• Blue In Your Eyes • || JIKO...

By MinMin_Beauty

946 76 13

!! ON HOLD !! Jimin feels so lonely in the small mansion. Even though his best friend Hoesok visits him every... More



87 7 2
By MinMin_Beauty

Can I help you?

Author's POV

The sun was up and peeking behind the white traveling clouds. The sky painted in baby blue making the weather look beautiful and relaxing. Birds were heard chirping and squirrels running around from one tree to another. The bees were working for their queen and ants filling their storage for the winter. The forest was awake and as so was mother nature.

You could call it a typical morning, but not for Park Jimin. Because no matter how beautiful the weather may be, Jimin wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully without his daughter in his arms.

Jimin would always tell himself that he would go to the end of the world for his daughter, and he would risk his safety just to know how she was doing. And that's exactly what he's doing now. Sitting in the backseat of his car, his driver taking him to Hyejin.


Jungkook was deep in sleep, dreaming about carrots, banana milk and strawberries standing in a circle and holding hands. When all of a sudden, a big and giant white bunny with sharp teeth and a sickening grin came jumping from behind the pink hill. It took a carrot and used it as a pistol, shooting twice every five seconds.

Toof toof

Toof toof

The sound only became louder. Jungkook started stirring in his sleep.



And that's when Jungkook woke up from his sleep, his tired eyes opening some seconds later. He lifted his head from the pillow, one eye open and the other closed. His head fell down on the pillow, eyes closing and brain ready to rest again. Until he heard the doorbell ring. And that's when Jungkook understood, the doorbell was ringing all this time. But he didn't care. The door kept ringing and ringing. Jungkook didn't want to go up. He hoped for someone else in the house to wake up and open the door, but no one did.

The bell stopped ringing and Jungkook thought he could finally sleep... until Jin's phone started ringing. Fuck you whoever is standing at the door, Jungkook thought. And how did Jungkook know that it's Jin's phone ringing? Because his hyung has the weirdest taste in music, and of course he has to use a weird song as his ringtone.

"Jin hyung"


"Jin hyung" Jungkook called again and started to get annoyed when he got no response.

Jungkook was about to scream his hyung's name, when he remembered that the little bean was also sleeping in the room. Not wanting to wake her up, he chose to give up his precious sleep and open the damn door. Oh and make sure that whoever was standing behind the door would suffer.

Jungkook got up from the bed and tried not to step on the sleeping bodies on the floor. Yesterday night the guys argued about who was going to sleep with Hyejin. They all ended up sleeping in the guest room of Jin and Namjoon's house. They covered the floor with mattresses, sheets, pillows and teddy bears. The couple, alien and the little girl slept on the floor while Jungkook slept on the bed.

Jungkook reached his hand out and opened the door, ready to scare away the person standing there. But to his surprise, an angel was at the door. He had to blink once, twice and thrice to realise it wasn't a dream.

Jimin in his flesh and bones, standing right in front of Jungkook, both shocked.

Jungkook took in Jimin's soft yet sharp facial features. From his slightly long and drawn, very blue one lidded eyes to his button nose and puffed out cheeks. You could compare those soft looking cheeks to a Japanese dessert called mochi. Jimin's face looked as soft as a baby's. Yet his sharp jawline made him look even better. Not to mention those plump and peachy lips. People would do plastic surgery to get lips like Jimin's. (I'm not against plastic surgery in any way)

Jungkook's eyes trailed from the latter's face to his defined yet small body. Jungkook unconsciously licked his dry lips, but didn't fail to notice the pink colour dusted on Jimin's cheeks.

Jungkook wanted to know if Jimin was a real human, or if he'd disappear as soon as he touched him. That's when Jungkook took a deep breath, and oh boy did it smell good. It smelled like flowers, but not any typical flower. It didn't smell like daisies or roses, there was something special to Jimin's scent. Jungkook didn't know what it was, but he was definitely loving it.

The longer Jungkook stared the darker shade of pink Jimin's cheeks became. And that's when Jungkook realised he was standing shirtless with his tattoos, muscles and toned abs on display. Jungkook felt a boost of confidence rush through his body and a smirk crept onto his lips.

"Can I help you?" Jungkook asked, leaning on the door frame.

Jimin's cheeks turned even darker as he heard that raspy morning voice.

"A-ah y-yes... uuhm my daughter, Hyejin s-she-"

"Appa!" Hyejin screamed while running down the stairs with everyone following behind.

Jin looked very energetic, ready to start his day. Very opposite of Namjoon and Taehyung, they looked half asleep and while tripping down the stairs.

Jimin opened his arms wide and bent down as his daughter threw herself on him. They hugged as if they hadn't seen each other in years whereas in real life it hadn't even been a whole day.

They all smiled at the cute bonding between the father and daughter.

"Morning Minnie, sorry for Kook's immature behaviour, standing shirtless at a door step and not even bothering to greet." Jin said while sending stares to Jungkook.

"Ah of course not Jin hyung. I'm the one to apologise for disturbing your sleep." Jimin said and Jungkook stepped away from the doorstep, Jimin took that as a cue to enter.

