
By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Swashbuckling tales of pirates had always intrigued Jackie for as long as she could remember. Pirate ships ha... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Book Two


78 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Milah was sewing inside when Rumpelstiltskin's voice was heard through the door. "Milah?" He entered with a paper in hand. "Milah."

"I'm nearly finished," Milah told him.

"Oh, you learn quickly."

"I have a good teacher." They kissed. "What is it? What brings you home so early?"

"Milah... My weaving days are behind us. I've been called to the front." He unrolled the piece of paper and held it in front of Milah. It read: 'Rumpelstiltskin (sic) You have been drafted into the King's army'.

"The Ogres War."

"I report for training in the morning."

"No. Rumple, I've heard stories. The front – it's a brutal place."

"Oh, Milah... I-I know, I know. I... I can't say that I... I won't be frightened. But... But this is the chance I've been waiting for...all my life. You know, I've lived under the shadow of my father's actions for too long now."

"Just because your father was a coward, it doesn't mean you are."

"Oh, I know that. As do you. But to the world? Fighting in this war finally gives me the chance to prove that to everyone else."

"Go. Be brave. Fight honorably."

"Oh, God, I love you."

"I love you, too. When you return, we can start living the life we've always dreamed of."


"We can have a family."

"A family."


Emma, Henry, Jackie and Mr. Gold arrived at their destination via taxi. They looked up at the apartment building in front of them.

"What's wrong?" Emma asked. "This the right place?"

"Yes, it is," Mr. Gold replied.

"Let me guess. He's not expecting you. Well, who doesn't love a surprise?"


At Regina's house, Cora and Regina were conversing, while Cora attempted to comfort Regina.

"What is it, sweetie?" Cora inquired.

"It's Henry," Regina answered. "Emma left town with Gold and Jackie, and she took him with her."

"And you didn't stop them?"

"I didn't know until after they had gone."

"I'm sure he's safe. And, as soon as Gold's done, Henry will be back."

"But not with me."

"Back?" Hook questioned. "From where? Where's Rumpelstiltskin gone? Where's Jacqueline?"

"I don't know."

"Well, if he's left town, then he's powerless. He can be killed."

"The moment either of us leave, we lose our magic... And our advantage," Cora said.

"Your memories?"

"None of us were victims of the curse," Regina said. "It's not about memories - it's about magic."

"Well, I don't need magic. I'll go after him alone."

"Even if you could find him, do you really think you can just walk up to him and stab him in the heart with your sword?"

"Well, I prefer my hook, but I can't find that now."

"You're not going anywhere," Cora told him.

"I deserve my vengeance!"

"You're right. You're right, you do. And, with The Dark One gone, we can search for the one magical item that can actually kill him here... His dagger. I recall Miss Sparrow wanting to kill you."

"A misunderstanding I hope to soon sort out with her. If she's willing to listen."


The four entered the lobby of the apartment building. Henry scanned the listen of names on the intercom.

"No 'Baelfire'," Henry said.

"Yeah, that probably wouldn't fly as an alias," Emma told him. "Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?"

"It doesn't work that way," Mr. Gold replied.

Emma, Jackie and Mr. Gold were taking a turn at looking at the list.

"Do any of these names man anything to you?" Emma asked.

"Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly, no," Mr. Gold answered.

Emma pointed to an apartment that was listed only by number. "Here's your boy."

"Or, it could just be vacant."

"You might traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people who don't want to be found. And those sort of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts." She buzzed the apartment on the intercom. "U.P.S. package for four-oh-seven."

The person on the other end of the line didn't respond, then hung up.

"Maybe you should've said FedEx," the Henry commented.

They heard a running noise coming from the fire escape outside.

"He's running," Emma informed.

The four rushed outside, where they saw the apartment's occupant climbing down the fire escape. He reached the bottom and broke into a run.

"That... That favor you owe me - this is it," Mr. Gold said. "Get him to talk to me. I... I can't run. Miss Sparrow, you can choose to stay or go."

"Watch Henry," Emma told him. "I'll be back. Jackie, stay there."

Emma chased after the unknown man through the streets of New York, stalling traffic along the way. Emma ran around the opposite side of the building and managed to ambush the man as the two met. She tackled him, and the two fell to the ground. When Emma looked up, a stunned look took over her face.

"No... Neal?" Emma said.

