Visionless Rebirth

By werewolf7745

174K 4.8K 1K

Stiles was kidnapped by the Alpha pack, tortured and beaten by them. But then Deucalion scratched too deep... More

New School
First Day
Full Moon And A Summoning
Another Transformation
Arm Wrestling
First Date
Attempted Healing
Telling The Truth Before The Lies
Girlfriend's Family
Forgotten Life


7K 234 49
By werewolf7745

"Aww," Lizzie said when she tickled his feet, earning a baby laugh,"I wonder if anybody's ever thought of making a vampire baby, they would just stay this cute forever."

"Then they would get an eternity of sleep deprivation and no time for yourself," Hope replied, looking down at Stiles as he grabbed onto Lizzie's finger.

"How would you like time for yourself then?" Lizzie said, looking up at Hope.

"Why the hell would you want to do that?" Hope said, eyeing Lizzie suspiciously.

"You know how me and Ethan had a fight?" Lizzie asked, and Hope nodded,"Well I really want to get back at him by going on a date with his old best friend from MFHS."

Hope's brows furrowed,"What did he do again?"

Lizzie rolled her eyes,"He thinks we don't spend enough time together like a normal couple, he thinks we should do things like you and Landon did. Hold hands in bed, write each other dorky love notes, and talk about feelings."

Hope raised an eyebrow,"He has met you, hasn't he?"

"Yes," Lizzie said,"He keeps trying to change me so I want to get him back for it."

"Why do you need Stiles for it?" Hope asked, lifting him into her arms and he immediately started playing with her necklace.

"He has a baby sister that he likes taking to the park," Lizzie said, smiling,"And what better way to connect than with babies."

"No," Hope said immediately.

"What? Why?" Lizzie demanded, standing up.

"The spell could be wearing off literally at any second," Hope reminded her,"And what if it wears off when he's in a stroller, then he'd just be a naked man being rolled around."

"Wouldn't you like that though?" Lizzie offered.

"My answer is no," Hope said, not answering Lizzie's other question since she had already seen Stiles naked.

Lizzie rolled her eyes,"Fine."

"Okay," Hope said,"Please just leave it alone," She said with pleading eyes, and Lizzie nodded.

Hope went to put Stiles down for a nap, setting a baby monitor up next to his crib, and ten minutes later Lizzie slipped into Hope's room, putting a spell on the baby monitor.

"Hey, Sti," Lizzie said, and Stiles blinked at her with curious eyes while chewing on his fist,"Wanna go for a play date?"

Stiles only blinked.

Soon Lizzie had managed to sneak him out of the school, gotten a stroller, and looked up on the internet about what she would need for a simple afternoon out with a baby.

Lizzie sat down on a bench, looking at Stiles in his stroller,"Remember, this doesn't really count as a double date so you're not cheating on Hope."

"Lizzie?" Eric Li said, walking up with a very similar stroller with his baby sister in it.

He was tall, muscular, asian, and his black hair was spiked up.

"Eric, hi," Lizzie said, flashing him a flirty smile,"Fancy meeting you here."

Time Skip

"I am going to kill you!" Hope said immediately when Lizzie walked in with the stroller.

"Relax, he's fine," Lizzie said, rolling her eyes,"He was asleep most of the time anyway. Turns out Eric is really really boring."

"Why don't you ever listen to me?!" Hope growled, going to the stroller and opening the visor, and when she saw the baby her eyes went wide with horror,"Lizzie," She growled, unbuckling the child and lifting a little Asian girl out of the stroller,"Is it just me or does Stiles look a little different?"

Lizzie's hands flew to her mouth as she realized what had happened. She had switched the strollers, so Stiles was out there with a complete stranger.

Change Of View

When Eric had found out that the babies had been switched he and his family started freaking out. So freaked out that they didn't notice that baby Stiles had managed to wiggle out of the stroller and crawl out the doggy door.

Stiles' onesie was dirty with mud covering it, his brown eyes looked around the woods that he had managed to crawl into.

It was strange, he felt more comfortable surrounded by the trees alone than with anybody else except Hope.

Stiles put a hand on a tree, using it to brace himself as he stood up.

In the past several days that he had spent as a baby he would sometimes gain a look of intelligence that seemed too old for a baby to have, or even a teenager.

