Intergalaxies, The Second Cha...

By Drauncer

199 6 2

The Writing tells a story from the vast Intergalaxies where a young man who was supposed to be already dead i... More

System of Government on The Innergalactic and Intergalactic Level
Chapter 1.1: A New Era, a New Beginning
Chapter 1.2: The First Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter 1.3: A Warm Welcome from Charcis
Chapter 1.4: A Guest for a Week
Preview of Chapter two: Vrasz Seris, the Little Planet with Big Problems
Chapter two 2.1 : A Dream from the Past


90 3 2
By Drauncer

I know I should start by explaining where and how it all began, but I think that you'll eventually find out by yourself. So let me just skip that part and move the story a bit forward, to times when I began with the recording of what has happened, and what helped shape these Intergalaxies to their current form.

In this story, thousands of years have passed since the so called "Great Intergalactic Beat". First of all let me explain the phrase as most of you aren't acquainted with it and are probably wondering what it stands for. Now how to best describe it? Well, I think that you may understand, because the human race and not only you, but mostly all living beings know how a heart functions. So the best way would be to imagine a heart. Now try to imagine or feel how the heart beats, how it's alive, beating and giving life to all the other parts of the body. Maybe you didn't notice up till now, but also the universe or how we call it The Intergalactic system has its heartbeat as it is also a living being pulsing with life. Although the fact still remains that one can't see this beat just by looking with his eyes or through some machine, as this beat is far slower than anything you can imagine. The Great Intergalactic Beat happens once in several light years, which technically means that it is way, way, slower than the beat of a human heart. The thing is that from time to time it may also come to a so called "Early Intergalactic Beat". This beat is called "early" due to the fact that it is not natural but artificial forced.

I'll try to explain as some of you may be asking why? When a Great Intergalactic beat happens the universe closes like a heart chamber in this process it comes to shrinkage of the whole universe to the size of bowling ball. The sad part is that this process destroys everything that's in the universe. But after this it comes to the opening, the so called „Big Bang", where the universe gets back to its previous size and the evolution begins from absolute zero. I used the word Big Bang, mainly because I know you use it on your planet to describe this process. After this process, new life begins to flourish in each galaxy, on each planet from the utmost beginning. Well, now that we got through this part, it will be a lot easier for me to answer the question, why does an early beat happen? To be honest there are many reasons, but one of the main ones is the oversaturation of the intergalactic system, in short it means, that the power sphere gets to a stage where it becomes uncontrollable and is no longer beneficial but becomes rather dangerous for the galaxies themselves. If by any chance something like this happens, the Highest Intergalactic Senate is forced to give a permission to an artificially initiated "Early Intergalactic Beat" to ensure that the future and the existence of the intergalactic system are secured. But don't you worry; I don't think that an early beat will occur any time near. Hopefully the next Great Intergalactic Beat will be a natural one and we still have a lot of time ahead of us, which is currently for the best as I would like to tell you the story of the Intergalaxies.

Wondering how I know about all of this? I have to mention, that as one of the not so many, I have been here for several millennia's now. That is why it may sound unbelievable, and one may wonder if living so long isn't pretty boring, lengthy or even sad when I remember how many generations I have lived to see age and at the end ... pass away. The thing is that the ones from my kind don't get to live this long and believe it or not I no longer even remember from which race I formerly came from, but it must be because of the fact that I no longer am the being I was born to be. Not that I would look like some kind of a mutant or hybrid, with two heads, seven arms and long tentacles, no, no. On the outside, I don't look very differently from humans, maybe because I was once like you, but who knows. The fact still remains that my body and soul are partially like a human one, I have feelings, two arms, two legs, hair and also one head with a normal size mouth, a not very big nose, two ears, two dark brown coloured eyes and a long horn on my forehead that has a ... ok, just kidding, I don't have a horn, so I basically look like your everyday human being. Although I have to add that the time changes a lot of things, that's why I'm grateful that my body and my soul haven't changed at all. Especially when I think about all the good and also bad things I've been through.

Now if you were to ask me which part of me changed the most during my long life? The answer will definitely be my body, but that's typical me. I got some scars and also smaller scratches that remind me off some of the events that literally shook the very foundations of the Intergalaxies, but afar from these no serious injuries. To be honest I would like to forget about some of them, at least the most painful ones, but the problem is that some of these scars are bound with the memories of my closest family and friends. These scars are the last remnants that remain after them, especially when there are no records of their lives. One can also say that they have faded away and are forgotten. To be honest that is something that I fear the most, to be forgotten and end like one of those lost souls trying to find a way out of the dark and cold loneliness. Oh, if you thought that my biggest fear is death, than I must correct you as that does no longer play a crucial part in my life due to the fact that I have lived long enough. I don't say that I will welcome death with open arms. It's just that I don't fear death anymore, mainly because I've already transformed it into a normal part of my life. One is born, lives and at the end dies, that's just how it is, the only thing that matters is how long you live and how you use all the time that's left.

Well I think that as long as my soul and mind don't change, and stay as they are now, I will be able to watch over the future of this endless starry sky and its inhabitants who form its very soul. The truth is that without them, the Intergalaxies would be just an empty shell, with a heart, but without a soul. That's also why the beings, who inhabit these galaxies, are the real ones who help to shape them into the thing called the Intergalactic system, also known to most of us as Intergalaxies.

Hopefully this helps me to shed some light on the whole situation,

Yours Igros

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