"Emma?" Neal called as the two stood. "I don't understand. What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?"


"I'm not answering anything until you tell me the truth. Are you Gold's son?"

"What are you talking about? Who's Gold?"

"You played me. You're from there. You played me, and he played me, you both played me."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay."

"You and Gold."

"Emma, slow down. What are you talking about? Who's Gold?"

"Your father. Rumpelstiltskin."

"He's here?"

"Why else would I be in New York?"

"You brought him to me? Why would you do that?!"

"Hey! I am the only one allowed to be angry here! Did you know who I was, where I was from, the whole time? Was this just some sort of sick, twisted plan? Did... Did you even care about me at all?"

"Emma, do not..."

"I want to know! I want the truth - all of it!"

"Fine! We... We got to get off the street. We can't do it here. We're out in the open. I... I spent a lifetime running from that man. I'm not going to let him catch me. There's a bar down the street. We can talk there."

"I am not drinking with you. Whatever you're going to tell me, tell me now."

"No, bar's better. Don't worry. You can keep yelling at me when we get there."

Neal began walking off. Emma, annoyed, followed.


Henry, Jackie and Mr. Gold were still waiting outside Neal's apartment building. They were at a hotdog stand.

"Don't worry," Henry reassured. "Emma's really good at catching people."

"Well, my son's been running away for a long time now," Mr. Gold said. "Now I have a feeling he's equally adept at it."

Jackie shrugged. "At least we found the lad."


Henry nodded. "Yeah, uh, thanks for the hotdog."

Mr. Gold smiled. "You're quite welcome. And thank you."

"For what?"

"Well, if it wasn't for you bringing Emma to Storybrooke, none of this would have come to pass. You... Are a remarkable young man. Jackie, you are quite the pirate."

"You know... I forgave her," Henry said. "Emma - for giving me up. She thought it was the best for me then. That's why she did it. I'm sure your son will get it, too."

"Alas, the circumstances surrounding our separation weren't quite so noble."

"But... you're here now," Jackie told him. "And, you want him back, right? That must count for something. I suppose it- No, it doesn't."

"More than anything."

Henry said, "Then, that's all that matters."


Neal and Emma were talking in the bar Neal had suggested.

"Well, what do you want to know, Emma?" Neal asked. "You want the truth? Ask away."

"Did you know who I was when we met?" Emma questioned.

"If I had, I wouldn't have gone near you."

"Come on."

"Come on? Come on, what? I was in hiding. I came here to get... A-away from... All that crap."

"So, if you didn't know, then you were just using me. You just needed someone to take the fall for the watches that you stole."

"I wasn't using you. When we met, I didn't know. I found out."


"When I went to sell the watches... I ran into a friend of yours. August."

"When you see what I have in here, you're going to listen," August said. "You're going to believe every word I say."

"Yeah, right," Neal retorted.

August opened the lid of the box on the back of his motorcycle. Inside, there was a typewriter loaded with a piece of paper that read 'I know you're Baelfire'.

"You left me... And let me go to prison, because Pinocchio told you to?" Emma asked.

"Emma..." Neal began.

"I loved you."

"I... I was, um... I was... I was trying to help you."

"By letting me go to jail?"

"By getting you home."

"Are you telling me, that us meeting was a coincidence? Because how the hell did that happen? If it wasn't your plan, or your father's?"

"Think about it. He wants you to break the curse. Us meeting - that could have stopped it. Maybe it was fate."

"You believe in that?"

"You know, there's not a ton bout my father that I remember that doesn't suck. But he used to tell me that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens, happens by design, and there's nothing we can do about it. Forces greater than us conspire to make it happen. Fate, destiny, whatever you want to call it. The point it... Maybe we met for a reason. Maybe something good came from us being together."

"No. Not that I can think of. I just went to jail. That's it. Doesn't matter now. I'm over it. And you."

"Why do you wear the, uh, keychain I got you?"

Emma took off the necklace and placed it on the counter in front of Neal. "To remind myself never to trust someone again. Come on. I made a deal with your father I'd bring you to him."

"You made a deal with him?"

"Yea. And I'm upholding my end. As is my friend."

"No, Emma, you don't have to. You know that."

"I know."

"Okay, so this should be really easy for you. Tell him that you lost me. Tell him you can't find me. You do that, you'll never have to see me again."


