Kidnapped in Italy

By kae_bae2

240K 3.9K 306

First-time publishing- Bonnie Davis is a sweet innocent girl. She has friends that get her into a lot of shit... More

Introductory/ Author's warnings!
The beginning
Being a mother of two is hard
Seeing my angel
Greek God
I'm too young to die!
My fallen one
The interrogation
You won't be shown this type of mercy
Or what?
I'm just tired
Mr. Bossman
I'm a billionaire, neonata
Nerf gun war!
What punishment?/ aesthetics
The deal
Why me?
I am a grown ass woman
I knew you were dying!
Why the nicknames?
Wrapped around his little finger
Who the hell is Jessica?
I'm going to kiss you, okay?
I'm going deaf, mane
You as in you
I zdon't like youwa britcha
Then, let me fulfill your hunger
This is my fault
Hashtag, virgin bitch out
After one fucking argument, Enzo!
What? Cat got ya tounge?
They betrayed us!
Lies, lies, and more fucking lies
A fucking nightmare
Sorry for hurting you, biggie
I can't live without you, baby
I'm back, bitches!
Mr & Mrs, Dickhead
You are my perfect queen
The Set Up!
Your friend was a mouse?
Now, let me taste you
My Punishment
You didn't love her
Everyone's favorite Stripper
Oh, Boohoo, bitch!
The Devil & his Demon
Let me relieve your pain
A bad bitch's party!
The security tapes
Loving a monster
Our breakup date
Suck, fucked, and bucked
Girls and Ty night!
The betrayal
Want to play a game?
Im the bait?
Just friendly?
Queen Bonnie & King Enzo
Sexy Santa
Manipulative and controlling
Please! God, no! Not my baby!
No, please! Please, stop!
My man, My man, my man
Good girl
Baby Sven
I love my little family
Spoiled brat
Amore, please
Girls day
No, I am not your mother, remember?
You're still my good girl
What did Antonio do?!
Dad's leaving?
Happy Death Day, Bitch!
Queen Aurora
Live life, fuck, & have fun
Knock Knock, Bitch!

I don't want to let her go

936 16 0
By kae_bae2

Bonnie Davis

It has been...two months and at this point, I've accepted my fate. I've screamed in pain every day, but no one answered, I have been beaten, drugged, and forced to do things I didn't want to do.

Mentions SA‼️- no rape, promise, doesn't make it better tho!

In the end, it's really this, all men are sick! I've never really agreed until a huge man came into my cell and beat me until I was barely even conscious, be then proceeded to force himself to touch me. He touched my breast and kissed me. However, Tony told them not to touch me, so he tied him up and let me cut off his dick.


I haven't eaten since last week and I've lost more weight more than when I starved myself in America. Tony stopped beating me...Um, I think the last time was two weeks ago. I've been healing, but something still hurts, the fact that I miss my bed, food, clothes, showers, friends, and Enzo.

"Bonnie, here!" Guards demanded while throwing a piece of a biscuit at me and laughing. I picked it up and sat back on my bed, he handed me a cup of water that had very little in it. I drank it with the last bit of dignity I had left before throwing it to the wall and crying.

Enzo Romano

It's been for what seems like years since I've seen Bonnie, I miss her smile, her smell, her stubbornness.

The plans to get her that Friday changed the moment he demanded more things and then decided to keep her for his benefit. I've looked all over this fucking Country, I've been to clubs, I've killed over ten thousand people for her, I've run out of time with her and I blame myself.

The tracker she has does not work meaning she's underground or somewhere where the signal doesn't reach. I've cried, screamed, tortured, and more but it still didn't bring her back.

Then there's Antonio, he has been going crazy since she's left. At first, he yelled at everyone and didn't listen to me at all, but after a month passed, he got quiet. He always has on headphones and he stays in his room on most days, Zuri has been depressed which was a huge issue because of the baby, so they left the estate a few weeks ago. Ty is just Ty, the only time we get to laugh is when he says some funny or stupid shit that just doesn't make any sense. He's been light, but he finally broke after the month was over as well, he and Raven broke up so he is at the training compound, staying in Bonnie's old room she had when she was there.

Lexi, Lexi worked day and night to find her, but she gave up after a while, she and Antonio broke up last month because Antonio was aggressive and didn't put in effort into their relationship because he was broken-hearted.

