~Love For Asmodeus~ {A Helluv...

By Cyrilwolf

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Happy Valentines Day! Today I present to you my latest Valentines day story of a new pairing I've created, It... More

~Asmodeus's News~
~The Beginning Of a Plan~
~The Big Day~
~First Date~
~Any Thoughts To Come~
~Second Date~
~For Tomorrow~
~Third Date~
~Sneaked out~
~Plans For Tonight~
~Last Date~


714 13 0
By Cyrilwolf

Filimena heads outside, she changes her form to hover and levitate up in the sky, the gentle wind blows through her hair, and there were fluffy clouds, passing through them as she flies, she sees the sun, it was bright, and it shines the crimson sky. Filimena then grabs her phone, dials the number to call Asmodeus, and let him know she's coming, and she has an important question to ask once he gets here, she held the phone up to her ear, waits for an answer. She does feel a little anxious in the process, but not too much, as she still waits patiently for a respond, she soon heard a voice answered the call.


It was Asmodeus talking, Filimena heard it, she instantly responded to him. 

"Asmodeus! Hey! It's Fili, Sorry to call you like this out of the blue, but I need you to listen for a second."

"Fei? where in the world have you been last night, I've been trying to call you, and you didn't answer them, you mind giving me an explanation for that?"

"That doesn't matter, listen, this is very important, I need you to meet me at the main point park, I'm going to the Lust Ring, so please, visit there, and I'll be right over."

"..W-Wait, what do you mean? What's going on?"

"Just please, I'll explain when I get here, just get to the park, most specifically at the main bridge, promise me, you'll understand more, okay?"

Asmodeus was puzzled from Filimena's direct order to go the park, it seems out of place for her to tell him to meet him over there, after last night when she wasn't even calling him back, and trying to reach her out, but he accepted the request Filimena told him, Filimena smiled and tells him again before ending the call, she took a sigh of relieve, and prepares her spell, she blasts magic from her hands, creating a teleportation portal, disappearing in the process. 

Filimena eventually spawns herself back into the Lust Ring, she levitated down to the street, she then floats in the air to the certain direction of the Lust Ring's park. Meanwhile, Asmodeus gets dressed as he finishes up buttoning up his vest and coat, he then walks out of the office, downstairs, and through the hallway to where the exit is, he then goes outside, and heads down the street to locate where Filimena wants him to go. The two love demons travel in different areas of the city, heading straight down to where the nearby city park is, Filimena flies around, going quicker, hurrying herself, thinking Asmodeus was already there, Asmodeus on the other hand had to go through shortcuts he knew, down by an alleyway, and through the streets, causing some of the cars to crash into each other, minutes have passed, both of them manage to make it to the gateways of the park, both in different areas, where they didn't know they'd find one of them already here. Filimena looks at the park, there were trees and trails, even a city fountain, center of the park ground, it was smaller than the one in the mainpoint, but it still has a unique charm with its design, Filimena levitates around the park, slowly regaining some memories of when she use to visit here, it was a calm, and a peaceful scenery for her, as it was always so clean, and still soothing.  

Asmodeus travels down the trail, passes by one of the park benches, he sees leaves falling from the trees as the wind blows them away, he does see there's hardly any people here, which made him feel he's like the only one here in some abandoned place, but it didn't bother him, he still finds the path to the main bridge of the park. Filimena still floats around, tries to find the bridge, and then luckily, she was able to spot it far in the distance, she quickly floats over there, passing through the trees. she makes her way to step onto the bridge, walked up on top of the wooden panels, underneath it was a river, on the waters were lily pads and water plants to decorated the blue water, she stares down, smiled to herself, enjoying the view as the water moves in a certain direction, there were little frogs hopping on the lily pads too, and some splashed inside the water. With the love spirit completing unaware, and distracted, someone came up to the bridge, the same place where Filimena was, the individual was Asmodeus, he had finally found on the spot, he even saw her looking down, he slowly comes up to her.


This snaps Filimena out of her imagination, when she realized someone was besides her, she backs up to see Asmodeus already here.

"Asmodeus! Here you are, I'm so glad you can make it."

She said as she hugs him, Asmodeus looked down at her, still concerned about her actions.

"Y-Yes, I'm here now, that's where you wanted us to meet right? So, You now care to say what's been going on, why you were starting to act bizarre right now?"

Filimena stares at him, she started to blushed, and feels nervous, her hands were rubbed together, stood one feet away from him, her tail curls around her lower half, staring down on the bridge ground. Asmodeus saw her in a timid expression, still keeping his sight on her.

"F-Fili, Are you..Alright?"

