Lunatic Love: journey of madn...

Da Bitterworld_1230

63.9K 6.6K 12.1K

A joyful and cherished boy, who never knew what is pain what are tears he was always pampered, he was always... Altro

Character Aesthetic
1. Pain
2. Arrogant
3. First Day
4. Bullied
5. Girlfriend
6. Dating Or Faking
7. Eerie Feelings
8. Victory
9. Are You Okay?
10. Partners
11. Care?
12. Fake
13. Forgive ?
15. Perfect!
16. Just Best Friends?
17. The Spring Carnival
18. Surprise
19. Hiding Tears
20. Ignored
21. Guilty?
22. Dilemma
23. Parent's care ?
24. Mr Psychiatrist
25. A Lunatic
26.Happy realizations
27. Psycho Romeo
28. Memories
New Book
29. What Are Smiths Trying To Hide?
30.Back To Home
31. Tears
32. Lost And Found
33.New Beginning
34.The Dinner
35. Every Action Has A Reaction
36. The Flirt
37. Confession
38. Leaving
39. Worried
New Book
40. Fam-ily
41. Pa-us-e [Epilogue]
New Book

14. Best Deal

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Da Bitterworld_1230

Ola Amigos!! thank you so much for 5k views and 1k votes love yah alll<3

Siddharth's POV

I wanna share this with her I trust her

"A year and a half ago my life was just perfect"I said and washed my hands and turned towards her who was curiously staring at me 

"Why did you stop?"She asked with a side confused pout  

"My past is a bit long so we might suffer from shortage of time and we even have to cook dinner so lets get started with the dinner and I will narrate you my past"I said while shuffling the dishes and taking out the ingredients

"You sure..."I cut her off

"Yeah I am"I said and took a deep breathe 

A YEAR AND A HALF AGO (flash back)

"Abe darapok romeo (hey coward romeo!) will you ever propose your Juliet?"Said my close pal Abrar while rolling his eyes and Caleb giggled 

"Oh come on I am nervous what if she says NO you now what I will not propose her! "I said and whined while fighting with my fingers 

"Abe mere sher dar mat  (hey My lion don't be afraid) Just say that you love her and any girl would be lucky as cheese to date you"Said Caleb while stuffing his extra cheese pizza down his esophagus 

"*Sugar coated voice*Dear Caleb*Yells a bit*just shut the F up and concentrate on your pizza"I said and stoop up from my chair and started picking back and forth 

"Darapok romeo look she being a play girl haven't dated since a month and she even tries every possible way to talk to you, just get the hint that she is in to youu!!"Squeaked Abrar 

"Okay I will propose her"I said and grin wide 


Me and My pals got seated at the last bench and I saw Prisha sitting a bit ahead of us 

"Darapok romeo bol to diya ki you will propose but kab?(Coward romeo you said you will propose her but when?)"Asked Abrar while whispering in my ears 

"Right now"I whispered back while grinning 

"Voh kise agar ise khadoos professor ne dekh liya tho?(And how what if this professor will see?)"Whispered Caleb 

"Shuu"I shushed them and started scrabbling on a paper 

Hey Prisha! 

I actually kinda you know I like you I am just to afraid to propose so I thought of asking you like this hope you don't mind so.....

Do you wanna be my girl friend and go out with me on a date?

(       ) Yes           (      )No

soon to be your's 

I read it over and over again to convince myself that their are no mistakes and fold it, then asked the student in front me to pass it on to Prisha 

It reached her my heart was pounding against my chest, she turned back and her gaze got stuck on me, she smiled and her girl pals smirked while whispering some thing and giggled, her cheeks turned pink, I smiled is that a yes then? soon a paper came to me 

Hey Siddharth!

Yeah even I kinda like you It's okay if you were afraid and Yes I will be your girl friend and when's the date?