Jimin was carrying Hyejin in his arms. She had her head buried in her father's neck, sniffing and taking in his scent. Jimin was used to this, Hyejin would always sniff on Jimin's neck when she felt strong emotions or if they hadn't seen each other for some time.

"I'm sure you haven't had breakfast, join us"
Namjoon said after greeting Jimin.

"Thank you"


Seokjin and Namjoon were preparing the breakfast while the others were seated at the dining table. Jimin and Tae were chatting while Hyejin sat in her appa's lap. Jungkook didn't know what to do, he thought of starting a conversation or maybe joining in their talk but eventually gave up. So instead he fished up his phone and scrolled on Instagram.

Jungkook's face was directed at his phone screen, but his eyes and ears were somewhere else. He was stealing glances at the charming smile the father would give to Taehyung. And how comfortably the daughter was sitting now in Taehyung's lap. Jungkook's stares soon turned into glares. If looks could kill then Taehyung would be laying on the floor with two holes on his forehead.

Jungkook felt outcasted. He craved attention from the father and daughter. He also wanted to play with Hyejin, he wanted to show Jimin that he also was good at taking care of children. Why couldn't Jimin smile that way at Jungkook?

Jungkook started thinking of the day prior, how him and Hyejin played and had lots of fun. Jimin should have been there, maybe then he'd know how good I am with taking care of his daughter, he thought.

Jungkook realised what he was thinking and shook his head aggressively, trying to get the thoughts out of his head. And just like that, the breakfast was served and everyone started digging in.

The table was filled with plates of rice, eggs, soups, chicken and other side dishes.

They were all happy. The food was delicious, even though they eat this every day. Just by sitting like a family and sharing food, they felt warm inside.


Hyejin's POV

I am playing with Taetae and Jin. We are sitting in the big living room. Everyone is talking and having fun. Even my appa!

I am so so happy! I feel excited like I want to run or do a backflip.

While they are talking, I slowly sneak behind the couch where Taetae and Kookie are sitting. I feel so happy and excited to scare them. I close my eyes and open them again, I feel more energetic and my senses are stronger. I feel like I can run faster.

I ready myself, tail dangling and my butt high. My head is low to the ground and both mu palms against the floor. One.. two.. three and go!

I jump right in front of them and Taetae screams. Yay! I did it, I scared them. I jump around because I'm so excited.....

but why are they looking at me like that?

I look at appa. Why is he worried? I look down.

Oh no no! I am wolf, I accidentally transformed. Why it always happens when I'm super happy or super angry?

I look up again. No one saying anything, they're only giving me stares, they're still shocked. I need to run, the front door- no it's locked! The window is open!

I look at my appa's eyes and start running towards the window. Appa is screaming after me, he's calling me. I should go back, but they're scared. They're angry. They're disgusted. Why do I always ruin everything? It is my fault that appa won't have any friends, it is my fault.... that lady left me. My fault.

I'm tired of running. I stop and look around, I'm lost. I'm in a big forest and I'm lost. The big and tall trees are blocking the sunlight. It's so dark here, there's barely enough space to move.

"Hyejin, do you hear me? It's me, Kookie"

Kookie, I think to myself.

"Yes Hyejin it's Kookie, stand where you are, I'm coming"

"Oh! You can read my mind? Can you hear me?" He chuckles.

"Yes, we're mind linking"

I look around. There's a big black wolf running towards me. I need to run!

"No Hyejin wait! Don't run, it's me"

I stand still. The wolf stops in front of me and slowly comes closer. He sits down to get closer to my face. I close my eyes real tight when the wolf starts rubbing it's nose against mine.

"Open your eyes cutie. It's your Kookie. Don't be scared I'm also a wolf, my hyungs."

I open my eyes and blink twice. I inhale, the wolf smells like citrus and rain... it is Kookie! I jump up and throw myself on Kookie's back. I'm so happy.

"So you mean that Taetae and Jin and Joonie can also be wolves? Even Yoonie?!" Kookie chuckles.

"Yes, even Yoonie. So how about going back now?" He stands up and I glide off his back. I remember how they all looked weirdly at me, but now I know at least that they weren't scared of me.

"Can we stay here a little longer? I want to run."

"Of course princess"


Jimin's POV

It's been nearly an hour and they haven't come back. I'm worried sick about my daughter.

Everything happened so fast, I couldn't process anything. And in a blink of an eye, she was jumping out of the window and running into the woods. I tried calling for her, even ran after her but Jin hyung pulled me back inside the house. I didn't even realise that Jungkook had ran after her.

"She's alright, trust me Jungkook will find her and bring her back." Namjoon hyung rubbed my back in a reassuring way.

"Guys! They're back!" Taehyung yelled from outside and we all bolted up from the couch and ran outside the house. My head was looking at all directions until my eyes landed on a black figure coming out from the shadows of the forest.

A big black wolf came to sight. Even from a distance I could see it's chocolate brown eyes, they were shining like diamonds. The fur was pitch black, the darkest I've ever seen. But it also looked smooth, swaying in the light breeze. The big wolf was seemed very calm, it wasn't ready to attack us and nor was it scared. It just stood there and stared into my soul. It eventually turned around and bent down, it picked something up from the ground with it's mouth and turned around to face us again.


