Wanting What I Shouldn't

By Book_obsessed_weirdo

1.3M 19.7K 13.5K

Amara Brady, the schools nerd, her name unknown to any normal persons ears. Straight A's and perfect homework... More

The Main Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Wedding Theme
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 57 (Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 11

24.6K 430 165
By Book_obsessed_weirdo

After a couple hours of playing with his hair, he finally decided that maybe we should do some actual work.

I'm pretty sure he said that because earlier he told me his parents get home around 6:30 ish and it's 6:21 pm.

So now I'm sitting up on his bed, books and papers scattered all around me as I'm quickly flipping through pages and pages of homework.

I groan out annoyed "Fuck," I curse, biting my bottom lip as I keep rustling through my papers.

Where did I put my fucking math homework?

Did I leave in my locker?

Or in one of the desks?

Kingston looks up from his desk and over at me with a confused look "What's wrong bookworm?" He asks me and I look up from my pile of shit. I blow a puff of breath up at a strand piece of hair hanging in my face.

I slap the thick pile of papers down onto the comfy bed and look back up at Kingston "I'm freaking out! I think I left my homework at school or I lost it! And I've never not turned in homework!" I tell him, running a hand through my long hair that I left down after I took my hair tie out at school. I forgot it there.

I wish I had it right about now.

He pushed the office chair back and stood up. He chuckled while shaking his head as he made his way over to me.

It wasn't until Kingston told me that I was sitting in his room. And it's huge! Everything is either black, gray, or white and...I love it.

It's so laid back and calming. But huge. He has a 72' inch flat screen TV in his room! And a bed with a bed frame! And a non-destroyed mattress. And more than one blanket!

He's so lucky.

He can never see my house. Ever.

He jumps onto the mattress, causing my papers to fly up and wrinkle.

My eyes widened as I panic "Kingston!" I yell at him, not being able to move from my circle of well organized papers and books and random pencils and a ruler somewhere in here.

"Be careful! I had all my homework organized and I—"

    "Need to relax," Kingston cut me off "You're tense." his eyes are soft and I'm sure I look like some stressed out office worker.

    I sigh, rubbing my temples, trying to sooth my aching headache. The bed creaks as he moves closer to me, taking the stacks of paper away and making an opening in the circle of shit.

   I quickly crawled out of the overwhelming circle and sigh again, letting my back rest on the head board.

   "What do you do when you're stressed?" He asks me, making me open my eyes and look up at him.

   Even sitting down he's fucking tall.

   I nibble at my bottom lip "Street fights," I answer lowly, I know he hates it when I say that but it's the truth. Punching people helps relax me.

    He nods and grabs my hand softly, pulling me up off the bed "C'mon," my chest heaves with a heavy sigh as I watch him open the large oak doors.

   Unwilling to argue, I trail after him, knowing that I'll get lost if I don't.

   And I don't want to leave his side.

No. I could care less if I leave his side.

   He sticks his hands in his pockets and turns down the stairs. I follow after him, looking around to take the house in.

   The long staircase is a shinning gold, a velvety green carpet rolled down the slippery stairs, paintings of sunsets and landscapes hung up on the sage painted walls, hints of white hung by the windows. The sparkling dark oak flooring that has not a single scratch on it. The large chandeliers that hand in every room, so modern and rustic at the same time.

So beautiful.

I quickly chase after Kingston as he takes a U-turn and walks past the stair case, into another long hallway painted with sage green and paintings framed with polished gold.

Kingston looks over his shoulder at me and chuckled, I scowl at him as he slows his steps so I can catch up.

   Finally catching up to him and lifted my eyes to glare at him "Just because you're tall doesn't mean you have to walk fast." I tell him, my voice annoyed and scolding.

   He chuckles again and takes his hand and pats my head gently, I glare at him and snort "Rude. You know you're an asshole right? Cause I'm pretty sure all the girls you've fucked have came up to me and told me that you're more bark than bite so—" I yelp as his teeth sink into my neck again. How did he move that fast?

