My secret {Newt x reader} [bo...

By multifandomnerd_

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Y/n is a descendant of Eddie Brock. Throughout the years, his family has been hosting Venom. When Y/n was a... More

My characters
Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve

Chapter two

2.2K 41 11
By multifandomnerd_

A man with grey hair and a clipboard walked into the cafeteria.

"He's the one who calls names to go this 'safe place'," Eli whispers to me. I nod and turn to face him. He starts calling out names. I watch as people get up. I don't recognize any of the names. Only one. I freeze when he says it.

"Y/n." The man calls. Why did he call my name? I just got out of that medical place today, a little under an hour ago. I shakily stand up. And walk over. I turn to see Aris and Eli watching me, worriedly. I walk out of the room to see 2 doctors waiting. The rest of the kids walk past them. I do too, but one grabs my arm.

"Something went wrong with some of our tests. We need to take you back to the medical room," one of the doctors say. I nod and follow them. I'm led to the white bed I woke up in. I see the same girl who was brought in when I left, asleep on the bed next to me with tubes attached to her. I lay down and the doctor injects me with something, making me pass out.

~Time skip~
I wake up to see the dark haired girl staring at the ceiling.

"Hi," I say quietly. I have no clue what time or day it is or how long I've been out. She looks to me. The lamp lights around us make her blue eyes even brighter.

"Hi," she says shakily. I realize that she had been crying.

"You alright?" I ask the girl.

"They gave me my memories back..." She says softly. I look at her, sympathetically. I imagine it must be hard to remember the tragic aspects of the past. I open my mouth to speak but the girl beats me to it.

"My mother... she got the flare when I was little. I kept her in the basement, hoping she'd get better..." she takes a deep, shaky breath. "I woke up one day to a silent house. The screaming had stopped... I went to see her, thinking she was better. She... she had clawed her eyes out." The girl beside me lets out a sob. I want to get up and comfort her, but the tubes attached to me make it impossible.

"I'm sorry..." I say. The girl looks at me.

"This place... it's WICKED. And... I-I worked for them. I helped build the maze, I put my friends there, I watched them get tested and tortured and treated like lab rats!" She lets out another sob. I feel awful for the girl.

"Hey... that's in the past. Do you agree with what you did?" I ask. The girl shakes her head. "Do you agree with WICKED?" The girl shakes her head violently. "And most importantly... would you do it again?" She hesitates and shakes her head.

"No. But-we need to find a cure. What I went through- other people are going through it all over. We need a cure so they don't have to go through that. But, what WICKED is doing... it's wrong. It's terrible."

I nod. "I agree. With all of that. We need a cure. But we need to find a way out..." I start. Then I get an idea. Before I can share it, doctors come back in. They greet us, talk a little and inject us with the stuff that makes us pass out.

~Time skip~
I wake up and hear a lot of commotion. A group of 4 boys and a girl show up. Eli. And four of the boys from the group Aris pointed out. The pale boy with dark hair and eyes rushed over to the girl next to me, who was still sleeping. Eli sees me and rushes over.

"Y/n! You're alive!" She unhooks me from the tubes and helps me up. I smile at her.

"Yea... what's going on? Where's Aris?"

"We're leaving. He went through the vents with one of these guys' friends to do something. We're gonna meet up with them now come on-" As Eli finishes her sentence, officers start banging on the door. Someone had pushed a cart in front of the door, so they can't get in right away. I don't really pay attention, since I'm still a little tired from whatever the doctors injected me with. As Eli helps me stand, I see the fair skinned boy with dark hair and the blonde boy take stools and hit the window. The first time, the stools bounced off the window. The second time, however, the glass shattered. Someone(I didn't pay enough attention to see who) placed a towel over the window to make it easier to climb over. Eli helped me over to the window. We were the last ones. Eli helped me over to the window. The tall blonde boy was on the other side. He reached his arms out and lifted me up and over the glass. Eli climbed over just as the door to the medical room swung open. Eli nodded to the blonde boy to thank him for helping me. She grabbed my arm and draped it around her neck to help me walk. We walked as fast as possible, trying to keep up with the others.

Just then, I was able to walk stably again. I stop leaning on Eli and ran on my own. Eli quickly caught up to me. We managed to catch up to the others.

We keep running. We reach a door that leads to a way out. The pale brunette pulls out a card and swipes it on the security pad, trying to get it open. It wouldn't work. He kept trying over and over, but it wouldn't work.

"Come on, work stupid security card!" Eli exclaimed impatiently. We all watched as the brunette boy kept trying to open the door. Eli turned to me.

"Y/n. Think venom could get this door open?" She whispered. I shake my head.

