Dealing with the Devil Hero (...

By AxoroForLife

24.5K 363 300

Kamen Riders who are once known to the society as Heroes, Had faded ever since Quirks started to appear left... More

Bio - Kamen Rider Revi
Bio - Kamen Rider Vice
2. Oc Revice forms (could Be Used)
3. Oc Revice forms (some could be use)
4. Revice forms (some could be use)
Revice Remix
Bio - Kamen Rider Evil/Live
Bio - Kamen Rider Jeanne
Bio - Kamen Rider Demons
I Have A Question? (Closed)
And We Have A Winner!
Chapter 0 - Prologue
Chapter 1 - The Origins of A Devil
I'm sorry

Chapter 2 - The Re: Rise of Revice

1.7K 24 33
By AxoroForLife

(Miku in LoveKov costume looks freaking adorable!!!!)

Last chapter .....

Kazuto's POV

As I cycled to investigate the explosion. When I got there I saw people watching. When I got closer, I saw the slime villain causing havoc. And I saw the victim the slime Villain is he taking hostage, made my heart dropped.

Kazuto: Katsuki!!!

Present chapter......

Axoro: ok before I continue what happened, let's rewind to how it all happened so it's rewind time.......

Axoro: I had to do it......

3rd POV

We see All Might quick slapping the boy as he woke up from the lack of oxygen

All Might: Hey, Hey! He- oh good!

That made the boy froze as he jumped and crawl backwards, away from all while screaming I'm shock.

All Might: I'm glad that you're okay! Sorry 'bout getting caught up in my villain fighting. I don't usually make mistakes like this, but I was in high spirits on my day off in a new place. HA HA HA

as All Might was laughing, Izuku was sitting there, pupils swirling from the sudden meeting.

All Might: But, you were a big help. Thanks young boy! Because of you I captured him safely!

All Might then showed the soda bottle which held the captured slime villain.

Izuku: The Number one hero..... All Might....H-He's the real thing.... He looks completely different in person!

As All Might continues to smile, Izuku then look around to find his notebook.

Izuku: Oh, right! An a-autograph! Where should I-? Pleas sign my notebook!

As he open the book, it revealed that the hero had already sign the book.

Izuku: He already did!?

From that he bowed multiple times, thanking him as All Might place the bottle in his pockets.

Izuku: Th-Thank you very much! It will be an heirloom! A family treasure that will be passed down from generations to generations!

All Might: *Thumbs up* Okay! Well I need to take this guy to the police. See you again on the other side of the screen!

As he was stretching his legs, the boy was saddened that it didn't last longer.

Izuku: Wait, you're leaving already?

All Might: Pros are constantly fighting enemies and time.

Izuku *thoughts*: Wait.... There are still... things I want to ask....

All Might: Well then, I'm counting on your continued support!

He shouted as he jumped in the sky, but what he didn't know is something holding his legs.

All Might: Wait......

He look down to see Izuku holding his legs for dear life.

All Might: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Let go of me! I do love my fans but this is too much!

Izuku: W-Wait! iwf I.... Lwet go now!.... I'll....I'll die...!

As All Might was pushing him off, he stop as the boy was right.

All Might: Wait, you're right.

Izuku: I... hwav....a lwot of things...... I want to ask you directly!

All Might: Okay, okay, I get it! So close your eyes and mouth!

The boy did as he was told as he close his eyes and mouth while covering his face on All Mights leg. But during that All Might was cough out blood.

All Might: Shit....


The Both of them landed on a building roof where Izuku was trembling in shock while drooling.

Izuku: Th-That was scary, I thought was about to die.......

All Might: Good grief. If you talk to the people downstairs. I'm sure they'll let you down.... But in all seriousness I am out of time, so I really must go.

Izuku: Wait a sec-

All Might: Sorry kid but no! I will not wait!

Izuku: But-

Quick Flashback....

Quirk Dr: You should probably give up......

End Quick Flashback.....

The boy's hand was out but was suddenly pulled back slowly from the flowing memories of past event of the boy's childhood, both the good and the bad.