Oh fuck it feels good.

His tongue licks away the sting of his teeth and then he pulls his lips away from my neck, an eyebrow quirked as he waits for me to snap at him.

    "You know I'm not your chew toy right?" I ask him, my voice a little thinner than I intended it to be.

    His lips tilted up again as his eyes flicker to my lips and back up to my eyes. God, I love it when he does that. The unexpected tilt of his lips and the little sparkle in his eye. It takes my breath away. I can only imagine what his real smile looks like. And then he's walking again, heading straight down the hallway.

   I let out a silent shaky sigh and follow Kingston down the dimly lit hallway.

   My fingertips graze the spot on my neck where he bit me.

   God I hope it doesn't bruise.

   Dad'll kill me if he sees a hickey.

   Kingston slows his strides again, realizing that he was going too fast and watched as I caught up to him, quickly letting my hand fall to my side.

   He smirks at me and then cocks his head towards a large black door.

   I look at him with a raised brow but he rolls his eyes "Open it." he tells me and I look at the door.

   If I die, at least I won't have to go home.

   Placing my palm on the roughly carved black metal door and give it a shove to push it open, then step into the room.

   Are you fucking kidding me!?

    I can't help the squeal that leaves my mouth as I sprint over to the punching bags hanging by a chain from the gray ceiling, examining them closely. Then I catch eye of a treadmill over in a row by the back left corner of the room and make a bee-line for that too.

    Holy fuck this can't be real! It's like a public gym, but private!

    I stare at the room as I take it all in, all the work equipment, all the fighting gear, all the mirrors, all the dimmable lights. It's a simple light gray room with mirrors scattered all over the walls, mats folded up and pushed up against the wall for better storage.

   I probably look like a giddy kid on Christmas for the love of god but I could care less.

   A chuckle drifts from behind me and turn to look at Kingston "You like it bookworm?" He asks me, I nod my head quickly, looking back at the equipment.

You stupid bitch you don't have work out clothes.



I grab the hem of my white sweater and pull it up over my head. I mean, who works in a sweater? Not me.

I hear a groan from the doorway and turn to Kingston who's staring at me with slightly widened eyes.

On instinct my eyes roll as I go to put my hair up. I reached to grab a hair tie from my wrist then realize that I forgot mine.

I roll my eyes at myself this time, "Shit I forgot," I tell myself and let my hair back down.

Kingston walks into their person gym and pulls a black hair tie off his wrist and hands it to me. My brows furrow at his action.

Hey, that's mine.

Wait? He kept it?

What? Why would he keep it?

"I grabbed it after you went back in for class. You forgot it." he explains to me. I look at him with a duh look on my face "Well obviously, I don't think that a hair tie can grow legs and jump onto your wrist," I retort in a dumb sounding voice.

But it's still a nice thing to do.

He glares at me and I shrug my shoulders with a smirk.

   I take it from him and pull my hair up into a ponytail and head over to the punching bags. I stand in front of it, positioning my hands in front of me and spreading my legs to brace for a little routine of mine.

   I start off with simple punches and kicks, then start working my way up to the more difficult movements. I let out breaths as I punched, my bare fists hitting the thick bag and pushing it away from me with a bang.

   My fists will be a little swollen after this but fuck it.

   I lay punches onto the bag, delivering deep and hard blows to the bag as though it was a competitor I'm up against.

   This is fun.


   After a while of working out and letting out my stress I finally stop, turning the treadmill off and hoping off. I think I ran 4 miles, I'm not entirely sure.

   I look around the room, sweaty and breathing hard.

   Huh, Kingston left.


   I over to my sweater that's piled up on the floor and grab it quickly and tossing it back on.

   Holy fuck it's hot in this damn sweater.

   I glance up at the clock on the wall and realize that I've been here for 2 hours. Oh shit. No wonder Kingston left.