"Maybe. He could probably bust the door down but then WICKED guards could follow us more easily. Plus, they'd see venom at his full power. There's no way they wouldn't follow us and they would definitely kill whoever stopped them. I don't want these people to die, Eli. Plus, I'm not quite ready for these people to find out about venom yet," I replied. Eli nodded.

"Ok-" she started. She was cut off by a male voice.

"Thomas!" I turned to see the same guy who called names in the cafeteria. The brunette boy gave the card to one of his friends, the one with black hair that had his back facing us in the cafeteria, who continued to try and open the door. The brunette boy grabbed a gun and walked forward.

"What do you want, Janson?" He asked, pointing his gun at the man. So I'm guessing his name is Thomas. And the man's name is Janson.

"I just want to talk," Janson said. I don't pay any more attention to their conversation and look back to Thomas's friend who kept trying to get the door open. Then, without his friend swiping the card, it beeps and starts to open.

I see Aris and another one of Thomas's friends standing on the other side of the door.

"Aris?" I ask.

"Hey guys," he responds, slightly out of breath. We all rush to the other side of the door.

"Thomas! Come on!" One of the guys yells. Thomas shoots a few more times as he backs up. The door starts to close. Thomas runs out of ammo and throws the gun at Janson. Well that was stupid. I nod my head slightly in agreement with venom, although I'm a little confused on the randomness of his timing. Thomas sprints down the hallway as the door continues to close.

"Get out of the way!" He yells as he gets nearer. We all move back. Thomas slides under the door just as it closes. Aris smashes the security panel so the WICKED guards can't get through. Thomas flips off Janson through the glass and we run off.  We exit the building. We run away from the search party coming after us, across the sand and go to the other side of a sand dune.

"In here!" The girl who was with me in the hospital says. She stops in front of a broken window and enters, sliding down some sand, into an abandoned building. We all follow.

"Eli, Aris, you two ok?" I ask. They nod.

"Who are you?" Thomas asks.

"This is Y/n. She was in our maze with us," Aris responds.  I smile slightly at the group. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Frypan," the guy with dark skin replied. I smile.

"I'm Minho," The guy who had been trying to open the door after Thomas said. "That Shank is Thomas, if you didn't already guess. That's Winston." He points to their tan friend with dark hair.
"And that's-"

"I can bloody introduce myself, Minho," their blonde friend responds. He has an accent I didn't quite recognize. It sounded beautiful though. The blonde smiles.

"I'm Newt," He says. I smile.

"And I'm Teresa," The girl who was in the medical room with me said.

"Nice to meet you all. Now, what's our plan? Where do we go from here?" I ask.

"I, uh..." Thomas says hesitantly.

"You do have a plan, don't you Thomas?" Newt asks.   

"Uh, yea... Yea, I do," Thomas says. It's not very convincing.

"You mean to tell me that we followed you out here and you don't know where we're going or what we're doing?" Newt asks, his voice rising.

"Janson said something about a rebellion group called the right arm in the mountains," Aris chimed in. Thomas nodded.

"Yea. We'll go to the right arm. Head to the mountains," He says.

"People. In the mountains. Mountain people. That's your plan?" Newt asks in slight disbelief.

"Wait-how did you find out about the Right Arm? You talked to Janson?" I ask, confused.

"We went to a restricted room that the vents couldn't access. There were... bodies. Strung up. They were being drained... harvested. For something in their blood. Janson came in and talked with Ava Paige. That's how we found out," Thomas said.

"Hey guys, check this out," Winston says, looking at something in the dirt. "Minho, gimme a light." Minho and everyone else walk over and look. There are tracks in the ground.

"People were here before us..." Teresa says.

"Maybe theres some stuff here we could use?" Eli asks.

"Maybe. Let's split up. See what we can find," Thomas says. He and Minho walk off. Winston and Aris also walk off. Eli, Teresa, Frypan, Newt and I stayed to look in the area we were in. Eli, Teresa and I find some clothes that we change into. We all find similar outfits. We each have a clean pair of pants, black combat boots white tops and a neutral colored jacket. The only difference is Teresa had on light tan pants, and whiteish infinity scarf and Eli and I had on jeans. Eli found a white bandana she used to pull her long blonde hair into a ponytail.

After we changed, we stepped out from behind the secluded area we went to to change. We went back to the others to help look for other useful things. They had also changed into new clothes.

I start rummaging through some things, looking for more things that could be useful. We need to talk. I sigh.

"I'm gonna go look over that way for a sec. I'll be back," I say. I get up and walk away, to a secluded, dark area. Venom branches out from you so you can see it. (Like this)

"Ok. What is it, venom?" I ask. Venom opens its mouth to talk, but I hear something else that makes me freeze.

"Bloody hell...?!?"

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