Pacific Rim: King of the Mons...

By JayFrom13

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In 1954, Godzilla rose from the depths, alarming humanity and sending them into a panic. However, the massive... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9. His Return
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16. And then there were Two
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24. The Amalgamation
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28. Goodbye
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. A Living Nightmare
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36. The Shrouded Fortress
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39. More Players on the Board
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41. Gojira, Kiryu, Dagan
Chapter 42. Cometh the Devils Disciples
Chapter 43. Doesn't Exist
Chapter 44. Self Destruction
Chapter 45. To Blame
Chapter 46. Preparation
Chapter 47. Serenity before Destruction
Chapter 48. The Brawlers
Chapter 49. Grudge Match
Chapter 50. A Watchful Eye
Chapter 51. Absent Minded
Chapter 52. Incomplete
Chapter 53. Reality
Chapter 55. Subtitles Required
Chapter 56. A Short Break
Chapter 57. Shattered
Chapter 58. Conversing with the damaged
Chapter 59. Departure
Chapter 60. Blood and Acid
Chapter 61. Celebration
Chapter 62. Awakening
Chapter 63. Collision
Chapter 64. Museum
Chapter 65. 2v2
Chapter 66. Disaster
Chapter 67. A True Juggernaut
Chapter 68. Beginning of the End
Chapter 69. The Question is Why?
Chapter 70. Pointless
Chapter 71. Split
Chapter 72. One Last Time
Chapter 73. Electrifying
Chapter 74. Rematch
Chapter 75. The Entrance
Chapter 76. Cometh the Hour
Chapter 77. The Enraged Duo
Chapter 78. The Atomic Crusade

Chapter 54. Recollection

187 7 1
By JayFrom13

"So, correct me if I'm wrong here, we are just supposed to act like that thing isn't here?" Muramasa asked, "I can't do that."

"Yeah, even if it doesn't want to hurt us... it's scary lookin," Mack shivered.

"I can erase it from your mind if you want," Adaine said casually, "Or you can focus on the more important stuff, like how we are going to deal with these serpents." Adaine looked among the pilots, seeing them all coming up with their own ideas of what these new threats would look like.

"Serpents... so giant snakes," Wataru shivered, "Giant alien snakes."

"Sir, what is the next plan of attack?" Emi asked the director who was thinking to himself.

Pentecost held a hand up to the group, silencing everyone as he pressed the chip in his ear, "Tatopoulos, where are you?"

Moto stepped into the control room, "He's coming. We were just talking to-" The doctor stumbled in, "Sorry, my apologies. I'm here."

Moto let the doctor catch his breath while looking around for Jay, "Wait where is-"

"He's recovering," Adaine blurted out, stopping the others from adding any further details. She nudged Wataru's arm, "Ahem, yea Jay took some damage to the stomach."

"Wataru!" Adaine shoved his arm, "Keep the details to yourself please."

The Xilien quickly mouthed to Moto, "He's fine." She stepped back with the others as Pentecost and Tatopoulos had everyone's attention.

Nick was handed a tablet by one of the other staff members in the room. Nick went through it quickly, pulling up a picture of Kong, "Alright, for the ones who didn't see the fight, we have a new asset on our side."

"Hell yeah, he's a badass," Wataru mentioned as Moto agreed.

"Can I ask where that giant monkey came from?" Adaine asked.

"He's called Kong," Wataru mentioned.

"He came from a place called Skull Island," Nick moved onto the next picture, "Over the course of nearly 50 years, we have studied Kong, and the island. While there are kaiju that come from another world, Kong has been keeping other giant animals from leaving the island."

"Is that why he seemed tired?" Adaine asked, "I mean he helped a lot, so I can't complain but, he did look tired."

"Ever since Dagan called out to Godzilla and the others, Skull Island has been on a constant alert. But this morning, the threat seems to have stopped for the moment. After saving one of our operatives, we discovered that Kong can actually communicate with us."

"He can talk?" Muramasa raised a doubtful brow.

"Don't be stupid, that big gorilla can't talk... can he?" Gage eyed Nick.

"Apparently he speaks through sign language," Nick said as Adaine spoke out, "Apparently? Did you just find out about this?"

"One of Monarchs leading members on Skull Island is an inhabitant. She has been teaching him how to sign for a while now. But after Ralagor and Syn appeared, Kong showed that he wanted to help against the kaiju," Nick slowed down, waiting for one of the pilots to comment but they all remained silent.

Moto raised his hand, "Uh, can we tell them the other news?"

"I was about to get to that," Nick went through the tablet, "The reason I'm telling you about Kong, is because until we can get the second Titan to awaken, Monarch has been trying to find other Titans that could aid the Jaegers."

"So we have more Titans on our side?" Mack asked.

"Yeah, how many are going to help us now?" Wataru asked as Adaine held the pilot's hand. Wataru looked at her hand and then the Xilien. She just stared at Nick, causing Wataru to lock their fingers together.

