The Bad Boy's Girl (Now Avail...

By JessGirl93

225M 4.2M 3.8M


The Bad Boy's Girl
Chapter One : He's Bush and I'm Like His Mini Afghanistan
Chapter Two : I'm Her Evil Russian Twin Svetlana
Chapter Three : Death by Spearmint-I'd Revolutionize The World of Crime
Chapter Four : In the Name of Your Pea Sized Balls I Say Unhand Me!
Chapter Five : If You Wanted Me To Play Sexy Doctor You Could've Just Asked
Chapter Six : My Life's One Big Spanish Soap Opera, Lets Call It Ugly Tessie
Chapter Seven : It's Spoon Lifting Not Grand Theft Auto!
Chapter Eight :You're Smiling Like A Horny Guy On A Dodgy Street Corner
Chapter Nine : Well At Least The Kidnappers Are Keeping It Classy These Days
Chapter Ten : Discussing Who The Peeping Tom Creeper Likes More?
Chapter Eleven : I Think Cole Is A Sex God
Chapter Twelve :I'm Not The Love Child Of Edward Cullen And Tinker Bell.
Chapter Thirteen : Is That A Rhetorical Question?
Chapter Fourteen: I'm As Smooth As Chunky Peanut Butter
Chapter Fifteen Part One : He's Searching My Body Like It's A Map To Atlantis
Chapter Fifteen Part Two:Ripping Jay's Bieber Sized Ego Into Shreds
Chapter Sixteen: Victory For The Socially Inept Of The World
Chapter Seventeen: Don't Strip On Top Of The Pool Table Nana
Chapter Eighteen: "You're Not Sexting Stone Are You?"
Chapter Twenty : My Inexperience Is As Obvious As The Scarlet Letter
Chapter Twenty-One: Girl Hospitalized For Checking Out Cole Stone's Chest
Chapter Twenty-Two : I Asked You To Make Soup Not Babies
Chapter Twenty-Three: It's Like The Freaking Jungle Book In My Stomach
Chapter Twenty-Four : You're A Twatwaffle
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Lecherous Hoe Has A Point
Chapter Twenty-Six: Cole Is Stone Cold Sober. Get It? Stone Cold?
Chapter Twenty-Seven:Not All Boys Are Giant Douche Sickles
Chapter Twenty-Eight: You're As Lickable As Your Ice-Cream Namesake
Chapter Twenty-Nine: I'm Thinking About Jumping Your Bones
Chapter Thirty: I'm More Clueless Than A Kardashian Without A Camera Crew
Chapter Thirty-One:What It Feels Like To Get Your Heart Broken
Chapter Thirty Two: I've Started Developing A Cannibalistic Hatred For Redheads
Chapter Thirty-Three: I Currently Have The Self Worth Of An Amoeba
Chapter Thirty-Four: I Burst Like The Freaking Fort Peck Dam
Chapter Thirty-Five: Screw Sherbet Lemon, Ice-Cream Is The Magic Word
Chapter Thirty-Six: My Life, A Congregation Of Life's Cruelest Clichés
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Stop Being So Sweet And Shirtless, You're Making Me Horny
Chapter Thirty-Eight: We're Not Bunnies
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Boy Band Asshat Needs To Know You're Mine
Chapter Forty: What Do I Need to Know About Baby Dolls and Teddies?
Chapter Forty One:BAM, You're Naked and It's Go Time
Chapter Forty-One: 'The Out-take'
Bonus Part - Extended Epilogue
The End: I Didn't Cross The Line, I Usain Bolted Past It.
Bonus Part - Cole's POV
Thank You
Snippets from the Sequel
The Sequel is UP!
Ships In the Night A 'The Bad Boy's Girl' One Shot
A letter to Santa, from Cole
The Valentine's Day Special
Bonus Part: Extended Epilogue (Now Available)
Bonus Part: Cole's POV Chapter 41
The Bad Boy's Girl is being PUBLISHED!

Chapter Nineteen:I'm Trapped In A Never Ending Episode Of General Hospital

5M 95.7K 103K
By JessGirl93

Twitter: @BlairHoldenx

Instagram: @jessgirl93

Chapter Nineteen:I'm Trapped In A Never Ending Episode Of General Hospital

If I were to make a list of the most excruciatingly painful moments in my life, most would have something to do with Cole. If you had asked me two months ago, which moment topped the list I would've said that it was that one day in the seventh grade. I don't know how he knew but he did and he announced it to the entire class. He told everyone I'd just gotten my period.

