A Pact With The Prince | Brid...

By WildChild1331

154K 4.8K 668

[Draft 1 of Lady Whistledown's Unpublished Papers] Dear Reader, "Egredere Audacter Et Fideliter "~ Go Out Bol... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Eleven

4.5K 133 8
By WildChild1331

Dearest Reader,

What a crush at yesterday's fete! All topped with fascinating developments of some of our notable peers. First and foremost, it is curious that the Queen was not in attendance! Our magnanimous Queen is rumored to be in the country with King George. They say the King has taken ill, more so than usual, and the Queen has deemed it fit to restore his spirits in their beloved estate in Weymouth. However, another royal seems to be taking advantage of their absence.

First, I must declare the appearance of Mister Albion Finch and Miss Philippa Finch ('nee Featherington') having returned from their honeymoon. The couple was seen delighting over cheese and dancing the night away. If you brie-lieve in love, you cheddar believe it has embodied this love match. We could all take a lesson or two in their love, lest we all die provolone.

A notable development is our royal bachelor, Prince Friedrich who has been left to his own devices after the Queen's departure. Having danced his way through most eligible young ladies, it has been noticed that he seemed to enjoy his waltz with Miss Diana Vincent, who stunned the bachelors of the ton with her charm and wit that was not usually seen. Perhaps this is due to her mother's watchful eye, the Dowager Lady Vincent who seemed to take it upon herself to chaperone her young daughter ensuring that her dance card is never empty. The Prince and Miss Vincent were all smiles and laughs. Could the Prince have finally found a Princess? Finally, letting go of lost love, in the Duchess of Hastings, or is this just a pleasant albeit beautiful distraction?


Diana shifted uncomfortably as she finished reading the latest Whistledown that was out. The plan is swiftly in motion. Diana damned and admired the all perceptive eye of the mysterious Lady Whistledown. 

"They are all staring, Miss." Tinsley whispered to her, they were standing outside Caldwell's book store awaiting her two friends for an afternoon outing. Diana wondered if she would regret this, as now people who seemed much more interested in her. The ton who were out must have read Whistledown already as they nodded in greeting or the season's debutantes glaring at her.

Now, Cressida Cowper now Cressida Allenspark, was now walking straight toward her with intention.

"Miss Vincent." she replied, an overwhelming amount of perfume permeating around them, Diana supposed she had gotten what she wanted out of her marriage, more money, and rank. 

"Miss Allenspark." Diana returned the greeting under Cressida's cool blue eyes. Diana never had any issue with Cressida however if she had been out in society last season her notorious husband-catching schemes would have affected their acquaintance forever as it had with many of her old friends. 

"How is Mr. Allenspark?" Diana asked, smiling politely. "Away," she replied dully as if he was a pest. 

Diana wasn't sure how to proceed and was relieved when Eloise and Penelope approached them.

"May I offer some advice." Cressida said slowly, surprising Diana. However, before she could speak, Penelope intervened.  

"Ah, Mrs. Allenspark," Penelope's voice was loud and a pitch higher to catch their attention. Eloise raised a brow at Diana as she joined them. Cressida's eyes narrowed at them, Diana felt her friends surround her weaving their arms through hers.

"Perhaps some other time, we can have a chat." Cressida sneered at them. 

"Could you not do it now?" Eloise asked innocently. Ignored, Cressida continued on her way with servants carrying a load of packages, drifting down the street. 

Diana was very curious as to what Cressida wanted to say, after her season last year, it seemed she would have nothing good or useful. 

"Cressida offering advice? This day is getting stranger by the minute." Penelope laughed as they went inside the book store. 

The bookstore was an even more strange occurrence, more people saying hello and even catching some matrons whispering and staring at her. "Do you want to go to the park?" Penelope asked sensing Diana's discomfort. 

Eloise was much quieter than usual and conversation less engaged as they headed toward the park. The trio proceeded down the path warmed by the sun and greeted by the flowers. When it felt as if they had fewer eyes and sufficient space, Penelope slowed and turned toward Diana.

