Male reader as Rimuru in High...

By AndrsFernando1

698K 11.7K 4.6K

A man who got reincarnated in the DxD world as Rimuru Tempest.And what he what's is a family that he been wan... More

The Void Dragon God
The Rise of Rimuru Tempest
The Familiar Forest
The Tempest Family
Rimuru new subordinates
The Beginning of the Anime
The Boosted Gear
Rimuru new subordinates Part 2
The Twilight Healing user
Battle between the Fallen Angels
Return to the Familiar Forest
The Fire Chicken Riser
Rimuru vs Riser
The Storm Dragon Veldora
New Characters
Excalibur Arc
The Mask Twins
A Day on the Beach
The Three Factions and Tempest
Battle in the Labyrinth
The Reward Ceremony
The Reward Ceremony Part 2
Veldora vs Great Red
A Visit in Kyoto
New Characters Part Two
A Trip in the Underworld
The Party
A Family Reunion
Talk Between Siblings
The Trihexa?
Everyone meet Kumoko the Spider Goddess
Family get Together
The Mask Heroes
Attack from the Underworld
Juggernaut Drive
Ciel the Truth First Wife
The Fifth Mask Heroes
The Land of the Vampires
Black Numbers
Rizevim Livan Lucifer
The Wedding between a Reaper and a Nekoshou
The Rimuru Verse
The Mirror
The Sixth Mask Hero
Kunou visit in the Labyrinth
The Mother in law
Hunting down False Shadow Hero
If anime characters become Power Rangers
Rescuing the Yokai Leader
The Hero Faction strikes again and familiar faces
The Destroyer Milim Nava
The Lizardman and fighting off a Demon army
Power Up! Mask Heroes
Power Up! Mask Heroes Part 2
Agent E
The Fall of Cao Cao and the Rise of the Void Dragon Emperor God
The slime assassin Melona
The Jura Tempest Federation
Helping a fellow Spider out
Spider Goddess vs Spider Queen
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor part 2
The Rimuru Verse 2
A Faded Encounter
If anime characters become Power Rangers part 2
The Rising of The Shield Loli
Explosion Empress
New Members of the Family

The Two Exorcist

11K 198 68
By AndrsFernando1

Rimuru: So any information about those two ogres named Shintaro, Eddie?

Yasaka: (Yea what I found that those two are from a ogre village. Quite recently it was destroy all the people there were all killed. We don't know the person who did this kind of act.)

Rimuru: Luckily for those two they are still alive but it seems that they are being used by the person who destroy their village.

Yasaka: (I hope the person who killed those innocent ogre will suffer from his sins for killing innocent lives.)

Rimuru: Yeah my organization will go after the person who did this and show him no mercy. Thank you for your help Yasaka.

Yasaka: (You're welcome Rimuru I hope you Tiamat and your children come soon in Kyoto.)

Rimuru: We will and how's my student Kunou doing.

Yasaka: (She is doing well. She's been training and been doing well with her swordsmanship and magic. Her teachers were impressed how far is she have grown using a sword.)

Rimuru: I am glad that my student is growing stronger every day. Tell her I said hi.

Yasaka: (I will goodbyes now.)

I cut the communication network with Yasaka and I then using thought communication to Diablo.

Diablo: (Kufufufu what can I be at assistance for you Lord Rimuru?)

Rimuru: I need you and Testarossa, Ultima and Carrera to go to this location and find any clues from the fallen angel Kokabiel. Also if there is any fallen angel who works with Kokabiel eliminate them.

Diablo: (Understand Lord Rimuru we will head there at once.)

After I was done talking with Diablo I left my office room and head downstairs. Veldora, Falfa and Shalsha where at the couch watching TV. I look what they were watching and to my surprise they were watching the opening of a Star Wars anime.

Rimuru: (I can't believe they actually have a Star War anime. I always wanted to see Star Wars in a anime adaptation. Seems like my dream has finally come true or maybe this was the help of the Lord of Wisdom Raphael.)

Raphael: I have nothing to do with this master.

Rimuru: Oh really okay?

Veldora: Kuahahaha! I really love this who knew that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father!

Falfa: I know that completely blew my mind when we first saw this uncle Veldora!

Shalsha: Yeah and it's even better when where watching it in anime. Let's watch the next Star Wars movie in anime.

Falfa/Veldora: Yeah!

Sheou: Would you three like some treats that I made for all of you.

Falfa: Yes please thank you aunt Sheou.

Shalsha: Thank you for the sweets aura Sheou.

Veldora: Why thank you my mate. You are really amazing making tasty treats.

