A Struggle of Power

By starring697

209 61 1

Betrothed to the dark prince, Asterin must decide between choosing her duties, or her happiness. She already... More

The Nights of Bloomings
The princes
The Kings
New Beginnings
Revelations and Betrayal
Family bearings
Fit for a Queen
Prince of darkness
Days end
Life's Short
On the line

Three Princesses

69 5 0
By starring697

Madeline woke up. Ryraq had been thriving since her sister Mary had taken the throne from their father and returned home from Oshor. She called it 'their secret weapon'. She wasn't sure what that meant when she was younger, but as she grew up, she learned that it was meant to imply if Mary didn't want to do the hardest thing, take Nescain, then Madeline would. Their mother was a weasel, best said, and neither of them appreciated it. Madeline would never cause a war to take a throne she didn't want. She wanted their cousin to thrive and for them to be allies. However, her cousin scoffed at those proposals, and Madeline knew were wished were only fantasies.

Mary and her continued to write throughout their lives. They were close together and she was normally very open to her. She kept a few things to herself. Her love for the leader of the Queen's guard, her personal guard, Ser Alexander Cross. He was handsome, and there was no other like him. The two grew up as kids together and as they grew up, she watched him train, protect, tackle, and whatever else it took to do his job. Ever since they were kids, she had a tiny crush on him, but as she grew up every little movement he made while in the same room didn't go unnoticed. Every hitch of a breath, every shift of his feet, every blink, every subtle eye movement she knew.

She knew every feature of his. Every time a strand of brown hair fell out of place from the fine pulled back hair he always had neatly done. Every time he smirked at her when she faced off against a noble. The dimples that became apparent when he did or when he laughed. The way his eyes shined when he looked at her. He was beautiful, and everyone knew it. All the noble ladies flirted with him, and he was always so polite to them when they did. She would be lying if she didn't say she was jealous of their abilities to outright flirt with him without precautions.

Except she was able to see him in secret. A step up from the nobles. The first time he walked into her quarters and asked her if she needed anything. She smiled and politely told him he should turn in for the night. When he stayed a little longer she asked him if he needed something from her. She was scared for a second. She thought he had found a lady that intrigued him and he was going to ask for a small leave. She had seen him with one named Katherina not too long before. When he didn't say anything and stepped closer she felt the world was falling apart. When he kissed her Ryraq exploded.

Ever since the two of them kissed their relationship grew. In secret of course and she knew she was in the right place. She knew they were meant to be. The fact she was a princess would allow her to marry. She needed her sister's blessing of course, but she was sure she would let them. Mary was someone that was once in love herself. The two of them remained silent and decided they would until the day came where she talked to Mary about it.

The day definitely came. Madeline was going to finally talk to Mary. She was nervous but she knew she had to. She walked down their long hallways, twisting and turning. Everyone bowed as she walked by and she was forced to ignore it. She walked into the throne room and faced her sister.

"Madeline." Mary smiled as she stood from her throne and embraced her sister with open arms. "You normally don't come here, so why now?"

"I have something to talk to you about." She spoke. Madeline rubbed her hands together and took in a shaky breath.

"Well don't be shy, go on." Mary pushed her.

"It's about relationships." Madeline saw the surprise on her face as she turned around. "There's someone." She spoke.

"Really, who?"

"That's the thing. The person is someone who might not be approved of by people of our status." This caught her attention. Mary's eyes darkened as she looked into her sister's eyes.

"Who?" She said sternly.

"Alexander." Madeline looked down at her feet.

"You cannot be in love with a Queen's Guard." She spoke. Her voice was ice cold, but remained calm.

"I can't help who I fall in love with. Mary, you loved your husband. You loved him and you were lucky. You're the queen and you were lucky to love your husband." Madeline stepped forward.

"Yes, but even if I didn't love him I wouldn't have had a choice!" Mary responded. "Our jobs are to marry for political alliances. For our country! Not to marry for love!" She spoke. "People like us do not get leisure like love. Hence why I am married to Darnley."

"I think you're forgetting I am not a queen. I am merely your sister." Madeline responded.

"Maybe not. However, if something goes wrong and I am without an heir for my succession you are the next in line." Mary walked up.

"Who says I'll be here to take it?" Madeline straightened her back.

"Because I am your queen and I said so. You will not have my blessing, not now, not ever!" Mary yelled. "If you choose to be a secret then so be it, but one slip and I will not be able to protect you." Mary stepped closer. "I have been through this. It is dangerous, and you must watch your back."

"Well it's been some time and there have been no rumors." Madeline whispered. She turned back and walked out knowing her sister was going to respond with something. Hearing a small whisper she continued to walk. Entering the small outdoor courtyard she took in the large breath, smelling the potent flowers.

"You seem distraught." His light accent instantly released a group of butterflies. She smiled and felt her face flush.

"I told Mary." She turned and saw his doe eyes grow wider and darker. "She's not all that accepting, unfortunately."

"What's going to happen?" The panic in his voice was rich.

"Nothing. As long as we remain with how we have been approaching we will be fine. Mary won't agree to a public courting, or anything else. I won't let anything happen to you. That I promise."

A small sigh and the return of his beautiful doe eyes lit her face. Their silence filled the air between them. Silence or not she always felt comfortable. She just loved his presence. She wanted to wrap her hand in his as she began to walk but the prying eyes somewhere close would tell others. However, walking with the Queen's Guard leader was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Your highness." Another guard walked up to them. "Your sister requests your audience." He bowed and walked away.

"I don't understand." She spoke. "I just saw her." She looked at Alexander.

The two walked back to the throne room she walked in and saw her. The Queen, sitting down, waiting for Madeline's arrival. The click of shoes and sudden movement of hips bending to bow indicated she was there.

"Madeline." She spoke. This time she was more formal. Remaining in her chair as she watched her sister approach. "I need your assistance." She spoke. "You see, we have been invited to the formal Spring Ball, also known as the Nights of Bloomings. Except I cannot leave ryraq. The people still need their queen."