Quick Flashback again......

Inko: I'm sorry Izuku, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Flashback 2....

Katsuki: what the hell can you do? You're quirkless!

End Quick Flashback again.......

Izuku *thoughts*: That might be true....... But even so, I......

Quick Flashback again again.........

Kazuto: *smile* I believe that you can be a hero, Just like All Might!

End Quick Flashback again again.......

Izuku: Even if I don't have a quirk, can I become a hero?

Those words made All Might stop moving, as Izuku continues.

Izuku: Can even someone without a quirk be like you?

The boy close his eyes, hoping for an answer in which he wanted to be what he thought All Might would say but let's just say things turn to a small side a bit. We see All Might suddenly clenched his body when steam was coming out of his body.

All Might: *whisper* shit, not now goddammit!....

Izuku: It might've been because I don't even have a quirk, I'm always made fun of....... Maybe that's why.... I don't know... but I think of saving people is super cool. Saving people with fearless smile. I want to be the greatest hero, like you-

The steam then died down as a skinny man appeared in which shock/scared the boy.

Izuku:*shock* W-What.... the..... HECK!?

Intro Rider Time!!


Chapter 2 : The Re: Rise of Revice



During this, the scene changes to "Tatooin Shopping District" as the scene shifts to an alley where the bottle from where All Might was holding was beside a trash can as the slime villain was awaking up as he looks around.

Slime: Where am I.......Where am I? Oh right..... that bastard.... If I weren't for that guy....

Then we see Katsuki and his so called friends were walking while Katsuki was drinking his soda.

(K/F means Katsuki's friend)

K/F 1: Hey, Katsuki, aren't you, Suguharu and Midoriya childhood friends? You went a little overboard on him today.

Katsuki: It's his fault for getting in my way.

He kicks the bottle which the bottle hit a pole and opens the lid, releasing the slime villain.

K/F 1: Dont let it get to you.


Izuku: It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little. And well... I won't know unless I try?

Kazuto: Kamen Riders are the real heroes!

End Flashback....

Katsuki: He's an idiot dreaming like a kid, Just like Dino brain, still thinking that Kamen Riders are true heroes, both of them are acting like kids!

He exploded the can in anger.

Katsuki: *angry* just watching them pisses me off!

K/F 1: Then, why don't we go to the arcade for a change of pace?

K/F 2: Yeah, you'll come, too, right, Katsuki?

Katsuki: Yeah

K/F 2: Then let's go to the one in front of the station.

Unbeknownst to them, the slime villain was slowly slithering to them as they talk.

K/F 1: Or we could sneak into the beer section and get some.

K/F 2: You're terrible, Y'know.

Katsuki: what?! Are you stupid? If we get caught it'll end up on my record!

Then the two boys were trembling as they point behind Katsuki.

K/F 2: Hey dude, look!

Katsuki turned around as the slime villain took a bigger form as his mouth was open wide

Slime: An invisible cloak with a great quirk!

Meanwhile with Izuku and Skinny All Might.....

Izuku: *shock* W-What.....the.....HECK!? Y-Y-Y you're deflating....!

As he suddenly looked around to see if it's true. As he was still in the in denial shock.

Izuku: Wait, up until now...huh?! A Fake? You're aren't All Might!? An imposter!?

All Might: I am All Might....

Before he continues to speak, his mouth suddenly spill blood in which scared Izuku more than he already is.

Izuku: No way!?

All Might: You know how the guys at the pool are constantly flowing and posturing? It's like that

Izuku: No way.....! I-it can't be.... All Might is fearless...... He saves everyone with a smile..... He' the greatest.....

All Might: *sigh* A fearless smile, huh?

He slowly sat down while leaning on the rail.

All Might: Now that you've seen me like this, young man, I must kill you in-


Axoro: Hey! That's not part of the skript!

All Might! What do you mean? This is my-

Script writer: oh sorry that was a of a misprinted script.

Axoro: *sigh* Take Two!

Take two


All Might: Now that you've seen me like this, young man, make sure you don't write about it online, even accidentally.

