My Quarterback

By brycekmarion

4.7K 84 35

Allison Miller has been in love with her best friend and next door neighbor Luke all her life but Luke has al... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six

chapter nine

210 1 3
By brycekmarion

When we woke up in the morning we all loaded up the cars and cleaned the house. The boys had apparently been up for a couple more hours last night so they were operating slower than usual. Even though I hadn't gone to bed super super late I was still tired from yesterday. In fact I planned on taking a nap when I got home. When I got back to my house I found the house was empty so I went upstairs and decided to finish my homework before I took a nap. I struggled to keep my eyes open the whole time. Luckily I only had a few assignments to complete and didn't have to study or write a paper. When I was done with my homework I jumped under my covers and shut the blinds. But just when I was about to fall asleep my phone rang. I chose to ignore it but whoever was calling did not get the message and called again. I reluctantly picked up. "What." I asked the person on the other line.

"Hey bitch." A voice I quickly recognized as Kelsey's asked.

"What." I answered.

"Ok moodypants. Hello to you too." She paused waiting for me to say something but I didn't. "So I was calling because you know that guy that I've been talking too?"

"Yeah, Colten?"

"Yeah him. Well so he just texted me and asked me to hangout but implied that it could be a group hang if I wanted and now that he said that I don't want to show up with no one in case he is testing me. I don't want to come across like I like him too much so I figured I'd bring a friend. Also like what if he brings a friend and I don't... that would be humiliating. Anyway so that's why I'm calling."

"You want me to go on a date with you and your boytoy?"

"Well he is going to bring a friend I bet so maybe you'll meet someone tonight and get over Luke."

"Did you say tonight?"

"I did." I let out a sigh. "Please please please Allison. PLLLLEAAASEEE."

"Will you pay for my food."

"Sure." Now that was a bargain.

"Ok I'll come."

"Ok great. YAY! I'll pick you up at 8. We are going to Dave and Busters." Wait what!

"Dave and busters. Are you serious?" I yelled into the phone.

"See you later!" Kelsey said as she hung up the phone. I rolled my eyes then looked at the time. It was 6:14 so I decided I'd still take a nap. I set an alarm for 7:40 and then closed my eyes.

Once my alarm went off I got up and went into my bathroom. I brushed through my hair and put on a little makeup in case the slim possibility occurred that Colten did in fact bring a friend and he ended up being my future husband. Once I was done in the bathroom I quickly went through my clothes to decide what to wear. I decided on jeans, a sweater, and my converse. I was in the middle of tying my shoelaces when Kelsey texted me she was outside.

I walked down the stairs and out the door, making sure to lock the door because I had no clue when my dad would be home. He was supposed to be home early tonight but he got called into surgery last minute. Once I climbed into the car Kelsey started to drive and within 20 minutes we arrived at Dave and Busters. Although I believe arcades can be fun, and i'm no germaphobe I just can't ignore how disgusting and crawling with kids these places were. I knew I would end up having fun, as I always did but I also knew I would have to shower once I got home.

"Ok ready?" Kelsey asked as she parked the car.

"I guess so. Is he bringing someone?" I asked her.

"Yes." She answered.

"Do you know who."

"No." I sighed. Great, a blind date.

"Whatever let's go." We got out of the car and started walking toward the building. Here we go.

When we walked in I immediately was met with the sound of video games and the smell of an arcade. I can't explain to you what they smell like but if you know you know. "Where are they?" I asked.

"They got a table so over here." Kelsey started walking and I followed. We approached a booth with one guy seated closest to the end wearing a beanie. He was a good looking dude and seemed to be well built from first glance. As we got closer I recognized the boy sitting next to him. As I scooched into the booth I addressed the boy now sitting across from me.

"Hey Jake." I said. Great now I would have to spend the next hour at least with this guy. Not to be all judgmental but I haven't ever heard him talk about anything other than girls or parties in his lifetime. He looked over at me.

"OMG it's the hot nerd!" He snapped his fingers a couple times. "Allison." I was surprised he actually remembered my name.

"Allison, this is Colten. And you already know Jake." Kelsey stated. I looked over at the boy in the beanie.

"Nice to meet you. Kelsey has been talking nonstop about you." I said to him. I felt a kick under the table.

"Not a lot. Just a normal amount." Kelsey said quickly. Colten let out a small laugh.

"Well that's good to hear." Colten said. Kelsey blushed and gave him a shy smile. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Jake who was fixing his hair for a selfie he was about to take. "So how was your day?" Colten asked.

"Mine was okay but.." I started to speak but realized he was asking Kelsey as he was only looking at her and she was already speaking. I coughed awkwardly and let the two converse.

"So Jake, you come here often?" I asked. He finished taking a picture of himself before he put his phone down and turned his attention to me.

"All the time. It's where I bring all my chicks for dates. It was even my idea to come here tonight. So I gotta know when you gonna be my chica?" He said as he threw and hand behind his head.

"Your chica?" I asked. Lol.

"It means chick in Spanish." He answered with extreme confidence.

"Jake I hate to break it to you but I don't think I'll ever be your chica." I said. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I think we would be better suited as friends."

"Friends?" He asked still looking at me confused. "I've never been friends with a girl before."

"It's a good day to change that." I looked at him with a smile.

"Ok. I'm cool with that. Actually I'm more than cool with that. This is awesome. I have a girlfriend and it's completely platonic." Jake practically shouted his statement. "My mom is going to be so happy when I tell her this!" He added.