Rumpelstiltskin was at one of the army's camps set up in the woods. There were several tents set up, along with several armed soldiers walking around. He walked past one of the tents as a soldier was exiting.

"Soldier," a man said.

"Me?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"I'm needed at the front. You guard this crate with your life." He gestured to a cage covered by a tarp.

"W-what's under there?"

"A prisoner who could help us turn the tide against the ogres. Careful. It's a tricky beast."

"Yes, sir."

The man left. As Rumpelstiltskin drew closer to the crate, a child-like voice called out to him. "Rumpelstiltskin."

Confused, he pulled back the tarp. Inside the cage, there was a young girl with her eyes sewn shut.

"You're a child," 'Rumpelstiltskin said.

She pointed to a nearby bucket of water. "Please. I haven't had a sip in days."

"How do you know my name?"

"I'm a Seer. I see all." She held up her hands, revealing eyes on the palms.

"No, no, no. That's... That's not possible. You must have overheard someone speak."

"Rumpelstiltskin, the son of a coward. Raised by spinsters. Scared of ending up just like his father. Did I overhear that? I told you. I see all, even what has yet to pass."

"You mean the future? You can see the future?"

"Indeed I can... Including yours."

"No, no, no. I... I won't indulge this... dark magic."

"Even if what I see concerns your wife? Milah?"

"Why? Has something happened to her?"

"Give me water."

Rumpelstiltskin acquiesced and gave her a cup of water. "Here. Slake your thirst, witch, and speak of what you know of my wife."

"She is already with child."

"I'm to be a father?"

"Your wife will bear you a son, but your actions on the battlefield tomorrow will leave him fatherless."

"I'm going to die? No, no, no. You... Y-you must tell me how I can stop that happening."

"You can't."

"Then I'm done helping you." He grabbed the water from her hand.

"For now. Someday, you'll help me again."

"I'll bet Milah isn't even pregnant. You just said that so I would give you water, and now you're trying to trick me into deserting."

"You shall see. Tomorrow, when you see the army ride cows into battle, you will know I speak the truth."

"Cows? And who's going to man the catapults? Milk maids? I have had enough with your fiendish lies."

"There is no escaping it. You will have a son, and your actions will leave him fatherless."

Spooked, Rumpelstiltskin quickly pulled the tarp back over the cage.


At Mary Margaret's apartment, Mary Margaret spoke to Emma on the phone. "Wait. Gold's son is Henry's father?"

"I know," Emma replied. "I know. And the millions of questions you have, I have, too. The problem is, it doesn't matter right now because I don't know what to do."

"Please tell me you're not calling to ask me to tell you to keep it from him."

"Henry thinks his father is dead. I told him that for a reason. I want to protect him."

"No matter what this man did, Henry has a right to know who his father is. The truth about your parents... Emma, you of all people should know how important that is."

"I don't want Henry to get hurt. I just want to protect him."

"Are you sure this is about protecting Henry, and not yourself?"


Henry, Mr. Gold and Jackie were waiting for Emma in the lobby of Neal's apartment building.

"Why are you so nervous?" Henry wondered. "When I found my mom, I was excited."

"Because I have the benefit of a little more... life experience," Mr. Gold replied. "I know that things don't always happen the way we want them."

"Sure, but in my book, it sys that you can see the future. Why can't you just look and see the future."

"Well, that ability is complicated. I didn't always have it. And when I did... Well... It's maybe not the gift one would expect. Seeing the inevitable can be a terrible price."

Jackie nodded. "Aye. It can be."

"But you wouldn't have to worry about stuff," Henry said. "You would just know."

"But that's the great trap," Mr. Gold reasoned. "The future is like a puzzle... With missing pieces. Difficult to read. And never, never what you think."

Emma entered. "Hey."

"Did you find him?"

"Sorry. Your son... Got away."


Belle was lying in bed in her room at the hospital when Regina entered.

"Who are you?" Belle asked.

"So it is true," Regina said. "You really don't remember anything?"

"Are we friends?"

"We spent some time together. But I'm here because I believe you can help me find something that belongs to Rumpelstiltskin."


"Mr. Gold."

"I, uh... I-I don't know him."

Regina magically knocked Belle unconscious. "Not anymore. But you did."

Regina, using magic, opened Belle's purse and caused all the contents to float through the air. The object of interest was a piece of paper, which Regina levitated towards her. She took said paper and examined it. It had the number 915.63 written on it.


