw, I see a bright future within you and your heart to keep us all in order. Maplepaw, you're warrior name shall be Mapleheart," she smiled.

  "Dovepaw, if it weren't for you, Tunnelpaw would've been ripped to shreds before your distraction. In honor of your quick speed, you shall be known as Doveflight." Jaystar then looked at Tunnelpaw.

  "Tunnelpaw, if it weren't for your bravery in taking the first leap into the snow, we wouldn't be where we are today. You convinced every cat to follow you without saying anything. Tunnelpaw, you shall be known as Tunnelfrost." She finished.

The clan cheered her name.

  We did it! We are warriors

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