"Alright, Diana tell us now, what is occurring between you and the prince?!" 

Diana knew they were coming with questions and she hadn't quite worked out what she wanted to say or how she wanted to say it. 

"Right now, nothing. We just simply enjoy each other's company...and has sent word he would like to call on me later this week." Diana replied stiffly, the story she was weaving for her dearest friends was not pleasant even though she was intentionally vague it still did not sit well with her. 

"So you are being courted? Is this a serious endeavor?" Eloise's voice was clipped. Diana eyed her friend sensing she had been rather withdrawn since she had joined them but now she could see she was not at all pleased.

"Nothing formal this could fizzle out like with any other person." Diana frowned slowing her steps. 

"But, what about the tour! Was it not the other day you were determined to go?" Eloise turned to face her, she no longer hid her disappointment. 

"That is still my goal." Diana insisted gripping her dress tightly. Diana had disagreed on some things with her friends but this felt like it was on the precipice of more than just a quarrel.

"Are you sure? I am surprised for you to be so persuaded by such a bore!" Eloise exclaimed crossing her arms.  Penelope gasped and Diana felt her face heat.

"I have not been persuaded Eloise, just because we enjoy our company doesn't mean we are running to the alter. Can you not conceive the possibility that we can be friends? Even if marriage is a possibility doesn't mean life is over." Diana cried not quite believing the words that came out of her mouth. The outburst and her friend being so upset made terrible churns in her stomach.

"Eloise." Diana tried to find the calm in her voice, closing her eyes to find a sense of balance within her. "I am not blind to what it could mean if it is serious, why do you assume this is the only path!" 

"Because that is how it has always been, I've seen him with my sister, he is so....uninteresting and would stifle you." Eloise frowned deeply but continued, "Diana! he's a Prince with obligations and expectations that will affect his future wife and confine her to a life of banality!" 

"And you know because you've spent time with him have you? Didn't realize after your hours-long conversation and dancing made you an expert on who he is and what he wants." Diana felt suddenly not in control of her feelings and it was Penelope who piqued in to save the day. 

"Alright, you two agree to disagree, we will not fight because of some man. You must find your senses immediately before you do something you regret." Penelope cried moving between them. 

Diana frowned seeing Penelope distressed and took a step back, feeling even more ill. "I'm sorry." 

"I am sorry as well," Eloise replied voice steely, the tears threatening to fall. "Diana, you were so close to a freedom...I can't possibly ever have."

"Eloise!" Diana attempted to take a step forward but Eloise stepped back. "I think it's best if I go home for now. "

Penelope held Diana's arm as Eloise turned to go with her maid who rushed behind her. Diana felt even worse if it was possible, she did not anticipate her friendships and how it was affected by her plan. Diana wondered if she should disclose what she was doing.

"So you really do like the Prince?" Penelope smiled kindly as attempted to distract Diana from Eloise's retreating form.

"I think there is more to him than he lets on, and I shall be glad to discover it." Diana declared continuing on their walk, the energy of the fight still stirring through her like a bad sickness.

"What shall I do about Eloise?" Diana asked, biting her lip. Penelope squeezed her arm.

"Time, for now, I know this will not destroy your friendship but let things lie and then I will assist in facilitating another conversation when emotions are less present." Penelope advised.

"What will I do without you Pen." Diana sighed hugging her. 

"Maybe give me some tips, how do you charm a man, I daresay when you put the effort you could have had any pick." Penelope laughed.

Diana looked at her friend amused, "Is there someone in particular?" Penelope confirmed with blush and Diana knew it must be attributed to the traveling Bridgerton that is soon to come home. 

A/N: Working through this middle part is like running through sand hard, exhausting, and knowing the payoff comes much later. I have so many clips of what I want to put in but I am still sorting it out, I wanted to try to make the minor characters in the show have a little more to them. 

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