Cora, Regina and Hook were at the town library. Regina scanned the shelves of books for the number on the paper.

"Shouldn't we be pillaging his shop or ransacking his home?" Hook asked.

"That would be the obvious choice, yes," Cora replied. "But Gold wouldn't risk crossing the town line and losing his memory without entrusting the dagger's location to someone."


"My guess, is she hid it in one of her beloved books," Regina said."

"Impressive, Regina," Cora commented.

"Thank you, mother."

"I'll be impressed when I'm holding the dagger in my hand," Hook retorted.

Regina found the correct spot, but there was no book; just an empty space. "No. It should be here."

"Well, it's not, is it? May we go now?"

"Hold on," Cora stated, sticking her hand in the space between the books and found a piece of folded paper. "What's this?" She unfolded the paper.

"Oh, yes. Crude. To the untrained eye, a child's scribbles, but to a pirate... It's a map. Gold may not have hidden the dagger here, but I believe he's left us the next best thing - its location."

"Can you read it?"

"Well, lucky for you ladies, I'm quite adept at finding buried treasure."


Mary Margaret and David were talking in Mary Margaret's kitchen.

"So Rumpelstiltskin is Henry's grandfather?" David asked.

"Apparently," Mary Margaret replied.

"But I'm his grandfather."

"You can have more than one."

"So his... step-grandmother is Regina, the Evil Queen."

"Actually, his step-great-grandmother. And she's also his adoptive mother."

"It's a good thing we don't have Thanksgiving in our land, 'cause that dinner would suck."

"Or, maybe this will mellow everyone out."


Still in the lobby, Mr. Gold frantically hit all the buttons on the intercom.

"Gold, wait," Emma called. "What are you doing?"

Someone responded to the buzzer and unlocked the front door.

"I'm finding my son," Mr. Gold told her.

"He's gone."

"But he lives here. He'll be back, and I'll be waiting."

They arrived at the door of Neal's apartment and Mr. Gold set to picking the lock.

"Stop. You can't just break in," Emma said.

"Yeah, well, actually, that's something I'm quite adept at," Mr. Gold answered.

"He might not come back."

"Okay. Finding people is what you do, Miss Swan. I'm simply going to assist you. There may be information in here. Who he is, what he does, who he loves."

"No, don't do this. There are things called laws."

"Jackie and I'll be the lookout," Henry decided.

Jackie smirked. "Laws or breaking and entering? Which sounds more fun? Let's scout for incoming, Henry."

"No, I... You could get arrested," Emma told Mr. Gold.

"Then my son will have to testify against me, and we will be reunited," Mr. Gold reasoned, successfully picking the lock and opened the door.


At the camp, Rumpelstiltskin and another man watched as a several injured soldiers were carried in on stretchers. Some were yelling in pain.

"Lucky bastards," a man said.

"Oh... I think they'd beg to differ," Rumpelstiltskin replied.

"They're not dead, but they can't fight. Which means, they get sent home. That's the only way out of here alive. When the ogres rip you limb from limb, pray that they're quick."

Another soldier made an announcement, drawing a small crowd around him. "Fortune favors us! Fresh supplies have arrived from the Duke. Today, we will not be marching into battle. We'll be riding."

"Riding?" Rumpelstiltskin repeated. "Riding what?"

"What kind of question is that? A horse, of course. Now, grab yourself a cow, and get ready."

"I'm sorry, sir. W-What did you say?"

"A cow. The saddles we just got in – made from the finest leather. We call 'em cows. Grab yours, so at least the ride into doom will be a soft one on your backside."

The crowd dissipated, while Rumpelstiltskin remained frozen in place. The man he was talking to earlier noticed and asked, "Are you all right?

"Yes. You... You go. I'll catch up," Rumpelstiltskin told him and the man left. "Oh, no..." He walked over to the covered cage where the Seer was held. "So, it's all true. I'm going to have a son. And I'm going to die." There was no response. "Answer me!" He pulled back the tarp, revealing an empty cage. In a fit of anger, he hit the crate several times, until he noticed a sledge hammer a few feet away. He picked it up and draws it over his head. Hesitating, he checked that the coast was clear, and then slammed the hammer into his leg. With a crunch, his leg broke, and he fell to the ground screaming in agony.


The four entered Neal's apartment.

"Gold," Emma called. "Come on, please. We really shouldn't be here."