The big wolf was carrying my daughter like a sack of potatoes, Hyejin's tiny wolf body was in between the bigger wolf's sharp teeth. She wasn't struggling, just looked like a lost puppy.

The big wolf stood in front of me, it reached up to my stomach. This wolf was very big. It released my daughter and went up to Namjoon hyung, took the clothes that was in hyung's hands and went back to the forest. But it didn't go deep into the forest, it just stood behind a bush.

My attention got drawn back to my daughter who was sniffing on my shoes. I sat on the ground and she jumped into my arms. Her little paws were leaving dirt on my light blue sweater and I couldn't care less.

Jungkook came out fron behind the bushes, wearing the same clothes Namjoon had given the wolf. I feel like I should be shocked, but strangely it feels natural. As if it's normal seeing people transform to wolfs.

When I looked down I saw Hyejin's naked body in my arms. She was smiling at me, her tiny bunny teeth showing.

I lifted her up while trying to cover her as much as possible with my arms.


"Jiminie you don't want to change your clothes? They're all dirty"

"I don't have anything with me but it's okay, we'll be leaving soon anyways"

"What do you mean leave soon? Then who am I preparing this lunch to?" Jin popped his head out from behind the kitchen door.

"You'll be staying here for lunch. Joonie, go get some of Jungkook's old clothes. You'll find them in a box far back in the closet."

I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of wearing someone else's clothes. It's a strange yet warm feeling, I've always wished to share clothes with a friend.


Author's POV

Everyone were sitting in the living room again after eating lunch. It felt like deja vu. Only this time they were bit more serious. Hyejin was laying on her stomach in front of the big tv and eating chocolate ice cream.

"Jimin, we need to tell you something." Namjoon started "I'm sure you've figured it out already, but we're all werewolfs. Just like Hyejin"

Jimin didn't react, just kept listening.

"We all grew up in our own packs in the woods. Me and Jungkook from the Jeon pack, Tae and Jin from the Kim pack and Yoongi from the Min. Our families well known, we used to play together as kids. But since we our families were powerful, we had enemies everywhere so we had to learn to defend ourselves from a very young age. We've trained with all kinds of weapons" Jimin tensed up a bit at the mention of weapons. He looked over to Hyejin to see if she was listening, thankfully she was very much into the cartoon and didn't hear.

Namjoon realised and apologised, Jimin told him to keep going.

"The older we got the more we grew apart. Some of us lost families, others got hurt." His eyes held sorrow.

Jimin wanted to tell them that he understood how they felt, to loose family. But he wasn't ready to explain.

"We all had a hard time growing up. When we started high school, I met Jin again and we dated. I knew I could trust the boys, so I decided to reunite us all and now we're here. You can say that we're a small gang. We decided to leave our pack and live like 'normal people' in real houses and get real jobs. But we still have contact with our families and visit them."

Jimin smiled at them. After they told him their story, he felt like he wanted to do the same. They're friends after all.

"Well, this is my first time telling this to someone who isn't family- well I didn't mean that I don't trust yo- I mean we've just met and-" Jimin sighed and they smile at his cuteness.

"Well, you understand what I'm trying to say. Ehm.. well I was born with a so called 'disease'. I literally have blue blood flowing through my veins. Ever since young age, I've been going from one hospital to another but no one could tell me what's wrong. So we stopped trying. I've been stuck at home for as long as I've known. My grandparents are very protective over me and they wouldn't let me out of the house. They think it's dangerous. Though in some strange way I managed to convince them to live by myself." Jimin took a breath and continued.

"I..I really wanted a child. I've always loved children, but as said I was stuck at home and it was impossible to find a lover. So I told my grandparents that I wanted to adopt."

Jimin looked at Hyejin, she was playing with her hair, feet dangling as she sang along with the cartoon. A sweet smile spread onto his lips and his eyes glimmered.

"She's the best thing that's happened to me. I didn't know that she was special. I think it was when she was around one year and a half. Yeah.. that's the first time she ever became herself. I tried to research, read books but recourse gave me the right information about werewolves. So I decided to learn by Hyejin. Almost every day is an adventure for us. She used to get bullied at school, before she started to get homeschooled. I tried telling people that she isn't strange, she's just special and unique but no one listened. We felt like we needed more privacy so we moved to the forest."

They all sat there in awe while listening to Jimin's story. We mistook him for a human, turns out he's an angel, they all thought.


"Thank you again for everything, we hope to meet you all again, but at our house next time" Jimin said and Hyejin waved. They were standing at the front door, bidding goodbye.

"Jiminie I'll call you later tonight" Taehyung said and Jimin nodded.

"Oh! And thank you so much Jubgkook-ssi for today. We expect you next time hyungs come and visit" and Jimin of course had to show his blinding smile, making all their hearts explode.

"Of course, maybe we'll see each other on another meeting before then" Jungkook gave a charming smile.

"I will look forward to our meeting then"


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