Talk about embarrassing.

However something's been able to beat that moment and not very surprisingly it has something to do with him yet again. This time though it isn't horribly embarrassing or physically painful. What he's done now is that he's made me miss him, terribly so. On the plane ride back to our small Connecticut town I think about the two weeks I've spent with my grandparents and realize that I spent most of my time sulking. It's a good thing no one apart from Travis notice these things or I'd have been called out. He seemed to be in a funk of his own so we left each other alone.

The only reason I survived the separation was because he called me everyday like clockwork. We'd talk for hours before I had to go to bed. During the day we'd text each other almost every ten minutes so it felt like he was almost there with me, almost being the operative word here. On Christmas Day, none of us had the opportunity to make our daily phone call but he made up for it by sending me the sweetest email I'd ever read. We talked about anything and everything. We were still Cole and Tessa but something had shifted monumentally. It felt like I was suffocating without him being near and I could only hope that he felt the same way.

New Year's Eve had pretty much been a torture in its own right. We were both at parties, surrounded by couples kissing each other as the clock struck twelve. My phone had been tightly pressed against my ear as I concentrated on hearing the sound of his breathing. We were both quiet for the minute, realizing where we'd rather be, what we'd rather be doing. The thought of it made me feel both nervous and euphoric. I knew that I'd be getting my first kiss pretty soon if the slightly husky tone of Cole's voice was any sign.

The flight's supposed to land any second and I can't keep still for the life of me. Mom throws me a reprimanding look before going back to her book. We're in first class so I have to sit with her and Travis is with Dad. Having the two of them sit together is a recipe for disaster since their relationship hasn't exactly progressed but Mom insisted that they need some to spend some quality time together. However from where I'm sitting, I can clearly see that Travis is watching a movie and Dad's busied himself with a magazine. Oh well, it was worth a try.

By the time we make it past customs, its mid-afternoon. Despite our efforts to pack light and mostly have carry-on's we still spend an hour at baggage claim. The amount of people travelling at this time of year is insane so I should've anticipated the delay. It doesn't make my impatience go away though, I'm tapping my foot like crazy and am ready to go strangle someone if our bags don't arrive soon. I don't even have important things in our luggage, just clothes that could easily be replaced. Maybe if I ask politely enough, they'll let me take a cab on my own. I need to get out of here, I need to see him right this instant.

"Regretting telling lover boy to not come to the airport?"

There's amusement written all over Travis's face. He seems better already, like being back in our own state has suddenly taken away all his brooding. Mystery girl better give him an answer soon, I don't know if I can go back to his whip lash like moods.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I say sweetly, keeping an eye out for my parents. They're currently getting coffee from the Starbucks a few feet away. I doubt they'll be coming back though. The amount of people fighting for luggage could cause a stampede and god forbid Mom chip a nail or Dad rip a button from his shirt. It's a thin line between being someone's kid and their personal slave isn't there?

Travis nudges my shoulder with his, nearly making me fall over the conveyer belt. Glaring at him, I spot two of our bags and quickly grab them.
"Two down, two to go." I huff before Travis takes them from me and loads them onto the trolley. What on earth did Mom pack in those things? Ostrich eggs?

"I didn't realize things were so serious between you guys." He's watching me with those perceptive eyes again. Nothing good can come out of it when Travis does this. He's probably seen through all my clever attempts to hide what's going on between Cole and me. Mostly, I don't want my parents to know just yet. If they did, they'd probably book a church and have us married within an hour. I do not need that kind of pressure on me right now. Travis finding out is both a good and bad thing. The good part is that he's my brother, my favourite family member and it'd be nice to share this with him. The bad part? He might just go ahead beat up the boy responsible for my happiness.

"We're just hanging out Travis. It's casual." I say breezily. To get him to understand the nature of our relationship, I need more time. Travis needs to see with his own eyes that Cole has changed for the best and that when I'm with him I feel happier than I have in ages. We'd do that when we got home. I'll show him how Cole is with me now.

He grabs another bag from the conveyer belt, slinging it across his shoulder since it's his Nike. "You're not that girl Tess, you're not someone who does casual" He says making air quotations around the word casual. "You're either deeply involved or not at all so don't try to sell me that."