Sheou: Hi hi thank you Veldora I appreciate your kindness.

She kiss Veldora on the cheek making Veldora to blush. She then went to the kitchen preparing for lunch. Someone just knocked on the door I went ahead and check and see who was knocking on the door.

Veldora: Who's knocking on the door? I hope it is it anyone who's trying to ruin our Star Wars marathon.

Rimuru: I'll check who it is Veldora.

I open the door and it was then revealed to be Irina and Xenovia who are wearing their Church battle suit with white hooded cloak.

Rimuru: (What are those two doing here I should probably ask them why they're doing here.)

Rimuru: Hello what can I help you to for?

Irina: Are you by any chance be Rimuru Tempest.

Rimuru: I am why do you ask?

The both of them bowed their hair to thank me I was confused.

Irina/Xenovia: We thank you for what you have done!

Rimuru: Umm you're welcome and what are you thanking me for?

Xenovia: You have save the priest from yesterday who was injured and he told us that you were the one who heal him and we came here to thank you.

Rimuru: Oh I see you're welcome for that.

Irina: Wow it is rare for someone to have healing abilities by any chance do you want to join the church.

Rimuru: Sorry I had to decline I appreciate the offer but I am a very busy guy.

Irina was disappoint I decline her offer but she calm her self.

Rimuru: Well is that all you two are here for?

Xenovia: There is something we want to discuss with you.

Rimuru: What do you wanna discuss to me about?

Xenovia: Mind if we come in to discuss.

I hesitate for a moment I am only worry about they have those Excalibur's. If they dare harm my family I won't hesitate to fight back and those Excalibur's are useless against me. So I decided to let them in.

Rimuru: You too can come in but do not cause any problems for me and for my family.

They both nodded and they came inside Veldora noticed the two he sensed the Excalibur's that the two had.

Veldora: Hey Rimuru who are those two and what is with those swords they have? I sensed holy energy coming from there swords.

Irina and Xenovia were surprise that Veldora sensed there Excalibur's. The both of then sensed Veldora aura and they we're shock of Veldora intimidating aura.

Rimuru: I'll explain later I need to talk with these two right now. Watch the twins for me okay bro.

Veldora: All right I'll keep an eye on them while we are watching Return of the Jedi.

Falfa: Papa once you're done talking with those two can we go have some ice cream.

Rimuru: Sure thing sweetie but after we will have lunch.

Shalsha: Can you also make us new swords our old sword are broken.

Rimuru: All right Shalsha I'll do that I need to talk with these people right now.

The two exorcist follow me to my office we were then stop by Tiamat who is holding a peaceful sleeping Vel. Tiamat glare at the two noticing there Excalibur's.

Tiamat: Why are those two doing here and why do they have those swords!

Rimuru: They came here to thank me for helping that priest I heal yesterday. Also they wanna talk to me about something. So please calm yourself my love you'll wake up our son.

She is trying to calm herself down not to wake up Vel. She then look at the two Irina was a little scared and Xenovia was also scared but she try to hide it.

Tiamat: If you to try to take or harm my mate and family you to will suffer the consequences do you understand.

Xenovia: Y-yes ma'am we won't do any harm on you and your family.

Irina: Yeah in name God we will not harm your family you have our word.

Tiamat: Good.

She walk up to me with a worried look.

Tiamat: Please be careful dear.

Rimuru: I'll be fine my love.

I kiss her and our son in the forehead I went to my office room with Irina and Xenovia to what they want to discuss about.

Rimuru: All right now what do you two want to talk to me about?

Xenovia: We wanna know are you connected to the organization Tempest.

Rimuru: And what gave that way?

Irina: Is your last name obviously.

Rimuru: I know that I was being sarcastic also I am actually the leader of Tempest.

Xenovia: I see so you're the leader of that organization and who been taking down every ex-exorcist. We even heard that Freed Sellzen the former exorcist was killed and did it happen to be you for his death.

Rimuru: Yes it was I sent my subordinates to eliminate that man. He's too dangerous to be kept alive.

Irina: Indeed he is he kills people for fun even if they are not devils. I am so glad innocent soul will not be kill from that insane ex-exorcist.

Xenovia: Mind if I ask what exactly are you and your family? We did sense strong energy coming from them especially the blonde man.

Rimuru: Well if you really wanna know what exactly me and my family are we are dragon.

I showed them my dragon wings that appear from my back. They we're astounding seeing my wings and shock to know my family are dragon.

Irina: Whoa you mean to tell me that those adorable daughters of yours are dragon. I wonder they look cute in their dragon form.

Rimuru: They are when they first transform into their dragon form my wife and I couldn't help how adorable they were when they were small.

