When all dreams crumble

By Gracie_a_live

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word counter = 11000 something :-) EDIT:: New chapters involved ♥️ - AU fanfiction from original tv series... More

1. When life still was normal
3. Getting familiar a life without parents
4. Why the life is so fucking unfair
5. Are you still alive, do you still love me?
6. Those dangerous days
7. The first death cases of *Spanish flu
8. A quiet moment
9. There is hope as long as people
10. Forever yours
11. A promise to came back
12. I wish I could've been there to support you
13 When there's nothing else that pain left
14. Maybe things can still get better
15 How to introduce you bf to your sister??
'The lights go out of European, forever'
17 The emotional mess
Epilogue: The surprise
the past never changes

2. Urgent radio transmission

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By Gracie_a_live



I was sitting at the living room with my sister and mother, we listened just normal radio transmission via the radio. There has been something happening around the world, some so terrible things and THE WAR has begun! The two days ago I got the newsflash from fief of this area, was told that all of the boys whose had their 17th birthday last year HAS GO TO THE WAR. Of course I need to go, otherwise I will get the punishment, those ones who do not leave will be shot. I still haven't told from this to Jana (my girlfriend), because I am living during the next three days... But I do think that she already knows that something is going on...

the radio transmission:

' Unfortunately now I need to tell something very sad for you; We have been discussing about the war for long a time but now I need to announce that War has begun and from this day we need to declare the Martial law at whole Britain! Despite of the yesterdays night bombings we need to ask you stay as calm as possible till we can get some new information from this situation. I do apologize that today's news are not so happy. Now I can only wish a safe night for all of you, please don't go out of building for your own safety stay at home!' 

Three days after:

Why life can't just be normal?? It is so hard to say possibility the last goodbye for persons you love. I know that Jana has already heard that I am leaving but why she didn't even left the call to house telephone? Hopefully her parents will take care of her when I am not at here for her. She didn't even came to the railway station where I am now waiting the train with all of the soldiers) I never wanted to make her a soldiers girlfriend, that not the easiest role to take. At the end my behavior have not been the best, I did not even kissed her when we last saw. 

We are leaving during 30 minutes

We don't still know against who will be fighting and where. We don't even know if we can survive from this train trip. But we are going to some kind of base. I have not made new friends yet, not so interested. All I can think is Jana... Is she save...Does she understand that I didn't want to leave her but I had to?? I do already miss her like a hell, I wonder if she misses me too?

Two hours are gone and now we are on the base

The General and lieutenant are showing those places for us. As soon we need to get ready for tomorrows war exercise, or that not a exercise anymore when tomorrow we really might to lose our lives. I don't know yet how am I able to sleep, just wishing that at home everyone is safe. Also here we do listen those radio transmissions hour by hour. Always there a just more and more death and wounded soldiers. Nothing wouldn't be more worse than go back to home and get to hear that all olf your closest persons have died because of those bombings...

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