I can't look him in the eye because this conversation seems eerily familiar. I even remember when we had it the last time. I'd come home crying my eyes out because Jay had kissed Missy Reeve at a dance in middle school. I knew he'd be there with her and hadn't wanted to go but mom had been persistent. She'd wrestled me into a too tight dress and slipped the most uncomfortable heels on the planet onto my feet. Every second in them had been painful but with Nicole's help I stumbled my way into the gym. Cole had skipped out on the occasion so the night had started on a good note. However the moment I saw Jay dancing with another girl, holding her close and looking in her eyes I realized that coming here had been a terrible idea. That was bad enough but when he kissed her, something inside broke. I remember running out of there, calling Travis and asking him to take me home. That's when he'd said similar words. He'd been right then, asking me to get over Jay, to not invest myself too much emotionally and I'd listened with no intention of obeying him but this is different, Cole is different.

"I like him," I admit without looking my brother in the eye. "He's not the person we thought he was. Everything he's ever done to me was because..."

"He liked you, because he's always liked you." He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I gape at him for a few seconds," You knew? How long have you known?"

"We all knew Tess. From the first day in elementary school to now, everyone's known. We just thought we'd let you two figure things out on your own." He shrugs.


Am I really as oblivious as I feel right now?

"But, I don't..."

Travis holds up his hand and looks over my shoulder. "We'll talk about this later. I know why you don't want mom and dad to know and trust me its better if they don't."

Our parents join us a few seconds later, just in time for the last bag to arrive. Once we have everything, we take a cab for Farrow Hills with my anticipation growing with every meter we move. My phone hasn't rung once nor have I received any texts so I'm a bit worried. What if he's forgotten that I'm returning today? What if he isn't home? What if he has plans of his own? How could I have been so stupid? I shouldn't expect him to be waiting for me with a bouquet of calla lilies and as desperate to see me as I am to see him.

Stupid, stupid Tessa.

I'm frowning at my phone when we pull up in front of our house. The disappointment is crushing in a way I've never experienced with Jay. Maybe with him I've always expected it and my expectations have always been met. Cole always surprises me, he never does what I expect of him, he does better so I've become a little used to it. I guess that's what I wanted him to do today, take me by surprise.

"Who's that sitting on our porch?" Dad asks as he's paying the driver.

I look up from my phone immediately and my heart soars. I know it's him, without a doubt. His face isn't visible since he's holding it between his knees but the hair is a dead giveaway. The leather jacket helps too but then it's almost like magic. Theatrical or not, I can sense him when he's near me and it takes every ounce of will power in my body to not jump out of the car and run towards him.

"That's Cole isn't he honey, what's he doing here?" Mom asks me and I panic.

Hi Mom. That boy sitting on the porch? Yeah, we sort of have something going on now but I can't tell you since you'll start naming your grandchildren on the spot and embarrass me to death. He'll never want to see me again and I'll hate you for the rest of my life.

"Umm I don't know."

"Well don't keep the poor boy waiting, go ask him." She shoos me away as they get our bags out of the trunks. I'm much too happy to oblige. Cole's looking my way now, his expression mirroring mine but I bet my smile is wider. We try to curb our enthusiasm for the sake of my family but as soon as we're within touching distance it's like there's a magnetic pull between us. My arms itch to wrap themselves around him. I have visions of burying my face in his neck and inhaling his scintillating scent. Oh crud, I have it bad.

His hand reaches for me, like he's going to touch my face but he thinks better of it. We're on the same page when it comes to telling my parents. He sighs in disappointment, pulling his hand back instead thrusting the bouquet of calla lilies towards me.

"Welcome home." He whispers.


I do a mental happy dance and the urge to hug him is stronger than ever. He's so perfect, so beautiful, so caring and he's interested in me! I don't know why and I don't want to know. As long as he's willing to be with me, I'll be more than content.

"Thank you," I say shyly hugging the flowers to my chest. I can practically feel my parents' gaze boring into my back. They'll have questions later but unlike my brother, they won't be able to tell what's going on even if it slaps them in the face. Sometimes it's a blessing to have clueless parents.

