Never Forget [book one]

By HoraaanHuggs

1.8M 29.2K 5.9K

{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can rememb... More

Before You Read ♡
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Epilogue.
Author's Note.

Chapter Thirty-One

24.6K 354 166
By HoraaanHuggs

Rosaline's POV:

The boys had rehearsals for the upcoming tour, and I would have gone, but Addison forced me to stay with her so she could tell me all about her date with Harry. Her version of kiss and tell.

"So you mean to tell me, Harry was the one scared of getting on the roller coasters, and you weren't?" I asked, looking at her shocked and a bit amused.

"Exactly what I was thinking!" She giggled, with a hand over her mouth. "But it was really cute to me and eventually he ended up getting on."

Aw. Her and Harry were just adorable together. But only when they didn't get on my nerves.

It's funny, though... If you were scared of roller coasters, then why take a girl out on a date where you know you'll be surrounded by them?

That's like taking someone on a date to a crab and fish restaurant when you're allergic to crab and fish. Tell me if that'd be a smart thing to do...

"Did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"

"Yeah..." She smiled, looking down at her crossed feet, then moved a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Not technically, but I think we are more than friends."

It was just like a movie. I don't think I'd ever seen her so bubbly and happy, constantly giggling.

I wiggled my eyebrows accusingly with a grin, earning myself a slap on the arm... "Oh, hush up."

She was smiling so hard, I thought her lips would tear.

"But I'm not really understanding..." I started to question the depths of her semi-relationship.

"Well... We kiss, we hold hands, and he tells me he likes me. So that should count as something, right?"

"Yeah! I suppose it does," I smiled, nudging her with my elbow. Her and Harry were going to grow old together, if not married with kids, then as best friends. They were meant to be in each other's life.

She winced, still smiling. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that you've got pointy elbows?"

Niall has.

"No," I denied, shaking my head. It wasn't the time to bring up the love of my life when she'd already felt envious towards us.

"Well, you've got some pointy arse elbows!"

"It's an off day when I don't have you making fun of me."

Addi rolled her eyes teasingly in response. "You must be having one of the best days of your life then!"

I laughed for a while, genuinely feeling happy, then sighed.

There was no need in continuing the same subject, so we sat there quietly. I was waiting for Addison to start off a new conversation.

I looked around my new room. The walls as plain as can be... There was a window, but it only had the view of the back of the house.. The garden, pool, patio, and a big green field that looked almost like a farm.. But nothing spectacular.

My room would probably be abandoned majority of the time unless I needed clothes, or unless I wanted to be alone and sleep in my own bed other than Niall's... The last part probably wouldn't happen often or ever for that matter.

It was then that I'd realized that I'd never seen the backyard properly.

"Wanna go out back?" I asked and Addison agreed.

She trailed close behind me as I'd led the way.

"I had a late night swim with Harry yesterday. It's very pretty back there."

Even she'd been in the backyard before me. I mentally disapproved of this. It was like I was the last one to find out about everything or to experience something.

"Please tell me that you swam clothed?" I stopped in my tracks at the bottom of the stairs and turned around. She stopped too, stood at the third to last step.

"Of course! What would the neighbors think?" She hissed jokingly. "Besides, it's much too early to see each other naked!"

Something told me that this was false, but I just laughed and bit my lip.

She used to have a new boyfriend every other week, it seemed... Or if the term seemed fit, a new boy toy. Her excuse was always: "I get bored easily," or something along those lines... This was known as Hump and Dump.

I wouldn't of been surprised if she ended up pregnant again before the age of twenty-five. Of course, I would never say this to her or bring up the fact that she'd terminated that pregnancy.

In opposition, I was just a virgin with the body count of zero.

Whenever I was upset, Addison would say to me, "You need one good shag," as though it was just a drug. I would never understand the yearn for sex.

At this point, it was obvious Harry and Addison were active.

My laughing increased a little harder at my thoughts and I continued to walking. Addi was so serious when it came to Harry, I think his perfectness made her insecure.

Finally, I stepped out onto the patio, the smooth cement, cold against my feet, through my thin socks. It was windy, but the air was warm... The summer weather was sort of kicking in. I sat on the patio swing, moving forward and back a bit. Addison sat next to me, crossing her legs.

"Why would you think that Harry and I—"

"Have you ever seen that one film called Pretty Woman?" I interjected.

"N-no. Why?" This took her by surprise.

"I first watched it when I was thirteen, and now that I think about it... It reminds me of you and Harry..."

"What's it about?" She asked, her eyes boring into mine. Eager while also curious.

I looked out onto the field, slightly moving the swing to sway. "Long story, short... It's about a rich guy. He bumps into a prostitute and—"

"Hold up!" She interrupted, not mad, instead humored. "You think I'm a prostitute?"

"No, no, Addi. You're not a prostitute... Don't get me wrong, I love you... But you were something like that. Except you didn't get paid, it was for your pleasure aswell." I looked at her, giggling slightly. "It's actually a great film."

She nodded, smiling so I continued.

"So yeah... The prostitute and rich guy falls inlove in the end. It's more to it, but you've got to see it yourself."

"Pfft... Well that was just, Pfft... Stupid," she snorted.

"You have a cold heart..." I said, calmly while hiding the humor in my words.

"I do not!"

"That's one of my favorite movies," I said.

I looked back out. Just by looking at the sky, I could tell that it was after noon and before three o'clock. It was getting boring and I was getting hungry.

Addison thought aloud, the same exact things I was thinking. "I'm bored and hungry."

"What do you wanna do then?" I asked.

"Nothing in particular."

"Let's go eat, then explore the yard! What do you say?"

