Forbidden(male jedi reader x...

By ShadowSans_69

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A young jedi embarks on a great adventure throughout the galaxy what will this adventure entail? find out here More

Chapter 1:Meeting
Chapter 2:Kamino
Chapter 3:The real battle begins
Chapter 4:Clones on a mission
Chapter 5:Temple life
Chapter 6:Senator in danger
Chapter 7:The summit
Chapter 8:The plan
Chapter 9:Voices
Chapter 10:The monster
Chapter 12:Probation:1 Truth
Chapter 13:Probation:2 Confess
Chapter 14:Secrets of the force
Chapter 15:Dreams
Chapter 16:The test
Chapter 17:Darkness
Chapter 18:Bright lights&Dark shadows
Chapter 19:Escape
Chapter 20:Best of friends
Chapter 21:The citadel
Chapter 22:Break in
Chapter 23:Frenemies pt1
Chaper 24:Frenemies pt 2

Chapter 11:Rage

1.3K 26 5
By ShadowSans_69

No one pov:

after some time you all arrived of toydaria once you all landed the four jedi noticed that savage's ship was right there and immediately rush towards the entrance of the kings castle as quickly as possible.

*meanwhile inside*

the toydaria king and his guards were trying to fend off the vicious savage oppress who was proving to be to powerful as he used the force to snap the necks of the two guards the king the unsheathed his sword but compared to savage's lightsaber that dight didn't end well since the red blade of the sith apprentice cut steigt through the metal of the kings sword leaving defenceless as he tries to fly away only to be force choked by the rampaged zabrak when the four jedi made their way inside casing him to loose focus as he turned around in turn droping the king


y/n:"holy hell he's huge!"

you said aloud slightly disturbed by his height he grit his teeth and rushed the four of you ti wich you responded with your lightsabers forcing him to use he double bladed red saber and stiking he went for ahsoka first who held her own when anakin and obi wan jumped in taking him on from both sides wich wasn't a problem for the zabrak you and ahsoka attacked from behind to wich he force pushed the other two and then took the both of you on.
you and ahsoka moved in sync with eachother almost like a dance as you both were flipping over and pulling eachother out of harm's way wich proved a very helpful tactic in fighting savage you both switched with anakin and obi wan who went on the attack pushing back the zabrak sith while in battle he noticed that the toydarian king was weakly trying to fly to safety but not about to allow this to happen savage summons a strong amount of the force to push the for hedi back then reaching out to the king this time snapping his neck and pulling the now dead king towards him,
now with the king's lifeless body in his grasp savage runs off back to his ship leaving the four jedi to God back up and give chase being so far ahead of them he throws the body into his ship and then uses the force to push the jedi's ship of the landing pad before getting into his own ship he sets a course to his master count dooku,the four of you arrived to see him fly off in his ship wich annoyed you all as you were now set back on following him for the time being.


time has passed savage oppress had returned to count dooku walking up to his master and droping the dead king before bowing,dooku turns around and sees the dead king and was immediately angered

dooku:"you barbaric fool!"

he zaps savage with force lighting making the zabrak scream in pain as he falls to his knees clutching his chest panting heavily

dooku:"I ordered him to be brought to me alive! you continued failure will not be tolerated!"

he continues to zap savage pushing him back into the wall angered by his apprentice who continued to kept failing him,the clunt had stopped his attack looking upset at savage when suddenly he heard a familiar voice

??:"now now count is that how you treat your apprentice?"

waiting no time he knew who this was


ventress:"getting count long time no see hmm?"

dooku:"savage! here is your chance to redeem yourself...kill the witch"

dooku is left surprised yet annoyed as savage didnt attack ventress instead he stood by her side

dooku:"what is the meaning of this?"

ventress:"oh you finnaly figured it out have you? I was the one who brought savage to mother talzin he was never your apprentice but my servant...isn't that right?"