Filimena looks up to him, her heart started to pump once again.

"..A...A-Asmodeus, There's...There's something I must say, It's...Very important for you to hear it out, I've been..Wanting to..Tell you something."

"What is it?"

Asmodeus asked.

"...This...This is something I've been wanting to tell you..This has been in my mind for several decades since we've known each other, I don't know why it's still happening, but..I couldn't seem to forget it, or resist it, It always happen..When I'm with you."

"..What are you talking about?"

 "..Ever since I met you, we were..Such amazing friends, we done a lot of things together, and we were like two peas in a pot, or two cherries with one stem, We've always had each other's backs throughout our lifetime in this afterlife, this underworld we were made in, T-The point I'm trying to say is, I'm trying to let out something, something that I've kept from you, because..I was afraid that you wouldn't accept it. When I'm with you, things seem clear to me, you were always sweet, loyal, affectionate, and also, very dependent, you were always there whenever I'm having the most troubles in my existence, and you never stop me from forgetting everything, even with us being both different demons, we somehow are still friends. These feelings kept growing, and growing, my heart couldn't stop beating, my face couldn't stop changing color, my feelings are so much to handle around you, I never..Want to tell you this, I didn't want this one thing break our entire friendship over, but, I know now I must be honest with you, at all times."

Asmodeus listens to her, he still couldn't understand what Filimena was talking about, he didn't say anything, but he felt to not interrupt her.

"This is..Always hard for me to bring it out, I couldn't get it out, even if I tried, Ozzie, I don't want you to hate me over this, but I can't still keep this heavy weight on me no more, I've..Had feelings for you."

Asmodeus's eyes widen, surprised.

"..Y..You what?"

Filimena still lowers her head, and is fully pink, her legs were pressed together, she's started to fell more nervous than she already is.

"Yes, real feelings, when I look at you, and spend time with you, you're like my dream world, you're like someone that could bring me into a special place where everywhere I go is always miserable with pain and suffering, you make me feel secure about my insecurities, you're everything to me, you may not see it, but I always see true beauty both on the outside, and the inside, I..Couldn't wait any longer, and I can't stand being just friends, I just can't deny this, Ozzie I..I..I've always been in love with you!"

 She yells out loud, quickly backing up, holding both her arms tightly around herself, and her legs still pressed together, she closed her eyes forcefully, Asmodeus was astonished by her confession, he stood there in silence, his brow was raised up, didn't have anything to say to the love spirit at the moment, Filimena shakes, and slowly opens one of her eyes, peeking to see his reaction.

"..T-There, I've confessed, I...I..Please...Don't do anything, I know how It sounds, and I feel there is something coming up, isn't there?"

"So...This was really how you felt, this whole time, without me knowing anything about "this" with you?"

Filimena nods silently, feeling shame rising up.

"Y-Yes, I know what you're going to say, It's...Over, our friendship, you probably never want to speak to me again, coming out with those romantic words out of my mouth to you, you would probably just walk away..And just, leave me there, It's okay...I understand if you refuse this, and you want us to not hang out anymore, I get we're different, and we can't be with each other like this."

She still stood there in silence, lowering her head down further, her hair almost covers her whole face, Asmodeus walks over to her, kneels down to her level, he still stares at the spirit, then, he reaches his hand to her face, strokes it, Filimena felt the warm hand touching her, she lifts her head back up, and then takes a look at Asmodeus, who's more closer than before.

"Now what kind of a silly reason as to why I would break us?"

Filimena stares up at him, with a worried expression, she doesn't hide her blushed face.

"In all my years, I never thought someone would have the strength, or in fact, the guts to come out and confess like that to me, including you, Fili, I...Never knew you really feel that way, I never knew you liked me this much, I'm..Just in shock to hear those things."

Filimena looks up in confusion.

"So..You're..Not mad?"

"Of course not, why would I be, normally I would from other people, but, this is different, this whole time, I've been wondering what was inside that little head of yours, and now I already know the reasoning as to why you dragged me out for these past few days, it's so that you get warm up to face me, isn't it?"

He teased, Filimena still remains her blushed face, and she still felt awkward, mostly anxious.

"Ehh..I..Uhh..It's just..An idea I had to do before I need to do this, I want them to be special, before I could even say anything, I just needed to learn my own confidence."

"And I can see why that is. Hey, you mind if I tell you something?"

"..Uh, Of course, what is it?"

He places his hand onto her shoulder.

"Listen, I may not love you than you think, but that doesn't mean I can give you, the both of us a try, if you really want this, to be with the Lord of Lust, heh, I can't stop you from doing so, honestly, you're always a sweet soul to my tastes."