"You look great," He quickly rakes his eyes over my body and I blush. Trust him to lay it on thick, I know I look horrible. We had an early morning flight so I spent a total of fifteen minutes in the shower. Then mom hogged the single blow dryer we had so my hair is Medusa like crazy and I don't have a speck of make up on. There must be T-Rex sized bags under my eyes and don't even get me started on my clothes. I threw on the first t-shirt I could find, which is a ratty black Garfield one and paired it with the oldest pair of jeans I have. Mom nearly had an aneurism when I showed up to breakfast but we were running late and all my clothes were already packed.  It didn't help matters when I spilled coffee all over myself while waiting for our flight, hence reeking of Starbucks.

"Yeah right," I roll my eyes but he doesn't look like he's kidding. His eyes never leave mine as he steps closer to me.

"You want to get out of here? I can tell you in detail why I think you're beautiful."

I'm left breathless and feel like I've been knocked over by the force of his words. He cannot say things like this when my parents are only a few feet away! I will not be held responsible for my actions when he's like this. The change in him is electrifying and it's making me all sorts of excited. He's being flirty but there's an intensity in his eyes which makes my breath hitch. I'd like nothing more than to take him up on his offer.

"Cole, my boy it's so good to see you." Dad's voice booms from behind us.  They do one of those handshakes and man hugs. Mom hugs him too, a little too warmly for my liking. You could almost see the church bells surrounding her head like a halo. Travis acknowledges him with a nod and with that heads into the house, leaving the four of us standing around awkwardly. After some painful small talk Cole takes the plunge.

"So, Cassandra wanted me to invite Tessa for dinner. Apparently they bonded at the ball and all we've been hearing during the holidays is Tessa this and Tessa that," He winks at me when my parents start gushing about how nice Cassandra is.

Smooth, Stone very smooth.

"Do I have to go?" I ask them, putting on my best 'please don't force me to go' face. If I pretend that I would go anywhere but to the Stone's for dinner that's exactly where they would send me. It's how we worked and I'd figured out the trick pretty soon after Dad became the Mayor.

"Of course! You must, it's very nice of her to invite you." I could hear the slight disappointment in my mom's tone. Obviously Cole hadn't realized that a dinner party invitation by Cassandra Stone would be like a lifelong supply of Jimmy Choo's for my mom. She even looks a tad bit jealous but there is no way I'm letting her come with me.

Mom tries to make more uncomfortable small talk as Dad goes into the house to get something for the Sheriff. He comes out with a bottle of wine, the kind that's really old and costs hundreds of dollars. Talk about schmoozing. He tells me to give it to the Stones and then they finally let us go. Cole doesn't even let me go into the house to shower or change clothes, what I would give to scrub every inch of visible skin right now.

"I cannot go to your house looking like this." I tell him as we round the corner, "I'm wearing a t-shirt with a giant cat on it for God's..." My words are cut off when Cole suddenly stops, spins around and hauls me to his chest. His arms go around my waist and he buries his head into my hair, inhaling it.

Oh My.

For a few seconds, I'm in shock. My body's on fire, nerve endings tingling and heart pounding like there's no tomorrow. He's doing what I wanted to do the moment I saw him on my porch but didn't have the courage to follow through but now he's given me such a great opening. Who am I to refuse? Immediately the shock wears off and my arms wrap themselves around his shoulders. I rest my head onto his chest and do the same thing he did, inhale. Finally, the knot that's been forming in my stomach for the past two weeks releases and the weight that'd been settled on me lifts. I fill my lungs with his heady scent and allow myself to savor being with him.

We stand like that, entangled in each other for what could be a second, an hour or forever. When we finally let go, there's a tenderness on Cole's face that resembles an emotion I'm scared to death of. My heart skips a beat because of the way he's looking at me. His fingers skim over my face, tracing every feature until they come to rest on my cheek which is undoubtedly coloured red and heated.

"Did I tell you how much I missed you?"

I shake my head coyly, watching as amusement flickers across his eyes. "Hmm, I guess I didn't. Can you blame me? If we didn't get out of there soon, I thought your mom would propose."

I burst out laughing at that and so does he. Its amazing how he just knows what I'm thinking or feeling and isn't afraid to call me out on it.

"You better stay away from her then. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold her back. She seems to really like you."

"What can I say? The O'Connell women can't seem to resist me."

