A Little Too Late.

By MissPatina

125 20 21

Maya is a young girl who doesnt know how to let people in , Will Simon be able to break down her walls and he... More

A Little Too Late.
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

20 6 5
By MissPatina

Okay so I'm getting pretty good feedback so far and im quite happy with this story :D I know there are a few mistakes but I'll go back and edit at the end :D Please comment, fan, vote, add to your reading list, promote ANYTHING at all :D Love you all for reading thank you :D On the Side is a pic of Maya.


It was my favorite time of night. At midnight Brody and I used to sneak out of our rooms when we were younger and go outside, sit on the front lawn and look up at the stars together. We would tell each other everything. We would stay there until one of us started to drift off. He was the only one who understood me. As we grew up we made other friends and had different interests. I love photography and he loved baseball but we always made time for each other.

Feeling the cold damp dew forming on the grass as I lay looking up at the different constilations of stars I wondered would it ever get easier, would the pain dull or fade. I closed my eyes and listened to the crickets singing to each other in a perfect harmony. The only light was coming from the street light down the street and the glowing full moon. It was lovely and quiet, peacefull and tranquil. 

I sat up feeling soaked through from the damp ground and was thinking of going inside when a figure walked up to me out of nowhere. From what I could see in the dark it was a guy in a hoodie and tracksuit. he sat down beside me with a sigh leaving a small distance between us.

"Em, excuse me but do you mind telling me who the hell are you?" I blurted out sounding more confident than I actually was seeing how a complete stranger was just sitting next to me in the middle of the night.

"Well aren't you just a bundle of daisies, suppose it must seem a bit weird for a random guy to just sit beside you at night but don't worry I'm not a weirdo, I'm Simon, I live three doors down, Nice to meet you." He held out his hand for me to shake and I just stared at him, I didn't know anybody my age lived on our street, goes to show you how much attention Ive been paying lately. 

"Nice to meet you Simon, I guess, Im Maya and I live well here." I replied taking his hand and giving a small tight smile.

"So, what are you doing out here on your own so late?"  I adverted his glace by picking at the grass in front of me.

"I'd rather not share my life story with a complete stranger if you don't mind." I was starting to feel uncomfortable, I don't talk about personal things to people, ever. He just looked down the street and we sat in silence.

"Look Im sorry to seem rude but its getting late and I have school tomorrow so Im gonna go inside."  With that I rose to my feet and brushed myself down.

" Yeah no problem, maybe I'll see you around. Goodnight." He stood up and started to walk back down the street. I just stood and watched him. When he reached his front door he turned back and waved and went inside. 

I closed the front door as quietly as possible trying not to wake my parents. A quick glance at the clock in the hallway told me it was near one in the morning. I was going to be wreaked tomorrow. Walking down the hallway to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before bed I finally noticed my mother in the living room.

I ignored her as usual and made my way up to my bedroom. Every since Brody died my parents have hated me. Every time I look at them I see it in their eyes, the pain, the blame. I took their sweet baby boy away from them. Ive learned to block them out. I suppose Ive blocked everybody whoever cared out. All my old friends are gone, they gave up trying to get me to talk about it and just left me be.

I made my way over to my dresser and changed into my pyjamas and sat on my bed. Looking at the picture of Brody and I on the beach from last summer laughing and smiling I realised how everything has changed. How Ive changed. I'm not that happy carefree girl anymore. I cant be. Too much has happened. I didn't mean to push everybody out of my life, I was just sick of them trying to get me to "Go back to myself" they didn't understand that part of me is gone. 

Getting under my covers and turning off my lamp with one last glance at the photo, I lay down. Instead of Brody filling my thoughts I for the first time found myself wondering about Simon, The strange guy from down the road. What had him out so late at night? Why hadn't I noticed him around before? Why did he come up to me?. With these thoughts I fell into a nightmare filled sleep. Same as every night since then.

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