As the Blood Runs Down the Wa...

By pathetic_bread

2.8K 73 162

Y/n L/n and Frank Iero are two of the best detectives in New Jersey. They decide to take a brief vacation bet... More

A brief authors note
(Chapter 1) The Unexpected
(Chapter 2) Drain All The Blood and Give the Kids a Show
(Chapter 3) A Drink For the Horror That I'm In
(Chapter 4) A Turn of Events
(Chapter 5) As the Blood Runs Down the Walls
(Chapter 6) S-I-N I S-I-N
(Chapter 8)Thank You For The Venom
(Chapter 9) Never Coming Home
(Chapter 10) Blood, Blood, Gallons of the Stuff
(Chapter 11) This Is the Best Day Ever

(Chapter 7) The Lights Are Out and The Party's Over

212 6 11
By pathetic_bread

I continued walking down the hallway with a giddy smile plastered on my face, practically skipping with glee. Once I returned to our door, I knocked to signal to Frank come and unlock it. I heard some quick footsteps hustle on the other side, stopping at the door to check the peephole until unlatching it and greeting with the same exuberance as I.

"Where have you been, Missy?" He asked imitating a mom catching her teen sneaking out or something. A temporary look of perplexity loomed on his feature before chuckling slightly and returning to the knowing smirk he held earlier when Gerard showed up. 

"What?" I wondered.

"Your neck is basically purple at this point! HA!" He laughed moving his hands to his knees in his fit. "Well that answers my question, get in here I got shit to tell you," he pulled me through the door and into the room, I took a seat on the end of the bed. 

"Well I'm glad you finally got laid, I've been tired of your whiney bitchin' about how a handsome vampire won't come along and whisk you away. You haven't been with anyone since a year ago," he commented to which I rolled my eyes. 

"Well enough about my love life, what's this you wanted to tell me?" I inquired, giving him my full attention. 

"Oh! Yeah right," he pipped up. "Well while you were y'know, our boss called. He just called talking about the snow, yadda yadda, but he says they're coming up here by helicopter tomorrow, said the snow wouldn't dissipate fast enough so they're taking matters into their own hands," he summarized with optimism. 

"That's great news," I replied, getting up from my spot to high-five him victoriously. As our palms connected, the overhead light flickered before completely going out and encompassing us in darkness. When this happened, I was so startled I jumped into Frank, wrapping myself around him and making him fall over in the process.

"Ouch!" Frank yelped as we made contact with the floor. "Get the fuck off me!" He pushed me off and onto the floor beside him. 

"Sorry I was scared," I said truthfully, I moved to the wall and felt around to flick the switch off and on again, nothing. "Do you think it was just our light or is the power out?" I asked into the darkness. 

"I don't know, check the hall," Frank called from across the room. 

I felt for the door, eventually feeling the doorframe and then the handle. I slowly opened it, with much hesitation. It felt as though anything could be out there on the prowl, lurking in the halls for their next victim. A power outage would be excellent for a murderer for obvious reasons. 

As I inched the door open, centimeter by measly centimeter, I peered out. Completely black, nothing but the off-white trim on the walls slightly visible by the lightness of the color. I looked both ways down the hall before shutting the door, relatching it. "It's pitch black out there," I said.

"Well, what do we do? I personally don't want the lights off all the time when there's a fuckin' murderer that could pop out at any second!" He said alarmed. 

I stood in thought for a minute before saying what we were both thinking yet neither wanted to do. "I guess we're gonna have to see if we can get the lights back on... Let's go find Ray and see if he can help." 

"Why is that our job?" Frank whined.

"You said it yourself you wanted them back on so let's do something about it," I dismissed. 

"Fine..." he trailed off. 

I reopened the door and pulled out my phone, turning on the flashlight function. Frank made his way over to me and I held onto him to stop the possibility of getting separated and lost in the dark. Arm in arm, we began to trek down the hall and to the stairs seeing as the elevator would probably be out of order yet again. 

We descended slowly to the lobby, being cautious of our surroundings and promptly stopping when thinking we heard something. Finally, we were in the home stretch of our journey to the front desk. The last hall seemed even eerier and more threatening than the whole way down. The floorboards creaked under our footsteps from wear over the years. Even the most predicted footstep caused the creaking sound to fill the atmosphere of the hall. Any moment now we'll make it there, I thought.

When continuing, a loud sound, seemingly something thrust against the wall with full force echoed, but I could tell we were in close proximity. Sounds of someone pleading and shuffling followed a loud shiver-inducing screech, and then silence. The weight of what I just heard came down onto me, causing the hair to stand up on the back of my neck; I couldn't move if I wanted to, I stood frozen in place. My eyes widened as I realized I just most definitely heard someone's last moments. "Y/n, let's go!" Frank whisper-yelled tugging on my sleeve, but I stood there, paralyzed.

 Creak, creak, creak, the floor went but neither Frank nor I had caused it this time. Frank gave me one last tug but I didn't budge as the creaking came to a halt and stood in front of us both was a looming figure. I sharply inhaled as I held the light up and was met with eyes of shock from the figure. Frank took down to the other end of the hall, leaving me to fend for myself since I was in my own fear-stricken trance. 

The shocked expression the person held was nothing on mine as I gazed into their eyes I had come to know. Their irises held a deep red color before turning to the comforting hazel that I loved. He stepped closer as I steeped backward, ending up tripping on some raised uneven carpet. 

As I was mid-tumble, in a split second he caught me just before I collided with the ground. "G-Get away from me," my voice trembled. He didn't oblige, instead holding me tight in his unusually pale arms that I wrote off as normal. I looked upon his sorrowful face with terror. Somebody's fresh blood coated his lips and one of his long sharp fangs visible. 

A few tears cascaded down which caused him to look even regretful for what he was about to do. "I'm sorry, Sugar," Is what he said before kissing my jaw and moving down to my neck. I closed my eyes as his fangs lightly grazed over my skin before puncturing and causing me to scream at the stinging feeling. One of his hands kept me propped up on his knee while the other stroked my cheek. 

My heart beat at immeasurable speed, at the feeling of a stinging, burning throbbing through my body. It felt like it went on for hours, but in reality, it was only a minute before my field of vision narrowed to a close and I fell into unconsciousness. 

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