I roll my eyes at his cockiness but a big part of me is relieved that we've moved on to lighter, safer topics. The look on his face mere minutes ago seems to be permanently imprinted on my brain and it's scared the wits out of me. Too soon, it is too soon for me to even imagine those kinds of feelings. I must be getting delusional.

I start walking backwards, away from him and in the direction of his house. "Make sure you don't trip on your giant ego on the way, Cassandra and the Sherriff might want you home in one piece."

He chuckles and starts walking towards me. It's not long before we're holding hands, fingers interlinked and grinning goofily at each other. I admit, on the plane back home I had been worried. It's common for people to be able to talk comfortably over e-mails, texts and phone calls. Being face to face makes things awkward and I was half expecting for that to happen between us but thank god it didn't. We catch up on our weeks apart. They'd brought Nana Stone back home and she'd been chastised and grounded by her son. Cole made me laugh heartily when he described his and Nana's combined efforts to sneak out and go to Rusty's. Sherriff Stone caught them while they'd been trying to unlock the front door with a bobby pin.

"I tried to go and see Beth like you asked but her mom said she way away." He tells me and my forehead creases with worry. In the few times we'd talked in the past two weeks, Beth had been distant. She always said she was busy with work and too tired when she got home. We didn't discuss the events of the day she'd shown up at my house and I didn't push it. She's hiding something, that I'm sure of but what could it be and why couldn't she just tell me?

"Was Marie sober? I can't even imagine the kind of parties she's been throwing over break." I say bitterly, concentrating on the cracks in the pavement. Cole squeezes my hand tightly, realizing how my mood's dropped in an instant. Marie's name always leaves a bitter aftertaste in my mouth and I feel bad for bringing her up now. Cole deserves better but I'm worried about my best friend.

"I checked every day you know. She didn't have a party the last couple of weeks. Not even on New Year's. I saw Beth around town but she was working and it seemed like she wanted to..."

"Avoid you?" I complete his sentence.

"You too?" He asks and when I nod he pulls me close and tucks my head beneath his chin. I take a few calming breaths and let my head stay where it is. Cole has a calming presence when I let him take the role. Most of the time I'm too aware of him to allow myself to relax but this is nice, this is different.

"At least Megan and Alex are doing well. The guy's whipped." Cole declares and I smile. They're so good for each other. Opposites in each and every way but when they're together they literally are two halves of a whole.

"She feels the same way, I know she does."

"Young love, what a freaking cliché." He snorts and I elbow him, causing him to grunt in pain.

"Don't make fun of them and don't you dare say anything to Alex."

He rubs the spot where I've hit him, "Yes Ma'am." Then he pulls me back to my old position which just warms me all over.

 We walk in silence for the short five minute trip until we come to a halt outside his house.

Where extremely conveniently Jay and Nicole are fighting. Pretty loudly if you come to think of it.

"Shit," Cole curses next to me and I mentally agree this does not look pretty.

Nicole is in one of her moods, the kind where she uses her hands to illustrate just how angry she is. Right now she's shoving and pushing Jay to get her point across. The poor guy seems clueless as to what to do but it looks like he's trying his best to get through. Over the years I've seen Nicole get into fights with a lot of the boys she's dated and let me tell you, she is merciless with them. When she decides to put them down, even when they've done nothing wrong, she will go to extreme lengths to get the job done.

The irony of the situation doesn't fail to hit me. I've wanted to see this, to see the perfect couple finally realizing that they're not so perfect for each other, for a long time. But now I don't even care. If anything I feel a little sorry for Jay for what he's going through. If anyone can tell how cruel Nicole can be, it's me.

"Come on, we can get in through the back." Cole grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the yard. Clueless to our presence, Nicole and Jay keep shouting at each other. I strain my ears to catch a few explanatory words but all I can hear is Nicole swearing like a sailor and Jay asking her to calm down.

We try sneaking around them, walking stealthy like its Mission Impossible out here but as soon as we cross the small wooden door that opens up to the backyard I hear my name being called. Well, crud.

"Keep walking, you don't need to hear this." Cole places his hand at the small of my back, hunching over me protectively but I want to know. I want to know what she has to say to me. I want to know why she's bringing me up at this moment because it could hold the answer to the many questions I've wanted to ask her over the years.

"No, it's okay. I can handle her now." I smile but his face is grim. There's something he's not telling me and it's scaring me.

