stephen's revenge (danplan) (...

Por dj_ponfanfic

378 5 1

stephen plans to get revenge on hosuh, after what hosuh had done to him half a year back. but it wasn't what... Más

set up/awaking from slumber
round 2 / final

round 1

136 1 0
Por dj_ponfanfic

Vague and heaviness, that's how hosuh felt when his consciousness came back to him.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself blinded by some rag.

Most likely a blindfold: he thought. He also realized he was sitting down on a chair.

His arms were tied above his head and his head hung. He tried shifting and moving to get free but all that came to life was the sound of chains rattling above him.

"Believe me hosuh, anything that you do is just nothing but hair-raising for you"

Stephen spoke from behind.

Hosuh stopped his frantic act and tried to sound stern, though he sounded more afraid.

"Stephen, what's going on? Why am I tied up?"
Hosuh was full of confusion and fear.

Stephen didn't answer and hosuh heard chains rattling and pulling and then he was suddenly pulled higher off the ground, to the point where he was on his feet.

He heard the chair behind him get pulled from behind him to an unknown spot.

Stephen walked over to the basement door and flicked on the light.

Hosuh still couldn't see a thing, so the blindfold was probably thick or folded in itself.

Hosuh asked the same question and this time Stephen finally responded.

"Just a little something to remember me by"

Stephen replied, knowing it wasn't the answer hosuh was looking for.

"That doesn't really answer my question stephen"

Hosuh was starting to feel more angry and less uneasy.

"Why are you so upset hosuh?"
Stephen calmly asked, walking up to hosuh.

"Because your not answering my question"

Hosuh replied, now sounding less angry and now more concerned.

He was trying to process why Stephen was acting weird, and why he was tying him up.

What did he do to deserve this? Or whatever he was going to endure.

"Well to answer your question for real this time: your tied up because this is payback for what you did to me half a year ago"

Stephen recalled.

Hosuh was dumb founded for a few moments, but remembered what stephen was talking about.

"Look stephen you know it was daniel's idea, he told me to do it"

Hosuh reasoned, he knew reasoning would never change Stephen's mind but what else could he do really. Yelling wouldn't do anything either.

Stephen chuckled, then walked a little closer to hosuh.

"Yeah but you did most if not all of the work, so I'd say you deserve whatever I have coming to ya" Stephen spoke with sarcasm and playfulness.

Stephen walked behind hosuh and placed his hands on hosuh's sides, not wanting anymore chit chat. Hosuh started to talk but Stephen was already tracing his fingers up and down his sides.

"Yeah but- EEEE!"

Hosuh squeaked.

Stephen was now full of playfulness and energy.

"What do we have here?"

Stephen teased.

"N-n-nothing, just untie me stephen"

Hosuh stuttered.

Stephen ignored him and kept his playful act on him.

"Stehehehphen, it tickles"
hosuh giggled.

Stephen smirked and kept his scribbling fingers do their business.

"Stehehephen whahat are you doing? Stohohop"
Hosuh giggled again.

Stephen just replied playfully.

"Awwww, is hos, ticklish?"

Stephen teased, digging his fingers into hosuh's sides now.

Hosuh screamed.

He squirmed trying to escape from Stephen's toture.

But he knew it wouldn't do anything though.

Stephen eventually moved up to his ribs, which was worse.

"I won't let you go until you say sorry about what you did"

Stephen said, moving one of his hands to his neck.


Hosuh wailed.

Stephen shrugged and let it go.

*he will show his forgiveness when he has enough of it*

Stephen thought with glee.

He kept his toture up for a minute before eyeing his left foot.

*or he can choose not to forgive me and let me have my fun, which is going to happen. Sorry hosuh but you're asking for this, then again i'm not sorry*

Stephen spoke to himself.

Stephen stopped to let his boyfriend breath, which wasn't for long.

"Stephen, can we at least talk about it?"

Hosuh asked, again knowing it wouldn't do any good.

Hosuh flinched when he felt his foot being lifted into the hands of stephen.

Stephen giggled evilly before turning to look at hosuh, raising a brow.