"So what does that mean?" Madeline looked at her.

"It means that we need someone to represent us. We need more alliances. Nescain is threatening our land, my reign. This could lead to another alliance." She spoke sternly.

"It means that I am going to go and hopefully negotiate an alliance." Madeline looked at her sister. "No need to dance around the topic. Where am I going?" She spoke.

"Monvir." Mary looked at her. "Alexander will be going with you. However, his job is to ensure an alliance amongst the guards. A better alliance amongst guards will ensure the better work of the nations on the battlefield should it come." Mary watched her sister as she shifted. She stood up and walked down the small steps that gave her leverage over everyone else in the room. She lowered her voice and responded, "This is diplomatic. Not a reason for you to lay with anyone, nor have any other adventure. Befriend the Princess, I heard she has her father wrapped around her little finger and he will do as she wishes."

With that Mary walked out leaving Madeline in a room full of guards who stood. She turned around and walked out. Madeline had already befriended the princess a long time ago, and their friendship had never been let go even though miles and years apart. Walking further down the long hall she found Alexander standing guard as he waited. He followed her as she walked to her quarters. She found maids packing. They bowed and smiled.

"Ser Alexander, you should pack your clothing and get ready for the trip. It is extremely important to be presentable to the others we will encounter." She took in a long breath and held it before releasing it. When she opened she found herself alone in the room with the maids. She didn't hear his silent walking. It was easy to hide rumors in the castle of ryraq, but to go somewhere she had yet to be in so long and hide it terrified her.

The only relief she had was she was already friends with the princess there. She had gone a few times when invited before. Her mother refused to go, she would always say 'the country needs someone to watch for them' and now the same was happening again. Except the invitations stopped coming once they realized she was the only one coming. Apparently they thought differently this time. Apparently they are expecting the queen this time, and now they are getting the same.

A small knock came from her door, and she smiled as her friend, her lady, Elise walked in. "Oh Elise!" She embraced her friend in a long hug.

"I heard we were going to Monvir again." She spoke. "What happened?"

"The Nights of Bloomings." Madeline responded sitting down on the small couch.

"Oh that's wonderful! You love that ball!" Elise smiled as she grabbed her hands.

"I do, but something about this seems wrong this time." She responded.

"How come? You always meet wonderful suitors." Elise responded to her.

"It's hard to explain. Even if I meet a kind and wonderful suitor I still want my heart involved, and Mary must accept." Madeline looked at her friend.

"What is it really though?" Elise knew her tells.

"Maybe one day Elise." She smiled.

The two friends sat together talking about the plans when arriving at Monvir. It was going to be beautiful as it always was. The grass was like neon, and the flowers were vibrant. It was a beautiful country and Madeline had always been excited to visit other countries but to her nothing was as wonderful as Ryraq.

The trip was simple, but felt long and tedious. Stepping onto the land and then getting into a carriage and riding hours to get to the Court of Monvir. She was tired, and wanted to rest so badly. When arriving she saw a crowd of people outside. They welcomed her, Elise, and her guards. She nodded her appreciation as they brought her to her quarters.

Madeline sat in her quarters for a while before deciding to walk around court. Not wanting to disappoint the Queen she wanted to make sure she could do what was right. Leaving her quarters she walked through the long stoned hallways.

"Princess Madeline." A familiar voice spoke as he approached her.

"Alexei." She smiled and greeted the Princess' guard with a warm smile. "It's wonderful to see you again."

"Likewise. It has been a while." He smiled.

"Do you know where Oriana is?" She asked.

"Normally I do, but she was able to escape me earlier today and I haven't seen her since." He shrugged.

"Well then I guess I have to go on a small hunt for her then." She nodded.

"No please. Enjoy your time here at the Court of Monvir, I will find her." He turned on his heels and walked off.

"Alexander, go with Alexei, find the princess and get to know him better." She turned to see Alexander standing next to her and then hurriedly following.

Left alone again she began to walk around. Finding the artwork scattered around but yet still standing as beautiful as it was when she was younger. The colors remained as bright, and the collection only grew larger. More drapes, more vases, more gold scattered around the halls.

She walked into a large room and saw the King. He stood tall welcoming his guests and making small talk. He turned to see her and bowed. A King bowing? He was one that was more untraditional than others. He was a kind King, and he cared for his people.

"Princess Madeline, it is very good to see you here at court again." He smiled.

"It is good to be back. It has done nothing but get more beautiful." She returned the pleasant smile. "Thank you for your kind invitation. Apologies from our Queen that she could not be here herself. She is dealing with the uprising of the protestants and has a handful."

"Nonsense. No need for apologies. We were expecting you, in fact we invited you and the queen." He shook his head. His words echoing in her ears.

"Well I am honored to be invited back to this beautiful country." She bowed.

"My daughter had unfortunately run off again. When she arrives I will let you know. Of course that is if you two are still friends."

"Of course." Madeline nodded her head. "I actually ran into Alexei who is off searching for her. I sent Alexander to go with."

"I see well then I know she will be back soon." He nodded. "Enjoy the food, wine, and whatever else you wish." With that he made his departure. Looking around she saw the room was decorated in colors like bright red, blue, pink, orange, yellow, purple, gold, and whatever else they could find that showed the true brightness of their country.

Fruits layed displayed, with wine in rows, and people laughing. The servants lined linen, and readied the room. It was beautiful and the preparations came scarcely. She was excited for the ball. Ryraq never had anything as extravagant. Monvir no matter the ball, or event, always strived to show what they loved the most. Their beauty and closeness.

"Princess Madeline."

"Prince Dietrich." She bowed. Greeting the prince she met his dark eyes. "It's nice to see you leave your court." She snarked.

"Yes, well it was a demand by the king to accept the invitation." He responded. "You don't seem happy to see me here."