Already Your's 

"Yeahhhh It's a yesss bhai log aab yeh banda single nahi raha (It's a yess bros now this guy isn't single anymore)"I squeaked which was audible to my two lame friends   

"Bhai party!!"They squeaked out loud 

"Get out of my class and then do your party"Yelled the professor and threw us out of the class I saw Prisha and her friends giggling at us I goofily scratch the back of my head and we went towards the canteen 

Few months later 

Me and Prisha are dating everything is perfect! just how I wanted it to be! right now I am in the canteen waiting for Prisha to arrive and here she is 

"Hello Love"I said with a smile and side hugged her she pulled back 

"I wanna talk to you about something"She said 

"Yeah go on"I said while siting down

"Actually I don't love you it was just an infatuation so Yeah I wanna break up with you"She replied blankly 

"What you are kidding right?" I asked with a nervous chuckle 

"No I am not"She said and shrugged, tears brimmed in my eyes

"You can't do this to me"I whispered and tears rolled down my cheek

"I guess, I did"Said Prisha whom I loved the most, and she just walk past me

"Why you left me? what was my fault? "I whispered to myself and cried for the first time,I wiped my tears and went in search of my friends they are the one who will understand me 

I found them and she was there, all were laughing what the hell!

"Abrar and Caleb lets go I wanna talk to you guys and be aware of her"I said while pointing towards Prisha. she smirked 

"Oh lover boy! I should have warned to be aware of these friends of yours"She said and smirked, what the hell she is talking about, I looked at my pals who were smirking as well, what is going on!

"Well we were never your friends she asked us to be your friends and make you propose her so she can enjoy the luxury you have and she paid us pretty heavy amount so how can we say no to such a amazing deal"Said my so called friends 

"Just because of this stupid money you three played with my emotions"I asked with a bruise voice 

"Good you got that pretty soon tubelight and......"Abrar was Cut off by Prisha 

"And Money is not stupid its everything"Said Prisha 

"Its not!"I yelled in my cranky voice 

"Oh so sad its okay you will get know soon"Said Caleb with fake sympathy and they left, Whoa now my friends were fake too great, Let's just end this day here and go home I need mom and dad to talk to as Abhi dada and Vaishoo di are on their honeymoon 


"MOM, DAD I am home....."I said as I entered inside our mansion but I was cut off of my mom

"Oh ashu you came soon today, anyway its good, me and your dad are going on a business trip we will be back within three days can you manage everything alone until we come back I am really sorry ashu we need to go to this business trip its a really big deal"Mom said while cupping my cheeks 

"Yeah mom I will manage but mom and dad I need to talk to you about something"I said

"I would love to son but we are running late the flight is in an hour we can't miss it so we will talk about it when we are back okay?"Asked dad

"But.."I was cut off by mom

"We have to go ashu we will talk about it later na Bye take care love you!"Said mom and pecked my forehead and both left and tears roll down my cheeks, whoa! they left any way they are bit busy its okay I will share the incident about Prisha once they are back and tears continued to flow 


In these three days I did nothing but to be lost in my thought, firstly my love then my friends  now my fate also betrayed me what can be more worse! than not having your family beside you and its been three days and Mom and dad didn't come back yet, the whole day I have been waiting for them I thought of ringing a call

"Hello Ashu how are you ?"Mom asked 

"I am fine mom but why aren't you guys back yet?"I asked 

"Oh Ashu We can't come back yet the deal have been extended a bit and we have to crack this deal its really profiting and even we will get a huge amount of benefit so please ashu manage for few more days"Pleaded mom

"Okay mom, But mom I need to talk....."I was cut of by mom

"Gotta go for the meeting Ashu sorry we will talk about it later bye take care love you!"Said mom and before I could say something the call ended, I huffed whoa money does have a lot of power and tears brimmed in my eyes 


Its been two days and Mom and dad haven't come back yet tho they use to call me every now and then to make sure if I am okay or not but I didn't get a chance to talk about Prisha anyway I am okay now may be, I really want someone to hear me out this sorrow is killing me

Today Abhinavi were suppose to come back but they didn't 

Ring!! Ring!!

