
12.7K 316 614

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โœง W E L C O M E โœง
PR ~ betrayed
PR ~ a friend
PR ~ hogwarts
Y3 ~ dancing together
Y3 ~ together
Y3 ~ layra
Y3 ~ sisters
Y3 ~ magical
Y3 ~ flirty much?
Y3 ~ detention with diggory
Y3 ~ sirius black
Y3 ~ quidditch
Y3 ~ father?
Y3 ~ christmas
Y3 ~ jealousy
Y3 ~ kissing a grandma
Y3 ~ prophecy
Y3 ~ truth
Y3 ~ love, dad
Y4 ~ reunion

Y3 ~ edith

387 11 19

"Ron, I know she's hot, but stop drooling over her."

Disturbia - Rihanna
Wordcount - 2424


Professor Lupin was late to class after lunch, therefor the whole class of Gryffindors were standing outside his classroom waiting for him to open the door.

"Oh come on, I had higher expectations than this." Y/n said, twirling her wand with her fingers.

"I'm sure he's coming any minute now." Hermione sighed.

"I could've stayed at lunch with my sausages for at least ten more minutes." Ron whined as he kicked the ground.

"I wonder what he has planned." Harry said, mostly to himself.

Then, Professor Lupin finally opened the classroom, smiling vaguely. He was as shabby as ever, but looked a lot healthier than on the train, Y/n noticed. Almost like he'd had a few square meals.

"Good afternoon," He said. "Today will be a practical lesson, no books required, you will only need your wand."

Y/n lit up at the mention of no books, she had definitely found her new favorite teacher, sorry Minnie, but no books beats everything, she thought.

The class exchanged a few curious looks, they had never had a practical DADA lesson before, unless you counted with the one last year when Gilderoy Lockhart had set a bunch of pixies loose.

"Right then," Professor Lupin said. "Please follow me."

Puzzled, but interested, the class followed their new teacher out of the classroom and down a deserted corridor.

As they walked around a corner, Ron whispered to the quartet; "What the bloody hell is he up to?"

"I have no idea, but I'm thrilled to see." Y/n grinned.

Around the corner they saw Peeves the poltergeist, floating upside down, stuffing the nearest keyhole with chewing gum.

Peeves didn't look up until Professor Lupin was about two feet away from him and broke into song;

"Loony, loopy Lupin, Loony, loopy Lupin." He sang. "Loony, loopy Lupin, Loony, loopy Lupin."

Peeves could be extremely rude, but he always showed some respect towards teachers. The class looked over to Professor Lupin, scared of how he would react. To their surprise, he was smiling.

"I would take that gum out of the keyhole if I were you, Peeves." Professor Lupin said calmly. "Mr. Filch won't be happy if he can't get in to his brooms."

Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts was a bad-tempered, failed wizard who waged a constant war against the students, and indeed Peeves and the trio of Fred, George and Y/n since they had all pranked him countless of times.

Even though it was a teacher speaking to him, Peeves paid no attention to Professor Lupin's words except for blowing out a wet raspberry.

Professor Lupin sighed and shook his head, taking out his wand raising it shoulder height.

Y/n pursed her lips. "Where's the popcorn?"

"It sounds yummy, but unfortunately I don't know what that is." Ron said sadly. Harry stiftled a laugh.

Professor Lupin pointed his wand straight at Peeves as he said; "Waddiwasi."

The gum, with the force of a bullet, left the keyhole and zoomed straight into Peeves left nostril, making him whirl away, cursing loudly.

"That was awesome, Professor." Dean Thomas spoke.

"I totally agree." Y/n nodded, grinning.

"Thank you, Dean, Y/n." Professor Lupin smiled, putting his wand away. "Shall we proceed?"

Professor Lupin led his class down a second corridor, they now looked at him with increased respect. Their shabby Professor suddenly stopped outside the staffroom.

Y/n knew this since she'd helped Fred and George plant a Dungbomb there last year.

"Please, enter." Professor Lupin spoke, opening the door while staying behind.

The staff room was a long, panelled room, full of old miss-matched chairs. The room was empty, except for the slimeball Snape who were sunked down in a low armchair.

His eyes glitterd as he watched Professor Lupin's class with a nasty sneer. When Professor Lupin closed the door, Snape spoke;

"Leave it open, I'd rather now witness this." Snape stood up, walking past the class as his long, black robes billowed behind him. As he was about to leave the room, he turned around and spoke: "As you may know, this class contains Neville Longbottom. I would advise you not to entrust him anything difficult, unless he has Miss Granger hissing instructions in his ear."