"Was that obvious?" She sneered. "You know you and I don't get along. It's been this way for a while."

"Yes but as guests, let's be tolerant."

"Be tolerant of my space and please leave me be." She walked away leaving the room. If they invited him there was something seriously going on at the Court. Not many really liked him. Rumor was that even his betrothed didn't like him either. She didn't blame her though. Whoever she was had a handful with that man and would be belittled every chance he had.

Finding herself back into the long stoned, decorated, halls of the court she sighed. She felt lonely in the long halls despite there being hundreds of people around her. She observed the people who walked by her, some she recognized, some she didn't. She didn't mind though. She wasn't here to make friends. She was here because they needed another alliance.

She was here a few days early. She wasn't expecting as many people. Mary had purposely sent her early so she would be alone with the royal family and support a new alliance. She was playing, yet, another political pawn. She wasn't pleased at the idea, but she had to be. It was her duty whether she liked it or not. She took a step out into a small flower bed. The flowers were blooming and colors made it come to life. She loved it. The sweet and potent smells of the blooming nature filled her with ease.

She sat in the small bed, careful not to hurt any of the flowers. She loved the true nature of Monvir. She loved being in the soft grass and holding the velvety flowers. She smiled as she watched the butterflies fly across the small patch of flowers. Their colors matching the flowers perfectly as if it was planned.

It was going to be a long journey and a long time but as soon as she reached out and touched a small blue rose she heard Oriana.

"Madeline!" She turned and saw her friend rushing to hug her friend. She wore a black dress with a floral red design on the front that just hovered over her chest. It went down the sides of the dress but slowly faded into black. "It's been too long!" She smiled.

"Indeed it has. Where were you?"

"Exploring." She smiled. "How are you?" She sat in the bed of grass and pulled Madeline with her.

"I've been wonderful. A lot of new business with my sister struggling to control Ryraq." Madeline smiled at her friend. She noticed a shift in her friend as she mentioned her sister. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. The idea that Ryraq is having problems the way it is ,makes me uncomfortable. Can I ask you a question?" Oriana leaned forward. "Is it true that Mary is becoming more violent?"

Madeline shifted. She knew her sister was becoming a harsh ruler. She nodded her head. She didn't want to speak aloud. She felt a hand on her shoulder. Oriana's smile met hers. "Tell me Oriana, do you have a betrothed yet?" She wanted to change the subject off the stranger that was wearing her sister's face.

"No. My father has put it off. At least he has made it seem so. He is quiet and simple. I have a feeling he is meeting suitors at the ball though." Oriana shrugged. "What about you? Mary hasn't arranged a marriage for you?"

"No. She's far too busy sneaking around and ignoring her husband." Madeline let a little smirk curve on the side of her mouth appear.

"Well I hope one day I don't have to ignore, or hide, from my husband." Oriana whispered. She saw Madeline nod in agreement. "Oh! I almost forgot! Asterin is coming! We'll all be back together again!"

Madeline felt joy in herself. The idea of being with her two best friends made her smile. She remembered when they all first met. They were seven years old. Young Princesses at the Winter Court, also known as Rakvia. It was so cold, but it was the winter festival, and no other land held the same beauty in the winter as Rakvia. She remembered they threw snowballs, made snowmen, danced in the falling snow, laughed as they slipped on ice, smirked when yelled and scorned at by their family. It was a memory that would never leave her mind.

"That's wonderful! Do you know who else is coming?" Madeline asked.

"Not entirely sure, he invited almost everyone we know and like. That doesn't mean they are going to all come. Why are you hoping for someone specific?" Oriana poked at Madeline.

She shook off the thought. Being with anyone that wasn't Alexander made her sick. She truly didn't want anyone but him and that was her biggest problem. She responded with a simple shake of her head. She looked down at the ground. "No. Did you know Dietrich was coming?" She asked.

"Yes, I heard. He's here though? I wonder when he got here." Oriana looked around the small garden bed.

"How long were you gone?" Madeline teased.

"To be honest I truly don't know." Oriana looked away in embarrassment.

"Did you hear about the betrothed to Dietrich?" Madeline responded.

"Yes I heard. May God bless the poor woman's soul whose father is giving her up." She raised her brows and quickly set them back.

"Indeed. The poor woman has a hard life ahead of her." Madeline responded.

"I'm excited for the ball." Madeline looked up to see her friend smiling. "It's always so wonderful to see everyone find love, and grow."

Madeline had almost forgotten about the tradition. Every year at the Nights of Bloomings the men would be given a flower to give to a girl of their choice, that they wish to court. The next night the ball was taken outside to a small festival. If the girl wears the flower in her hair she accepts the court. If she wears the flower on her dress or wrist she accepts an invitation of a better friendship before deciding on the courtship. If she doesn't wear it at all then they respectfully deny. Later at night those that accepted rode in a small boat together, a small fire lit lantern to light their way as they watched fireworks light the sky.

It was quite cute, but for people like them they didn't always have an appropriate suitor and stuck together with Asterin. She wanted so badly for Alexander to give her a flower to wear in her hair, and take a small boat ride, but she knew he could never.

A large amount of horns indicated another arrival of another royal. Oriana hopped to her feet and reached for Madeline's hand. She smiled and the two ran off together to greet the new arrival. They stood together in the courtyard as they waited.

"Asterin!" Oriana smiled and rushed to her friend. Madeline followed her closely.

"It's been too long, dear friend!" Madeline hugged her friend tightly.

"Indeed it has! Madeline you're wearing a dress!" Asterin smiled at her friend.

"Yes well I was thinking it would be more fitting for the occasion." She smiled. "Come let's walk around and catch up." Madeline looped her arm in hers as Oriana did the same as they walked down the halls.

The three giggled, laughed, and walked around.They came to a halting silence as Dietrich approached them. He wore a black shirt with twelve golden buttons, six on each side, making two lines. He bowed to the three girls in respect to their status.