Then he gently has both his hands onto both her cheeks.

"You know, I don't even know why, or even know how long you've been waiting for something like this, it must've been too much for you, I don't show my feelings with anyone, but with you, well, you know, eh..What the hell, why am I still talking about this, this stuff is really driving me nuts, but I can't help myself to explain this to you, no matter how much I'm with you, you always are a lucky charm, everything about you is perfect, and I loved you as much as you do, And I do think you deserve something."

He pulls her close.

"A little something, as I like to called, an appreciation towards you~.

He then lifts her head, and suddenly pressed his lips against hers, Filimena tail reacts, rising up in the shocking state, her eyes were wider than ever, and her face was fully colored in with the hue of pink, she was awestruck from this, is this really happening, is this for real, for the first time, not including her dreams this time, it was physical, both of them stay like this for quite some time, and she kisses back, her heart beats in an average high speed, both the love demons had their lips locked, until finally, when it feels like an eternity, for real, they stopped, Filimena shivered a little, could barely stand on her own, her nerves tingle, and cracks a smile, Asmodeus chuckles.

"Oh look at you, I take it may have stolen something else other than a kiss, hehe~"

Filimena held onto the rail, deeply stunned, but also really happy, she couldn't believe this happened, all he anxiety she had are now gone, her feeling of worries and fears suddenly vanished within a brief moment.

"You doing okay there?"

He smiled, holding onto her, Filimena didn't answer, still distracted from this feeling she had, she also quivers.

"..I-I'm Fine.."

The two of them stayed at the bridge for a while, they hugged each other, knowing that their feelings were revealed, Filimena finally got the chance after all, hiding away for so long, she lost all the emotions that she fears about, and took the courage to step up and do it, she was so happy Asmodeus accepts her, it surprised her, that she never thinks he'll ever say yes, Asmodeus felt pleased for the love spirit, he knew that he can't just love her like any other romantic couple scenario, but he'll indeed give you everything she needs, and make her feel special, giving her the true desire she's been wanting for him, he loves her dearly, even both from a friend, to now a future partner, he doesn't know what he's going to do with her, since both unsealed their feelings, but for now, all they needed was each other, at the bridge, where the river flows, and the gentle breeze blowing.

~One Year Ago~

Asmodeus and Filimena were sitting on the table at the balcony in a local restaurant, the two of them were staring at the moonlight sky, after finishing their supper. Filimena enjoyed the sight, and so did Asmodeus, the music was playing in the background, making the moment more relaxing, Filimena looks at him.

"Beautiful, Isn't it Ozzie?"

Asmodeus smirks, and tilts his hat.

"Yeah, It sure is, even for you at least."


Filimena laughed, she looks at him, blushed, she has her hands together, still looking back and forth at him, like if she's going to be say something, but she feels too nervous to answer, it was silence, and Filimena regains her awkwardness to speak up.

"Hey, Ozzie, There's something I want to ask you."

"Yes? What is it?"

Filimena straightens her hair, still looking at him, blushing.

"Well..I've been wanting to ask about something, and I feel it's really important you should hear it."

Asmodeus turns his head to her.

"Well, tell me then."

"Uhh..Well, It's been in my mind lately, and...I was wondering If...Maybe Uhh..What do you think would happen in the future, are you pretty much optimistic, or pessimistic of what new events are coming?"

Asmodeus thinks about it, and was silent, then spoke up.

"I am, kinda in between both, Not sure what there might be later in the future, I feel maybe it could be something exciting, or something completely stupid, but whatever I want for there to be in the future, It'll sure be awesome, at least do hope so, why? Are you looking forward for something?"

Filimena blushed.

"Uhh..Well, Yeah for sure, It's just..I'm not so sure what I am looking forward honestly, I think I'll just have to wait, until it's the best time to do so."

"Hm, Seems like you do have something in mind, Fili, You know you can tell me anything, It's okay to just spill it out."

"No, Really, It's okay, It's just nothing, It's probably something..Not too exciting, but, I appreciate it."

"Well, Alright then, if you say so, Now how about some dessert, I'll order something special for the both of us."

Filimena smiled, as both of them rearranged their seats back to face each other.

"S-Sure, You do that, Make sure it has strawberries, because I've been craving for those."

Asmodeus nods, smirked as he calls out for the waiter, Filimena stared at him, deeply, while holding her hands together, blushed, still keeping quiet, she held onto her chest, felt her heart beating, she closed her eyes, She thinks to herself.

"Someday, I must tell him.."

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