A small hope and smile appeared as I saw the caller id its Vaishoo Di

"Helloo Di how are you? are you guys coming back?"I asked

"I am great chote"Said Abhinavi

"Actually Abhay and I have some work in New York so we are heading towards there we will be back in a couple days baby bro, the work is really important we are really sorry I know you are all alone and you are not habituated being alone we will soon be back our flight is here so we gotta go so take care and love you"Said vaishoo di and disconnected the call, Whoa great you know what money is really everything and I am not habituated being alone but from now I will get habituated I don't need anyone I am okay all by myself 

Flash back ends




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"And after that I became a mad money minded ass never showed emotions never cried never smiled never shared anything never cared about anyone else except me. When my fam came back after 3 whole weeks, I was just changed into a different guy I hated the part when my own fam can't spare me two minutes to talk to me when I needed them the most so I thought I came alone in this world and will die alone so I have to manage to live alone"I said while tossing the spaghetti for the last time and turned off the gas

Avneet's POV 

What the --- I never thought that , I know it must have been hard to be betrayed by the people he loves the most, especially when he was pampered cherished and always kept away from the cunning world and have a sweet baby heart and then suddenly everyone felt his side

Siddharth's POV

"Siddharth...."She softly whispered while clutching on my biceps and making me face her and she encircled her delicate arms around my neck,tip toped to hug me tight, as always my heart started its gym workout while pacing every passing second, I tenderly wrapped my hands around her petite waist while pulling her close and covering the space between us, I feel light after putting out the weight out finally someone heard me out patiently 

"I don't know what to say but still you know right money is not everything"She asked and pulled back while looking deep into my eyes just this simple eye contact was enough to awaken the butterflies in my stomach 

"I know, Neet!"I replied while still looking deep into her chocolate brown eyes and we drifted apart after an awkward silence 

"And hmm the dinner is ready"I said while sniffing the delightful aroma of the spaghetti, Neet stuck a fork in the pan and took a bit 

"*humm*Yeah it tastes as good as it smells"She said while licking her lips

"I Know"I said with a proud grin, She rolled her eyes and again hopped on the kitchen slab 

"Yeah I know that you know miss 'proud to be girl'" She said and smirked, ohh you wanna play this game huh?

"Oh if a print on a cloth have so much value then...."I said while placing my both the arms on the either side of the slab where she sat I leaned in she leaned back while gulping her saliva 

"Then what?"She asked trying to act bold

"Then..." My smirk grew as I indicated her to look down at my chest, Her gaze slowly travel down my chest her eyes widen when she saw 'Kiss the chef' printed on the apron 

"So what are you waiting for Miss AK 47?"I asked with mischievous boyish smirk and winked,and pushed her brown stings of hair behind her ears, She shivered under my touch

"What the hell, you can't be serious about it!"She said while clutching on to my shoulder and trying to push me back

"Areee!! I haven't been this serious ever in my whole damn life!"I said while stretching my smirk as much as I can And her eyes popped out,I suppressed my laughter and her breathe hitched as I moved closed to her

"Okay go ahead then!"She said and smirked wait what did she just said, it took me off guard to realize that she have successfully pushed me and is running out of the kitchen and giggling , oh smart cat! I see, I chased her upstairs 

She entered her room so did I !

"Caught you !"I said while locking the door behind me 

"Nah you didn't"She said while grinning proudly and running around the bed 

"But soon you will be"I chuckled while chasing her, She grabbed a pillow which was laying on the bed 

"Take this!"She squeaked while aiming the pillow towards me and I caught it and smirked her eyes widen

"Oopie*pouts*I know what you are thinking  don't do that Arth I am your adorable best frien.."And smack and the pillow hit her face causing her to have a free fall on the bed,I laughed out loud 

Smack!! and a pillow hit my face

"Huh! how was that you can't win from me"She said with a hair flip 

----------------------------and the third world war beings---------------------------------------

"Okay stop! AK 47 you win I lose "I announced and collapsed on the bed while trying to catch my breathe

"Huh! told yeah I am the best"She said with another hair flip and fell on the bed beside me while trying to catch her breathe 

"I am the best!"I declared 

"Shut it before I press this pillow on your face and take your breathe away which you are trying to catch"She growled 

"Still I am the best!"I muttered under my breathe

"Arth I wanna talk to about some thing serious"She said while sitting up straight

"Yeah shoot!"I said while sitting up and leaning back with the support of head board

"Why don't you give your family another change you know like a second chance"She said 

"No Neet!! they will leave me again I can't trust them again"I said trying not to sound harsh and ran my fingers through me hair and looked away 

"But..."She was cut off by my phone ringing

"Just a min Neet let me attended this call is important"I said she nodded 

Ring!! Ring!!