"No, the other way around!" Addison didn't hesitate as she jumped up from her seat, ready for an adventure.

I was still sitting down, and she looked at me excitedly. "What're we waiting for? C'mon!"

I was forced up as Addison tugged at my arm, leading me past the patio and past the garden, approaching the pool.

"We are not going swimming! I swear if you push me in, I'll wring your neck!" I was dead serious.

"Oh, hush," she rolled her eyes, pulling me around the pool.

It took about fifteen minutes to reach the end of the yard.

I had never seen that there was a marble fountain. What else was there that I didn't know about?

"When'd that get put there?"

"Wow, you really have been missing out."

You've got that right.

That's when it occurred to me that my window view of the yard was not a full view because of the tree that was next to it.

"Is there secret garden passage like Bridge to Terabithia?" Now I was going crazy, but it was just so... Bizarre, how clueless I'd been about this house.

"Never seen that movie."

When we were at the furthest corner to the right of the yard, Addison let go of my wrist.

I looked behind me and there just so happened to be a wooden door built in the brick fence near the side of the house. I would have to go and see where that led to later, but right now, Addison and I were on a scavenger. At least that's what I had thought.


I turned and suddenly we were staring at the chino colored brick wall at the far end of the yard which secured the entire property. It was atleast fifteen feet tall, some parts of it covered in leaves and vines.

"What about the brick wall?"

"Not that, nimrod," Addison got behind me, putting her hands on either sides of my head, positioning my head to face the right. "There."

She treated me as the inadequate one amongst us two, but in all actuality, she was the one.

Where two of the brick walls met, forming a corner, I noticed something close to the ground where the leaves and vines covered the wall. A little dull light fell between the cracks of the plants and into the yard.

It was a small hole in the wall, covered.

"How'd you know about this?"

"The lads were in New Zealand, and you were asleep. But, I didn't go through yet, I had only seen the opening."

Addison was abruptly on her knees and palms, pushing her way through the plants.

"Where you going?"

Then she disappeared, never answering. Obviously, she didn't know where she was going. I could hear her low gasp from behind the barrier.

It was probably a big flowery garden, as to why she gasped. I sighed, not sure if this was a good idea. Then I repeated Addison's steps, crawling through on my knees. Once I was on the other side, I noticed a change of ground as we were now not on the guarded premises.

I got up, dusting my clothes off and huffed my hair out of my face.

The ground was rocky and uneven, our backs were faced to the wall of the yard now. Suddenly, I felt unsafe considering we were no longer on the property.

It was some sort of forest. Dead trees, no leaves. The air appear thick with fog adding an emphasis of the dark trees. It was like a horror film.

I did notice that it was getting darker by the minute as we were walking further away from the yard. I wasn't exaggerating.

"Let's go back," I stammered, taking a step back.

I knew Addison was in shocked as was I, but her feet carried her forward in shock, towards the unknown and away from what we knew was safe. This was her idea of an adventure.

"Time for an adventure," she said, after I'd thought the fact. I knew her better than she knew her and she was going to get us killed.

I hadn't even made eye contact with her. My green eyes had most likely turned grey out of fright while they were fixed on our surroundings.

"Let's go!" Addison sounded enthusiastic.

Next thing I knew, I was being dragged further along.

"The least you could have done, was let me put on some shoes before we came out."

"Relax Rose, if you hurt your foot... Well... That's your own fault."

Oh, how I loved my best friend, I thought sarcastically though it held truth to it. As long as we were wearing no shoes together, I decided I was fine.

Addison reluctantly released her hold on my wrist, and I hurriedly grabbed her hand, hover close behind her.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

She squeezed my hand, before chuckling a bit.

The fog made it seem like it was almost night, when it wasn't even 4 o'clock pm yet, and it had gotten colder now.

How was that even possible?

Right across the street from the house was also a forest looking area... Trees everywhere... But it was alive... And green.

Here, it was dead, gray, and dark.

The only noise I could hear was our hitched breathing, footsteps, and the pounding of my heart, in my ears.

How were we gonna get back, when every where you looked seem to look similar to the path we came from?

Addison and I were walking for a while, until I finally asked, "Are we lost?"


I gave her a stern, pleading look.

She gave me a laugh without humor. "Maybe."

I would have yelled at her for being so inconsiderate, but we were in no place to do that. I would have feasibly woken up some type of wild animal for all that was known.

I stopped walking, and Addison turned around and looked at me perplexed.

A noise broke the silence. I had learned that that was the sound an owl made.

Addison moved closer to me. At this point she was just as scared as me. This gave me no source of reassurance as one of the bravest people I had ever known was now scared.

Crying would probably be our only hope.

"I hope this is just a dream." Addison squeezed her eyes shut tight.

"Do you have you're phone?" I stuttered.

My phone was on the nightstand charging.

Addison's eyes shot opened in remembrance, and she shoved her hand in her pants pocket to retrieve her cellphone.

Then I felt the need to cry, as we were gonna be saved.

Her phone lit up, as she clicked the home button, she pressed her phone to ear, calling someone -I had assumed.

"No signal." Her eyes had grown glassy, as she slid her phone into her pocket again.

I tried to be the one with courage, taking her hand, and leading her.

I just really wanted to know if we'd make it out alive, or if this forest would end soon.

"We'll find signal."

There was a deep breathing, and I knew it wasn't mines, I looked at Addison who had heard what I was hearing too. It wasn't her breathing either.

The snap of a branch on the ground make us jump.

We were standing in one place. It couldn't have been us who stepped on a branch.

All at once, I found myself speed walking, and when the breathing continued -but even closer than before, I begun running with Addison close behind, our hands clinging onto each other for dear life.

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