Stiles' chubby fingers grazed the rough bark as he placed his other hand against it.

He looked at the tree like it was more than just wood and leaves.

Stiles' breathing quickened, his tiny heart starting to beat faster. He started patting the tree, like he was trying to wake it up.

As his heart beat faster, it literally started to glow out of his chest, the orange light trailed down the baby's arms following the trail of his veins all the way down to his little fingers.

Stiles blinked once and his eyes glowed a vibrant orange, as the light flowed into the tree, spreading along the cracks and crevices of the tree.

Change Of View

Hope and Lizzie brought Eric's sister back to his family and when they went to return Stiles, there was only an empty stroller.

"What the hell did you do?" Hope snarled immediately, getting ready to rip somebody's head off.

"I-I don't know," Eric stammered,"He was right there."

Hope started forward, but so did Lizzie, she put a hand on Hope's shoulder and siphoned enough magic to keep the Tribrid from doing something that she'lol probably regret later.

Hope clenched her jaw,"If he is hurt in any way I will rip your head off."

Eric swallowed, and nodded violently.

Soon everyone was looking for a baby wandering the woods.

Change Of View

When Alaric had gotten the call that baby Stiles was lost and it was Lizzie's fault, part of him wasn't that surprised.

The witches were already doing locator spells, but they weren't working, like something was blocking them.

The wolves and vampires were running around the forest, trying to find a scent.

He himself was grabbing his jacket and a flashlight to look at himself when he heard it.

It sounded like something strong and large ripping the ground apart, and it was getting louder, telling him it was heading towards the school.

He looked out the window and his eyes were blown wide at what he saw, after all the years of supernatural crap that he had been through, Malivore, vampires, werewolves, the Devil himself, he had never seen something like this.

He had to crawl out the window to get there fast enough to stop the other students from getting too close.

It was a tree, a literal tree moving towards them with a purpose, the roots going into the ground and pulling itself forward. In the branches it held something that was moving, and laughing as it was passed from one branch to another.

It was baby Stiles, laughing the whole time as the branch it was held in stretched out and soon he was placed in the arms of Emma.

Emma looked down at the baby in shock, then back to the tree as it backed away slightly planting it's roots more firmly into the ground.

Stiles waved goodbye to the tree and it did the same with one of its branches, and it resumed its original position looking like a normal tree, except now it was in front of the school.

"He okay?" Alaric asked, jogging forward toward Emma and Stiles.

"He's fine," Emma said,"Not a scratch on him, he is a little warm though."

Stiles only laughed in response.

Time Skip

"Where is he?" Hope demanded immediately walking into the school.

"Relax," Alaric told her,"He's in your room taking a nap."

Hope let out a breath of relief,"I'm going to go see him," She said, turning to leave but Alaric caught her arm.

"Wait, Hope," He said, making Hope stop in confusion,"Something did happen while you were out looking for him."

"What is it? Is he back to normal? Is he hurt?" Hope asked, a million questions already pouring through her head.

"It's more like the thing that brought him back," Alaric explained awkwardly,"Did you notice anything differently about the yard out front?"

Hope's brows furrowed and she looked out the window and her eyes widened at the giant tree now sitting out in front of the gate, several teachers and older students around it, different gardening tools in their hands.

The ground around it was also weird, like the tree had been dragged across the forest than plopped down in the middle of the field, and buried in a proper way.

"How is there a tree here?" Hope found herself asking.

Then a student poked it with a rake and a branch swooped down, snatching it from the students grasp and throwing it miles away into the woods.

"What the hell?" Hope said, turning back to Alaric.

"The tree literally brought Stiles back, and planted itself in the yard," Alaric informed her,"And any attempts to move it have been...unsuccessful."

"So...we basically have our own whomping willow?" Hope said, making sure she heard correctly,"Like from Harry Potter?"

Alaric let out a frustrated breath,"Basically."

"Okay, well... I'm going to go see Stiles now," Hope said, glancing at the tree one more time, before heading to her own room.

Closing the door she immediately headed for the crib, but it was empty. Her eyes went wide when she heard the sound of her shower running. She just stood there, shocked, even as the water turned off and Stiles walked out of the shower, only wearing a pair of shorts, toweling off his wet hair. But his eyes were no longer whiskey brown but a dark scarred red, he was still blind.