"Good evening sir!"Said Gabe my manager 

"What is it come to point" I ordered in a cold business tone

"Sure sir so actually the Larsen company wants to make a deal with us!"Said Gabe 

"Oh is it so then we gotta crack the deal with Larsen's, its the best deal we ever got"I replied in a cold tone

"Actually the company members are really impressed of our work so they wanna make the deal right now so they are in the lobby waiting for your arrival"Said Gabe I can't say no to this deal its the best deal 

"Okay Gabe tell them I will be there in few minutes keep them busy till I come"I replied 

"Okay sir anything else"Asked Gabe 

"No that's enough"I replied and disconnected the call 

"I guess its your time for departure"Said Neet with a sad pout 

"Yeah but what were you saying complete it then I will take my leave"I Said with a smile and stuffed my phone in my pocket 

"No its okay you have wor..."I cut her off

"No Neet you are more important than work"I said her pink pulpy lips broke into a smile

"Ha I was saying that you should think about giving your family another chance"She said my smile dropped and got replaced with a cold face, my jaw clutched 

"How am I suppose to forgive  I don't..."I said while gritting my teeth but was cut off by her 

"Hmm look for you how much important is the deal with Larsen?"Asked Neet, I gave her a confused look

"Just say!"She demanded 

"Really important like its the best deal!"I answered honestly

"So you can't lose it?"Asked Neet 

"Obviously not, any one would a fool to reject the offer"I said 

"And you are the biggest fool on the god damn earth to reject the best offer you have"She said making me more confused and annoyed 

"But I said a yes to them"I said trying not to sound annoyed and rude

"I am not talking about the deal with Larsen!"She growled 

"Then? say it clearly!"I ranted while narrowing my eyes and squeezing my eye brows 

"Your family, Its the best deal you would ever have"She said with a smile I just looked down while clutching my jaw and thinking 

"Look me Arth! *Looks up* everyone deserves a second change"She said while holding on my right hand in her petite hand and looked in eyes,  gosh!! not in the eyes it makes me weak 

"But they left me when I needed them the most!"I argued while vulnerably looking back into her eyes

"But they were always there when ever you needed them before that weren't they?"She questioned while still looking deep in my eyes 

"Yeah they were"I said without thinking twice because they really were they never left me alone!

"And after you became arrogant and rudie baby they still love and care about you didn't they?"She again asked while her gaze glued on my eyes 

"Yes they still do"I muttered while looking back into her eyes, they never stopped caring and loving me tho!

"Then you would be a fool to say no to the best deal you have because everyone is not lucky to have a best deal like you"She said as tear of sorrow shredded her cheek,I engulfed her with a warm hug while patting her back  

"I am just scared"I said while placing my head on her neck and closed my eyes, she smell like hmm yeah butterscotch!! what the hell did I just sniffed her scent NO NO don't repeat it ever again Siddharth, but her aroma is so soothing.. Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Its Okay to be scared see you have to take risk some times and your fam was busy once, some times you have to face the world alone right and I gave you a second chance I was scared too so sometimes you have to let go your thinking and just listen to your heart, Go back to them before its late Arth!"She said while playing with hair, she has a point my family can't always be with me, take care of me and sometimes I have to face my own problem myself and my family always took care of me never let me know what is pain and here in return I gave them pain by pushing them away 

Author's POV

There was silence but not an awkward one 

"You know in some days exams will knock on the door and later we have summer break I will visit home and surprise them what say?"He asked while pulling back from the hug and smiling 

"Sounds like a best Idea!"She replied with a ravishing smile

"Lets have dinner its late!"She said and we went down stairs and had their dinner while having a never ending chat 

"Its late I have to go for the meeting as well "He said and got up from his place and she did to both headed towards the main door 

"Okay bye then take and care drive safe!"She said with a smile He nodded and side hugged her while lightly rubbering her back, her head on his shoulder, his chin resting on her head both pair of eyes closed 

"Bye! you too take care meet you at collage"He said and took his leave she waved her hand and He drove off



So how was the chapter 

drop your fav scene !!

stay tuned 

love yahh take care 

adios amigos



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