Kelsey and Colten were now looking at both of us. Colten looked amused but Kelsey was giving me a look saying get him out of here. I knew just what to do.

"Hey bestie wanna go play some air hockey?" I looked back over at Jake and his face lit up.

"Bestie? Cool! I didn't know we were on that level. Colton honey, you've got to get up so I can pass by and go beat my new best friend's perfect ass in some arcade games." Kelsey got out of the booth to let me pass and gave me a look saying thank you. I just smiled in return and then started following my new "bestie." Before we made it far though Jake turned around and ran back to the table. "Please order me chicken fingers and mozzarella sticks. Thanks." He then turned back around and led the way into the arcade.

"Air hockey?" I asked Jake as we approached table.

"Fuck yeah. I'm about to whoop your ass!" He shouted back. We both went around to each side of the table and then started a match. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. To his dismay I won them all.

"Take that loser!" I said as I did a little victory dance. Jake just laughed in response.

"Ok you are really fucking good at that game." He looked around the room. "Let's go play that basketball game." He walked over to the basketball game and swiped his arcade card. I did the same on the one next to him. Then we started shooting. Sadly he won the match. And the one he made me play after it. The whole time we played though we both couldn't stop laughing. Like I said the arcade ended up being fun. And I even enjoyed the company of my new "bestie."

Jake and I then decided to play a shooting game and a motorcycle racing game. Jake won both. We were just climbing off the motorcycles when Kelsey texted me Jake's food just arrived. When I told Jake he took off running to the table. By the time I sat down Jake was already halfway done with a chicken finger. Kelsey stood up and let me climb in the booth.

"So how was y'all's arcading?" Kelsey asked.

"Actually really fun." I answered with a genuine smile. My answer seemed to make Jake happy as he smiled as well before he ate more food.

"How was the flirting?" I asked. I knew my question would embarrass Kelsey but what are friends for. Her cheeks flushed red just like I expected. But before she could speak Colten answered me.

"It was really nice, I'd really like to do this again too." As he finished his statement he looked back over at Kelsey. "Maybe next time no friends?" He added.

"I'd love that!" Kelsey said with a smile. I looked away from the cute prospective couple to watch Jake devour his last chicken finger. Wow that boy can eat fast.

The rest of the dinner consisted of small talk either between the whole table or just Jake and I because we wanted to let our friends have time to chat on their own. Then when we payed the bill and made our way outside. Now it was time to see if Colten was going to kiss Kelsey goodnight.

Colten and Kelsey were leading the way as we walked toward our cars. Then we all stopped. Immediately I realized how awkward the situation was so I tried to come up with something so I could leave the two alone. "Hey Jake, come here I have a secret to tell you."

"Oh my gosh really what is it?" He answered me. He totally wasn't catching on. I motioned for him to follow me and we walked away behind a car so they couldn't see us anymore. Once we were far enough away I turned around to face him. He looked at my expectantly. "What is it?" He asked.

"There is no secret."

"What! That's so lame." He said with a frown.

"I was just trying to give them time alone to say goodbye."


"So are you excited for school tomorrow?"

"You know what yes! I have a new best friend there." He gave me a wink.

"Oh really who?" After I asked I realized he was referencing me.

"You. Emmett and JT are just going to love you." He gave me a look of excitement.

"I tutor Emmett so I know him already remember?" I asked wondering how he could forget our first two interactions.

"Ohhhh you're right. Well JT is just going to love you." I didn't really know what response he wanted so I just said Yayyy!! He seemed pleased with my response.

"Are you done telling secrets?" I heard Kelsey holler. We both peeked out from behind the car and walked back over to them.

"Bye Colton it was nice to meet you. Bye Jake see you tomorrow," I said. He nodded at me and said basically the same thing. Jake said bye as well. Kelsey said her goodbyes and then we walked to the car. Once we got in we were silent for a second before I spoke, "Did he kiss you?" I looked over at her awaiting a response.

"On the cheek. He said he wanted to wait for a perfect moment!" She shrieked a little before a wide smile took over her face.

"Oh my god a gentleman you never find those these days." I said to her.

"I know I know. AAAH!" She shrieked one more time before she started the car and she started to drive home. On the way she told me every last detail of their conversation while Jake and I were gone. Once we got back to my house I got out of the car and yelled bye before walking in the front door. I saw my dad watching tv in the living room.

"Hey dad. You're home early," I said. He looked over at me.

"Hey sweetheart, it didn't take as long as they thought, how was dinner?"

"Good. Kelsey had a date and I had to tag along since he was bringing a friend."

"Was the friend a boy?" He shot me a serious look. Of course.

"Yes he was."

"Well is it true love?" I giggled a little at his question. Jake and I, no way.

"It is so not." He smiled.

"That is good to hear." I sat down next to him on the couch.

"You know one day I am going to get a boyfriend."

"It's not going to be anytime soon."

"How would you know that?" I gave him a look.

"Well I don't see any boys lining up for your attention." I opened my mouth in shock and then hit him with a pillow.

"You asshole!" I shouted. He just burst into laughter.

"I'm just kidding." I rolled my eyes.

"So what are we watching?" After I asked that question my dad and I watched tv for a bit before we both went to bed. These types of nights were always the best. Being alone is only nice for so long. I cherished any moment my dad was home.

As I was falling asleep that night I thought about it and I came to the conclusion that Dave and Busters really wasn't all that bad.

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