"Hello ladies." He smirked. Madeline rolled her eyes. She was already tired of the man. He was always closed off, dark and annoying. "Asterin." He spoke, meeting her eyes.

"Dietrich." He bowed her head. "It's pleasant to see you again."

"Likewise. Excuse me, I cannot stay long. I must talk business with the King." He Walked around them and left them alone.

"Something is seriously wrong with him." Madeline whispered.

The others nodded and hummed in agreement. Together they continued to walk on through the long halls. They walked up the tower they always did as young girls and looked out. The hills were laced in neon green grass and the water streams shined a bright blue in the glimmering sunlight. The trees lined the forest with luscious dark green and brown.

A small deep, throaty, cough made them all jump. "Sorry to interrupt, and scare you ladies. However, I must steal Princess Oriana. King Gallo is requesting his daughter's presence."

"I'll see you all later." She smiled and for a second Madeline would've said Alexei lingered just a tad longer than needed and stared at Asterin but it was too short a moment for her to be sure.

"It's been a long time, Asterin." Madeline placed her head on her friend's shoulder.

"It has been."

"Your hair became a brighter white since the last time we saw each other." Madeline looked at her friend.

"Yes well I guess growing up changes us all." She smiled at her. "How's Mary?" She asked.

"Well." She responded quickly.

"And Alexander?" Madeline froze. The words that Asterin spoke were not something someone has ever said to her. "Please Madeline. I know you fancy him. It was obvious when we were kids. Everyone knew, but we also knew you would grow up and realize our position."

"Yes, and I did. He is well. He is supposed to create an army reliance for Ryraq and Monvir under the Queen's order. She needs a lot of help. Nescair is threatening our borders again, and there is a rise in rebels." Madeline sighed. "He is well though."

"Good." Asterin responded. "There's no room for mistakes as a princess who is going to take the throne."

"What do you mean by that?" Madeline responded.

"With Nescair aiming to take down Mary, and without an heir you are the next legitimate in line." She spoke.

"Yes, I suppose you are right. Except Nescair will have an extremely hard time taking my sister down. She is hiding behind the castle walls sending troops to do her dirty work." Madeline responded.

"How do you feel about that?"

"Awful. I don't care about religious views. The fact people are dying because they believe something other than what the crown believes is absurd." Madeline responded. "I disagree that Mary is doing this. She needs to protect her reign, sure, but the people should be first. Ryraq should be first."

Asterin placed a hand on her shoulders. "Yes, one day hopefully there will be a widespread presence of that head of yours." She smiled. Life was always a struggle for those beneath an honorable title, and adding on to that a rule that they couldn't believe what they wanted was unfair.

Madeline looked out into nature before them from the tower and sighed. She had begun to think about the way things had been. Alexander and her found happiness, Mary had returned and made a crazed rise of struggling. Now she had to help protect their beloved country. She had to hope the King here would be willing to help them.

Oriana walked next to Alexei through the halls. She had a shy smile on her face as she kept her eyes glued on what was ahead of her.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"What's what?" She smirked more.

"That smile." He pointed.

"I'm just happy. There's so much happening in this world, the Nights of Blooms festival is a getaway. I'm glad the girls are back." She shrugged.

"Yes well I wouldn't keep that smile on for too long." He whispered. When she came to a stop and looked at him confused he stepped forward. "If this meeting is what I think it is you won't like it."

"What do you think it is?" She felt her heart begin to race.

"A meeting about alliances, but one with Beleras."

She didn't try to hide the groan. She didn't want an alliance with him at all, but if it meant they could get aid when Othia ultimately made their move she would be grateful. "I may not appreciate the royals from the country, but if this is to be just that then so be it. They would be helpful in keeping this country."

She continued to walk down the long hallways of her childhood. Approaching a large wooden door, opening as she approached closer, she felt her heart jump. Of course Alexei was right. She walked in and bowed her head.

"My dear daughter." Her father approached her and gave her sly kiss on the cheek. "Come Dietrich and I have been talking." He pulled her with him to a large table.

"Prince Dietrich, we haven't seen one another in so long and here we are twice in one day." She smiled.

"Indeed." He nodded. "Your father caught me up on your most important adventures." He smiled.

"Well then let's push past small talk and continue to talk about why we are all here shall we?" She sat down and looked at them.

"Yes." Her father took his seat and clasped his hands together. "We are looking into an alliance that would benefit all of us. As you know Oriana Othia has been building its army to try and overthrow us. Well Dietrich has been so kind as to offer us aid."

"Kind indeed. What would your aid consist of and what would it cost us?" Oriana looked at him. She wasn't in a pleasant mood to be in his presence. The last time they had seen each other was years ago. His hateful words still clouded her mind and actions had clouded her mind.

"Not much. We only ask for shelter and food for our troops when deployed. As well as some grain here and there when time gets colder Beleras and the crops fail." He leaned forward.

It was a simple trade. Grain was common in Monvir year round. They could easily pay for their people in the farms to grow and produce more, giving them more gold and allowing them to live more comfortably. She looked at him. "What else would it cost us? Surely you aren't asking simple things for a tedious job that could take a toll on your country." Oriana was far from mindless.

"As of right now that is all my father is asking for from you. If things change, negotiations will take place as soon as possible." He leaned back into his chair.

Oriana looked at her father. The alliance seemed too good to be true. "May I have a minute with the King to discuss this further." Her words surprised him. She saw him raise his eyebrows and then nodded. Once left with her father she turned to look at him. "As good as this is, you and I both know it is too good to be true. There's something else he wants." Oriana spoke.

"What is that something?" He leaned forward.

"It's hard to ever know anything like that. Especially with him. I think we should ask to think this over and then respond before his departure back to Beleras." Oriana added.

