Male reader as Rimuru in High...

By AndrsFernando1

735K 12K 4.7K

A man who got reincarnated in the DxD world as Rimuru Tempest.And what he what's is a family that he been wan... More

The Void Dragon God
The Rise of Rimuru Tempest
The Familiar Forest
The Tempest Family
Rimuru new subordinates
The Beginning of the Anime
The Boosted Gear
Rimuru new subordinates Part 2
The Twilight Healing user
Battle between the Fallen Angels
Return to the Familiar Forest
The Fire Chicken Riser
Rimuru vs Riser
The Storm Dragon Veldora
New Characters
Excalibur Arc
The Two Exorcist
A Day on the Beach
The Three Factions and Tempest
Battle in the Labyrinth
The Reward Ceremony
The Reward Ceremony Part 2
Veldora vs Great Red
A Visit in Kyoto
New Characters Part Two
A Trip in the Underworld
The Party
A Family Reunion
Talk Between Siblings
The Trihexa?
Everyone meet Kumoko the Spider Goddess
Family get Together
The Mask Heroes
Attack from the Underworld
Juggernaut Drive
Ciel the Truth First Wife
The Fifth Mask Heroes
The Land of the Vampires
Black Numbers
Rizevim Livan Lucifer
The Wedding between a Reaper and a Nekoshou
The Rimuru Verse
The Mirror
The Sixth Mask Hero
Kunou visit in the Labyrinth
The Mother in law
Hunting down False Shadow Hero
If anime characters become Power Rangers
Rescuing the Yokai Leader
The Hero Faction strikes again and familiar faces
The Destroyer Milim Nava
The Lizardman and fighting off a Demon army
Power Up! Mask Heroes
Power Up! Mask Heroes Part 2
Agent E
The Fall of Cao Cao and the Rise of the Void Dragon Emperor God
The slime assassin Melona
The Jura Tempest Federation
Helping a fellow Spider out
Spider Goddess vs Spider Queen
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor part 2
The Rimuru Verse 2
A Faded Encounter
If anime characters become Power Rangers part 2
The Rising of The Shield Loli
Explosion Empress
New Members of the Family

The Mask Twins

10K 198 60
By AndrsFernando1

Night time at the Tempest resident

Falfa and Shalsha were at their room they are preparing to head out helping the devils and the exorcist. They both got their katana that their father made for them. Falfa has a blue katana and Shalsha a green katana.

(Falfa katana)

(Shalsha katana)

Falfa: Already Shalsha it seems like we are ready to go. Now what else are we missing!

Shalsha: Our anti magic masks we can use them keeping our identities. We can also use them to hide our aura and our existed to make people think we are human.

Falfa: Great idea Shalsha let's get our mask right away.

Both of them grab their mask and put them on and they are wearing a white cloak with hoodie.

(Falfa mask)

(Shalsha mask)

Falfa: Looks like we're ready now let's go!

They open the window from their room and started to running on the roofs from building to building.

They are following the scent we're the devils and exorcist are. Unknown to the twins they are being followed by Zegion who was keeping an eye on them seeing what they were up to.

Zegion: I must keep an eye on those two. If anything happens to them Lord Rimuru would be disappearing at me.

They went to the forest where the others oppose to meet up.

Shalsha: It's seems they were here and there must've been fight going on.

Falfa: They went this way let's hurry!


Issei and the others along with Saji who from Sona peerage we're fighting against Shintaro and Eddie. They we're having some difficult time with them.

Saji: Dammit man we don't stand a chance against them!

Issei: Can you just use your sacred gear on them!

Saji: I'm trying but every time I keep using my Absorption Line that babe over there keep cutting them down. Just who exactly are these guys?

Koneko: There ogre they are known as the strongest race of yokai. Why would they be stealing those holy swords?

Xenovia: We we're told that they are being used by Kokabiel and it seems that they cannot disobey his orders.

Issei: What! You're saying these guys are being mind controlled. Then I will save that babe right there and add her to my harem!

