the exception [pin hawthorne]...

By cathschapters

47.1K 1.6K 509

~ in which olivia collins fears pin drifting away from her when he joins holloway riding school also in which... More

~the exception
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty

chapter fourteen

2K 67 7
By cathschapters

The yard was much busier than usual. Well, that was to be expected with about a dozen Bright Fields riders moving to Holloway. Emma looked around to see if she could find Olivia, but gave up when she found Marcus instead. Olivia was probably with Pin, the two dancing around each other like always.

"You look lost," she called out to him.

"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly used to such big stables," Marcus replied.

"Need a tour of the place?" Emma suggested.

"Thanks," Marcus said with a charming grin. Emma led him inside, first showing him around the stables and the tack room where he'd likely be going more often, and then the rest of the large building, stopping by the cafe for some food. "I can't believe you guys have a whole cafe here," he said.

"Well, we expect the best," she joked.

"Yeah, I could've guessed that," he chuckled.

"Oi, Emma!" she heard behind her. She rolled her eyes at the sound of the voice.

"What do you want Callum," she drawled out, not bothering to turn around.

"What are you doing here?" he spat.

"Eating," she replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was.

"Don't play stupid, what are you doing here with him," he asked.

"Eating with him?" she replied again. "Just get lost Callum." the cafe was silent for a moment before she heard Callum's receding footsteps. "Don't mind him, he's a dick."

"What's his problem with you?" Marcus asked.

"His problem is that even though he broke up with me he still thinks he has some kind of effect on me or something. When we dated he was always trying to control who I could hang out with, and now he thinks he can still do it," explained Emma.

"Wow, that's—"

"Stupid? Pathetic? Yeah he's all of those things. Word of advice, if you ever break up with Raven girl, don't go for someone with their head so far up their own arse they can't imagine people may not like them," Emma joked.

"I, I actually broke up with her," Marcus said. Emma's eyes widened slightly. "Really? Why?" Emma wondered.

"Like you said, we weren't communicating anymore, and it seems like she likes somebody else now anyways. I think I do too," he said.

"Ooh who's the lucky gal," Emma joked.

"Oh you wouldn't like her," Marcus said.


"Yeah no, she's kind of sassy and confident, oh and really short too, she's kinda just the opposite of you actually," he said sarcastically. Emma raised an eyebrow. Unlike Olivia, she could tell when someone was interested in her.

"Well then, you should probably tell her. I'm sure a guy like you wouldn't have too much trouble winning her heart," Emma said with a wink as she got up. "See you around Marcus," she said as she exited the cafe, the smirk on her face turning to a smile.

* * *

Horse saves young girl from drowning, the article in front of Olivia read. She'd trekked back to Bright Fields to be with Becky and Bob, and Rosie had brought in some newspaper articles about Bob, which they were all looking at together now.

"I know how much Bob means to you guys. I just wanted to say he means a lot to me too," said Rosie, bringing a sad smile to Ben and Becky's faces. Jade suddenly got up and left the tent, confusing Olivia slightly. She scooted closer to Becky, side-hugging her.

"I just can't believe it. Bob always gets through everything, there, there has to be a way to save him," sobbed Becky, Olivia rubbing her back, a tear slipping down her face at her friend's distress.

"Do you want me to call Zoe back here?" Olivia suggested.

"Yeah, I would like that, thanks Olivia," Becky said.

"Okay, I'll be right back," Olivia said, patting Becky's shoulder as she got up and out of the tent. The wind blew her tears away as she dialed Zoe's number with a shaky breath.

"Hey, what's up?" Zoe picked up.

"It's Bob, I— I think they're gonna put him down soon and Becky wants you to be there but, I just can't shake the feeling that Pin could help him," Olivia said.

"Okay, we're on our way," Zoe said before hanging up. Olivia stepped back into the tent.

"Zoe's on her way," assured Olivia.

"And Jade?" asked Becky.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her. Do you want me to go find her?"

"No, I— it's okay," Becky sniffled. "I said some things to her. I didn't mean it, but—"

"I'm sure she understands," said Marcus.

"Firefly's outside. I won't bring him in but—" said Mia.

"It's okay," said Becky softly. "Bob knows he's here."

"We'll never forget him, Becky," Olivia said.

"No one will," she replied weakly, stroking Bob's mane. "Okay. I think I'm ready." Just then, Jade and Susie entered the tent.

"Mr. Duck? You found him," Becky said as Jade walked closer, holding a burnt Mr. Duck toy. "I thought you weren't allowed back in the stables?"

"We're not," Jade shook her head.

"She went straight through the police line like in Mission Impossible or something," Susie added.

"Jade. You broke a rule? For me?" Becky said.

"Here," Jade said softly, handing Becky the toy. It was nearly burnt through, but Becky didn't seem to care as she gently placed it beside Bob.

"Goodbye my hairy friend," she sniffled. "I always knew you were a legend. Now you're part of island history."

"It's time, love," Zoe's mother said. The veterinarian walked closer, bringing in a large needle Olivia couldn't bear to look at. She turned her head away as hot tears blurred her vision.