   I push the black metal door open and make my way back through the hallways and up the stairs, heading for Kingston's room again.

   Taking a left at the top of the stairs I walk down the wood hallway, glancing around for the familiar double doors.

   Here they are.

    I turn the gold doorknob and push it open.

   The rooms empty.

   I walk over to Kingston's bed to see my phone laying there, face up.

   I didn't leave it like that.

   I pick it up and flick it on. A message from an unknown number pops up on the bright screen. I open my phone and tap on the messages icon and pull the unknown number up.

   Unknown number: Hey Amara, it's Kingston by the way, I had to go somewhere but I'll be back soon. If you need anything just ask Mason or Dawson, and if you need to, take a shower and find something from my closet.



   I quickly make his number into a contact and then throw my phone back onto the bed and make my way across his huge and clean bedroom.

   I wonder how they keep the floors so clean?

   I wonder how many girls Kingston's fucked in his bed.

   I close my eyes at the thought.

   He's a player. And the schools bad boy. I can't think he likes me, he's probably just trying to get my to give him an easy A+ like they all do.

   After I take a shower and put on some less sweaty clothes then I'll go find Mark.

   I make my way into Kingston's closet and I feel my mouth fall open "Oh my fucking god it's huge!" I tell myself.

   No shit Sherlock.

   It's the size of my whole room! Shelves and shelves of shoes and necklaces and hangers and hangers full of sweatshirts and t-shirts and leather jackets. He had sweatpants and jeans folded up neatly and stacked on the black shelving in his closet, the same white marble runs through the whole closet too.

   My legs take me over to the shelf of sweatpants. I mean they're comfy, I can't deny it. I reach my hand out and run it gently across the soft material, trying to find a pair to wear.

   I randomly snatch a pair of black sweatpants off his shelf and snatch a black hoodie off his hangers, a pair of his boxers out of a drawer and make my way into his bathroom.

   I hope he doesn't mind.

I push open the door the the bathroom.

   ...it's even bigger than his closet.

   How does he even remember his way around this place?

   The tile is black, but the sink and toilet are a sparkling white, his toothbrush and toothpaste sitting out on the sink with his cologne and deodorant.

   At least he isn't messy.

   I stare at his shower, blinking over and over to make sure it's real.

   It's one of those waterfall showers, is that what they're called?

   I think so.



   I pull open the glass shower door and flick the water on, making sure that it's on warm so I don't freeze, but I don't melt at the same time. I drop Kingston's clothes on the floor and start stripping my shirt off.

   "Where do I put my stuff?" I ask the mirror, like I'm expecting it to say something back. I sigh, turning around and spotting a laundry hamper near the shower in a small corner. As the water runs off in the background I let my sweater fall into Kingston's hamper and then strip off my jeans too.

   Once those are all taken off and in the hamper I reached my hands behind myself, feeling for the clasp on my bra.

   Damn it's one of the hard ones.

   Why did I have to pick a hard one to undo?

   To see if Kingston is that good with his hands.

   Oh fuck no. That's not why.

   The clasp clicked and the back opened up, allowing me to pull it off my body. I still need to wear that.


   I toss that over with Kingston's sweatpants and sweatshirt and boxers and then step out of my underwear. I glance in the mirror at my bandage and slowly peel that off.

   The skin burns and tingles as I pull the medical wrap away, causing me to wince slightly but it's nothing big.

   "Good, that should be healed in a few weeks if I leave it open." I tell myself as I roll the used and bloody bandage into a ball and throw it into the black garbage can on the other side of the sink. Then I unwrap my wrist.

   Oh good, it's almost closed up.

   I can leave this one unwrapped too.

   I stare at myself in the mirror as I reach up to my hair and pull the hair tie out. I'm not horrible looking. My long brown hair reaches the small of my back when straight and my emerald eyes are bright in the sunlight, I have a toned stomach that's scattered with some faded scares that'll never truly fade. There's a slight red mark on my neck from Kingston biting me, but it won't turn into a hickey.