"Hey hosuh, whats blue, helpless and tied up?"

Stephen asked, almost mockingly.

Hosuh frowned, knowing he was referring to him.

But he played dumb, for whatever reason.

"Oh I don't know, a pinata?!"

Hosuh yelled mockingly.

Stephen shook his head.

"Nope try again, you have one more try buddy"

Stephen replied, putting his fingers over hosuh's lifted foot, lightly prodding the surface as if giving a warning.

Hosuh winced, while trying not to smile at the sudden somewhat contact.

Hosuh pretended to think deeply about this, just to catch his breath.

But the answer he gave was not what Stephen intended on hearing.

"Ok fine Stephen, I am sorry for what I did! Now please let me go!"

Hosuh apologized.

Stephen almost took it back, but all he wanted right now is revenge.

"Im sorry hosuh but i can't grant your apology, not yet"

Stephen said, not taking his eyes off hosuh.

"Wait what! You said you would let me go if I said I was sorry!"

Hosuh protested.

Suddenly hosuh felt stephen's hands spider the bottom of his foot.

Making him fall into fits of laughter almost instantly.

Stephen worked his way around it, starting from the front to the back and then to the center, while digging harder into his lover's foot.


Hosuh screamed.

"Awwww, you can't even say my name~ <3"

Stephen playfully jokes.

Hosuh couldn't really speak right, he was so full of laughter that his stomach was starting to hurt.

Stephen stopped, then just started to poke and scrape for a few moments before a thought came to mind. Stephen wasn't going to let hosuh have anymore mercy, as he grabbed the sock and slowly but gut wrenching, pulled it off with ease.

Then he started to go wild and made hosuh cry of laughter as he felt stephen toy with his foot for about two minutes. Stephen stopped and put his sock back on to be more comfortable.

He lifted another foot and right away took off that sock and started tickling.

Hosuh was squirming so much that it almost made his legs and wrists sore.


Hosuh tried to speak but could barely get anything out.

"What was that hosuh? I couldn't hear you over the sound of laughter from EVERYWHERE!"
Stephen yelled over the sound of hosuh.

Hosuh begged.

Stephen probably knew what he was going to say, but he bit his tongue.

"Please what?"

Stephen asked, slowing his tickle torment.

Hosuh was able to talk a little better but his laughter was still high on the scale.

Hosuh begged even more.

Stephen shook his head again.

"No, cause I still want to try a few things, plus I'm not giving you any mercy for a while.

So I hope you can hold on for a while. Cause i don't want anyone passing out of my watch"

Stephen said, while stopping his attack on hosuh.

He put his foot down and walked off somewhere behind hosuh.

After a while of what sounded like digging he walked back and lifted hosuh's foot again.

The hair on the back of hosuh's neck stood on end, as he heard a bottle being dispensed.

"Wait stephen! What are you doing!?"
Hosuh panicked.


Stephen lied.

Hosuh flinched as he felt something wet and oily touch and cover the entire bottom of his foot.

As this was happening he felt his physical senses rise higher and he knew what was coming.\

He knew painfully deep down he couldn't stop Stephen and his torure.

*well hosuh, you know you can't stop stephen. You might as well give up.

Except for saying stop and begging, though it won't do a thing*

Hosuh thought sadly.

"Lucky my nails are long for this"

Stephen amused.

Stephen didn't waste any time and dug his nails into hosuh and awaited for him to scream.

And he got what he was after.

Hosuh laughed and screamed and squirmed harder than ever before.

He had never been tickled this hard in his life, thought it felt like misery, it also felt like something he didn't want to end. That's right. Hosuh was enjoying this. He didn't admit it, but he was trying not to say anything. But one thing was certain, he had never expected this to happen.

But what stephen was unaware of, is that hosuh was secretly enjoying this.

What he also didn't know was that hosuh might get him back for this. But hosuh just kept begging for his life, he didn't want Stephen to know about this. If he did, Stephen would do this more often. Hosuh usually wouldn't mind this kind of stuff. But Stephen knowing about this would be stomach-turning. So he kept it a secret from him, even his closest friends.

