Youth and Escapades (DISCONTI...

By lightfury08

480 47 10

โš ๏ธUnder Major Editsโš ๏ธ Thalleous finds an old village called Pikoro Village and within it an orphanage. Thankf... More

Pikoro Village
Making A Safezoon
Two Unexpected Visitors
The Elder and The Children
The Journey Has Begun
The Tides vs War
I Will Not Join The War
Joining The Knights of Ardonia
Meeting The Knights of Ardonia
The Vault
The Captain and The Secret
Dante's Brother

The Lost of Something Pure

24 3 0
By lightfury08

"Those We Love Are Never Truly Leave Us. There Are Certain Things Death Cannot Touch"-Jack Thorne

2 Months Ago
As Galleous and his brother walk along the roads leading towards Ataraxia Thalleous was on his guard in case the undead try to attack while Galleous was having an Apple and Galleous seemed to notice his brother beening tense, "Hey we are fine besides the entrench to Ataraxia is right there we will be fine" Galleous says but hears no respons till he turns around as see Thalleous tried up and gagged by the horde of undead lead by a Necromancer. Galleous pulls out an iron sword, but Thalleous managed to muffle the word run but Galleous didn't listen instead try to fight but didn't work till he was knocked out and left there as Thalleous continues to escape but the undead grip was firm so he tired himself out and passes out from all the thrashing about.

As Galleous hears noise he finds himself on a bed in what appeared to be a healer's hut and the healer had him proper up as Galleous groans from the headache he feels the healer turns around, "oh good your wake! How to you feel" the healer asked but all Galleous feeling was that he lost his pride and his brother as Galleous darts out the healers towards we're he was last night only to find that Thalleous was not there. Galleous felt the shame of letting his brother bening taking away under his watch. As Galleous collapsed on his knees in tears he felt a hand touch his shoulder and as he looks up, he see Zulius Kaltaris standing there, "Galleous I'm so sorry we will send a search party later this afternoon. Whoever did this could've gotten far" Zulius made sure he promised Galleous his brothers safe return only to know what really was going on somewhere Galleous would never expect.

As Thalleous wakes up in a weird cave covered weird tapestries of two Nether swords over eachother. The room also had a small bed and a small pit of lava probably for warmth. The cave looked like a normal cave and as Thalleous got a better look around he could hear voices but decided not to listen especially with this headache he has form all the thrashing about he did, and song use during the battle against the undead earlier. Soon after a few moments a mysterious figure comes in and takes a seat in front of Thalleous but Thalleous just ignores him. Then the mysterious stranger ordered the undead to leave them so they could have a "private" chat, "well I hope your well? And I hope the travel wasn't too much trouble since considering your age it you must be tired" the man started but Thalleous just ignored him by not making eye contact, "where are we" Thalleous asked then the man laughed, "well I guess since your my guest I must insist on giving you a tour" the man asked then with the snap of a finger a Ardoni with yellow colors and dark red almost black armor come in and takes the chains off Thalleous gently and then leaves, "thanx I guess" Thalleous continues to ignore and follows the mysterious man out somewhere Thalleous was shocked to see.

"WE ARE IN THE NETHER" Thalleous was shocked as ever and couldn't believe his eyes as the lava pored then he turns and sees the mysterious person had lifted there clocked. An Ardoni,Voltaris, male and his horns were so long indicating he was very old. He looked almost see through although Thalleous just looked away and the Voltaris chuckled, "I'm sorry for my appcomples "The Voltaris said staring at the Nestoris who just looked away and the Voltaris continued, "I only wish to make you any offer" the Ardoni said which got Thalleous's attention, "Help me retrieve the Prime Songs and I'll help you with anything you want and even let you leave here in peace" The Voltaris asked but Thalleous was not going to fall for those tricks but then again he was tempted, "I'll think about it but please let me go so I can find my brother who is probably worried sick looking for me" Thalleous begged and the Voltaris nods and decides to let him go but not before whispering something into Thalleous's ear, "I know who you really are. What your heritage comes from. Who your parents were and everything else? Oh, by the way my name is Shad Voltaris" Shad said as Thalleous walks out of the portal was right back in Ataraxia and as he made his way into his Corders he sat there thinking about what Shad had mentioned. Thalleous had always kept secrets from Galleous for his own safety, but Thalleous knew he couldn't hide the truth about their parents forever and wondered who Shad knew. So Thalleous decides he'll accepted Shad's offer. As Thalleous made his way towards Shad he only smiled, "I see you have come to your senses now where shall I begin" Shad asked, "Start with my parents how do you know what happened to them. I'm the only one who knows what really happened and I've tried to hide it from Galleous his whole life" Thalleous told Shad who looks at him and smiles, "well my dear boy, I knew about your family because I saw it in a vision of the future saying that the Voltaris master would find out that your parents were using magic and should try to kill your family. Now that is done now your heritage comes from The Voltaris clan. That is right you're a full blood Voltaris and the Sendaris master just Inducted into the Sendaris clan so you could forget your heritage. And when I said-"Shad was about to finish till he sees Thalleous full of tears inducting he disliked hearing about it, "I'm so sorry for what you had to go through, but I assure you I'm not a bad person I just want to tell you the truth about everything that's been happening, and I want to help by saying this I'm. Your. Ancestor" Shad says which beings more horror and shock to Thalleous as he feels a wave of both confused and curious," how can you be my ancestor we don't even have the same markings" Thalleous says as Shad let's out a sigh then looks away for a moment then meets Thalleous's eye, "I'm telling the truth Thalleous. But you don't have my marking is because you're not my son you're my 7,000-year-old grandson. And yes, I said 7,000 years because that is how old I am" Shad says as Thalleous's mouth drops open which only to find Shad laughing,"this is crazy I have so many questions you I don't even know we're to start" Thalleous says with excitement, "but here is the catch you can't tell anyone not even Galleous must know about this. You have kept him happy for this long don't stop by telling him this. Now I know there is only one way to make sure that this secret never gets out. There is this old village called Pikoro and there an alliance was held if you travel and stay in Pikoro you'll can start over trust me it's for the greater good" Shad says as Thalleous nods and heads back home to Ataraxia to prepare the journey ahead.

As Galleous passed back and forth at the entrance to Ataraxia waiting for Zulius's search party to return but as they do, they shake their heads indicating they couldn't find Thalleous. Galleous slammed his hammer on the anvil with anger almost thinking of hitting himself. Galleous couldn't give up hope and like Thalleous once said "Never put off tomorrow what can be done today" and that has stayed with Galleous since the first day Thalleous said it. Galleous would take the whole world apart if he had to if it meant finding his brother no matter the cost. No matter how much blood was spilled Galleous wouldn't stop till Thalleous was safe at home in Ataraxia again!!!

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