savage:"yes sister"

dooku looks annoyed yet as if he slighty expected a betrayal with how savage's disobedience here and there,
the two start to approach dooku he sighs as they both ignighted their lightsabers to wich dooku responded with ignighting his as the three now began to fight to wich dooku was having a rather easy time holding his own against the two failed apprentices he pushes ventress into a wall then zaps savage with lightning,fentress jumps from behind causing him to let go of savage and focus on the nightsister as they got into heated lightsaber combat as savage slowly get back up to rejoin the fight


out of sheer luck the four jedi had recovered a ship from toydaria allowing them to give chase to savage they arrived at count dooku's ship boarding it they were bombarded by the droids the four ignighting their lightsabers jumped out and used force speed to quickly rush and cut through the droids in their path the alarm was sounded alerting the three sith above to their presence ventress even more annoyed now commanded savage to deal with dooku as she was determined to put an end to the nuisance of the four jedi once and for all,
savage pressed his attack fighting dooku with all he had and was holding his own agaisnt the elder sith lord.
some time had passed and an orange and green lightsaber cut through the door that was meant to keep dooku from escaping savage through the whole came you and ahsoka savage noticed this and got destructed allowing dooku to push him back and zap him with lightning  before sending him into the wall

y/n:"ahsoka you watch for ugly I got the old man!"


you approached dooku a bit of fear in you as this was the real deal dispute savage and the small scuff with ventress earlier leaving anakin and obi wan there every fight you had with grievous it all led back to the count...the person that made them threats the person your going to face now...though there was fear a small hit of excitement was there your blood boiled at the though of fighting the sith lord as you eyed eachother down in a stand off when suddenly he began to speak

dooku:"you have so much fear boy...but I can sense that it makes you prepared....the sadolynn child of quinlan vos if I remembered correctly"

you grit your teeth you felt as if you lost an advantage he is aware of you but how much does he know?

dooku:"I've heard of your strength in the force an extraordinary jedi...let us put it to the test shall we?"

suddenly he fired a wave of force lightning at you on instinct you focused the force to the palm of your hand pushing put as it created a barrier that the blighting bounced off of this was straining as you tired pushing forward dooku smiled as he saw you fight against him while still slowly closing the distance so much so that the lightning almost bounced back onto himself as he stopped putting his hand down

dooku:"you power is impressive...but can you match the skill with a lightsaber"

and with that you both entered the fight  you combated his form 2 with your own proving to be very efficient in the form according to the man who specialized in it himself,dooku was surprised that a jedi no a child was capable of the mastery of such a sophisticated fighting style as you match and bis strikes with your counters making a very brilliant and special light show to any on looker paries,jabs,dodges,spins and flips all showcased in the battle of the sword.
ahsoka watching on was amazed at the light show almost not focused enough to see stage coming from behide but luckily she was able to sense the attack allowing her to dodge and cou ter attack the zabrak with a kick to the face wich wasn't going to be enough as he simply grit his teeth pressing his attack further on the padawan who even without the aide of her partner's dance strategy was still able to hold her own almost running circles by staying on the move and not giving him a chance to properly calculate for the next move she managed to scratch him on the back and cut two of his horns wich only pissed him off more as he released this age making him move faster and hitting heavier forcing the togruta girl to go on the defense blocking and guarding her self,back with you dooku was having fun in the ballet as you locked blades with him staring into his eyes as he stared back into yours

dooku:"your eyes are as black as space empty voids your nothing but a vessel no wonder your so strong it's as if the force is channeling through you giving you power"

you were pissed from that statement

y/n:"I ain't no vessel but I am the person who'll end this war by taking you out of it"

dooku:" have anger in you it makes your stronger doesn't it?...your kind are fighters this is a all a thrill is it not"

you got angrier as started pushing harder pushing him back but it almost seemed as if he was letting you like he wanted you to get angry

dooku:"yes boy you use the power of your rage let is make you powerful...perhaps you will surpass where they wich and the brute have failed"

you grit your teeth you eyes flickered red as you continue to strike at the sith lord almost over powering him and making him lose his weapon having him on his back and against the wall a small distance from you all you could hear were the clashing of ahsok and savage but all you could see was dooku as he smiled raising his hands to attack you with force lightening you held you blade blocking it as you pushing through getting closer amd closer dooku was forced to stop as he looked at you

dooku:"go on! you want to stop the war dont you? kill me now and it will all be over!"