Before I can ask him to tell me what it is that's exactly going on, Nicole's all up in my face with Jay trying to keep her at bay. She looks mad, like raging bull mad and apparently I'm the lucky loser clad in read today.

Her eyes zero in on Cole's hand which is gripping mine tightly and her nostrils flare. I haven't seen her like this, ever-not even when she was her brutal best to me. The kind of loathing and hatred for me that I see in her eyes right now takes me aback. What the heck is her problem?

"Ask your girlfriend to back off Jay." Cole snarls when Nicole takes a step towards us.

"Nic, come on. You don't want to do this right now." He coos, grabbing her shoulder but she violently shrugs him off.

"Look at you two, fawning over the fat cow." Her cackle is bitter, her words intended to cut me deep but I don't even care anymore. I'm done trying to be good enough for her, done trying to seek her acceptance and sure as hell done wishing our friendship had survived.

"Nicole," Cole warns. The vein in his neck is pulsating, his free hand balled into a fist. He's angry enough to go into one of his rage blackouts but he wouldn't hit a girl, would he?

"Don't let her get to you. I don't care trust me. "I say to him. For her I put on the blankest and coolest expression I can muster and keep my voice remarkably monotonous.

"What Nicole? What exactly is your problem?"

Her eyes narrow into slits, hands resting on her hips, her stance appearing as if she's ready to pounce on me. "You, you little bitch you are my problem. Why the hell don't you just get out of my life? You think tagging along my boyfriend's brother, charming his mom with your little innocent act and hijacking my crown means you'll have my life? Get your head checked Tessa, you're nothing but a worthless little stalker."


She might as well have slapped me across the face because those words hurt. I blink, once then again and then repeatedly. Is that what she thinks of me? Ten years of friendship and this is what I mean to her? Did she ever consider me a friend, ever?

"Enough!" Cole's voice booms shattering the silence. I focus on breathing, trying to form an answer. I'm not one for confrontation. I don't know what to do when you're verbally attacked like that. In the movies, the heroine always has a comeback. She has all these powerful dialogues planned and she puts the Queen Bee into place but that doesn't happen in real life. I am left speechless, literally.

"Nicole!" It's Jay this time. His eyes are practically bulging out of his skill and his jaw's about to hit the floor. Now it becomes obvious that he's never seen his girlfriend in all her fire spitting glory. How can someone be this clueless?

"You both are pathetic. Look at her; she's a blubbering mess for Christ's sake. She's a wannabe stalker and we'll all be better off without her in our lives."

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Don't hit her Tessa, don't do it. Don't use that right hook Travis taught you, she is not worth it.

"I've been told to never hit a woman but Jay if you don't get her out of my face in two seconds; I swear I'm going to beat her to pulp."

Cole's voice has been reduced to a steely, grim undertone and this is more dangerous than when he's shouting. It sends shivers up my spine even causes Nicole to go pale. Jay winces and begins dragging her away knowing what his step brother is capable of.

"When we were in the ninth grade, you offered to give our Chemistry teacher a blowjob if he gave you a B. You wanted to go to dance camp but your mom wanted you to pass your classes first." She gapes at me, her face whitens considerably more.

"You lost your virginity to a college guy when we were fourteen. You told your parents you were coming to my house for a sleepover but you snuck into his dorm instead. He kicked you out the next morning and you didn't leave your house for a week afterwards."

Jay grows even more flabbergasted than he already is so I assume he too didn't know about the little incident.  Cole's just staring at me, I can feel his eyes watching as I do what I've wanted to for ages.

"During the summer before freshman year you told me you were in love with Cole." I glance at him as he winces but I feel particularly nasty right now. "You went to his house, you wanted to sleep with him but he told you he wasn't interested. You cried and cried for days."

"During Jared's party, you basically had Hank molest me. Did you tell your boyfriend that?"

She can't look me in the eye, it's a dead giveaway. Oh well, she asked for it.

"The point is, Nicole that I know a lot about you. I haven't even scratched the surface on the things you've done, the things you don't want other people to know. I don't want your life because I know how low you've sunk."

"You little whore," She lunges for me but Cole blocks her path, gripping her shoulders and shoving her away.

"Leave now and don't come near her again if you know what's good for you."

She looks expectantly at Jay like she wants him to defend her but he looks too shell shocked to even move an eyelid. He's just standing there, his face devoid of colour, his figure trembling and at that moment I feel horrible.