The doctor held out the tablet again, showing off a faded blur with light blue streaks in what appeared to be water, "Another reason I'm telling you about Kong, is because he doesn't show any hostility towards humans. As long as we don't intentionally get in his way, he fights for us."

"I feel like there's a but coming," Muramasa crossed his arms, "What is the catch?"

"Well in order to awaken Titans, Monarch studies their history to see which ones are hostile towards everyone, humans and other Titans," Nick tapped the screen, "Well Monarch came to the conclusion that it's okay to use this Titan that doesn't benefit anyone." Nick swiped the picture again, bringing a clearer photo of something long in the depths of the ocean, "Adaine, Monarch says you can take this Titan and use it against the kaiju."

"Are they certain we can send this thing out there?" Adaine held Wataru with a firm grip, "If we send this thing out there with the jaegers, Kiryu and Godzilla, we could have a bigger disaster on our hands."

"Well this thing, Monarch named Tiamat, is hostile to everything that comes close to it. So I would suggest sending this thing first, and if it dies fighting the kaiju, then we lose nothing. Or, we use this hostile Titan to kill the kaiju, and then hold onto it until the next kaiju come."

"Essentially we use that Titan until it's killed," Muramasa questioned, he let out a laugh, "That sounds good to me."

Wataru looked past Adaine to the twins, "Don't you have anything to say about this?"

Both of them sighed, speaking at the same time but catching themselves. They looked at each other before Emi was the one to speak first, "It's a cruel fate," Yumi continued, "For a cruel monster."

Wataru nodded, "Agreed, then again. What makes this thing so cruel? Isn't this thing just acting on instinct or something?"

Nick turned off the tablet, holding it to his side as he scratched his head, "Uh... do you guys know of Atlantis?"

"Somewhat," Muramasa commented.

"Isn't that a made-up place or something?" Wataru asked.

"What does this have to do with Tiamat?" Moto asked, almost instantly realizing where this was going.

Nick chuckled to himself, "Well... Atlantis was real at one point... and Tiamat sank it."

"What?!" the pilots yelled out.

"Monarch isn't completely certain, but through numerous artifacts that were made thousands of years ago, it would seem Tiamat sank Atlantis, or at least was present when it did sink," Nick pulled up the tablet again, "Actually, there are other Titans being considered too dangerous to be kept alive or around. So, for now, you have Tiamat who is currently being tracked and you might have a few other Titans soon, maybe even later today Monarch will contact me again."

Moto cheered, "We have more monsters!"

"We do but we have to take this seriously. If Tiamat fights and kills the... the uuh-" Nick looked to Pentecost, "Did you say what kaiju is next?"

Before Pentecost could respond, the pilots spoke out in a jumbled mess, "We are fighting snakes."

Nick stared at the pilots, almost thinking this was a joke, "You serious?"

"Why would we joke about that?" Mack asked with Gage leaning against his brother, "Is Tiamat a snake?"

"Well, not a snake but a serpent," Nick clarified as the pilots talked amongst themselves.

"Sooo, a snake," Mack said, getting Muramasa to agree with him.

"Alright, so we are fighting two snakes with another freakin' snake!" Wataru sighed, "I hope they all kill each other."

Pentecost cleared his throat, silencing everyone, "Actually, if Tiamat doesn't kill the snakes, Godzilla, and that dinosaur..."

"Titanosaurus," Nick confirmed.

"If the serpents aren't killed, we'll send in Godzilla and Titanosaurus right after." Pentecost pulled a remote from his pocket, "Also if you would all look here. I need all of you to see this."

The screens behind the director and the doctor flashed on. Nick stepped out of the way as Pentecost pointed out Godzilla on a massive map off the shore of Dubai, "Godzilla's levels of radiation are confirmed to die down after leaving a fight, however, I've been informed that Godzilla's energy levels are increasing."

Yumi and Emi glanced at each other for a moment.

Pentecost stood by, showing the location of Godzilla and Titanosaurus, "We don't know what his destination is, or if he is detecting something we aren't but he is radiating power. I wanted to inform you all about this because we don't know if this changes our relationship with the Titan. Until further information is available, I would suggest all pilots be cautious of Godzilla. We will keep you posted on his location, and inform you all if something changes. Because if something goes south, I might be asking all pilots to man their jaegers and prepare for-"

Yumi raised her hand, "Sir, uh, Godzilla might be powering up."

"I know, that is what I'm saying, be aware he might becoming stronger," Pentecost noted the screen.

"I mean, Godzilla might be powering up because he is having to fight more and more. Almost day after day, he is going around this planet, trying to keep us safe... what if he is getting stronger to end these fights much faster."

Nick snapped his fingers, "I'll bring this up with Newt and Hermann. You might be onto something."