Xenovia: That explains that blond man terrifying aura and how he sense our Excalibur's.

Rimuru: Yes sorry about him he's my brother and speaking of the Excalibur. There are things I need you two to listen this about Kokabiel.

The moment I mention that name they focus and listen about what Kokabiel been up to.

Xenovia: Go on.

I explain to them that Kokabiel used two ogre name Shintaro and Eddie to steal the Excalibur Rapidly. Irina and Xenovia didn't know that the to who steal the Excalibur Rapidly we're ogre. I also explain to them Kokabiel probably using them against their will at what Rin and his sisters told me. Irina and Xenovia thank me for explaining about Kokabiel. They are planning on heading on Kuoh Academy and explain to the devil their about Kokabiel and the ogre who steal the Excalibur Rapidly. They will not let the devil getting involved at this and they will go out the two ogre. They left short after and I was thinking in my thoughts.

Rimuru: Hmm I wonder what Diablo and the three Primordial trio are up to now


Carrera: How dare you bastard insult Lord Rimuru die!

Random fallen angel: AHHHH RUN FOR IT!

Randoms fall angel: AHHHHHH!

Ultima: That's what all of you deserve. I'll make all of you pay for calling our beloved master Lord Rimuru weak!


Testarossa: None of you are going to escape from our wrath. Those who dared called Lord Rimuru weak and think they are better than him will die.

This all happened when they arrive here they encounter a numbers of fallen angel. The Primordials introduced their self and tell them they are from Tempest and they we're sent here by there master Rimuru. All of the fallen angel started to insulting stuff about they are better than Rimuru and thinking they can defeat him and kill him very easily they all started to laugh. That got Diablo, Testarossa, Ultima and Carrera pissed off heading the things the fallen angel said about Lord Rimuru. And that's how shit end it up like this.

Diablo: Hmm It seems like there is one more left. It is time for you to die fallen angel for the horrible things you said to our beloved Lord Rimuru.

Random fallen angel: No no no no please forgive me don't kill m-

Diablo: It's already too late for forgiveness.

Back at the Tempest resident

I just came back from getting ice creams for my daughters and I made them new swords for them to use. I just had a report from Rin that the two exorcist Irina and Xenovia went to Kuoh Academy talking with the Gremory peerage about the Excalibur. Everything just went as in canon. Diable, Testarossa, Ultima and Carrera have returned from their mission and tell me everything that happened that they kill a bunch of the fallen angel and they were all working for Kokakiel.

Carrera: Those fallen angel bastards we wouldn't allow them to talk down on you Lord Rimuru.

Ultima: Yeah we showed them they shouldn't never mess with you Lord Rimuru.

Testarossa: We did this all for you Lord Rimuru. They we're all weak they never stand a chance against us.

Diablo: Kufufufu I hope you were proud of us how amazing we were Lord Rimuru.

Rimuru: The four of you done excellent work but next time keep a low profile from the destination you four have cost okay.

All four of them: Understood Lord Rimuru!

The next day

Tiamat and I are at the shopping mall with daughters to have some family time.

Falfa: Papa can Shalsha and I go to the manga store to buy some manga. We will want to buy some manga for uncle Veldora.

Rimuru: All right you too can go buy some manga.

Tiamat: Don't go too far sweethearts.

Falfa: We won't Mama let's go Shalsha.

Shalsha: All right big sister.

The both of them went to the manga store leaving me and Tiamat alone.

Rimuru: Well while they are there how about we spending our time together.

Tiamat: Hi hi I would love that let's go darling.

Minutes later

Falfa: Man I hope uncle Veldora will like these new mangas we have buy.

Shalsha: He would certainly do Falfa now let's go where Mama and Papa are at.

The twins can sense we're their parents are they we're about to go where they we're until they notice familiar people they have seen before.

Shalsha: Falfa look it's those two lady we saw yesterday and it's big sis Kuroka sister and her friends.

Falfa: Let see what they're up to.

They listen in what they we're talking about. They are planning on going after the people who stole the Excalibur Rapidly. They're also planning on destroy the other Excalibur or retrieving them for the church. They are planning on meeting in the forest at night. The twins look at each other and they both nodded.

Falfa You're thinking what I'm thinking sis.

Shalsha: Yeah we should help them out.

Falfa: We should probably keep this as a secret for Papa and Mama.

Shalsha: They will be worry about us but thanks to our training with master Zegion we will be fine.

Falfa: All right let's prepare for our first ever mission.

They both went were their parents are and they are coming up a plan to help out the devils and the two exorcist.

Next part The Mask Twins

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