you were about to kill him but then you heard a voice call out to you

ahsoka:"y/n dont!"

you came out of the small blind rage and turn to wards ahsoka only for your eyes to widen savage had seen her falter when she called out and stuck her a heavy fist to the stomach sending her into the nearby wall as you saw her lay there unconscious from the impact it was as if time had stood still you all you heard was her pained scream as she hit the wall you felt something...anger,pain was as if something wanted to break out chains snapped and you felt a transparent hand on your shoulder

revan:"let go...break free"

you clenched your fists and let you a powerful force scream in pure fury,the entire ship shook as your scream echoed thoigh out the entire place dooku who look of satisfaction now turned to fear as savage rushed you only to be hit by a powerful blast of force judgment from you sending him back into the wall and denting it you dropped your lightsaber and rushed the zabrack male you had no care in the world as you used force speed almost moving in the blink of an eyes as you sank you first deep into savage's stomach he sighed blood as he looked into your eyes to see them both a manacing sith yellow

as you unleashed a brutal assult on his with your bear hands as he screamed in pain.,dooku who was now inhaling in fear  used the force to pull his lightsaber to him but to in his surprised it froze in place to reveal you looking at him from the side holding it there in place before a bold of yellow lighting hit him he did his best to resist the numbing pain about soon the bolts turned purple forcing him to scream out as smoke came off his body.
you had stopped your onslaught of lightening and slowly approached him things lifting into the air the main once being all the lightsabers in the room all of them in their air ignighted and pointed at the sith lord they began to spin yours ahsoka's savage's and even dooku's he loked at you as if you were a god consumed by anger and rage as he saw what looked like a ghost towering over you from behind and he uttered the words under his breath in shock and disbelief


you motioned for the blades to attack but before they could

obi wan:"stop!"

your eyes widened...the flames of your anger slowly died down you looked back to obi wan your eyes turning from their sith yellow back to their blood red and finnaly their default black everything in the room dropped the the floor laster the sabers all of them making a metallic sound as they hit the ground of the ship soon followed by you collapsing fro. the bust in power obi wan rushed over to catch you he holds you over his shoulder as he called both yours and ahsoka's lightsaber before going to check her as well making sure she was alright while touching her temple thets when anakin ran in seeing his padawan on the floor and y/n unconscious and over obi wan's shoulder he asked what happened

obi wan:"a long story anakin...pick up ahsoka and let's go now"

at this point dooku had more the  escaped in fear and to weak to fight the other jedi he made his way to his ship and left immediately panting heavily as he held his curved lightsaber as he sat back


he said to himself while still contemplating how he survived meanwhile back on the ship the jedi had acquired a ship to escape,once away form the separatists frigate they entered hyperspace and made their way back to coruscant.

*one timeskip later*

your pov:

I opened my eyes slowly the light pained my eyes and my body felt numb as my vision cleared and I see a familiar face


she teared up and hugged my while calling my name I felt pain through my body but I also felt pain in her as well she was worried about me so dispite the pain all I could do was hug her back a few a few tear drops on my shoulder

ahsoka:"I'm so glad you're ok"

y/n:"I'm not going anywhere...ahsoka"

she only hugged tighter before she let go and the door opened masters obi wan and plo along with anakin

anakin:"glad to see your awake"

y/n:"yeah...what happed exactly?"

obi wan:"let's just say you were over come with emotion so powerful that I think your scared dooku"

y/n:" bad was it?"

anakin:"savage oppress was beaten badly yet still escaped if he disnt die on the way"

y/n:"yeah....sounds like me"

master plo:"because if this you will be on probation in meditation training with me and master yoda"

y/n:"for how long?"

master plo:"long enough young one"

welp I'm screwed with that I simply smile and lay my head back down closing my eyes tired and nodding rest...looks like I'll be in the temple for a while

revan:"rest well apprentice for once you are back to 100% I will begin to train you"

oh yeah...I forgot I'm stuck with him oh well I'm not going to fight right now I'm tired.

that's all for now hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see ya around and remember the force is with you....ALWAYS!

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