Shintaro: Don't even think about adding my sister to your harem you bastard.

Shintaro was rushing towards to Issei but Kiba block his attack.

Kiba: I do feel bad for you and your sister are being used by someone who only see you to as tools. If you could just let me destroy that Excalibur we can help you and your sister free.

Shintaro: To be honest I would let you destroy this holy sword but if I do that my sister and I we would be killed by that bastard Kokabiel who put a curse on us.

Shintaro was about to used the Excalibur Rapidly slashing Kiba that was until Falfa appear in front of Shintaro stopping his attack.

Both Eddie and Irina stop they're fighting and look what was happening. Eddie was planning on helping her brother she was then stop by Shalsha.

Eddie: What? I didn't even sense her.

Shintaro: Who are you two?

Falfa: You wanna know who are?

Falfa and Shalsha jump away from their opponents and they started to do superhero pose.

Falfa: I am Blue Mask!

Shalsha: I am Green Mask!

Falfa: And we!

Shalsha: Are!

Falfa/Shalsha: The Mask Twins defenders of justice!

Everyone: .....WHAT!

Issei: Just who the hell are these two really and did they just did a Power Ranger pose!

Irina: Where exactly did that explosion come from that was so cool!

Ddraig: Is those twins.

Issei: Huh you know them Ddraig?

Ddraig: Is Rimuru and Tiamat daughters they have been listening into your conversations about going out the ogre. I sense them when none of you didn't notice them.

Saji: Wait Rimuru as in the guy who defeated Riser that's his kids. If he is that strong that means his kids are also strong. We should probably let them handle those guys.

Irina: No way we cannot let those adorable angel handle them we should help them.

Shalsha: None of you do not have to worry about us we can handle them.

Falfa: Yeah just sit down and watch while we are kicking their butt.

They both walk to their opponents Falfa will be facing off Shintaro, Shalsha will facing off Eddie. They started at each other.

Shintaro: Are you sure you kids want fight us.

Eddie: You don't have to fight us you can leave when you still have a chance.

Falfa: We will face you guys on.

Shalsha: And we will be victorious to defeat the both of you.

Shintaro: Ha ha I would like to see you try.

Eddie: Then let's begin shall we.

All four of them we're moving in blinding speed facing one another.

In the Tempest resident

Tiamat: Falfa, Shalsha where are you! Rimuru where are our daughters I'm so worried!

Rimuru: Don't panic Tiamat I'm sure we can find them.

Tiamat: I'm hope so. I hope nothing didn't happen to our previous daughters.

I try to comfort Tiamat she is very worried what could happen to our daughters. I try to sense where they are over the city but no luck.

Rimuru: Why can I not sense them I should be able to find really quickly.

Raphael: (Answer it is possible they are wearing the anti magic mask that master gave. That is why you are not able to sense them.)

Rimuru: Why are they wearing those mask just where are they.

Just then I had a thought communication from Zegion.

Zegion: (Lord Rimuru I have urgent news.)

Rimuru: (What is it Zegion?)

Zegion: (Lady Falfa and lady Shalsha are currently fighting two ogre.)

Rimuru: (What! I'll be right over from your location.)

I cut the communication and explain to Tiamat where are our daughters.

Rimuru: Zegion found our daughters their fighting those two ogre.

Tiamat: What! We must get there at once!

Back at the fight

Eddie: You know for a kid you're not that bad of using a sword.

Shalsha: Thanks you're not bad yourself.

Shintaro: Ha ha take this!

Falfa: I don't think so Jedi style!

Shintaro: Wow nice moves kids.

Falfa: Thanks.

Issei: Did you all see that!

Saji: Yeah those moves is she secretly a Jedi.

Kiba: Whoever trained them must've been an excellent teacher.

Xenovia: That is some excellent swordplay.

Irina: They are so amazing.

Koneko: They can handle their self pretty fine.

The four of them step away from each other Falfa and Shalsha look at each other planning on ending this.

Falfa: Let's finish this Shalsha.