What have I done?

He did not need to know these things, he could've found out in a better way or at the least at a better time. But I can't take back my words, I can't undo the damage that's been done and just like that it's like I'm trapped in a never ending episode of General Hospital. Too much drama.

Finally realizing that no one's coming to her defense, Nicole calls me a few more choice names before stomping away and getting in her car. The tires screech as she speeds away leaving us all behind totally and utterly silent.

I don't know how we ended up here but its happening. I'm lying on Cole's bed, trying to pull his shirt off and he's kissing my neck. He says he won't kiss me on the lips, that he's waiting for a special moment but this, for now is good enough. After Nicole left, he dragged me inside and stomped his way to his bedroom. There I had to listen to him rant about how big of a... let's just say he used a very bad word Nicole was and that I'd done the right thing. I felt guilty as anything and he'd only been trying to make me feel better.

In the process of feeling better, he'd kneeled before me as I sat on the foot of his bed. He cupped my cheek, rubbing his thumb over my lower lip which just leaves me senseless.

"None of the things she said were true. That girl is all kinds of messed up Tessie, you know that don't you?"

"I used to think her words had some truth to them. I mean we'd been best friends for so long that I thought she knew me better than anyone else but I couldn't have been more wrong. She's not the person I thought she was."

"When did my shortcake get all Chinese grandma wise on me?" He muses and I chuckle.

"It's just something you have to learn when your patience gets tested every second by an egomaniac."

Somehow the conversation lead to him tickling me, somehow it led to me being sprawled on his bed with him hovering on top. Then when I was panting like crazy, writhing beneath him, trying to get revenge, I slipped my hands beneath his shirt and everything shifted.

Just like that.

Desire swept us both up along with a strong sense of awareness. Cole gasped as my fingers travelled over his tight abdominal muscles, giving me incentive to continue. I'd never felt more brave or exhilarated. Something in him snapped too, all his restraint and control getting lost in the way.

That's how we ended up where we are right now. He's kissing down my neck, driving me absolutely crazy. His hands are everywhere and I make sounds I don't even know I could make until now.

"Your parents..." I gasp as his tongue gently goes over the areas his lips have just been all over.

"Pot luck at the police station," He mumbles distractedly, going back to what he's doing so skillfully.


This is amazing. Why haven't we done this before? His lips feel so good. If all I could do for the rest of my life is make out with Cole I'd do it. He isn't even kissing me but everything feels amazing.

"Hey guys..."

The door knob turns and we still. My breathing is heavy, I'm panting like crazy and Cole has crazy hair because I've been running my fingers through it. His shirt is halfway up his torso and he's situated between my knees.

This is the sight that greets Jay.

This is probably why he curses rather loudly, slams the door behind him and runs like a vegetarian vampire in a blood blank.

Fudge my life. Seriously?


Come say hi on social media!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. TBBG has reached over 2 million reads! Thank you guys, WOW. I'm really grateful to all of you and hope you guys continue to love and support this story :')

Now. So people who want them to kiss and other stuff, I'm slowly working towards it. I know what I'm doing so please just tolerat me okay? Kayy, thank you!

Reading Suggestions : Firstly, let me address the fact that the books I'm suggesting right now and have suggessted in previous chapters are not available on Wattpad. You'll have to buy them. To check out my wattpad favourites, you can checkout my reading list called 'The Brilliant Ones'. My all time fave Watty writer is roiskate who has recently returned to the site. Check her work out, she's hilarious! The Girl Behind The Throne is my favourite Wattpad story! 

Other Non-Watty suggestions : Sempre by JM Darhower. I finished it this week and got really invested. GAH I never thought I'd like a mafia/mob book but this one was so different. The action was really understated and the romance was like off the charts. I melted after every Italian word Carmine spoke <3 Give it a try!

Another more popular book I just finished is If I Stay and its sequel, Where She Went by Gayle Forman. It is a BEAUTIFUL book like...I have no words. It is a must read and I highly recommend it. I always suggest books where I find the male lead out of this world and this book has Adam and Adam is just... HEART ATTACK.

I think I'm done :p Going to obsess over the wonderful Blaine Anderson/Darren Criss now. Toodles and happy reading.

P.S Spin off information coming soon.

P.P.S How many of you might be interested in a one-shot competition? 

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