"I agree. Let's get someone to ask around. Poke and figure out the truth about this." He smiled. He waved to the guards allowing them to tell Dietrich to reenter. When his slim form entered her father wasted no time. "We would like a few days to think about this. We will let you know before your return and until then we hope you enjoy your stay here at court, and enjoy the festival."

With that they were released. The King made his departure as he walked with his guards surrounding him. Oriana making her way out the room was stopped by the Prince stepping in front of her and blocking her way.

"How can I help you Dietrich?" Oriana looked at him. His figure was hovering over her.

"If you do not say yes your country will be in danger." He said sternly.

"In danger from who, Othia or you?" She felt the sharp daggers fall from her lips.

"You need Beleras whether you want to admit it or not." He turned sharply and left.

Alexei walked in behind him. He didn't ask anything about what happened. He just looked at her and held a sword up. His gesture was kind and made her smile. She needed to release her anger now. Did he just threaten her and her country? If he did he would regret it. She would make sure of it. She grabbed the sword from him and looked at the blade.

With a loud sigh she handed it back. "Not today. I have guests and nobles to entertain. More than usual."

"Nothing but support." He smiled.

She paused for a moment and then smiled. "Maybe for an hour." She met his eyes and grabbed the sword running out of the large room and down the halls. He chased after her, catching up rather quickly with long strides. They raced to their normal training room. He pulled his sword out.

The two held their swords out as they circled. Alexei takes the first step jumping into a lunge and poking at her. She stepped back and swung the sword effortlessly to block the strike and pushed it to the side swinging a large circle to strike herself. The two got into a song of metal on metal allowing their feet to dance. When she caught his blade on the face of her sword and pushed it down he let go and she raised it quickly to warn him he was done.

"You've improved." He smiled.

"I learned from the best." She returned it. The sweat beads formed on her brow. She let her arm fall as he stood straight.

"Who knew you were so talented in swordsmanship?" Asterin walked in.

Oriana turned and saw her friend slowly walking in. "Asterin!" She smiled. "How long were you standing there?"

"Just long enough to see you beat Alexei." She smiled. "Your lady is looking for you." She spoke.

"I wonder why?"

"She said something about trying a new dress on for the festival." Asterin responded.

"I guess I should get going then and find her." She waved to the both of them and walked out.

As she approached her quarters she heard Leda, her lady, talking to a lord of another country. One she wasn't entirely sure of. She walked in and heard Leda excuse herself. Walking into the room Leda wasted no time grabbing the dress.

"Oh it's beautiful!" Oriana reached and grabbed the fabric. It was stunning to her. "Let's try it on!"

"That's why we're here." Leda laughed. "Oh my, were you fighting again?" She asked.

"Is it that obvious?" Oriana gasped.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter." Leda raised her hand. "Let us see this beauty on you anyways."

The struggle of fighting the ties and corset made it last longer than it should have. After the long lasting struggle she found the mirror and gasped. "What do you think?" She turned to Leda looking for any indication of her emotion.

"I think it's beautiful!" Leda covered her mouth. "If no right man asks to court you I will pray to god himself to right it." She raised a fist. Oriana laughed. "Alright let's get you out of the dress before you ruin it." She spoke. The two hurried her out of her dress.

Oriana turned to see her lady and smiled. "I have something for you." The look of surprise on Leda's face made her smile bigger. "You've done so much for me and I wanted to give you this for the festivals." She handed her a small box.

Leda opened it and gasped. "It's beautiful." She pulled out the first dress. It was cream with the top of the chest and shoulders see through. The rest was a cream color, with an intricate design of flowing peach lines, and a golden belt to wrap around her torso just above the waist. She gazed at it for so long before looking back as Oriana who held another box. "You didn't." She said. Oriana reached to her and handed her the other box.

"You may want me to find a suitor, but I want you to. You deserve happiness Leda." Oriana spoke to her. The next dress she pulled out. It was sleeveless, but wrapped around her neck to hold it up with golden strings. It was more designed than the last, with golden patterns covering the torso. Underneath the intricate pattern was a light brown complimenting the gold perfectly. "Do you like it?" Oriana leaned forward.

"I love it." Leda looked at her. "You are too kind." She hugged her friend.

"Nonsense." Oriana responded. "You deserve more than I give you." She smiled. "Tell me Leda, is there anyone you want to notice you specifically?"

"No one in particular." She smiled.

Oriana sat down and gestured for her friend to join her. "You'll find someone that steals your heart, and breath all at once." She embraced her friend.

After a few hours she found herself outside walking the large open space where the festival would take place upon night two. She enjoyed the grass that swirled around her feet as she walked through.

"I am not surprised you're out here." Alexei stepped up to her side.

"Why do you always follow me?" Oriana looked over at him.

"It's my job." He leaned in. "Plus half the time you still find a way to disappear." He smirked. "Where do you go when you do that?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She smiled and nudged him.

"I would actually so I can find you easier when someone like the King asks." He responded.

"Well I guess you'll just have to find out for yourself." She smirked.

"You're unfair." He responded by shaking his head.

"I guess we all get that way sometimes." She laughed. "Are you excited about the festival?"

"I don't think anyone is as excited as you." He claimed. "Nonetheless, I am. I'll be working, but I will be there."

"You work too hard." Oriana pouted.

"I work hard to keep you safe." He added. "It's worked so far, and it will continue to work."

She shrugged. "Say the words and have a break." She smiled. "You can even choose who takes your place for the small break."

"I don't think that's necessary." He looked down at his feet. "I like what I do, and I don't think anyone could handle you well." This made her laugh. "I think you would sneak off too much and they would panic. Send a search party and jail themselves for losing the Princess."

"I am hard to deal with." She sneered.

"Yeah you are. However, that makes you very interesting, as well as so much fun." He added. "What are you doing out here though?"

"Nothing really." She smiled.

"You always say that, but you know it's not true." He responded.

