Sundrop and moondrop x Yn One...

By VanVan_13

40K 590 634

Art isn't mine!These are oneshots of Sundrop and moondrop x yn. Most of these will be fluff, maybe some will... More

Before we start
Christmas special! (Why not)
Nightmare in the daycare (Moondrop x Yn)
Happy new years guys! (New years special)
Glow in the dark (Moondrop/Sundrop x Mechanic Y/n)
Clouds in the sky. ( Sundrop/Moondrop x yn)
Clouds in the sky pt2 (Heavily requested :D)
Superstar Daycare(Sundrop/Moondrop x Teen Yn)
Superstar Daycare (part 2, I knew i had no choice XD)
Dancing in the dark (Sundrop/Moondrop x Visitor Yn)
Stars die when suns rise.. (Sundrop/Moondrop x Trans Male Y/n!)
The Tired and The Restless (Sun/Moon x Tired Y/N)

Where the stars lie (Sundrop/Moondrop x Animatronic reader)

3.1K 60 41
By VanVan_13

Author's note: HI! Ok, highschool starts this thursday , and right now it's wednesday night, so I hope you enjoy this. this is a mostly funny situation when you meet moondrop, he isn't usually talkitive but today you decide you wanna meet him this time during naptime, hope you enjoy!


"Good morning Sunny!" You yawned softly as you walked out from the ballpit, that was where you usually powered off, you would sit on the railing. "Good mornin' sunbite!" Sun laughed, your hair was messed up. You had hair on your animatronic to make it seem more comfortable, you were a bunny, programmed for lullabies and calmness when naptime was around. You would also be there to play with kids , along with the kids who had mental disabilities, such as: Sensory issues, autism, you could also help with tourettes, but you could help with a lot more disabilities too, you also had medical training! So you would see Moon frequently, as well as sun. You fixed up your hair giggling in the process, "Gosh, I fell in the ballpit while sleeping again!" You weren't at all mad,you were amused in fact, you were quite comfortable in any position. It was 8:20, so you still had time to mess with sundrop. You guys played hide and seek and you were able to get on top of the play structure and held your knees and rested your head on them, Sun never checked up there, unless he hid there. "Ohh Sunbite~!" He calls out, you try not to laugh, he does a certain tone sometimes, and he very well knows, it makes you crack up. This was going to be hard.

It's been 5 minutes, and at this point you constantly can here him running in the structure, he knows you're programmed for safety , and a large animatronic running in a structure wasn't exactly what anyone would call safe. But you're able to calm down and tune it out, you had laid down about a minute ago, and decided to look at the stars. You can imagine them, swirling around, dancing in their family, their constellation. They laughed, offering you to join them, you smile and close your eyes, you think of how it would be, to be as free as a star, with sun and moon. You thought of it for a second. And, it would be absolute chaos! But that wouldn't matter, it would be the fun type of chaos. But your thoughts were cut short by a defeated sun. "I give up sunbite, please come out." He was laughing at his defeat. "Close your eyes sunny! I can never let you know of my hiding spot~" You giggled. And as requested, he covered his eyes with his hands, you knew he was respectful of any winner, so you jumped down and landed in the ball pit, as you did everytime. "Open your eyes Sunny." You smiled softly as he saw you sinking in the ball pit. "SuNbItE!" He screamed jokingly as he dove in, picking you up with care, "I save yet another damsel in distress!" He seemed so funnily proud, with a goofy look on his face. As you jumped down from his arms you hugged him tight.

-When it was 8:55-

You and sun got into place, you , at the top of the play structure, and Sun at his balcony, you and him would be synchronized when you two jumped down from your platforms. You winked at sundrop and he winked back, he was so cool sometimes. with 2 minutes left to spare you sat down and looked down at the hight of where you were from where the ball pit surface was. It was literally the size of a house, the whole play structure, yeah, the play structure , alone. Kids started flooding into the ball pit , and you hear the signal, which was sun saying " Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" You both jumped in, the kids squealing in excitement.

-fast forward to naptime (I'm lazy and it's midnight, helppp TwT)-

You yawn after hours of playing tag, hide and seek, twister, and multiple other games, and suprisingly, today no kids needing helping with sensory issues except for one who got a sensory overload, and needed to be taken out and calmed down for a few minutes with the comforting help of You. "Alright kids, it's time for nap time!" Sun cheerfully said, walking towards the light switch while kids took blankets and pillows, along with a stuffed toy from a box in the daycare. You decide to ask them,"Ok kids, Story? Or lullabies first?" and the kids replied with the choice, story first. They were smart. Sometimes there are still others awake after a story, so singing could help a lot after a story. So as soon as the lights turned out, some of your features glowed and the stars on the ceiling glowed too. This was a feature to sooth the kids afraid of the dark, and plus, it's never nice to be sleeping in the dark. So moondrop, the night time version of sundrop came over, story in hand. He was actually very caring when given the chance. "Hi moon! Which story today?" You asked, excited to meet him as he never really interacted with you. "It's called ___ (You pick which book)." He started reading, you joining in at certain points. It had been about a few minutes before the story was finally read, now it was your turn, you sat in the middle of the kids, who were all close to eachother. You started to sing in your, soft , melodic tone, swaying all the awake kids to sleep, as it was so soothing, as you finished your lullaby, you patted a few nearby kids on the head. 

You parkoured up to your spot , on top of the play structure, only to be followed by the one and only, moon. "Hi!" You happily greeted him. He waved back and sat next to you. Slowly but carefully , your hand rose behind his back, reaching his hat, and you snatched it stood up, and ran across the top of the structure, "Hey! Give that back you little twerp!" He understood how it was a game and began chasing you, "AhHhHhHhHh!" Of course, you both were being quiet, so you let out a small and funny , and very quiet, squeal. You go back to your  original spot, Unable to jump into the ball pit in fear it would cause to much noise, so you threw his hat at his face, "Headshot! Booya!" You squeaked as you ran past him going to the other side and almost escaping by trying to jump onto the ground, that wasn't a ballpit. "Nice try bunny, but no carrot can make you hardwired enough to get out of my grasp." He decided to sit , you still in his grasp, basically sitting in between his legs. "Did you just assume i like cArRoTs?" you tried to say as offended as possible even though you were blushing at the nickname he gave you. You ,of course, weren't offended at all, it took a lot to make you unhappy, instead, you found the situation hilarious! You hugged moon back as you turned around. "Wanna play hide and seek moony?" He blushed at the nick name, but definitely agreed, he liked games. So you decided to hide in the ball pit, as moon already knew your original hiding place, and it was his starting point. 

You knew, from now on at naptimes, you wouldn't be alone anymore. and that's all you ever really wanted.

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