"Wait," she suddenly heard. She looked up towards the entrance to find, to her immense relief, that Pin had arrived. "I think I can help." Zoe and Gaby entered the tent behind him as he approached the veterinarian, Olivia's teary eyes following his movement. "Have you tried this?" he asked, taking a small bottle out of his medical bag.

"Where did you get hold of that?" asked the veterinarian, surprised.

"It's a therapeutic solvent," explained Pin. "They use it in horse racing in Ireland." The veterinarian looked doubtful.

"Please, I've seen him do it before, I'm sure he can heal Bob," Olivia pleaded with the doctor. Pin looked toward her gratefully. "At least let him try."

"Alright," said the veterinarian, handing Pin the small therapeutic bottle back.

"I'll do what I can Becky," promised Pin as he knelt beside Bob. She nodded, and everyone other than Pin and the veterinarian was ushered out of the tent to let him work. They all sat down on hay bales that were close by, but after only a few minutes, she got up, restlessly waiting right by the tent's entrance. Nobody dared to speak as they tensely waited for news. It could've been an hour or ten minutes before the veterinarian exited the tent, Olivia genuinely couldn't tell.

"Tell me, I can take it," said Becky, bracing herself.

"He'll be off riding for six months, and he'll require constant medical attention, which your friend has agreed to," the veterinarian said. Olivia's breath hitched, the harsh sting of the cold wind making her aware of the dried tears on her face. All around her, people's faces lit up in realisation.

"Wait, off riding for six months? Then that means..." said Becky in realization.

"That young man just saved your horse," announced the veterinarian, sounding somewhat like she couldn't believe her own eyes. Becky rushed into the tent. Zoe and Olivia made eye contact before rushing in after their friend. Pin was kneeling next to an already healthier looking Bob. He looked up and smiled when he saw everyone walk back into the tent with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

"Oh Bob," said Becky as Bob sat up.

"You did it, Pin!" Zoe said. Pin was standing off to the side, trying to stifle a prideful smile.

"You're allowed to be proud, you know?" joked Olivia with a bright smile as she lightly nudged Pin's arm with her elbow. "You just did what even a fully trained veterinarian couldn't do. That's amazing Pin." His lips spread into a bashful smile and he looked down at his feet. Seemingly out of nowhere, Jade started singing the Jecky rap, the one Olivia had heard probably a thousand times a few years ago when Jade and Becky had been inventing it.

"When I say Jecky, you say Bade! Jecky!" sang Becky.

"Bade!" everyone chimed in unison. Becky hugged Bob's neck tightly, and Olivia noticed Pin had slipped away from her side. She looked towards the exit of the tent and glimpsed him exiting the tent. Excusing herself, she followed out after him.

"Where are you going?" she asked him as she approached, rubbing her arms to bring some warmth into them. Pin turned back when he heard her call out, stopping in his tracks.

"Dad called. He wants me home," clarified Pin.

"Oh,"quietly said Olivia. "Well, I know nobody said it, but, we're all so grateful for what you did today. Thank you," she said earnestly, hugging her arms tigher around herself.

"Thanks, I'm just happy I could help," Pin said shyly. "You know, you're gonna need to start wearing your own jackets once in a while," Pin chuckled as he took a green jean jacket out of his bag. He approached her shivering figure, wrapping the jacket around her shoulders. "See you tomorrow," he said as he kissed the crown of her head. Olivia's face immediately warmed up as Pin walked away, mounting his horse and riding away without a look back towards the girl who was frozen in place, her lips parted slightly in shock and her face almost completely bright red. After an embarrassingly long moment, Olivia came to her senses and walked back into the tent. Everyone was preparing themselves for the trekk back to Holloway, making sure Bob was set to travel, but Olivia's mind was in the clouds. This wasn't the first time Pin had done something of the sort, but for some reason this time had stuck with Olivia. As they walked across the moor, Olivia couldn't help but replay the past summer's events in her mind. This whole time, she'd been convinced there was no way Pin could return her feelings, but now, as she really thought about it, she realized there were many more things he'd done that suggested that he did in fact like her. She didn't want to give herself false hope, but as the group arrived at Holloway, Olivia's heart was soaring at the mere thought of Pin maybe liking her back.

"Wait a second. It can't be," Alex said as he approached the arriving group. "No, wait, it is. The island's hottest hip-hop dressage duo just entered the building," he said. Becky smiled sheepishly.

"Listen up," said Mia, taking the front of the group. "We may not have a stables, we may not even have the money to rebuild, but we are more of a team than we've ever been. We will train here at Holloway, and Marcus will be our instructor. We will go to Nationals, and we'll use the prize money to fix Bright Fields." The Bright Fields team cheered at Mia's statement. Olivia looked at Zoe beside her, seeing her gleeful expression slowly fade. Olivia looked towards where her friend was looking, only to find the source of her worry. It was James walking beside Callum.

"What are you doing here?" she said coldly.

"Didn't Callum tell you?" said James. "I'm Holloway's new trainer." Gaby's expression turned to one of surprise. "Get tacked up, be ready in five. We've got a competition to win."

"What are you doing here," said Gaby in annoyance. James approached her, telling her something too quietly for Olivia to hear. After a few moments, she walked away with him, and Olivia didn't miss the disappointed look on Zoe's face.

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