She knew he was right. She was out there because she didn't like being inside. She loved being outside. The outdoors were her home. The small animals that roamed the wonderful nature surrounding them were all wonderful. She always preferred to be outside playing, doing something she shouldn't be than being inside. She felt more at home outside with the truth of her country rather than inside hidden behind castle walls afraid of seeing the people, and afraid of being threatened.

Staying silent she started to walk away. He looked at her and the annoyed reaction showed her. She turned quickly and began to run up a hill and just faintly hearing a sigh to match his reaction. She ran as fast as she could, only stopping to kick her shoes off. She sprinted leaving her heels behind. She bunched the sides of her dress in her palms keeping herself from tripping.

"Stop running!" Alexei shouted. He continued to chase after her through the large open spaced courtyard. "Oriana!"

She ran into a thick line of trees and hid behind one. She laughed to herself as she hid from her guard. She watched him come to a halt and looked around. He breathed heavily. She walked around the tree as he looked. She slowly tried to walk around the tree. She covered her mouth hoping he wouldn't hear her.

"Oriana, please don't do this!" He screamed. "Just come out." Her tiredness became very clear to her.

"Only if you can catch me." She yelled as she bolted from behind the tree and off back into the courtyard.

"If I catch you I'm locking you in your quarters!" He screamed.

"You would never!" She responded. She began to run faster hearing him huffing. She before he was in reach she turned, making him stumble. "Oops." She mocked as she ran another way leading him into their large maze. She made turns hoping to lose him.

As she turned around she continued to walk backwards. She bumped into someone and turned around after squealing when she saw Alexander. "Ser Alexander!" She covered her chest. She turned around when she heard Alexei running closer. She pushed a finger in front of her lips to tell him to stay quiet. She grabbed his hand and pulled him deeper into the maze.

"What is happening?" He whispered.

"We're hiding from Alexei." She added. "Come come." She continued to pull him.

"Do you know where you're going?" He asked.

"Of course! Do you?" She turned to look at him.

"No." He added.

"Guess it's a good thing you have someone to take you back to your beloved princess you're in charge of." Oriana commented. "Which leads me to ask you why are you not with her?"

"She was supposed to be with you." He said. "Now I am worried that she isn't." He responded.

"Why was she supposed to be with me?" Oriana looked at him curiously.

"Aren't all princesses supposed to be with one another when around each other?" He asked.

"Not at all. However, I did see her earlier. Where she is right now I don't know though." She shrugged. "Alexei I'm leaving the maze!" She screamed. She nodded for him to follow her. They walked through the grass and she turned to hear Alexei screaming in anger.

"He doesn't seem happy." Alexander looked at her.

"Yes well he never is when I run off." She shrugged. Looking at Alexander and taking in a long breath she smiled. "I have to run before he finds me or he'll lock me in my quarters." She looked at him and smiled. "I'll see you around Alexander." With that she ran off.

Coming to a half around a tall bush she took in a deep breath. She felt hands reach around her waist and she began to laugh. "You thought I would never catch you." He groaned dragging her out from behind.

"Put me down Alexei." She laughed out. Feeling her feet hit the ground to turn and see him standing there. "I will walk myself to my quarters, but I have to grab my shoes."

"Are you kidding me?" He looked shocked.

"I can't leave them out here." She added.

"You're unbelievable. You've been running around without shoes?" He sighed.

"If I didn't take them off we wouldn't have had the fun of you chasing me down again." She placed her hands on her hips.

"You call that fun?" He leaned forward.

"Don't be a bum." She added. "I think you're forgetting something."

"And what's that?"

"You've known me since I was nothing but a baby. You've known that this is a regular thing. The fact you weren't ready means it's on you." She poked at his chained armored chest. "Now come, let's get those shoes." She turned and walked away.

"I may have known you all your life, but that doesn't mean I want to keep chasing you every week." He responded. "I've chased you down twice today, please give it a rest." He followed her closely.

"Yes well I am crazy so I have no promises." She smirked.

"Just for a week." He suggested.

"No promises." She responded.

Walking through the grass felt like velvet and she felt at home again. Relishing in the earth beneath her. It was perfect. She remained silent the rest of the way, and as she arrived at her shoes.

"Are you happy we got your shoes?" He asked.

Oriana looked up at him and sat down in the grass. She smiled at him and gestured for him to sit down. He accepted the invitation and sat next to her. "I want you to enjoy yourself at the festival." She spoke.

"What?" He turned to look at her but she kept her eyes straight ahead.

"I'm relieving you for the festival. Come as a noble." She said. "Find someone you want to court and give them a flower." She wrapped her arm through his.

"The King would disagree." He said.

"He never says no to me." She smiled, placing her head on his shoulder.

Facing her dad in his quarters she waited for his response. She had asked for Alexei to be relieved, and he had yet to answer. There was a few days before and he could wait and respond until later, but he had yet to say anything. His face was calm, but she could tell he was thinking.

"Why?" He said.

"There's no reason for protection of me at the festival. If there is there will still be plenty of guards around." Oriana responded. "Just because he is busy does not mean he should be restricted from all things enjoyable. That includes someone to share his life with." She looked at him with confidence.

"Ok." He said. "I don't like that he will be off duty, but you are right." Oriana smiled at her father's words. "Alexei can be relieved for the festival." He smiled.

"Thank you so much." She became a giddy girl. Running to hug her father she kissed his cheek. His small laugh and hug back made her smile. When she pulled away and looked at her father he wore a cheeky smile. "Seriously, thank you."

"You're hard to say no to." He claimed.

"I know." She smiled and then left the large chambers. Walking away through the long stoned halls again she found Asterin and Madeline chatting against a row of windows. She released a relaxed breath. Walking up to them she leaned on the window.

"Oriana." Asterin spoke. "Good to see you back."

"It's been busy." She spoke.

"We heard. Leading Alexei on a wild foot chase." Madeline responded and the girls laughed.

"How'd you hear?" Oriana gasped.