The man then lift up his shirt to reveal a disturbing scar on his rib side of his body.

All Might: It's an injury I got, a villain attack five years ago. Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed, and I lost my whole stomach. I've become emanciated from repeated surgeries and aftereffects. Right now, I can only do hero work for about three or so hours a day.

Izuku: That can't be.... Five years ago was that when you fought against Toxic Chainsaw?

All Might: You're well-informed, I can tell you that. But a punk like that couldn't defeat me. This fight was not made public to the world. I asked that it not be made public. I will save people with a smile! The symbol of Peace cannot be daunted by evil. I smile to show the pressure of heroes, and to trick the fear inside me. Pros are always risking their lives. I cannot simply say, "You can become a hero even without power."

That stabbed into Izuku's soul and dream as he shakes a bit in no emotion.

Izuku: I-I see.....

All Might: if you want to help others, then you could also become a police officer. They're often teased because they get villains delivered to their doorstep, but that could also be a fine occupation.

As he opens the roof door, Izuku stopped him.

Izuku: B-But what about Kamen Riders? They never had a quirk to be heroes.....

All Might: *sigh* Kamen Riders don't exist anymore. It's not bad to dream. But you also have to be realistic in life, young man.

He then close the door, leaving Izuku standing there, not moving a muscle. While All Might was walking down the stairs, he was reaching to his pocket

All Might: Now, I need to quickly get this guy......

As he didn't felt the bottle he then checks both of his pockets to find that the bottle is nowhere to be seen. He then heard a muffled sound as he look through a window to see smoke.

All Might: Don't tell me......

With Izuku.......

Izuku was still standing as he saw the smoke, he stop standing as he tried to ran.

Izuku: A villain! What hero will go to the scene?

But he suddenly stops as he remembered what All Might said as he had his head down in sadness as he slowly walk to the door.

And that's where we are up to speed........

*Kazuto POV*

I was standing there in the crowd while seeing the heroes trying to fight the slime villain but to no avail since every move they do, it didn't do anything besides bounces off the slime villain. Even Mt. lady didn't do anything, I tried to ask on of the heroes but none of them even tried to help.

Kazuto: Hey! What are you doing!? He's in danger!

Death Arms: Sorry kid, but we tried everything we can but we will have to wait for a hero with suitable quirk first.

Kazuto *thoughts*: Damn it! If they can't do anything then I will!..

I attracted my claws as I was about to run passed them, out of nowhere Izuku ran into the fire which took me, everyone and even the heroes by surprise

Death Arms: Hey Kid! Comeback! It's dangerous!

Kazuto: Izuku!

I tried to run in but Death arms stopped me from doing so.

Kazuto: Let me go! I need to save him!!

Death Arms: I will not let a kid get himself into danger!

Kazuto: tch! Screw this!

I quickly ran out of the crowd and hop on my bike to cycle to a different part of the district. As I was quickly cycling I saw a man who was walking on the sidewalk as I quickly shouted at him to get out of the way.

Kazuto: Hey! Get out of the way!

But the man didn't listen as he instead stand at the middle of the sidewalk so I quickly hit pull the breaks, nearly crashing into him.

Kazuto: Are you crazy!? Can't you hear me!? I said get out of the way!

Man: Wow, I'm heartbroken when you call me crazy, Kazu.

Kazuto: Wha- Wait Uncle Hiroshi?

Hiroshi: *proud smile* In the flash, young man.

The man is none other than Hiroshi Uraraka, My uncle and a member of Fenix.

Axoro: If you are wondering on why Uraraka? Then this is a small twist, Ochaco is Kazuto's Close cousin, took you off guard right? Let's move on.

Kazuto: it's good to see you and all but I need to save Izuku!

Hiroshi: Before you do that, there's something I need you to do.

Kazuto: What is it?

Hiroshi: Once you agree, there's no going back 

Then suddenly a guy with glasses, wearing a lab coat walk up to us with a briefcase

Guy: You, along with many more are the key to stopping this upcoming war. 

Kazuto: Upcoming War?