Shalsha: Right let's do it.

They we're both ready to use a technique.

Falfa: Veldora Killing Art Style: Aqua Shuriken!

Shalsha: Veldora Killing Art Style: Flame Shuriken!

Devils and exorcist were all shock from the attacks that Falfa and Shalsha just use. Shintaro trying to block the attacks using the Excalibur but he got blown away towards the trees. Eddie went to got her brother to see if he is okay but to her surprise he was laughing.

Shintaro: Ha ha ha ha! That was awesome you two are really strong!

Eddie: Well I'm glad you're okay.

Issei: I can't believe that guy survived that kind of attack.

Saij: Those kids are insanely powerful I don't wanna mess with them.

???:What is going on here?

Everyone all look from people who just spoke this was Valper Galella former member of the church and the former lead researcher of the Holy Sword Project. When Kiba saw him he was in rage.

Kiba: Valper!

Xenovia It's him the one who is behind the Holy Sword Project.

Shintaro: What the hell do you want old man?

Valper: The reason why I am here it's because Kokabiel will soon come here. It's is time for the both of you to retreat if you don't you know what will happen by disobeying Kokabiel orders.

Shintaro and Eddie we're both angry of this and they didn't have a choice. The three of them disappeared Kiba, Xenovia and Irina quickly went after them.

Falfa: We should go after them as well.

Shalsha: Let's go after them.

They we're about to follow until three magic circle appear. Rias and Akeno appear from the Gremory circle, Sona Sitri and her Queen Tsubaki Shinra appear from the Sitri circle and Rimuru and Tiamat also appear. Both Rias and Sitri were wondering what's was Rimuru and Tiamat doing here.

Rias: What are you two doing here?

Rimuru: You see our daughters they were missing a couple hours ago I got a report from one of my subordinate they were here.

Rias and Sona look at the twins who are wearing their anti magic mask they slowly took it off and devil can sense the strength coming from the twins.

Rias: I see we will let the to of deal with them. We will be dealing with our peerage.

Sona: Indeed and this is the first day we actually meet Mr Rimuru.

Rimuru: Well it's a pleasure meeting you Sona Sitri younger sister of Serafall Leviathan.

Sona was surprise that I know she Serafall sister. She was about to ask me something but I teleported me and my family back to our home.

Sona: I'm just as surprised that he knows that Serafall is my sister but I should be focusing on more important matters.

She look at Saji he was scared what was Sona planning on doing. She brought out a whip Saji was terrifying that Sona is about to whip his ass.

Sona: This is your punishment 1000 spankings now bring that ass of yours here.

Saji: No no please NOOOO!

Tempest resident

Rimuru: You two have a lot to explain yourself you have me and your mother worry especially your mother.

Falfa: We're sorry Mama Papa.

Shalsha: We only did it because we wanted to help out big sis Kuroka sister friends out.

Rimuru: You two could at least tell me about this and I could've had help setting in the others.

Tiamat: You shouldn't had kept this secret from us you both are grounded. There will be no manga for the both of you.

Falfa/Shalsha: Noooo!

Falfa: Papa please do something!

Shalsha: We will behave we will never do something like that ever again!

Rimuru: I'm sorry girls but you heard what your mother said.

Falfa: Please Mama Papa give us another chance.

Shalsha: Yes yes please give us another chance.

They both look at us looking adorable Tiamat and I we couldn't help they are too cute to be grounded.

Tiamat: Ah can't help it there so cute I can stay mad at them forever. You two will only be grounded just for today okay.

Falfa/Shalsha: Okay thank you Mama!

Tiamat hug Falfa and Shalsha tightly and I join in as well.

Tiamat: Don't ever do something like that again you two. You two have me so worried I'm glad you're both safe.

Falfa/Shalsha: We love you Mama and Papa!

Tiamat: We love you too sweethearts.

Rimuru: We love you our precious daughters.

We stay like this for a moment until it was time for us to go to bed.

Next part Kokabiel

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