
By LaceeStarliper

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Stella went to a beach party with friends, not knowing what kind of party it was or who she would meet. Cole... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

1.8K 55 12
By LaceeStarliper

Cole rest his arm on the back of my chair as he rested back into his chair. Chase did the same to Lucia as the waiter came over to give us our menus. They all handed them back and ordered but I have never been here before. The waiter looked at me to ask "What can I get you, Miss?"

"I...ummm..." I tried to say but I stopped and hid my face when Hannah laughed at me. I stood up and said, "I will be back." Instantly I left to find the bathroom to freshen up. The minute I finished I looked at myself to see an embarrassed girl looking back at me. It is not my fault I have never been here before. Ugh, maybe I should just go home and let them talk. I am not part of this family anyway.

I dried my hands off and left the bathroom to see Cole leaning on the wall on his phone. Once he saw me he put his phone away and pushed off the wall to walk my way. I didn't say anything as I leaned into his warm embrace and shut my eyes tight. He held me close as he said "Ignore her Stella she is doing it on purpose."

I pulled away to look up at him as I said "I... Maybe I should just go home. This is your scene, not mine plus this your family.."

Cole leaned down and took my lips with dominance. A soft moan escaped my lips as I tilted my head to deepen the loving kiss. He hummed as he cupped my face in his large hands. We kissed for a good minute until he pulled away and said "Stella, my princess I love you. You said it yourself I plan to make you my wife, that means you are my family. You belong here, by my side always. If anything Hannah deserves to leave."

I nodded my head yes and let him lead me back into the restaurant. As we got closer my anxiety started to rise and Marcus noticed because he gave me an evil smile. I grabbed the back of his suit making him stop us dead in his track to make me look at him. He said he meant business I thought as he cupped my face and said "Stella calm down you are giving him what he wants."

"I know it is just I am by myself facing three people who want me hurt or worse dead."

"You are not alone Stella I was right there the entire time."

"No you weren't I made a fool out of myself and they know that."

Cole sighed and started to walk us into the back. I didn't fight him as he led me into a beautiful office space. Once I was he shut the door, picked me up like I was a baby, and gently pushed me against the wall. I clung to him like a koala bear as his large hands rested on my butt to hold me up. We stared at each other for a good minute until he finally said "Stella I didn't leave you to make a fool out of yourself. You left because I could say anything. That is your problem princess, you run when things get tough instead of standing your ground."

"I always get punished when I...."

Cole sat me down on my feet, tuck the hair in my face behind my ears, and cupped my face to say "I am not the people who bullied you, I am not your ex and I am most certainly not Marcus...*sigh*...Stella, stop running away, stop hiding and let me handle them."


"Ok, what."

A soft smile hit my lips as a blush hit my face and I mumbled "Ok daddy." He chuckled and kissed my forehead before leading us back into the dining room area. I leaned into him and asked, "Did you order me anything?"

"Of course I did princess."

"Thank you" I hummed as I leaned up and kissed his cheek. Cole chuckled at me as he helped me in my chair and sat down himself. Once more he put his arm around my seat to relax in his chair. I felt his hand starting to play with my hair as Ada said "You didn't go cry like a baby did you, Stella? You know my brother needs a strong wife not..."

"His step-sister who just wants his power."

Colt, Chase, and Cole laughed at my comment as Ada crossed her arms and huffed at me. What she left herself wide open for that one. A deep blush hit my cheek as I grabbed my drink to take a sip. As I did Hannah said, "Don't disrespect my niece like that." I sat my drink down as Cole said "Then tell your niece to respect my girlfriend and die zukünftige Königin der Wolfsfamilie." (the future queen of the Wolf family.)

They both straightened up as the waiters brought out the food to set in front of us. My fork was in hand as Marcus said "Shouldn't we men eat before the woman Stella." God, I hated that rule he had. He always had to have the first bite and I couldn't eat until he said. He always waited until the food was cold and I was starving for the food. I hate him.