   Praise the lord!

   I chuckle to myself as I grab a black towel off the shelf, all the towels are tightly rolled and stacked neatly on top one another. I feel out of place here. Like I shouldn't be here.

   I probably shouldn't be here.

Whatever. I'll take a shower, change, find Mark, chill with him, then leave.

The glass door starts to fog slightly and I smile knowing it's time to get in. I hang the black towel onto the towel hanger and pull the glass door open.

The warm fog welcomes me as I stepped in, the water falling straight on my head, making me shiver as the water starts to warm me.

I feel the sweat running off my body as I let out a sigh and look at what he has in his shower.

I roll my eyes with a goofy smile. Typical guy.

A 3 in 1 shampoo and special body wash.

"It'll work for now," I speak to myself and reach for the body wash, flicking the lid open with a pop and squirting a little puddle in my hand.

My muscles are screaming a thank you as I start to massage the body wash into my skin and muscles, tossing my hair around as the water pours down onto the black tile flooring of the shower.

I lather my skin with the mint smelling shampoo, no wonder he smells of mint. Now I'm going to smell like Kingston too.

   It'll fade off eventually.

   Nah, I say we come here and steal his body wash all the time.

   What is up with you today? Why would I do that?

   Because you know you want to.


   Once I'm completely lathered of soap I step back under the flowing water, the warm water running down my skin making goosebumps appear from the new random warmth.

   It feels soooo good.

   A little shiver dances it's way up my spine as I toss my head back and let the water soak it's way into my hair.

   I just washed my hair yesterday so I don't have to wash it today.

  It's not like I would put 3 in 1 in my hair anyways.

   I'm just gonna stand here for a while.

   This feels like luxury, like I'm the richest person alive, the luckiest person. With the warm water running through my hair and down my body to just staring at the black tile of Kingston's room.

   I feel important for some weird reason.


    I have no idea how long I've been standing in this damn shower. But my fingers are starting to look like prunes, so I should probably get out and dressed.

   Using all my will power to reach out and switch this majestic shower off. A sigh falls past my lips in disappointment when the warm water stops falling on me.

  I push the glass door open and step out into the now cold bathroom "Holy fuck!" I yelp as I reach for the towel, quickly wrapping it around my body to shield myself from the coldness.

   I step back into the shower, twisting my hair tightly to wring as much water out as I possibly can.

   "Okay. That's good enough," I tell the bathroom.

   Are there ghosts in here? Maybe. Maybe I'm talking to them.

   Yeah, I'm talking to the ghosts. Like that makes me sound any more sane.

   I quickly dry my body off and then toss the towel into the hamper and make my way to the pile of clothing on the floor.

   I pick up the pair of black Calvin Klein boxers and pull them on. Why the fuck are they comfy? Whatever.

   We should steal Kingston's clothes more often.

   Nope. No we shouldn't.

   I grab my bra off the floor and shrug that back on and somehow manage to get it clasped in the back again. I snatch the black sweatpants off the floor and step into the fuzzy material.

   I pull them up to my waist only to find that they are way to big to stay up on me. I fold over the waistband at least 4 times before the sweatpants decide that it would be a good idea to stay up on my hips. I feel around and my hands slip into pockets, pockets!

   "Yeah I'm totally keeping these." I conclude to myself.

   I grab the sweatshirt and pull that on over my head, the smell of Kingston wrapping around me, making my eyes flutter with sleepiness.

   I grab my hair tie off the sink countertop and make my way back into Kingston's room. The tile is really cold on my bare feet.

   Maybe I can steal a pair of socks?


   Yeah, we're totally taking a pair.

   *Sigh* Alright.

  My legs take me over to his large closet before my mind can think against it and start looking around for some socks.

I pull out a drawer and find the socks, I smile to myself as I reach in and grab them out the pair still bunched neatly at the top to keep the socks together.