Henry glanced at Mr. Gold. "I don't think he's listening."

Henry and Jackie joined Mr. Gold to investigate the apartment. Emma spied the dreamcatcher from her and Neal's hotel room hanging in the window. She took it down and stared at it in her hands. Mr. Gold noticed her interest.

"You find something, dearie?" Mr. Gold asked.

"Nothing," Emma lied. "Uh, it just looks like a dreamcatcher."

"Yeah, well, if it's nothing, why are you still holding it? You're lying to me."

"Just get back to everything, okay?"

"No, no, no. You saw something. Tell me."

"You don't know what you're talk-"

"Tell me!"

"Henry, go wait in the bathroom. Jackie, keep him safe."

"But I can help-" Henry protested, getting cut off.

"Henry, go!"

Henry and Jackie left, leaving Emma and Mr. Gold alone.

Emma continued. "There's nothing here. The guy's a ghost."

"Well, you think me a fool?" Mr. Gold asked. "You're holding back. I want to know what, and why."

"I'm not holding back."

"Did he tell you something?"


"Did he tell you something?!"

"He didn't say anything."

"But you talked to-"

"Don't put words in my mouth-"

"Tell me! You tell me, or I'm going to make you tell me."

"You don't have magic here."

"Oh, I don't need magic."

"You really want to do this?"

"Do not push me."

"Don't push me."

"We had a deal! A deal! No one! No one breaks deals with me!"

Neal barged in and interrupted the fight. "Hey! Leave her alone."


With his leg in a crude brace, Rumpelstiltskin limped towards his and Milah's home and called, "Milah! Milah!" He arrived home. Inside, Milah was holding an infant wrapped in a blanket. She was confused to see him. "Milah! Milah!"

"Rumple?" Milah said.

"What's his name?"


"A strong name!" He collapsed into a chair due to the pain in his leg.

"Something he'll need if he's to live with the shame of being your son."

"What... What are you talking about?"

"Rumple, is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"Did you injure yourself... So that you wouldn't have to fight? So that you would be sent home?"

"Who told you that?"

"Everyone! Rumors travel quickly from the front. Rumple, did you do this to yourself? Did you do it to yourself?!"

"Yes! A Seer told me I was going to die in the battle."

"You did this because a Seer told you to do it?"

"She was right about everything else. I left the front to be with you. You and... Baelfire."

"You left because you were afraid."


"You became what everyone thought you were – a coward."


"Just like your father!"

"I am nothing like my father! He tried to abandon me. I will never, ever do that to my son. That's why I did this. For him. All for the boy. To save him from the same fate I suffered – growing up without a father."

"You sentence him to a fate much worse – growing up as your son."

"What... What... What else could I do?"

"You could have fought, Rumple. You could have died."

"You don't mean that. You don't mean that." Milah handed baby Baelfire to Rumpelstiltskin. She then hastily grabbed a bucket and left through the front door. "Oh, it's all right, Bae. It's all right. Your Papa's here. And I promise... I will never, ever leave you."


Neal, Emma and Mr. Gold were still in the living room.

Mr. Gold looked at his son. "Bae... You came back for me."

"No," Neal said. "I came to make sure you didn't hurt her. Or her friend. I've seen what you do to people who break deals."

"Please, Bae, just let me talk."

"I have no interest in talking to you. You can go."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Get out of my apartment!"

"Neal..." Emma began.

"Emma, I got this."

"You two know each other... You two know each other," Mr. Gold realized. "How?"

"You sent me chasing after him," Emma reminded Mr. Gold.

"No, no, no. Stop it! You're lying. How do you two know each other?!"

Henry and Jackie, who were still in the bathroom, entered the living room and the former asked, "Mom? W-what's going on?"

"Hey...." Emma greeted.

"Who's he?" Neal asked. "Why are you with a pirate? Do you know how dangerous Captain Sparrow is?"

"My son. Jackie isn't dangerous."

"What? Yes she is."

Jackie scoffed. "Oh, please. Quit making assumptions. I'm not the same pirate you met all those years ago."

"But you're still dangerous."

"As dangerous as a muzzled, caged bear. But I warn you, don't test me."

Henry looked at Neal. "Is that Baelfire?"

Emma looked at her son. "I need you to stay in the other room for a little while longer, okay? Come on." She tried leading Henry from the room.