I have been by myself and I have been drinking, Bonnie would kill me if she was to find out, but she's not here to take it from me. I've been making deals and been starting wars with different mafias just because I had the power, I have built my mafia to be so strong from all the fear I put in them. I forced their knee or I took their life or someone in their family's life. I do all this, but the bitches still can't bring me my fucking girl back!!

"Fucking piece of shit!" I yelled as I punched the man over and over. I think he was dead, but I kept punching until Bel pulled me off, I cleaned my hands and took off my bloody shirt as I walked to the office from the basement.

My phone rang as I walked into the room, Kristoff was whining in the corner and I rubbed him before grabbing the phone.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone.

"En-... Enzo, hello....can you hear me?" I heard Sasha's voice through the phone as she was breaking up.
"Yeah, what is it?" I asked as I sipped my drink.

"I' sneak in....have Bonnie...I got her-

The phone call ended and I threw the cup before screaming for Antonio and Lexi I come here.  I tried to call Sasha back, but it wasn't going through, they came into the office looking a mess and I banged the phone.

"Sasha said something about having Bonnie and now I can't get her back on the phone-

The phone rang again and I answered it in a hurry.

"Enzo, Bonnie's safe I have her...Fuck!" she yelled and I heard tires screeching in the background. Antonio throws his phone before running over to grab my phone.

"What's happening?! Where are you?!" Antonio yelled into the phone. Lexi grabbed the computer to try and hack the call.

"I'm down the street from the estate, but I have a lot of men following me, I need help!" she yelled.
"We're on the way, try to hold them off the best you can," he said before hanging up. He ran out and so did Lexi.


"Fuck, that's a mess!" Elijah said under his breath as he looked at the cars in front of us. Sasha had five cars behind her and we were trying to knock them all out one by one. There was ten behind us that had blown up.

Lexi called everyone to let them know and everyone came in a hurry, Ty is on the way and Zuri is at the estate. I climbed through the sunroof and fought the man who made his way onto our car, I pushed him off and he screamed before getting his head rolled over. I grabbed a bomb to throw it in the car's sunroof since it was open.


"Fuck, yeah!" Antonio yelled before shooting the other cars. We spotted Sasha as she was driving and we passed the other two cars, we came side by side and I saw Bonnie passed out in the backseat.

"What's wrong with her?!" I yelled as Lexi swerves to stay beside her. Antonio, Raven, and Elijah shot the cars as they shot back.

"I sedated her so she wouldn't make too much noise, she didn't even see me, I snuck up behind her but-

The car hit the back of her and she almost lost control of the car, but she gained the control back. Antonio shot the guy's shoulder, pulled the parking brake causing our car to stop and for the two cars to hit the back of us as they hit each other. Our car almost flipped but it didn't, we all got out with our guns and started shooting the people in the car.

"Fuck you!" the man yelled and I shot him in the head. We continued to shoot them all until none were left, Sasha finished driving on the street and I rushed as she stopped and turned back around.
She stopped in front of us and I ran to the passenger side and opened the door, she was so little. I cried as I picked her up, she was so light and she had so many bruises, I kiss her all over and she groaned causing me to laugh.

"Wake up, tigre," I said. She opened her eyes and looked around while squinting, but she froze when she caught sight of me.

"E-Enzo?" she questioned. I nodded and she hugged me tighter while crying causing me to cry harder.


Bonnie passed out from lack of food, dehydration, and sleep deprivation, I took her a bath as she slept. I laid her gently on our bed then sat beside her as Zuri hooked her to an IV and food bag.

"Please! No!" Bonnie yelled in her sleep. Zuri tried not to cry and Antonio never took his eyes from her as he hurt, I rubbed her face and she calmed down, but out of nowhere, she sat up, out of breath.

"Calm down, Bon, you're okay!" Antonio and I said as I comforted her, but she pulled from me. I gave her a confused look before watching as she pulled her legs up to her chest as if it was her protection and I broke.

"Wh-what did they do to you, amore?" I asked as tears fell from my face. She shook her head "no" and it made me cry harder, she bit her lip as she cried, but she then leaped onto me and cried into my arms.

"I'm-I'm so so so fucking sorry! So fucking sorry! I hate myself, I hate myself for sleeping, I'm so sorry!" I said she shushed me before pulling away. She smiled and waved at Zuri, Antonio, Lexi, Raven, and Ty they waved back while crying and Bonnie fiddled with the end of her shirt.