"Alexander told us." Asterin responded. Oriana rolled her eyes. "Apparently he became involved because you dragged him."

Oriana laughed. "Yes but only because he was going to blow my cover." She raised a hand. "What have you been occupying yourself with today?"

"We've been catching up." Madeline smiled. "Just like you and I."

"Sounds relaxing." Oriana sighed.

"Yours could have been had you not began that chase." Asterin added.

"You and Alexei both are bores. What's the fun in that?" Oriana pointed her finger at her.

"Maybe it's better to be a bore before a festival." Asterin shrugged.

The three looked out at the sunset slowly changing the sky to a vibrant orange and purple. They remained silent, mesmerized by the beauty. It was a beautiful place to be in, and the place held more than just beauty. To Oriana it held home, it held love, and yet it missed something.

Asterin woke up from the deep slumber the night had brought on. Sitting up and looking around the quarters she was given she sighed. Monvir never ceased to amaze her. There were windows lining the walls. Some were stained and tinted to help prevent a heavy amount of light that would overbear the room. The large room opened and first the person was greeted with an open space. A fireplace, a set of furniture, and nightstands and closets to hold whatever someone needed. There was a small set of stairs leading to the bed and clothing rack.

Exiting her trance from a loud knock on her door she exhaled and smiled. Alexei walked in to greet her. "Good morning Princess Asterin." He bowed. "Princess Oriana, and King Gallo are hoping to see you this morning."

"Oh yes." She had forgotten they had asked to meet her. "Please tell them I will be down to greet them soon and that I am sorry for keeping them waiting."

He smiled and left. Feeling even more exhausted she sighed and fell back into the bed. She pushed herself up. Dragging herself out of bed she walked to her closet pulling her dress out. A few ladies walked through her doors and began to help her into her dress.She walked out of the large room and headed down the hall. As she made her way to the throne room she was stopped by a figure hovering in front of her.

"Dietrich." She smiled firmly.

"Princess." He responded. "Tomorrow's the beginning of the Nights of Bloomings."

"Yes it is." She added annoyed.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Are you?" She tried to walk around him, but he sidestepped to block her. "Can I help you?"

"I was making friendly interaction. Yet here you are being quite rude."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm excited to see the happiness of others." She added. Pushing beyond him she began her journey again.

"Not your own?" He smirked. She shrugged.

"Please, my happiness went out the window a long time ago. Excuse me, I have to meet with the King."

Finally alone she continued to walk through the long halls. Entering the throne room she smiled and bowed.

"Princess Asterin!" The king was smiling as he greeted her with open arms.

"King Gallo." She returned the gesture.

"It is so good to have you here."

"It's good to be back." She responded. "It's been far too long."

"Indeed! Oriana has unfortunately disappeared again." He rolled his eyes. "But let us not prolong this meeting."

"Yes, what is this for exactly though?" Asterin followed him.

"I have a favor to ask you. Prince Dietrich wants an alliance with my country, but something is wrong. He is making it too easy." He spoke.

"What's the favor?"

"I need you to figure out what his ultimate goal is." Gallo looked at her. "You and I both know the truth between you two, and so you're our best hope. I will offer you whatever it may be you, wish if you do this." She saw his desperation.

"No need for anything in return." She smiled. "I'll do my best." She responded.

"Thank you." He nodded his head. "Should you ever need anything from us then let me or Oriana know."

She bowed and then dismissed herself. Being uncomfortable from the new information. How was she going to get Dietrich to open up. Thinking of her ways to talk to him without actually opening her own self up she got lost. Not really understanding where she was going, or even knowing. She found herself in an open room full of paintings.

"Get lost?" Alexei's familiar voice ventured into the silence.

"What is this place?" She asked.

"It's an art hall." He stepped forward. "It's all the paintings they love the most." He spoke to her.

"It is beautiful." She added.

"The meeting was quick." He stood next to her. A hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Yes. It was straight to the point. Thankfully." She smiled. "Your sword's hilt is stunning." He looked down looking at it. He pulled it out and handed it to her. She hesitantly grabbed it from his hands. "It's all beautiful." She said. She examined the stunning blade. "It's light too."

"It's perfectly balanced." He smiled. "People think the heavier the blade the better, but that's not true. The better swordsman the better the sword." He added.

"Block with the face, not the sides." She smiled again. "This jewel. It's marvelous." She ghosted her fingers over the blue jewel.

"It is, isn't it?" He laughed. "It's probably the best sword I have."

"How many do you have?" She looked up and met his eyes.

"Enough to arm an entire army." He smiled. It brought a small laugh from her. "I'm not joking. They're all just stacked up in a corner."

"Why so many?" Asterin looked at him.

"Well, Oriana likes to give me things for always chasing her." He laughed. "I honestly don't mind it though. I look at others who are in charge and they get this bland Princess that sits around sipping tea, not moving almost all day. Talking about things like parties and gossiping. Honestly that would be more tiring than chasing Oriana around the country. I would much rather be tired from running around, sword fighting, archery, riding, or literally anything from listening to something all day."

"You like them wild." Asterin teased him. "You like them keeping you on your feet."

"I guess so." He added. "I guess I like being on the move." He smirked at her. "I noticed that Nikolav is not around."

"He's currently working with my father on troops." Asterin looked at her feet. "It's weird not to have him around."

"You're used to having someone lingering around you at all times. It only makes sense." Alexei smiled.

"I guess so." She smiled back. She met his eyes and something in them screamed at her, leaving butterflies in her stomach. She knew he was handsome and that many tried to court him. He could have almost anyone he wanted.

"I'm sure, get going. Oriana is somewhere and I have to find her." He turned around and began to walk out. "If you need anything, don't be shy." He added.

Asterin watched him walk out of the room, leaving her alone. She walked the room admiring the painting. She smiled to herself recalling the conversation. He was so nice to her, so well collected.