Hosuh laughed for so long that his lungs were starting to get sore, his throat was starting to ache. His stomach was starting to heave a little. Hosuh was building sweat and tears from so much laughter and movement that he was starting to think that he might actually be able to slip out of the cuffs that held his hands up above his head.

But obviously it didn't work, the cuffs were locked and Stephen was the only person that could unlock them. Hosuh hadn't realized it, but he was a blushing hot mess. His hair, even though it was up in a ponytail, was a mess. Hosuh is mindlessly whipping his head around.

Begging and screaming to be let go, but each time Stephen refused or just ignored him.

Stephen knew he couldn't do this forever though, he would have to let his boyfriend go at some point.

After about 3-4 minutes of foot play, stephen put the sock back on and walk in front of of hosuh.

Making sure he didn't pass out, it's not like he didn't care for him.

"Hey hosuh, you good?"

Stephen asked.

Stephen looked at his work and figured hosuh could use a cool down.

He walked over to a box from where he got the bottle of oil and brought out a rag and a bucket of cold water. He walked back in front of hosuh, seeing his head hung low, his face, probably his whole body, a hot mess. He was sweating, the blindfold was starting to lose grip and Stephen tightened it. Hosuh was gonna pull away, but it looked like an awkward pull/falling asleep type act. And he was hyperventilating.

Stephen was starting to think if he went to far, but then no, he didn't, hosuh was tough, he can handle this. He came back from the military, there's nothing he can't handle. Even if it was just small things.

Stephen asked, hoping he hadn't passed out.

It seemed as if hosuh couldn't speak, he was too worn out to talk.

Stephen would just have to get head nods or some body language if he wanted a response.

After another try of Stephen saying his name, hosuh slightly jerked his head, still breathing heavily. Stephen smiled and dumped the rag in the bucket.

"Are you good?"

Stephen asked, putting the cold rag to his forehead and the rest of his face.

Even though hosuh was breathing a lot, he was able to reply with a: uh-huh. With a few giggles escaping his mouth. Letting Stephen know that he was still in a laughing trance.

And with that Stephen put the bucket off to the side, seeing a smile plastered across his face.

Hosuh was quivering from all that had just been put on top of him.

Stephen still wasn't done though. This time stephen was making his way back in front of hosuh.

He lifted his shirt slowly, making hosuh shiver. Stephen placed his hand against hosuh's stomach and started lightly tickling to give hosuh a heads up.

Hosuh knew Stephen was going to see his face, which made him turn a little pink.

Stephen didn't really care though, soon his tickling was picking up speed, which increased hosuh's giggling, soon turning into chackling. Stephen put his other hand on and started putting that one at work, keeping the same pace as his other hand.

Soon hosuh was back at his big laughter riot. Stephen did this for a few seconds before switching to his neck, making hosuh lean back and trying to turn his head away out of embarrassment. Stephen smirked and bared his teeth out of evilness. He giggled a little and could see that hosuh was building up tears in the blindfold, he could see dark stains tracing down to his cheeks. Stephen dropped his smirk a little and almost about hosuh's other spots.

But he figured he could do that in a moment.

Stephen stopped his tickling and let hosuh breath for a minute, which longer then he had planned. Eventually hosuh spoke up, which was a little surprising for stephen.


Hosuh squeaks while breathing really hard.


Stephen waited for a question or statement to be made, which took a while.

"How long are you planning this for?"

Hosuh asked, hanging his head low.

To Stephen that was a good question, he would go all night if he had too.

But he didn't want his boyfriend to pass out, but then again, even if he did he could just do it again. But this is hosuh he was thinking about, not a victim. Even if hosuh was a victim and not his boyfriend or just a friend in general, he probably wouldn't have wanted him to pass out.

But Stephen still wanted to finish what he started.

"Until i'm finished with the stuff i have, then i'll let you go"

Stephen promised.

Hosuh wanted to sigh in relief, but he was breathing too much and he knew he had more to deal with. But deep down hosuh didn't care, he just wanted stephen to keep going.

When stephen was satisfied with hosuh's break, he went back to work.

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