"So..." He said, an amused smile spreading across his face,"You turned me into a baby."

Hope only threw herself at him, kissing him with a heated passion.

When they had both settled down they lay on her bed, Stiles' hands going up and down her back.

"It didn't work," Hope whispered, a part of her had thought that when he turned back to normal that his eyes would have been healed.

Stiles took a deep breath,"No, it didn't," He said, his hand continuing its comforting strokes up and down her back.

"Are you mad?" Hope asked.

Stiles leaned down and kissed the top of her head,"About turning me to a baby or not healing my eyes?"

Hope hesitated a moment before replying,"Both."

Stiles smiled,"No for both."

Hope looked up at him in surprise,"Why?"

"I guess a part of me knew it wasn't going to work so I didn't get my hopes up," Stiles answered,"And the baby thing I'm not mad about because I got to see you for the first time with human eyes."

Hope smiled when she heard that,"You did?"

Stiles kissed her again,"Uh-Huh."

"What do you remember? From being a baby?" Hope asked curiously.

"Bits and pieces," Stiles said,"Smells, sounds, but all I remember seeing is you."

Hope's heart warmed when she heard that, and she sat up, changing where she was sitting so she was on Stiles' lap.

"And I'm pretty sure you were half naked most of the time we were alone," Stiles stated, smirking.

Hope blushed and to keep Stiles from asking anymore questions she kissed him.

This was probably one of the few ways she could get Stiles to shut up, kissing him worked every single time.

It quickly grew from just distracting him, now she wanted to kiss him forever.

Her hands trailed up his bare chest, feeling the muscles that she had missed touching.

He pulled her farther down as the kiss continued, Hope kissed every inch of his face, lingering on his eyes, a blindness that might be a part of him forever.

Hope broke the kiss for a moment to pull off her shirt and when she leaned back down to kiss him, he stopped her.

"I...I don't know what I'm doing," Stiles admitted, his face flushed red.

Hope smiled lovingly, placing her hands on his face,"You're doing it already just by being here."

Stiles let out a shaky breath, before nodding,"Okay."

Hope leaned back down and kissed him softly, not as rushed, there could be times where it was wild and crazy, but neither of them could think of a better way to do it the way they were.

Time Skip

Stiles couldn't sleep, and it wasn't just what happened between him and Hope, it was something else, whatever happened while he was a baby did something else to him.

He carefully extricated himself from Hope, doing his best not to wake her, thankfully she only stirred but didn't wake.

He headed for her bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Stiles braced his fists on the counter, he faced the mirror, and he set his jaw as he started to concentrate.

His eyes glowed red and his vision cleared, he could feel the wolf already trying to take over, to send him into a rage that could kill anything that moved.

His breathing came out in harsh pants and he focused on the sounds of Hope's breathing in the other room.

It calmed him down enough to look down at his hands, the few memories he had of Hope's face filled his mind, and he felt a warmth pulse through him.

The fire in him flickered, it didn't try to rip its way out of the cage like the wolf did every time, it gently coaxed the cage door open with each beat of his heart.

Stiles' red eyes looked down at his hands as they raised, coming together like he was holding water in them, a warmth started at his heart and slowly pulsed down his arms and into his fingers.

It always started with his heart, he didn't even know why, he didn't know a lot of things about this fire that just showed up the night of the lunar eclipse but he knew it was responsible for some of the bizarre things that's been happening to him.

He watched the glow in his fingers start to brighten, and for less than a second he could see a flame conjure up in his hands swirling around before disappearing.

He squeezed his hands shut as his vision disappeared, he leaned on his elbows pulling on his hair in frustration.

Stiles always hated that part, the moment where he can see, then it just disappears faster than it came.

But he did find something out, he was more than a werewolf, he just didn't know what the other part was. And he prayed to anyone who was listening that it wasn't anything terrible.

Stiles walked back into the room, crawling back under the covers with Hope and she unconsciously stretched an arm out and pulled him closer.

He couldn't help but smile, wrapping an arm around her, she responded by placing her head on his chest. It was like their bodies were perfectly molded for each other, and he found it hard to believe that he was once afraid of this, touching another person.

Now he would do anything to keep Hope safe, even if it meant killing himself.

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