With Izuku.....

3rd POV

After he left the building, he walked slowly as he hold his burnt up notebook, sulking over on what the No. 1 hero said to him. But as he was walking down the street, boy then walked passed the the crowd who were watching the incident happening but when he saw the villain he suddenly shocked to see the same slime villain who caused the destruction.

Izuku *thoughts*: Wait, How did- Why is he here? Did he escape from All Might? ......

But then he suddenly realised that while during mid air, Izuku was the one who dropped the bottle that has the slime villain in it. 

Izuku thoughts*: He dropped it......... he's here........all because of me.......

He covered his mouth with the fact that he was responsible for the slime villain to escape. As he continue to watch Katsuki suffer when he glanced at where Izuku was viewing. He gasped as he dropped his notebook and ran into the fire. The action that took everyone by surprise.

Death Arms: Hey Kid! Comeback! It's dangerous!

Kazuto: Izuku! 

Slime: That kid.....

Katsuki: Deku......

He continues to run towards the slime villain even questioning why he did it.

Izuku: *thoughts* Why'd I run out? What am I doing! Why?!

Slime: Explode and Die!! 

He was about to release some explosions, While on that Izuku was still running while thinking of what to do in the situation.

Izuku: *thoughts* what should I do! What should I do...... wait! Page 25

He then grab his back and threw it at the villain which allow one of the contents inside fell out and hit the villains eye. That allows Katsuki to quickly breathe again while coughing.

Izuku: Kacchan!

Izuku arrived and started to dig out the slime.

Katsuki: why You!?

Izuku: I don't know why, it's like my body move on it's own! But then...... *crying a bit* I was that you needed help. And I can't just leave yo to die

Then as he continue to dig the slime, one of the slime villains tendrils was about to hit him, Izuku shuts his eyes to only feel nothing...... he opens his eyes to see someone was infront of him. He was holding a purple axe which cut the slime villain's tendril off. The person then dip his arms into the slime and grabbed Katsuki out with force as the boy fell. 

Izuku: Wha....

???: Never fear............. Cuz I'm here......

Izuku: All... Migh....

The person turns around, Izuku thought it was All Might..... but it's not. The person was wearing a suit full of pink, purple and blue with the helmet that resembles a T-Rex, Izuku look at his waist to see a device.

Izuku: You're...... a Kamen Rider........

Katsuki: Kamen Rider?.....

Kamen Rider: You could say that. 

Slime: I never thought I would see a Kamen Rider here, but I will still kill you. 

He then proceeded to use another tendril until it was shot, the slime villain turn to see that another person coming out of the fire. The person, just like the pink Kamen Rider, he was in full black and pink with a T-Rex helmet with a scarf and tail.

Slime: What the......

???: Hehehe.......... Sorry Slimy! But no one can't hurt Ikki but me. HA HA!

Pink Rider: Woi, you nearly shot me! 

Black Rider: Aww Ikki, it would be fun to shoot you too! 

The pink rider then face slap himself in disappointment. 

Pink Rider: Whatever.... Be serious, this is our first villain. Ready Vice?

Vice: *rock hand motion* Always, Ikki-Revi! 

Revi: Right! I'm feeling it now! 

ReVice: Ikuze! 

Few minutes earlier....... 

Kazuto POV

Kazuto: Upcoming war?....... What? 

Hiroshi: Kazu, This is George Karizaki. You may known him as Mr Karizaki. 

Karizaki: Thank you Captain. Look right now, we are at war with the Deamans, we need someone to fight them. And that someone is you. 

Kazuto: Deadmans? Isn't what Fenix is made for? Why me? 

Karizaki: Because you and you only could see your inner demon. 

Kazuto: What? Inner demon? Where?

Ghost: Right behind you...

I turn around to see a ghost beside me, he was in full dark-ish grey, his body and head had some blue streaks with some off white and a blue mask like mouth.

Ghost: Wazzup!

Kazuto: What the hell!? Who are you!?

Devil: I'm your inner devil..... Nice to meet you, uhhh...