"Wait. H-how old are you?" Neal questioned.

"Don't answer him."

"How old are you kid?!"

"Eleven!" Henry answered. "Now, why is everyone yelling?"

"He's eleven?"


"Is this my son?"

Henry shook his head. "No. My dad was a fireman. He... he died. that's what you told me. You said..."

"Is this... My son?"

"Yes..." Emma answered.

Neal was shocked. Henry backed away from Emma, then exited through the window leading to the fire escape. Jackie let out a sigh and motioned for Emma to talk to her son. There was a brief pause and Emma followed Henry.

"Henry, Henry?" Emma called, crawling through the window, leaving Neal, Jackie and Mr. Gold alone.

Neal went to follow Henry and Emma, but Mr. Gold stopped him. Jackie moved back, not wanting to be part of the conversation.

"Baelfire..." Mr. Gold called as Neal shrugged his hand off his shoulder. "Please, please. All I want is a chance to be heard."

"Get out," Neal ordered.

"Look, you came back to protect Emma. To show that she had lived up to her end of the bargain with me."

"And now she has. You can go."

"Our deal was for her to get you to talk to me. If you truly want her deal to be fulfilled, you have but one choice. You have to talk to me."

"You got three minutes."


At the hospital, Greg was talking to someone on his cellphone. He was no longer bedridden, and was dressed in his normal clothes. He still had a scrape and bruising on his forehead.

"Hey," Greg greeted. "N-no, I... I'm okay. Yeh. No, they... They... They said I'm... I'm good to go. But, um... You know, I think I'm going to stay here for a little while. Why? Well, take a look at this and see."

Greg sent a video of Regina using magic in Belle's room to the person listed as 'Her'.


Regina, Hook and Cora were still at the library.

Hook, who'd finished interpreting the map, said, "I give you the location of the dagger."

"Well done, Hook," Cora complimented. "We'll take it from here." She snatched the map off the table and she and Regina began to leave.

"No. You promised me!"

When Hook tried to confront them, Cora magically blasted Hook back into a bookshelf, knocking him unconscious.

"The kris dagger's much to powerful to be wasted on you," Cora told him.

"So... Is... This what it was all about?" Regina wondered. "Getting Rumple's dagger so you could obtain his dark powers?"

"If we could possess the dagger, we control the Dark One. And when he returns to Storybrooke, we can command him to kill Snow White, Prince Charming, and Emma. And perhaps Captain Sparrow. Our enemies will be vanquished, and you, will be blameless in the eyes of the only person who matters."



Emma joined Henry at the top of the fire escape.

"So, that's him," Henry said.

"Yeah," Emma replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I never thought I would see him again. I never wanted to."

"Why not?"

"He was a thief, Henry. A liar, a bad guy, and he... He broke my heart."

"I could've taken it, you know. The truth."

"I know. He was just a part of my life I wanted to forget. That's why I didn't tell you. I was thinking of me, not you."

"I thought you were different, but you're just like her. Regina. She always lied to me, too. Jackie's the only one who never lied to me."

"Ironic for a pirate. I'm sorry..."

"I want to meet my dad."

Inside, Neal and Mr. Gold were having their three minutes.

"Clock's ticking," Neal said.

"I know I've made mistakes, but you must believe me," Mr. Gold told him. "I want to make up for it. There's no greater pain than regret."

"Try abandonment."

"Please. Let me make it up to you."

"How are you going to do that? I grew up alone. I grew up without a father. You can make up for that?"

"Yeah. Yes, I can."

"Two minutes."

"Come with me to Storybrooke. There's magic there. I can turn the clock back. Make you fourteen again. We can start over."

"Fourteen? I don't want to be fourteen, again. Are you... Are you insane?"

"I can't make up for the lost time, but I can take away the memories. Bae..."

"Take away who I am? No, thanks. One minute."

"Bae... Please... Give me a chance. You once loved me."

"You were once a good man."

"And I can be that man again. I've changed. Look. I came here, to this city, without magic."

"Yeah, yeah, and you're still trying to use it to make up for your mistakes. Still think that that can make it all better. It won't. You can't. You have no idea what I've lived with. You're so worried about you. You know what I've dealt with? Every night, for more years than you could know, the last thing I see before sleep, is the image of you... You and me, over that pit. Your hand... Wrapped around mine. And then, you open your grip. And as I fall away, all I can see is your face. Choosing all... this... crap over me. Letting me go. Now, it's my turn. Now I'm letting you go."