"How have you all been doing- Oh my, your stomach is huge!" Bonnie stated as she rubbed Zuri's stomach, we all laughed and she kissed her belly.
"Aunt Bonnie is here, surprisingly," She said as she laughed. I held her hand in mine as she talked to the stomach.

"Aunty isn't doing so well, Olaf, I was taken and was hurt bad by men. I won't let you turn out like them, piccolo piccolo bambino." she said as she cried. Elijah sniffled from behind Zuri and it took me by surprise, Bonnie smiled at him.

"Wassup, bitch!" she said before hugging him! He laughed and hugged her back.

"Oh, and don't forget you owe me!" she said. She hugged Ty after hugging everyone else.

"Elsa," she started back crying as she walked up to him. Antonio started crying before pulling her into a hug and kissing her head all over.
"Fuck, I've missed you!" Antonio cried. Lexi sniffed and I smiled at her, Bonnie pulled away and looked at Lexi.

"Don't worry, he's all yours," she said as she rolled her eyes. I frowned and she sat beside me, she was lost in her thoughts while looking at the floor.

"Do you want to tell us about it because it will really help get rid of these questions that are buzzing around me?" Antonio asked. She looked at him and her face fell, her lip trembled but she wiped the tear from her eye and laughed it off.

"Oh, yeah, sure! Umm... The first few..umm nights were bad at first with the beating and sleeping, oh, and the starving." she said and acted as if she was fine, but I could see right through her.

"The men were...they were unkind and definitely took advantage of me when I was at my lowest-

"You don't have to continue," I said as I balled up my fist. She caressed it and kissed my cheek before continuing.

(Mention of her *SA-skip to stars to avoid )

"A man came into my ce-cell one had been a while since I've been beaten. By a lot, I mean two days, the man beat me until I couldn't function, I couldn't walk, breath, talk, scream." she cried as she remembered. I squeezed my eyes tight and Antonio sniffed.
"The man...he-he...he climbed on me," she cried and I opened my eyes to look at her as she cried.
"He forced my legs apart, but even he wasn't stupid enough to go against Tony's wishes so he stopped, well I thought he did," she said. Zuri was on the ground crying hard while Lexi hugged her, Elijah was just frozen with tears.

"He grabbed my neck and t-touched me...I-I fought and fought-

"And you were so strong, so fucking strong, amore." I interrupted her as I pulled her into me.

"Tony found out when he saw me beat, he let me get help for a week before he asked me what happened. I told him and he got angry and tortured and killed the man with my help. It shocked me and after that he just left me alone. It was as if he forgot about me, so he left me alone for two weeks until I somehow." she said.


I wiped my tears from my eyes and a knock on the door sounded. Bridget came in with Mexican food and a chocolate cake causing Bonnie to hug her.

I whispered a "thank you" to her since I didn't tell her to do it. Zuri took out Bonnie's feed tube since she was about to eat some food, Bonnie coughed as Zuri gently took it out.

"That's horrible!" Bonnie said. I laughed and she glared at me, she grabbed the food and started eating.

"Get, so she can eat!" Antonio demanded to everyone. They rolled their eyes and left, all except for him, he sat on the bed and watched her.
"I'm not going to disappear, Antonio." She laughed with a mouthful of food. He laughed and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"I don't want to even risk it." he said. His smile faded as he looked at me, but he put it back on when she looked at him.

"So, you and are things?" she asked him.
I frowned as I knew she was going to break when she finds out.

"Uh, We broke up and before you say anything like that to Raven and Ty just know, they broke up as well. Zuri and Elijah are stable its just Zuri who is depressed and-... Bonnie, stop!" he said as he hugged her. She cried into his arms and blamed herself over and over again.

"No, this is my fault, Bon! Don't blame yourself because this is on me." I said to her. She lifted her head from Antonio and sniffed.

"In a way, I know it's not your fault, but in others, I know it is. I love you but the mafia is killing me, I want to go back to the compound. I can't do this anymore...j-just don't blame yourself...okay?" She said as she grabbed my face and kissed my cheek, I cried more and nodded.

"Can I just hold you, only for tonight, please?" I asked. She cried and nodded "yes" before crawling into my arm. Antonio was about to leave when Kristoff ran in through the door.

"Oh my, you're so big!" she said as he jumped onto the bed and licked her all over her face. She laughed and rubbed the dog all over and I sighed while looking at her, I can't believe I have to let her go, again.


A very emotional chapter.

I'm sorry, Anna! I'll make things better for you!

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