Kazuto: It's Kazuto.... And you're my inner devil? 

Devil: Indeed, flashing!

Karizaki: You see, in the world of quirks, but if you need to know, everyone has an inner devils and you have one. We do not know the origin but you are among the others to can see an inner devil.

Kazuto: Wait, how did you know? Can you see him?

Hiroshi: Like he said, we can't and only those, can see their inner devil. 

Kazuto: Ok soooo, what am I suppose to do? 

Karizaki: We need you to use this. I call this the Revice driver and Vistamp. The Vistamps contains both live and extinct animals in the animal kingdom. 

He grabbed a brief case and opened up as it reveals that the device with a T-Rex Stamp is known as the Revice Driver and Vistamp.

Karizaki: All you need to do is sign the contract. 

Kazuto: Contract? 

Devil: Yes....

Then an actual contract appears out as mr. Karizaki gave me the stamp. 

Devil: Remember, once you stamp it, there's no going back....

I was hesitant to deal with the devil..... but whatever this war is about, I'm not going to let it happen. No matter what.

Kazuto: Fine, but remember devil, I'm doing this to be a hero, and you will have to do as what I say! 

Devil: Deal!

I took the stamp and stamped then contract and then the devil then suddenly became organic.

Devil: Hahahahaha I can't believe you would fell for it! Haha. I'm going to eat all you fleshlings! 

He jumped around as he ran away from us. I was shocked to see that he's solid now. The soldiers were about to catch him but Mr. Karizaki stopped them from doing so.

Karizaki: Hold it.

Hiroshi: But he ran away, did we make a mistake? 

Karizaki then smirk at Uncke Hiroshi.

Karizaki: No my simple minded friend, Kazuto-kun. Place the Revice driver. 

Kazuto: Okay? 

I grab the driver and place it on my waist. It then strap itself onto my waist as it tightens up to fit me. 

Revice Driver!

Kazuto: Woah......

And then, I press the button on the Vistamp. 


Kazuto: Woah.... It feels so weird.... I'm feeling like I have that fiery spirit! Waite kita ze!

Then stamp it onto the driver. The devil then suddenly stopped 

Meanwhile, the devil was running freely but then he stopped midway. 

Devil: Eh? 

Suddenly he was pulled back which he was sent back and sucked into me again.

Devil: Goddamit! My sweet freedom!!

Come on R-R-R-Rex! (2x)

Kazuto: Uh... what do I do now?

Karizaki: *slowly smiles big* Come on! You know how it is! *henshin pose*

He did a pose, I didn't understand what it meant when I remembered that the only few who does that are... 

Kazuto: Thats the Rider pose....No way! *smiles*  Henshin!

I then pulled the stamp sideways which powered up my driver, I knew what was going to happen.

Vice got out with a larger sized vistamp which he place on top of me as he danced a bit while the suit materialised onto me by the fluids of the stamp.

"Buddy Up! Ohing! Shoning! Rolling! Going! Kamen Rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!"

Karizaki: *excited*  Hey Hey Hey!

Me and the devil transformed into our suits. I look at my hands and my body which was fully covered by pink armor, I look at a glass window to see myself in a suit with full of shocked but also excitement on my face.

Rider: No way....... I'm a Kamen Rider..........

Devil: Woo! I'm a hero! 

Rider: What should I call us?

They look eachother then mr. Karizaki told us.

Karizaki: Since the both of you use the Revice driver, why not Kamen Rider Revi and Vice?

Revi: Revi huh, I like it. 

Vice: Booyah! I'm Kamen Rider Vice! Haha!

Karizaki: Now if you two want to debut, there's a villain that is causing destruction I believe.

Revi: Ready Vice? 

Vice: Yes Revi-Chan! 

Revi: Then, let's go at once!

We then run to the fire where the slime villain was. My mind was racing.

Revi: *thoughts* I'm going to be a Kamen Rider.......

The thought of it already stuck in my mind.

I'm a Kamen Rider......... I'm Kamen Rider Revi!

And that's where we catch up to speed...... again.....

