Deadly Revenge

By Arianapeige

158K 4.1K 222

Issabelle Moretti parents were killed in front of her but the killers did not see her cause she was hiding be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter : Meeting in the club.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43:
New Story!!

Chapter 9

4.8K 132 13
By Arianapeige

Issabelle POV.

"Ria do you have a dress to wear at the ball?"

"No sis. But I was wondering why can't we match. You know the three hot sisters and Moretti sisters?"

I chuckled.

Is she really serious? Am an assassin for the sake.

Why should I do stupid things?

"Am sorry baby but I can't do such thing. Am also sure Abby can't agree to that. Now let me order some dresses and you can pick one okay?"


Just as I was about to call my designer, my phone rang and I saw that it was Abby calling.

"Morning bitch."

"Morning baby sis."

"Please do not tell me that you have also started to become soft?"

"What! Who said so. I have just come to terms with the name. You know when we were young, I never used to call you that therefore I decided to be calling you that name."

"Ooh please. Keep calling me that and you will lose your beautiful head."

"You cannot do that. You can hardly survive without me. I am your lifeline, your better half."

"Just stop that. You are irritating me."

She laughed.

"Anyway, why can't you guys just come over to the mansion? We already arrived in italy and we can go together for shopping. I miss my baby sisters so much."

"Ooh. Is that so. I will come if you promise me that you will buy me chocolates."

"What! Are you still a kid?

"I want a chocolate that's final. So will you buy me one?"

"Aaargh. I hate you bitch."

"Love you too sis," and I chuckled.

"Okay well. We will be there in twenty minutes."

"Be fast. Bye."


I shouted.

"Yes. What's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. Abby called, we need to go to the mansion so that we can all go to shopping together."

"Okay. Let me take my phone and we can leave."

"Hurry up. Meet me at the car garage."

After few minutes she came running.

We arrived home.

"Hello. I really missed my babies. Come and give me a hug."

"Always a dramaqueen."

"What did you just say?"

She said while walking towards me. I am in a deep trouble.

"Nothing mama."

"Is that so? Let me come to you and you will repeat that."

"Please do not come near me."

"Or what?"

I ran fast before she got a hold of me.

"Papa," I shouted.

He immediately came out from his office running.

"What is going on? Why are you screaming?"


I only managed to say that hoping that he would understand me.

He saw mama running towards me and he chuckled.

"What have you done now?"

"Tell her to stop calling me a drama queen. You are the one who taught her that word and she only listens to you."_

"She is not mistaken. And you, you should stop that. Do you know that I had an important meeting with the italian mafia?"

"Sorry papa." I said as I looked down until I heard a voice.

"Hello bellissima,"

"Aargh definitely not again. What are you doing at our house?"

"Do you two know each other? And if yes, how?" Papa asked. 

I started trembling. 

What should I tell him?

"Isnt he the guy you shot at the mall?" Ria asked.


I had told her to go and wait for me in the car. How comes she knows what I did?"

"I am." He said.

"So you are Moretti's daughter? Interesting. But your father isn't as cold and feisty as you are. I wonder whom you took after."

What is wrong with this guy. I will kill him one day. That's for sure.

Before I got a chance to answer him.....

"You were definitely right that I should not want to be enemies with another mafia. At first I underestimated you. But seen that you are the daughter to the Spanish mafia leader, you have my respect."

"Ooh please. We both know that I have always have your respect since we meet. Anyaways do not do anything silly or else I will shoot your other knee."

"Am terrified."

He said while holding his heart.

"Mama, where is Abby?"

"Ooh she is in her room. She said that I should tell both of you instead of you going the mall, she will order her make up artist to come with some dresses so that you can choose from that."

"Okay. That is fine with me. I will go to her room we need some catch up."

"Ria dear, why can't you help me to make some snacks for your father and his guest."

"Okay mama. And dad I need a personal gun. Issa already taught me how to use it."

"Okay dear."

"What is wrong with you? Why are you talking in front of him? We cannot trust him and he might try to kidnap you."

I said to her angrily.

We cannot be tryng to protect her but she does not want to herself!

"Am sorry sis."

She said while looking down.

"Am offended amore. Why do you think so ill of me?"

"What! I don't know you so well. We have only met coincidentally."

"Yes we have but you already know our main basement, my mansion so I bet you are also privileged."

Thinking about it. I am very advantaged infact. I smirked at the thought.

"What is it amore. We may have been meeting coincidentally but never again we will."

"I highly doubt that."

"Don't doubt me. Trust me for once. I must get going since I also need to prepare myself for the ball. Mr Moretti it is nice meeting and talking to you. I have agreed to our partnership."

"What? You have not even read the proposals?"

Dad said.

"I don't have to I know that you are genuine. But also thank your daughter. I trust her and I don't want her to pull a trigger killing me."

I chuckled at that.

"I will definitely kill you one day idiot. You are really a pain in ass."

He came towards me and said.

"Who will be satisfying your needs when your kill me? Whose name will you be moaning? Who will make you cum?"

He asked.

Am sure at that moment my cheeks were so red.

He smirked while he saw my face.

"See you at the ball amore."

With that he left.

"Did you just blush. Wait the most feared, cold assassin blushed. Ooh baby." Mama said.

"Is it true that you shit him?" Papa asked.

"Please mama nothing is going on between us. He just happens to be my one nightstand and a sweet one in fact. But at that moment I did not know who he is and yees I did shoot him he was frustrating me so I had no other choice. I am going now cause I don't want to hear and answer all of your questions."

As I ran upstairs, I heard all of them laugh.

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