I quietly skip back out to Kingston's bed, for some reason in a better mood now that I've taken a shower in Kingston's bathroom and taken Kingston's clothes.

Any time I take a breath I smell the faint whiff of mint and his amazing smelling cologne. I wonder what type he uses?

I stop at the side of Kingston's bed, dropping the socks onto the soft comforter and then running my palm on the fuzzy material.

It's soft against my palm, like petting a bunny or a Sherpa sweater. Something warm that you'd want to cuddle up with and never want to leave once you're in. I can only imagine what it's like to sleep in this bed.

I should probably put the socks on now.

I sit down onto the mattress, the frame creaking slightly and the mattress dipping down at my action.

I pull the black socks apart and propped my right leg up on my left knee and slide the warm sock over my cold foot. The binding closes around my calve and I pull the fuzzy black sweatpants over the taller socks then do the exact same thing for my left foot.

I pull Kingston's sweatpants down over the sock and then stand back up and make my way into the bathroom.

A comb. I need to brush my hair.

The bathroom is still huge and breathtaking.

Walking over to the black cabinet by the shower I start to open the doors, going through the small baskets with toothpaste, deodorants, a razor and shaving cream and some other stuff.

"Ah ha!" I accidentally say out loud as my eyes lay on the black plastic comb stuck between some nail clippers.

I pull it out and turn back to the mirror, starting to drag the comb through my hair, making sure to separate my hair at my hairline.

Water drips down from my hair and onto the back of the black sweatshirt but not enough to soak the fabric. I grip the ends of my hair as I snag some tangles and work them out with the flimsy comb.

Once I'm done untangling my hair I set the comb down on the pure white countertop, the marble cold under my hands that are just now starting to look normal and not prune like.

I reach behind my head and pull all my hair over my shoulder and separate it into three thick sections. I start the braiding then together, under over under over under over.

Once I get to the ends and run out of hair to braid I slide my hair tie over the ends and loop it around and around until it's tight.

I fling my now braided hair back over my shoulder and then smile at myself in the mirror. I look actually kinda cute in Kingston's clothes.

I walk through the doorway and hit the switch on the way out, turning the bathroom light off. The lights still on in the closet so I jog over to the massive walk-in closet and flicked that light switch off too.

My phone buzzes on Kingston's massive bed and panic floods through my system.

It's dad. I'm screwed.

Sprinting as fast as I possibly can to reach the bed I leap onto the soft mattress and snatch my phone off the bed, quickly opening it. My pulse is pounding in my ears, my heart beating against my ribs as all the bad things that might happen when I get home running through my head.

Kingston: I'm heading back bookworm, I'll be back in about an hour

Holy fuck. I'm not in trouble.

Relief washing over my body and I topple onto the fuzzy blankets and fluffed pillows, air rushing out of my lungs.

"Mmm this bed is super comfy," I murmur to the empty room, setting my phone on the bedside table to the left of the bed and pulling the covers back.

Warmth flows through me as I slip my legs under the fuzzy black blankets.

I curl up under Kingston's covers, his cologne and that refreshing smell of mint hitting my nostrils as I pull the comforter up over my shoulders up to my chin.

My eyes fluttered as I yawned "I should probably go find Mark..." my voice trails off as I yawn again, letting my eyes fall closed just to sit there and let relaxation and comfort take over my limbs.

I sink into the mattress with a sigh and another yawn "I really should go find Mark..."

My body feels heavy, along with my eyes as I curled my hands up underneath the cool white pillow under my head.

It smells like Kingston.

Maybe he'll come in and lay with me.

My thoughts are delusional.

"I should really..." I yawned again, blackness shuddering over my vision as I took another breath, cologne and mint filling my senses.

I curl my legs up towards my chest and yawned again.

I felt a sleepy smile take over as I pulled the comforter tighter around me.

And then, darkness consumed me and I fell asleep.


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