3rd POV

Revi and Vice are standing in front of the two boys and against the slime villain.

Slime: I don't care if Kamen Rider are still around, you two are as good as dead when I suffocate you two. 

Vice: Then we will just defeat you first! Right readers?

Revi then noticed Vice talking to...... no one? What?

Revi: Who are to talking to? 

Vice: Nevermind that! Now lemme at em! 

Vice was about to run but Revi stopped him.

Revi: Hold on Vice, bring those two to safety.

Vice: Come on! I'm itching to fight slimy-kun!

Revi: I'm not arguing, remember. We made a deal so deal with it!

Revi then took out his weapon and ran towards the villain. The slime villain then picked up some rubble and threw it at Revi but he manage to shoot down with his blaster. He then quickly changed to blade mode and trys to cut the slimes body but it didn't do anything. The slime villain used his tendrils to hit him but he quickly dodged all of the attacks. Meanwhile, Vice then just walk towards the two boys and picked them up.

Izuku: U-Uh sir, what are you doing?

Katsuki: *angry* Hey! Let go of me, who or whatever you are!

Vice: I'm bringing you two to safety so here we go!

He then ran in lighting speed and stopped in front of Death Arms

Death Arms: What in the world-

Vice: Here ya go, two boys are now safe. Now back to battle!

He was about to run into the fire but Death Arms stopped him.

Vice: Now what!?

Death Arms: First of all, who are you? And what are you doing?

Vice: Well I'm your friendly- Unfriendly Kamen Rider Vice! And I'm going to fight with Revi-chan!

Kamui Woods: Kamen Rider?

Death Arms: You will not go anywhere until I see your license.

Vice: Aww come on! Wait do you know the move "The Dramatic Exit?"

Death Arms: What's that? 

Vice: Oho I will show you then................ WHATS THAT! *point up*

They actually looked up, everyone did. Then Vice did the rock hand sign at a phone video recording and ran. 

Vice: Nigerundayo! 

Death Arms: Hey! Wait, stop! 

He didn't listen and continue to ran until he ran passed Revi.

Revi: Woi! Vice! wait!

Vice: I have waiting enough, now it's my time to shine! 

He jumped up and went for a punch as he punch the slime villain, he was stuck.

Vice: Wait...... Woi Woi Woi! I'm stuck!

Revi: Damnit Vice!

Revi then went up to Vice and try to pull him out as hard as he can until Vice's arm was released but they end up falling down. The slime villain then tried to attack them but Vice quickly whip out his weapon and cut it in half. The Slime villain then resorted to picking up debris and throwing at them, he grab as many medium size rubble and threw it at them. 

Revi: Vice! Shoot them down! 

Vice: Okeh!

They both shoot down some Debris but some manage to fly passed them and was heading towards the crowd. 

Vice: Look!

 Revi: Not on my watch! 

He runs towards the crowd as he jumps up and in front the debris and destroyed all of it in one slash. He then jumps back into the fight.  Revi jumped mid air as he lands a slash on onto the slimes body but the weapon didn't work on its body.

Slime: Enough of this!

He quickly grab a large rubble, the debris was so big and threw it at them.

Revi: Look out!

Revi quickly shield Vice and was ready to get hit but he didn't feel anything as he turn around to see..... All Might himself infront of them

All Might: *Smile*  Never fear young Kamen Riders! Cuz I Am Here!

Revi: All Might? 

Slime: All Might!? 

All Might: I never thought I would see Kamen Riders again..... Will you two join me in this fight?

Revi: Yes All Might!

The slime villain then threw more rubble at the three but all might punched all of them. 

Revi: Vice..... it's time for the finisher.

Vice: Yosh! Ikuze!

All Might: Detroit!.........

Revi then stamps the weapon 


Revi then swings the weapon, launching three three rotating pink energy seals of the Revice logo, with each seal surrounded by two light blue energy blades. The projectiles collide with the enemies, resulting in a large magenta explosion with a single large red and black seal of the Revice logo.

Ohning Slash!

All Might: Smash!