Poor Neville turned scarlet, and Hermione sucked in a sharp breath.

"That greasy git, isn't it enough bullying Neville in his own class?" She hissed harshly under her breath.

"Murder mission?" Y/n spoke. "Oh yeah, I'm in."

Ron and Harry simply glared at their Potions professor.

Professor Lupin raised his eyebrows. "Well, I was hoping Neville would help me with the first stage of the operation." He spoke.

Snape huffed and left, slamming the door as his robes flowed after him.

"Dramatic son of a bitch." Y/n cursed.

Professor Lupin cleared his throat. "Let's proceed."

"Today I'm going to teach you how to battle a Boggart, does anyone know what a Boggart is?"

Hermione's hand shot up in the air instantly, Professor Lupin smiled and pointed at her.


"A Boggart is a shapeshifter, as you face it, it turns into your biggest fear. No one knows the shape of a Boggart since it's different for everyone.

"Very good." Professor Lupin nodded, Hermione beamed. "Boggarts likes dark, empty places. Like cupboards or in this case, a closet."

The class watched the closet intensely as it moved slightly, Professor Lupin chuckled at their exitement.

"Wands, please." He said, the class grabbed their wands. "The spell to make a Boggart dissappear is Riddikulus. After me; Riddikulus."


They all practised the spell and handmovement for a while before Professor Lupin asked Neville to face the closet.

"Now, Neville." Professor Lupin said. "What's your greatest fear?"

Neville trembled. "P- psfsor ape."

Y/n had to cover up a snort, Professor Ape, she was quite sure he meant Professor Snape.

Professor Lupin raised an eyebrow. "Sorry?"

Neville swallowed thickly. "Professor Snape." He said. Some of the students broke into laughter, as did Neville - out of embarrasment.

Professor Lupin also had a hard time not to laugh as he said. "Professor Snape?"

He gathered himself. "You have a grandmother, right, Neville?"

Neville nodded. "But I don't want it to turn into her either.."

"No, you misunderstand me, when I open the closet I want you to imagine her clothes, and only her clothes, alright?"

Neville nodded, closed his eyes and started rambling; "A red handbag..,"

"We don't need to hear." Professor Lupin quickly interupted. "Just imagine. Are you ready?"

Neville went quite. "Yes."

Professor Lupin opened the closet, and out stepped Snape. Well, not the real Snape, but defenitely a copy.

Neville's eyes widened and he took a step backwards in fear as Snape approached him.

"The spell, Neville." Professor Lupin reminded him.

Neville straightened himself and raised his wand straight at Snape. "Riddikulus."

The sight before the class made them broke into hysterical laughter. It was surely on top 10 for the most amusing things Y/n had ever seen.
There was Snape, in grandma clothing. He was wearing an old hat with a stuffed vulture on top, a long dress and he held a red handbag in his right hand.

Professor Lupin wore an amused smile as he instructed the class.
"Get in line!"

The class formed a line, Y/n stood right in the middle off Harry and Ron. She already knew what her Boggart would be, and didn't look forward to meet it. She had tried for so long to forget about the awful stuff Edith had done to her and even though she knew she wouldn't be able to completely forget it, she still tried to heal. Y/n knew she could just ask Lupin not to do it, but that would raise suspicion-- something that she didn't want.

"Parvati, forward!" Lupin said.

Parvati Patil stepped forward, the Boggart immediately started spinning until it gave out a crack, and in front of the classes eyes stood a mummy.

Parvati trembled slightly, but finally raised her wand and said; "Riddikulus."

The mummys bandage started unravelling and as it fell to the floor, the mummy got tangled and fell as well.

Professor Lupin clapped his hands. "Seamus, you're next!"

Seamus Finnigan walked past Parvati and the Boggart started spinning again. It turned into a woman - a banshee. She reached up and neared Seamus dramatically as she screamed loudly, making Y/n cover her ears instantly.

When Seamus finally had gotten the Banshee to shut up, Y/n uncovered her ears. "That scream was worse than the freaking fat lady." She said.

Ron who had heard her sniggered quietly as the Boggart weirdly started spinning, taking many different forms.

"Good job!" Professor Lupin exclaimed. "It's confused, Dean, you're next!"

Dean Thomas walked forward as the Boggart turned into a hand which walked towards him. People have weird fears. Like, who the fuck fears hands?

"Riddikulus." The hand had gotten trapped in a mouse trap, and it was now time for Ron.

He took a step forward and swallowed nervously, Y/n could literally smell the anxiety from him.