On instinct, I put my spoon down which made Marcus smile. Grr, Ada and Hannah are eating so why can't I. I grabbed the bridge of my nose to calm my mind. He shouldn't control me anymore, I shouldn't let him control me either. I am not even hungry anymore making me push my plate away and sit back. Marcus was smiling up a storm making me roll my eyes.

I could feel Cole staring bullets in me as I sat there doing nothing. After a minute Lucia finally said, "Stella you are free to eat."

"I am not hungry" I mumbled as started to play with my hair.

"Let her waste the food she isn't good enough to eat here anyway."

I scuffed "O shut up last time I check you lived off daddies money and now Coles, Aunt Hannah." I am moody without food and I am straight up annoyed at this point. All she does is give me attitude and I am sick of it already. She scuffed as I took another sip of my drink and sighed.

Cole was typing on his phone and soon gave it to me to see he wrote eat or I will feed your myself princess. I gave him the phone back and brought the food back to me to eat the now cold food. It tastes gross cold so my bites were small, to say the least, and honestly, it wasn't that good. I wish he would have got me oatmeal or something not whatever this is.

Cole growled after a minute and lean down to whisper "Keep testing my patience Stella I dare you."

I looked at him to peck his lips and whisper "The food is cold and honestly it is not that good daddy. I would rather have oatmeal or something soft. When I am anxious or stressed my tummy gets upset."

"Then I will..."

"No, it is fine let's just eat" I mumbled as I pecked his lips before going back to playing with my food. Honestly, the food is too sweet for my taste. I am not a picky woman but when I am upset my stomach gets sensitive. Marcus makes me very upset and nervous which is not good for my stomach.

Cole left after I went back to eating as Chase said "Tell me Marcus what do you think gives you the right to try and tell Stella what to do?"

"I didn't tell her anything I..."

Chase sat his fork down to look at him and said "Don't play word games with me boy."

Marcus growled but said nothing as the table went silent. Well, this is uncomfortable I thought as I pushed my plate away again. The minute I did Cole came back inside with a bowl in hand. He sat it in front of me making me see oatmeal. It looks like the best oatmeal I have ever seen.

Cole sat down as I looked at him and said "I told you I was fine love." Cole looked at me and caressed my cheek with love. He kissed my lips before he sat back and said "I know I just don't care because you need to eat princess now eat."

A soft giggle escaped my lips as I grabbed the spoon he handed me to take a bite on my food. A quiet and soft moan escaped my lips from how amazing this oatmeal tasted. I didn't think anyone heard me but a second later Cole had his large hand resting on my upper thigh. A deep blush hit my face as he started to caress my inner thigh and hummed.

His mom gave us the be good kids look making me giggle and nudge him. She muttered of course under her breath making us all laugh well the real family. After we finish Hannah said, "You spoil her, you should have made her eat the food you picked for her."

Cole rolled his eyes and said "I love spoiling her, I also don't want her getting sick because of the food I picked out. Next time you hate the food you eat aunt Hannah I will do good to make you eat that food regardless."

Turn about, fair play I thought as she growled in anger. I hid my laugh as I enjoyed my food like everyone else. Cole wipe his mouth clean and sat the rag down to ask "So aunt Hannah what did you want to talk about?"

Aunt Hannah sat her spoon down and wiped her face as well. Once she did she sat back and said "Marcus and I were talking about last night. There seems to be a lot of tense in the family so we figured we would all go on vacation. It has been ages since we went out together anyway and some issues need to be resolved."

"Meaning sister."

"I know Stella is the one who got Marcus locked up for a year."

"For life sister but my dumb ass helped get the sentenced reduced." Yeah, for life, not a year, and I still can't believe they have the power to make that change so much. Marcus is the boogie man in my dream even when he was in jail and now he is out. If it wasn't for Cole I don't even know what I would do.