"Asterin." The smile faded instantly and she sighed. "We need to talk."

"What about Dietrich?" She turned towards him.

"As a princess, being alone in a room with a man that isn't your betrothed, or your own personal guard is a disaster waiting to happen." He spoke.

"You were here the whole time?" She spoke, turning to face him completely.

"Just the last of it." He responded. He kept a stern face. "As your future husband I don't care if you're alone with him. I need you to be..."

She raised her hand, stopping him. "I do not need you or anyone else telling me what to do. I am here because I was invited, just like you. Unless you have something about our countries to tell me, or something in politics in general, then keep your distance. This is a large court and I'm sure you won't have a problem with that."

"I am not warning you out of the kindness of my heart. If you run around with the soldier then rumors will spread. Rumors being spread will hurt you. Rumores that hurt you hurt me because I am supposed to marry you. I am already dealing with the whispers of marrying a heretic's daughter."

She slapped him hard. The loud crack of skin to skin was the only thing in the room that made noise. He raise his hand to his cheek that was cherry red from the hard hit. "Speak of my mother like that again and I will ensure that you will have more than just my hand hitting you." She seethed through her teeth.

Turning on her heels she felt a harsh hand grip her wrist and pulled her back. "Hit me again and we will have bigger problems than we already do." He fiercely let go of her hand and walked away himself.

All her anger was flowing through her. She hated Dietrich. He always acted as if he was better than anyone. He acted like he was the greatest ruler, but he wasn't. He was far from it. He was probably the worst. He wasn't even a ruler anyways. He was just a prince. A self-centered prick.

She knows everyone is skeptical of who she is. They think her mother was a heretic. She felt the tears stinging and threatening. Hurrying her way throughout the castle she found a small balcony. Here she would let herself cry. She'd let herself cry here. Watching the clouds move through the clear air and over the sun giving the brief shade.

"Asterin?" Madeline walked out. "Asterin what's wrong?" She wrapped her arms around her.

"Dietrich." She responded.

"What did he do?" Madeline stood up and faced her.

Explaining what happened to her she looked at Madeline. "The worst part is I am the one to marry him." This was the first time she said it out loud.

"You're the one." Madeline watched her friend with sorrow. "I'm sorry. Maybe we can get you out of this."

"I can't marry him before I become queen." Asterin looked at Madeline. "If I marry him before I get crowned, I will lose my country, my people. I cannot let him take my country." She became fiercer.

"Then we will fight this in every way we can." Madeline spoke. "Out of all of us Oriana will be the closest one to becoming Queen. Her father, despite his bright personality, is sick." She brought her voice down to a whisper.

"Does Oriana know?" Asterin looked at her. "How do you know?"

"Alexei told Alexander who told me. I don't know if she knows." Madeline shrugged. "However, if anyone can get you out of it it will be her. We need to go ask her to help."

"I don't know how well that would work. Even if she becomes Queen she would have to request the marriage to be canceled to his father. You and I both know Dietrich's father is not any better than him." She knew she looked distraught, but she was.

"Well you and I both know that Oriana would fight for anyone she cares about, no matter who it is she would be fighting. That includes you." Madeline slid her hand up and down the upper arm of Asterin.

"I don't know if she could do it. Not without hurting herself, or putting her people in danger." Asterin looked at Madeline. "I can't ask her to endanger everything she has for this." She said.

"I don't think she would mind. We can ask and let her decide that for herself." Madeline responded to her. "Let us go find her."

"I don't think so. I am just going to go walk around the fields. I need to clear my mind." Asterin shook her head.

"You know where to find me." Madeline smiled.

Alone and in the fields she saw the maze. She sighed and remembered the childhood trips in the maze. There were at least three mazes on the property alone. This one though. The straight middle of it held a large fountain. No one knew the way as perfectly as her, and probably Oriana.

She remembered the three girls running around, laughing and hiding. She smiled to herself and snuck in. This maze held flowers peaking through during the spring. This time was perfect. Walking straight to the middle she smiled. The fountain bounced off the light perfectly. It was large enough to be considered a small lake. She smiled at the time Oriana had splashed them all with water and pushed them into the water. They ruined their dresses, but it was the one time the weight of being the heirs didn't drag them down.

"Princess Asterin."

"Alexei, were you following me?" She asked. She couldn't help but smile.

"Actually I wasn't. I am still looking for Oriana, but I'm miserable running around." He sighed.

"Oh and here I thought you saw me enter the maze and was coming to help lead me out. Afraid that I was going to get lost and never be found again if you didn't come after me." She teased.

"I think you know your way around." He smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"Half the time you, Oriana, and Madeline were here. I remember you coming back into the castle soaking from head to toe." He smiled, bright teeth and all.

"You remember that?" She laughed.

"I may have still been a knight in training, but yes I remember." He responded.

"How embarrassing." She blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed." He responded. "Not many people here would remember."

"So why did you?" She looked up, meeting his eyes.

"I guess there's something about a woman with white hair that makes little details memorable." He responded. His face went serious as he watched her.

"Are you sure you want to say that?" She blushed.

"Not at all but I can't take it back." He shrugged.

Asterin looked at him feeling her face heat and burn at the replay of his words. "If you could say something else to take the place of those words what would they be?" She responded. He paused and waited. She held a shy smile and then continued. "Well think about it, and then tell me tomorrow adn the festival."

She walked away. Turning around for a quick glance she caught him watching her and smirked. Turning her head back she giggled to herself and then hurried back. It was going to be a long day for her waiting for the festival to officially begin.

Walking back she flipped his words through her head smiling each time the moment replayed. She found herself flustered the way she was when she was younger. A small crush on Alexei was nothing she hid well. Everyone knew, but as a kid no one said anything. Now if she didn't hide it better she would be in trouble. Just like Dietrich said. That bugged her, but the simple fact that Alexei had been so blunt to her made her flush more. 

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