The Boggart unsurprisingly  took a shape of a giant, hairy spider.

Ron raised his brand new wand (which he had blabbered about since they all reunited after summer) and said "Riddikulus."

The spider suddenly got rollerscates, and its legs started wheeling everywhere. Ron looked proud of his success and Professor Lupin gave him a short applause. Y/n was up next.

Slowly she took a few steps forward, preparing herself for what was to come. An uneasiness was built inside of her as the Boggart started spinning, she felt as if she was going to throw up or faint.

Y/n readjusted the grip of her wand since her hand was shaking and sweating by now. She gulped as the Boggart slowed down, taking shape of a human.


She was back, she looked so realistic, it even felt real when Edith walked towards her, an empty wine-bottle in the palm of her hand. Y/n was frozen to the floor when Edith started yelling, it sounded just like her.

"There you are, you piece of shit! Bringing the family trouble as always I assume."

Y/n felt the tears flooding her eyes. She couldn't move, not even raise her wand to get rid off the horrible nightmare that was playing out in front of her.

"We don't want you." She slurred, and threw the wine bottle at Y/n, making her flinch as it crashed just an inch from her feet.

An echoing voice inside her head told her to use her wand, use it to make the past leave her alone.

She trusted the voice, lifting her wand, she pointed it straight at Edith. "Riddikulus." And with that, everything was gone. She walked to the side, Harry, Ron and Hermione eyeing her worriedly as the class looked at her with more concern and wonder.

"You alright?" Lupin asked, to what she responded with a nod before walking to the back where Ron was standing.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked.

Y/n nodded again, drawing in a sharp breath-- concealing everything she felt with her usual facade.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I forgot the spell.." She lied.

Harry walked up in the front, just as Professor Lupin hurried and put himself protectively in front of him. Y/n noticed the Boggart quickly turn into something silvery, before Lupin almost tiredly said; "Riddikulus." And the silvery thing - whatever it was - turned into a white balloon.

Professor Lupin turned around. "Okay class, that was all for today." He smiled.


When they walked out of the class, Y/n noticed Harry looking a little down, she quickened her walk to catch up with him.

"What's up homie?" She asked, terribly trying to lighten his mood.

"I just don't understand why Professor Lupin would jump in front of me like that." He said honestly.

"He probably had his reasons." Y/n shrugged. "Plus, you're after all The Boy Who Lived." She said dramatically, nudging his shoulder playfully.

"Ha ha, very funny." He said, then frowned.

"Are you alright by the way?"

She knew he was talking about the Boggart incident. "Yeah, I'm fine." She lied, but somehow-- he seemed to see through her shell.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, drop it. I'm fine. Come on now, Harold, we've got to go to our next class."

"I hate that nickname." He said, deciding to drop it after all.

"Whatever, Hazzarold."

Harry rolled his eyes, but Y/n didn't miss the little grin that appeared on his lips for a split second.

"Have you guys seen Hermione?" Ron asked suddenly, catching up to the two.

"She was out of Lupin's class after me, she would've been right behind you, dumbass." Y/n said.

"Well, you can be a dumbass because she's gone." Ron said. Y/n sighed, knowing that Hermione was probably doing her time-voodoo thingy. And how right she was, because not even a second later, Hermione appeared a bit ahead of them.

Ron's mouth fell vide open.

"Ron, I know she's hot, but stop drooling over her." Y/n said.

Harry snorted, but Ron ignored her statement. "I swear, you were right behind me." He said to Hermione, walking up to her along with Y/n and Harry. "And now, you're there.."

"You're probably imagining things, Ronald." Hermione said as - richhhh - her bag was ripped open and all her books fell out.

"Hermione, how many books to you have?" Harry asked as Y/n bent to her knees, helping Hermione picking up her last books.

"Just one for each subject." Hermione shrugged, stacking her books.

"That's bloody many subjects.." Ron said, eyeing the pile of books.

"Yeah, yeah, but we have to get to our next class. Y/n, you coming?"

"Yup." Y/n said, walking away along with Hermione, leaving their confused boy friends behind.

Ron turned to Harry with a weird look on his face. "Do you feel like Hermione and Y/n's not telling us something?" He said.

Harry nodded. "Yeah.."


A/N: Oh my god, this chapter was draining to write. Honestly, this took me a whole week. It's just a filler and rather boring, but I promise the next chapter will get more exciting!

QOTD: Have you had Covid?

Me: Yes :)

I don't think I've got much more to say! Stay safe y'all and I'll see you next week!

See y'all next week my fellow Harold P. simps🤺

- Clair Potter

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