"Regardless we need to resolve this because I do want this family to work out."

"I agree and I am truly sorry for what I did Stella." I raised my eyebrow because like hell he is and we all know he is lying. You know what he won't get to me again. My grandparents always said forgiving will help you move on but to never forget, never let it happen again and always remember the name of your enemies. Maybe it is time I forgive him and let Cole handle this mess. I smiled and said, "I forgive you....*whisper*... for now."

Cole kissed my hair making me whisper "Will you really..."

"Yes let me handle him and take on the pain princess." I shook my head yes as he pulled away and put his arm over my shoulders to pull me to his body. I rested on his chest as Marcus said "Thank you."

I hid my scuff and rolling of my eyes as Aunt Hannah said "That is a start but we were thinking about the family going on vacation. The cabin in Montana had a nice ring to it after all how can you go bad with wildlife." Umm killing us all in our sleep or tricking us in the wood to shoot us dead. She asked the wrong question especially after that little talk we just had. I love nature but no way am I going into the woods with Marcus. The fact she knows what he did to me makes this worse.

"Why the cabin of all thing sister?"

"It will make us closer." Yeah right, and by Coles scuff, he agreed she is bull shiting.

I looked at Cole to suggest "How about we go to Rome?"

Hannah went to say something but Cole held his hand up to stop her. To my surprise, she did and sat back with no complaints. Does he really have that much power even she fears him? No offense she never seemed scared of him before. I batted my eyelashes as he chuckled "Don't give me that cute look." I giggled at him as he said "Why do you want to go to Rome?"

"I have always wanted to see The Colosseum, The Pantheon, The Trevi Fountain and so much more. Rome is beautiful and the perfect place for a vacation. I also want to visit Paris but Rome seems better for a family trip."

"Yeah because Paris is for newlyweds which you two aren't."

I looked at Ada to say "Neither are you nor will you ever be."

She growled as Chase and Colt laughed at us. Cole hummed let's finish eating and we can talk later. We were mostly done so it didn't take long for us to finish up, pay and leave the restaurant. Once outside Cole pulled me close and asked "Mom how do you feel about going to Rome?"

"I am not really in the mood for a plane ride but if you..."

"No, if you don't want to go then we will go to the cabin." Hannah gave me an evil smile as Cole's phone went off out of nowhere. His mood changed instantly and he said bye as he dragged me to the car. He roughly pushed me inside then slipped in himself to drive off home. What the hell was that? I want to ask but I am too scared to, he even batted my hand away when I went to hold it in mine.

He sped home and shot out of the car to storm inside. I huffed as I grabbed my purse, slipped out of the car, and headed inside. Cole was in our room making me find a maid and ask "Have you seen Cole?"

"His office shall I take you to him." I nodded my head yes and let her lead me to a beautifully carved door. The maid left me alone as I went to open the door but stopped the minute I heard a woman moan. My heart skipped a beat as I quietly opened the door to poke my head inside. The minute I did I saw Cole naked fucking a woman on his desk.

No, you won't cry or get upset I thought as left as quickly as I came inside. Fighting my tears I ran to his bedroom to grab some suitcases. I packed all of my things, and the clothes he got me at the mall the other day to quickly put them in my car. I didn't have much, to begin with, so I only filled four suitcases and I am an amazing packer.

I am done being played by men, I am done being the victim I am just done. It is time I go live my damn life and do what I want to do. Cole can take that woman on vacation because I am going home. I should have gone home after Marcus but I wanted my life back. I wanted my dream job but if that means I have to be in pain all my life then Cole can shove that job up his ass.

I called my bank and they said my card was on and working fine. I said thank you, hung up, and dug through my old bag to see it in an old wallet. Good, I thought as I pulled off to head home. It is a long drive but well worth the ride. I am done just done and this is going to be my start over. This will be my new home always and forever. Fuck you, Cole Wolf.

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