Yumi looked to the others, "We all got upgraded jaegers, Kiryu turned into a Titan. It's just a guess that Godzilla would also be trying to adapt to the situation."

"How did you come up with that?" Moto poked his head around Gage.

"It's just a guess," Emi said.

Pentecost pressed the chip in his ear, "The council is requesting my attention. If you want to stay for the meeting, I suggest remaining quiet, or leaving."

Gage turned to Adaine, "Can you tell us about the fight?"

Mack looked to the twins, "Can you two also tell us about the fight?"

The twins nodded, leaving as the whole group left the control room. Nick was almost hesitant to leave but Pentecost assured the doctor they just wanted to speak with the director.

Nick headed out of the room, catching up to the pilots, "Moto, are you still coming with me tomorrow?"

"Where are you going?" Muramasa asked.

"Well, while you guys are out there fighting Kaiju, I've been attending meetings with Nick and learning about Monarch." Moto looked to Nick, "Can I tell them where we are going?"

"Sure," Nick said right before Moto explained, "We are going to a Monarch Outpost in Okinawa. The flight would be about 11 hours, going and coming back."

"Don't you need permission for that?" Yumi asked, slowing down so she could walk alongside the boy.

"From who? The only one I feel like talking to is Jay, and Adaine said he's resting," Moto pointed his thumb over his shoulder, "And Pentecost said I could go but I had to listen to Nick."

Nick turned off his tablet, "I would suggest you go see your brother as soon as you can cause we are leaving in a few hours."

Mack patted the boy on the back, "But before that! You have to eat chocolate with us while Adaine tells us about the fight."

"Chocolate?" Moto questioned the brothers. Gage and Mack bumped fists, "I bought a lot of candy before I left because I knew we wouldn't be able to go out and Trick or treat!"

Mack let out a fake cry, sniffing as he leaned on the boys shoulder, "It's a sad day."

"Hey, it is a sad day. People just died," Yumi mentioned.

"And before I go to bed tonight, I'll pray for the dead and the survivors." Mack let go of Moto, "I know it's not a good time but we can't get depressed after every fight."

Gage punched his brother in the arm, "We've been in one fight!"

"And you are the one who brought candy, you ass." Mack repaid his brother with a punch. "Plus, in our first fight, we fucking died. I think I'm allowed to try and stay positive, or I'll break down like Kujo just did."

Muramasa eyed the brothers as they all entered the elevator, "Hey, lay off Kujo. He just came face to face with a monster, alright. Cut him some slack."

"Are we going to see him and Jay?" Wataru held his finger over the button, "Or are we going to our rooms?"

"It's been an hour. Let's see how Jay is doing." Moto pressed the button below Wataru's hand.

Adaine got into Wataru's head, 'We aren't going to be able to see him. They are still trying to close his wound.'

Wataru stepped back as the doors closed, leaving Moto waiting for the doors to open once again. The pilot looked back to Adaine, 'I'm sure we'll be told we can't see him.'

'What I'm worried about, is them telling us how bad the wound is,' Adaine got a little closer to Wataru. 'I don't want Moto to worry.'

The doors opened again on the next floor; Moto hurried out into the hallway, "Come on."

Moto stepped up to the door as a doctor stepped out into the hall, "Excuse me, can we go in?"

"Or can you tell us how Jay is doing?" Wataru added.

The doctors let out an annoyed sigh, "We are still operating on the patient. I don't know when you'll see him again." The doctors slid his mask down and left the group.

"Wait that's it?" Moto asked, "Is he alright?"

"I don't know, we've never worked on someone who sustains these types of injuries and still has the capacity to live," the doctor dropped his mask as he headed into the elevator, "I need a drink." He pressed the button and rubbed his eyes as the doors closed.

Moto looked to Wataru and Adaine, "Is that a bad thing?"

"Hold on," Adaine closed her eyes and focused on infirmary.

Everyone waited for Adaine, especially Moto; wanting to see his brother. The Xilien looked to Moto, "We can't go in because they are trying to close Jay's wounds. The problem they are dealing with, is that Jay is healing on his own, so they are trying to keep Jay from suffering a cardiac arrest."

"Sooo is that good or bad?" Moto asked.

"It means they are trying to keep Jay comfortable while he heals," Adaine looked throughout the infirmary, "And Kujo is doing alright. They had to give him some stitches but he'll be walking around within and hour or two."

"He won't remember that thing right?" Muramasa asked.

"No, he won't. That was just a bad dream for him." Adaine mentioned as Muramasa patted her shoulder, "Thank you."

"Alright well let's give them some space, and... I guess we can only wait for Jay to heal?" Gage looked around, waiting to get corrected.

"Well where are we going? Cause, Adaine, I need to ask you some questions if you don't mind," Nick held the tablet out to her. "I was going to ask later but we don't have time."

Gage pulled Wataru while Mack pushed Adaine to the elevator, "We are going to our room! You guys can talk there."

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