From the force and the slash, it made the slime villain explode and splat everywhere. The force from both the punch and the blade, it made the sky rain. That shock everyone, even the heroes. As they one of them cheered until every civilian cheered at the hero and two Kamen Riders.

Vice: Yosha we did it!  *whips out phone* say cheese!

Revi: Uhh *peace sign* cheese!

All Might: HA HA HA, You two are the most unique duo I have ever seen!

Revi: Thank you for the help Sir! 

All Might: It's no problem uhhh...

Revi: I'm Kamen Rider Revi, and he is Kamen Rider Vice. And together, we are Kamen Rider ReVice!

All Might: You two even have an iconic pose, you two will be good heroes! *thumbs up*

The two then look eachother as they fist bump eachother. 

Vice: Hehe!

Then the reporters and others arrived at the seen.

Reporter 1: There they are! 

The reporters swarmed All Might as the two riders was about to leave, Revi then notice that Izuku was getting scolded but Katsuki was getting praises.

Revi: Now that ain't right! 

Vice: Woi, where you going!? Wait for me. 

He walks towards the heroes in anger.

Revi: Hey, what the hell are you doing!?

Death Arms: We are telling him that it was an idiot move to run into danger like that. 

Vice: I smell cap.

Revi: Right, anyway. But still, he tried to save him while you all stood there and did nothing. 

Death Arms: We aren't suitable for that kind of villain-


They then didnt say anything.

Vice: Ooooo, you just made Revi Mad.....

Revi: It's not about which quirk is suitable, being a hero means we must take risk in order to save a life. You guys did the exact opposite and did nothing. If it weren't for us, that kid would be dead! 

Death Arms: I-I

Revi: Save it! Remember what I've said. Let's go Vice.

Vice: Roger-Doger!

Kamui Woods: Not so fast! 

He landed in front of us. 

Kamui Woods: Where are your licenses? You two fought a villain without one right?

Revi: What?

Reporter 2: Aren't those the two new heroes?

Reporter 1: We need an interview! 

The reporters then shine their camera at the two riders, the riders were speechless until.

Karizaki: I can answer that. 

All of them look at Karizaki along side Hiroshi and some Fenix members. 

Revi: Mr. Karizaki.....

Death Arms: Fenix? 

Kamui Wood: What are the Fenix doing here? 

Karizaki: Those two are members of Fenix. We have the right to let them fight the villain.

Reporter 1: Speaking of those two, who are you two? New heroes? 

Revi: We are......

He look towards Karizaki as he smiled and nodded. 

Revi: *breath out* We are Kamen Riders, I'm Kamen Rider Revi and this is my partner Kamen Rider Vice. We are Revice!

Reporters: Kamen rider? 

Reporter 3: Kamen riders..... for real?

Reporter 4: They are actually real.....

Karizaki: Now then, Revi, Vice, Let's go. 

Revi: Yes sir. 

Vice: Okie dokey! 

The soldiers open the van doors as the were about to enter. 

Izuku: Wait!

They stop to see Izuku was behind them. 

Revi: Yes? 

Izuku: Thank you, Kamen Riders. If my friend were here. He would have been excited to finally meet his hero. 

Revi: His Hero? 

Izuku: His dream of seeing Kamen Riders in action. 

That made Revi Speechless. That made him also thoughtful about it.

Revi: *thoughts* But Izuku, I am a Kamen Rider........ I will just have to tell you some  other time.

Revi: It's no problem kid. Vice, grab your phone. 

Vice: Okay! *brings out phone* Say cheese!

He the two riders then  took a picture with Izuku. Izuku was surprised as well. 

Izuku: T-Thank you!

The two nodded as they were about to enter the van. One of the civilian took some shot as the two riders noticed and look to the camera. 

And after that they entered the van and close the doors. 

Revi: I can't believe....... I'm a Kamen Rider.......

To Be continued...........

Finally finished...... I'm sorry for the long wait but here it is.....

The rise if Kamen Rider Revice..... Episode 3 will be released soon so goodbye chat. 

Sorry for the long wait. 

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