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't care. I didn't get closure, so you don't, either. Got to go."

"Oh, Bae..."

"No. Time's up." Neal left the room.

Jackie shrugged. "You tried. He doesn't want to listen. Not much more you can do, Rumple."


Rumpelstiltskin entered a clearing in the forest. There was a campfire burning in the middle. The Seer, now an adult, appeared from behind a tree and said, "I've been expecting you."

"Then you know exactly why I came here," Rumpelstiltskin replied.

"What I foretold during the Ogres War has finally come to pass."

"Well, in a manner of speaking. I, uh, hobbled myself on the battlefield. Was branded a coward. My wife – ran away and left me. Then, my son was called to the front. Oh! Then I became The Dark One. Then, Bae left me. So, yes. My actions on the battlefield left my son fatherless. But... It would've been nice to know about all that pesky detail."

"Knowing would not have made a difference. You still would have been powerless to escape your fate."

"Just... like... you." He magically strangled her, cutting off her breathing. "Now you know exactly why I came here."

The Seer managed to croak out a response. "You want to find your son."

"Indeed." He released the magical hold on her throat.

Once free, the Seer did a deliberate set of hand movements before saying, "You will find him."

"How? And this time, don't leave out a single detail." She continued the movements. "It will not be an easy path. It will take many years... And require a curse. A curse...powerful enough to rip everyone from this land."

"Yes, yes, there's more, I know it. Tell me."

"You will not cast the curse... Someone else will. And you will not break the curse... Someone else will."

"Tell me!"

"I don't know. Even my powers have limits."

"Ah, ah, ah. Not good enough, dearie." He, again, put her into a magical stranglehold.

She croaked out another sentence. "If you want to see the path you must take, there is only one way. Take this burden from me." The Seer held out both of her hands palm up.

"Mm, gladly." Rumpelstiltskin placed his hands on top of the Seer's, emitting a burst of white light. The Seer screamed.


Emma crawled back into Neal's apartment through the window while Henry waited outside on the fire escape. Neal was waiting.

"He wants to meet you," Emma said.

Neal frowned at her. "You weren't going to tell me about him."

"No, I wasn't."

"Yeah, well, he's my kid, too, so you don't get to make the decision by yourself anymore."

"Great. Go talk to him, then. But... Don't break his heart."

"Trust me - I'm not going to do to him what he did to me."

"Or what you did to me."

"Okay. I get it. We're all messed up. What do you say we try to avoid that with them? All right?"

"All right."

Neal crawled out onto the fire escape to join Henry.

Henry glanced at him and said, "So... You're my dad."

"Yeah," Neal replied.

"I'm Henry."

"It's nice to meet you, Henry. Sorry I took so long."

Henry smiled. "It's okay. You didn't know."

While Henry and Neal spoke outside, Mr. Gold walked past the window. He stopped and watched them.

Jackie stared at Mr. Gold suspiciously with a raised brow.


Rumpelstiltskin and the Seer still had their hands joined together. The white light was also still being emitted from the two of them.

"I can't... see... anything," Rumpelstiltskin said. "It's too much. It's nothing but a jumble."

"The future is a puzzle with many pieces to be sorted," the Seer told him. "In time, you will learn to separate what can be, from what will be."

Rumpelstiltskin let go. The connection broke, and the Seer fell to the ground as Rumpelstiltskin said, "This is why you wanted to give me your power. To free yourself from this torment."

"In time, you will work it all out." Rumpelstiltskin turned to leave, but the Seer called out to him. "Wait. As gratitude, I offer you one piece of the puzzle." She raised one of her hands off of the ground and waved it through the air. "You will be reunited with your son, and it will come in a most unexpected way."


"A boy... A young boy will lead you to him. But beware, Rumpelstiltskin, for that boy is more than he appears. He will lead you...to what you seek. But there will be a price. The boy... Will be your undoing." Finally, the Seer's hand fell to the ground as she died.

"Then I'll just have to kill him."


Back in Neal's apartment, Mr. Gold was still watching Henry and Neal through the window. He turned around with a haunted look on his face.

Jackie continued eyeing him suspiciously and said quietly, "Hurt him and you'll face a wrath far greater than anything you've ever known, Rumpelstiltskin."

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